Arsenic concentration in seafood could potentially reach very high levels and represent a significant health risk for humans. In this study, the concentration of arsenic in various seafood: crabs (shrimp, prawns), molluscs (mussels), and cephalopods (squid) available both fresh on the market and frozen in supermarkets in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina were determined by the electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). The results obtained using different matrix modifiers: Mg(NO3)2, Ni(NO3)2, Pd(NO3)2, and mixture Pd(NO3)2 + Mg(NO3)2 were compared. The best recovery rate of 98.4 % arsenic for the reference material ERM-CE278k, was achieved after the addition of the mixture Pd(NO3)2 + Mg(NO3)2 . The mean arsenic concentrations were 1.551 ? 0.836 mg kg-1 1.298 ? 0.410 mg kg-1, and 2.794 ? 0.958 mg kg-1 for crustaceans, molluscs and cephalopods, respectively, by using mixture Pd(NO3)2 + Mg(NO3)2 as matrix modifier. Arsenic concentrations in the same sample measured using different matrix modifiers varied widely, even above 70 %. With the current consumption rate of seafood products, both cancerogenic and non-cancerogenic risks associated with exposure to arsenic through seafood are very low for the residents of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Distribution of radionuclides depends on various factors, and milk processing into cheese is recommended as one of the significant measures of radiation protection during radioactive contamination of the environment. A total of 16 milk and 16 cheese (soft and hard) samples were examined using HPGe gamma‐ray spectrometry to obtain 137Cs and 40K activity concentrations. The Pearson's correlation coefficients between 137Cs and 40K were determined (0.73, 0.68, 0.19, −0.23), followed by determination of distribution of 137Cs and 40K from cow milk to two types of cheeses using food processing retention factors (0.07–0.34). Transfer of 137Cs obtained could serve a great purpose for predicting its distribution during cheesemaking.
Listeria je patogen prenosiv hranom i predstavlja veliku opasnost za ljudsko zdravlje. Teški su simptomi praćeni visokom stopom mortaliteta većinom prouzročeni L. monocytogenes. Bez obzira na politiku nulte tolerancije, rod Listeria je još uvijek prisutan u sirovim proizvodima i proizvodima spremnim za konzumiranje, predstavljajući veliku opasnost za zdravlje ljudi. Za sada još u bliskoj budućnosti ne postoje studije o kontaminaciji hrane vrstama Listeria u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ovim istraživanjem htjeli smo dobiti osnovne podatke o količini kontaminiranosti hrane ovim patogenom. U studiji je analizirano ukupno 238 uzoraka hrane, pri čemu su u 105 uzorka bile različite vrste sirove hrane te 133 uzorka hrane spremne za konzumaciju (gotove hrane). Od ukupno 238 uzoraka, 18 uzoraka je bilo pozitivno na Listeria vrste. Nakon izolacije i detekcije, konfirmacija pozitivnih izolata Listeria spp. je provedena pomoću biokemijskog kita API® Listeria.
: The objective of this study was to test the inhibitory effect of five newly synthesized arylmethylene-bis(3-hydroxy- 5,5 -dimethylcyclohex-2-en-1- one) derivatives. The structural characterization and stereochemistry of synthesized compounds were deduced from analyses of experimental FT- IR, 1 H, 13 C NMR spectra and theoretical methodology of DFT study based on the global chemical reactivity indices calculated using the 6- 31G** level of theory. the stability of the newly synthesized compounds, the reactivity descriptors obtained at B3LYP level ( E gap , dipole moment, μ , η , ω ) were computed. The docking study and the selected quantum chemical descriptors computed for compounds 1 −5 exhibit a good agreement. The strongest inhibitors showed 25 to 30 % inhi bition of tyrosinase activity. Results were supported by docking studies of the binding of the strongest inhibitors to the enzyme. The results suggest that tetraketones of this type, due to their tyrosinas e inhibitory effect, represent potential agents in the treatment of various types of melanomas and skin hyperpigmentation. 189.42 3´), 190.75 - C -1´). Anal. Calcd. mass fractions of elements, w / %, for C 23 H 26 Br 2 O 4 ( M r = 524.02) are: C = 52.49, H = 4.98; found: C = 52.75, H = 5.02.
