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Nermin Sarajlić

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J. Kamberović, Šemso Šarić, N. Sarajlic, Edin Hadžimustafić

This paper presents data on the diversity and distribution of Balkan endemic vascular plants on the Konjuh Mountain in northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. Konjuh is characterized by geological heterogeneity and a significant proportion of ophiolitic substrate, which supports the development of endemic-relict serpentinophytes. A total of 31 endemic and four subendemic taxa were recorded in the surveyed area. Among these, Caryophyllaceae, with five recorded endemic taxa, is the most abundant family. The analysis of life forms and chorological spectra showed a dominance of hemicryptophytes and taxa from the South European and Mediterranean-Sub-Mediterranean chorological groups. The majority of endemic and relict taxa in the surveyed area are serpentinophytes. A total of 18 recorded taxa are listed as threatened according to the Red List of Flora of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The species findings are presented with a distribution map. The distribution range of endemic and endangered taxa in Konjuh extends beyond the protected area. The results provide a list of locations of particular interest for further research and potential protection due to the diversity of endemic taxa.

L. Sikman, T. Latinovic, N. Sarajlic, G. Sikanjic

Modern business systems have the expectations and requirements of users and stakeholders for safer and better services that are constantly growing. The increasing use of information technology in business increases the threats and vulnerabilities to which information resources are exposed, which causes an increase in information risks. Many business institutions must constantly monitor their activities to establish an organized and sustainable information security management system and services. The requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 27001 and the generally accepted COBIT management framework are important for the application of such a system. The paper presents a model of a sustainable information security management system (ISMS) at universities.

P. Movalli, J. Koschorreck, Gabriele Treu, J. Slobodnik, Nikiforos A Alygizakis, Andreas Androulakakis, Alexander Badry, E. Baltag, Fausto Barbagli et al.

Vedrana Nerić, N. Sarajlic

Abstract Analysis of representative tools for SQL query processing on Hadoop (SQL-on-Hadoop systems), such as Hive, Impala, Presto, Shark, show that they are not still sufficiently efficient for complex analytical queries and interactive query processing. Existing SQL-on-Hadoop systems have many benefits from the application of modern query processing techniques that have been studied extensively for many years in the database community. It is expected that with the application of advanced techniques, the performance of SQL-on-Hadoop systems can be improved. The main idea of this paper is to give a review of big data concepts and technologies, and summarize big data optimization techniques that can be used for improving performance when processing big data.

S. Maslo, Šemso Šarić, N. Sarajlic

Sison amomum L. (Apiaceae) was recorded for the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina during a fieldwork in the vicinity of the city of Tuzla (northeast Bosnia) in September 2019. This study reports the newly discovered localities and presents a short morphological description of the species.

N. Sarajlic, N. Jogan, S. Murtić, V. Ranđelovič

The Vraca Memorial Park was built in 1980-1981 around the old Austro-Hungarian fortress located above the city of Sarajevo, on northwestern slopes of Trebevic mountain slightly above 600 m asl. It covers an area of approximately 8 ha. The southwestern part of the park is mostly covered by seminatural forest, central part of the range mostly paved, and northeastern is covered by partly ornamental forest and some grassland patches. Despite being declared a National Monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2005, the Park is neglected and ruined, which allowed diverse subspontaneous vegetation to develop. The paper presents the results of systematic research and analysis of the spontaneous vascular flora of the Vraca Memorial Park. A total of 280 species of 182 genera and 67 families were recorded. With 37 species, Poaceae are the most abundant, followed by Asteraceae (incl. Cichoriaceae) with 29, and Fabaceae and Rosaceae (23 species each). Numerous seedlings of shrubs and trees planted for ornamental purposes were observed, as well as the presence of two protected Orchidaceae species.


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