Meat inspection is an important part of education for every veterinary student. However, traditional teaching methods require the sacrifice of living animals, and are thus considered expensive, inadequate and inhumane. Development of novel technologies has provided opportunities for new, improved ways of education. Smart 3D Meat Inspection (S3DMI) is an elearning tool that allows veterinary medicine students to acquire required skills using virtual 3D models of animal organs and carcasses. These models can be manipulated and “cut” just like real organs, allowing students to learn this essential skill without the need for animal carcasses. Students are allowed to practice any part of meat inspection as many times necessary, at their own pace, without time, place or resources limitations. This type of education is considered superior to traditional methods. There is no need for sacrification of animals for educational purposes and the cost of education is greatly reduced, while the educational quality is uninterrupted. Models developed for S3DMI can also be adjusted for courses like animal anatomy and pathology, which also require the use of real animal cadavers. S3DMI is still in its developmental stages, but it has a great potential to minimalize the need for animal sacrifice in the education of future veterinarians, while ensuring the quality improvement.
Poultry meat production is one of the most dynamic sectors in agriculture, recording the quickest growth in the food industry, while egg production has shown strong growth in the last twenty years. Combined with meat production, it is achieving the highest growth when it comes to meeting protein needs for the global population. In economic terms, coccidiosis is one of the most significant poultry diseases. Effective application of coccidiostats in poultry feed has been playing a key role in development of commercial poultry production for more than 50 years. The aim of this research was to estimate occurrence and residue concentrations of coccidiostats in table eggs, poultry liver and meat, available on the market in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Residues of lasalocid were found in table eggs, while residues of nicarbazin, maduramicin and diclazuril were detected in broiler meat and liver.
This research aimed to study the influence of differences in the composition and storage length of mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM) on the sensory properties of frankfurters. Three variants of frankfurters were produced from three respective alternatives of MDPM that differed solely in proportions of meat from broiler backs and necks. Similarly, a commercially available and freshly produced MDPM of unknown composition was used as the control. All the four variants of MDPM were stored at -18 °C for 1, 45 and 90 days. Sensory profiling of the frankfurters was performed by 8 panellists using a quantitative-descriptive analysis (QDA). Two-factorial ANOVA and principal component analysis (PCA) of the sensory evaluation results revealed significant (p < 0.05) effects of the storage time of the MDPM variants on sensory characteristics of the frankfurters, regardless of their composition.
Mastitis is frequent and costly disease in dairy farming, while antimicrobial resistance is an important public health threat. Increasing resistance among zoonotic pathogens led to more investigation among animal pathogens. Study, conducted on dairy farms in Canton Sarajevo, aimed to establish mastitis prevalence in dairy cows, causative bacteria and investigate antimicrobial resistance. Lactating animals (n=1214) were tested using the California Mastitis Test during November 2017. Milk from positive animals was microbiologically cultivated. The overall prevalence of mastitis was 9.9 %, while 19 out of 180 dairy farms had at least one mastitis case. In 49.2% of samples, we identified S. aureus, 2.5% contained E. coli, 0.8% contained Enterobacteriaceae, 13.3 % had mixed infection and 34.2% samples had no growth. Using disk diffusion test highest resistances were observed to bacitracin (E. coli), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Enterobacteriaceae) and penicillin (S. aureus). Since oversight on antimicrobial use in farm animals is sporadic in the country, additional investigations of antimicrobial usage and trends in antimicrobial resistance causing agents are needed. Reducing mastitis rates on farms requires compliance with preventive measures alongside early detection, isolation of cases, culling of repeated cases, microbiological monitoring and testing for antimicrobial resistance before treatment.
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