User Name

Tihomir Latinovic

Professor at the University VITEZ, EX Professor University of Banja Luka, member of the BHAAAS Academy, author of 9 books and 150 papers. Expert member of ARACIS. Coordinator of CEEPUS, Erasmus, and other international projects. 

Društvene mreže:


University Vitez In Travnik
Prof. Dr Computer Science

Professor Doctor University of Vitez, EX University of Banja     Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Corresponding member of BHAAAS Academy, Associate Professor

Already scientific fields
Computer Science
University VITEZ, Faculty of Information Technology



University books
1.      Tihomir Latinovic, “Intelligent systems and their application in production”. Banja Luka, Independent University of Banja Luka (NUBL). ISBN 978-99976-43-34-6, COBISS.RS-ID 135433729, 2022.

2.      Malbaški, T. Dušan and Latinović, S. Tihomir, "Object-Oriented Programming through C ++ Programming Language with Solved Examples". Banja Luka: Pan-European University Apeiron. ISBN 978-99976-34-54-2, COBISS.RS-ID 8580888, 2020.

3.      Latinović, T., Arnautović, M., & Kalabić, S., "Zbirka zadataka iz Elektrotehnike sa elektronikom", Banja Luka: Univerzitet PIM. ISBN 978-999554031-9, 2016.

4.      Latinovic, T., and Roljić, L. Banja Luka, “Information Management”, Banja Luka: PIM University. ISBN 978-99955-40-21-0, 2014.

5.      Latinović, T., and Prša, M, "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Machines", Banja Luka: University of Banja Luka. ISBN 978-99938-1-208-1,2013

6.      Latinović, T., "Informatics (Fundamentals of Information Technologies)", Banja Luka: University of Banja Luka. ISBN 978-99938-1-150-3, 2010.

7.      Latinović, T., "Visual Basic", Banja Luka: University of Banja Luka. ISBN 978-99938-1-176-3, 2012.

8.      Latinović, T., "Business Informatics", Banja Luka: Prometej High School. ISBN 978-99955-33-01-4., 2012.



1.    Latinović, T. Information systems design. (2006). Banja Luka: script Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka Electronic edition,

2.    Latinović, T. Fundamentals of Information Technology. (2006). Banja Luka: script Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka Electronic edition,

3.    Latinović, T. Electrical Engineering 1 Lectures (2006). Banja Luka: script Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka Electronic edition,

4.    Latinović, T. Electrical Engineering 1 exercises. (2006). Banja Luka: script Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka Electronic edition,

5.    Latinović, T. Informatics 1 exercises. (2006). Banja Luka: script Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka Electronic edition,

6.    Latinović, T. Electrical Engineering 2 Lectures and exercises. (2006). Banja Luka: script Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka Electronic edition,

7.    Latinović, T. Manual for working with the development system 6805 on the computer HP9000 series 200. (1987) Banja Luka: Working organization-Professional electronics. Internal manual


From 2023 Selected in the subject Artificial Intelligence for the narrower scientific field of "Computer Science" at the Faculty of Information Technology, University Vitez, under No. 02-3-1-551/24,

From 2023 Selected in the subject Advanced Computer Network for the narrower scientific field of "Computer Science" at the Faculty of Information Technology, University Vitez, under No. 02-3-1-550/24,

From 2022 Selected in the subject Computer Network for the narrower scientific field of "Computer Science" at the Faculty of Information Technology, University Vitez, under No. 02-3-1-535/23,

From 2017 Selected in the subject Electrical Engineering for the narrower scientific field of "General Electrical Engineering" at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,  opened on November 22, 2016, under no. 1542,

Since 2015, he was selected for the subject of Informatics for the narrower scientific field of "Computer Science" at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the competition opened on April 14, 2015., under no. 394,

Since 2012 Elected in the subject of Electrical Engineering for the narrower scientific field of "General Electrical Engineering" at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,

From 2009-2012 Elected to the subject "Informatics and Programming" at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in East Sarajevo,

Since 2009 Elected for the Subject Informatics for the narrower scientific field of "Information Systems" at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,

Since October 2009, Professor of Informatics and Programming, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, East Sarajevo,

Since 2009. He teaches the course Systems Database in the field of Industrial Engineering,

from 16.09.2009.   Expert for accreditation of faculties and universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

From 15.10.2008.   Expert for licensing of faculties and universities of the RS government: licensed study programs:

The University of East Sarajevo, namely: the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in East Sarajevo, the Faculty in Trebinje and the Faculty of Transport in Doboj, as well as the University of Synergy, Bijeljina and the University of PIM, Banja Luka, Primus and Prometheus College

From 2007 to 2008 as a Professor of Business Informatics at Prometej College, a decision on election to the title of 01.10.2007, no. 04-07 / 07-05,

From 09.03.2007.   By the decision of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and Technology, Republika Srpska, register number 6888/07, appointed as an authorized person for the preparation of technical documentation for strong and weak electricity and supervision over the execution of works,

Since 2005 as an assistant professor in Informatics, Programming and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Banja Luka (No. 05-271 / 06, University of Banja Luka,

From 2001 to 2005 worked as a member of the Management Board of the company "Magrel", until its privatization,

In the period 2001 to 2002. worked for the Tobacco Factory on the introduction of the Molins Mark 5 machine and the development of a Phase-Adaptive expert system in quality control of cigarette production, which project I was in Poznan, Poland in Reemstma company,

In the period from 18.01.1982. to 31.03.1994.   in the factory "Professional Electronics", Rudi Čajavec as a designer-engineer,

In the period from 04/01/94. to 01/31/95   worked in the computer company "OKSA" as an information systems designer. During that period, I made several software solutions for private and state-owned companies for the needs of economic data processing in these systems (Veletekstil, Eurohem, Glas Srpski, Unicep, etc.),

In the period from 1998 to 2005. worked as a senior assistant in the subjects of Informatics and Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka,

In the period from 01.08.95. until 30.04.97 worked in the "Electrical Engineering School" in Banja Luka as a professor of informatics and programming,

In the period from 02/01/95. to 07/31/95 worked in SOE "VELETEKSTIL" as the head of the computer center. In that system, I designed and programmed all the programs within the company's commercial program.

1.       Erasmus Ka1+ 171 with Polytechnic University of Brasov, Romania, 2024

2.       Erasmus Ka1+ 171 with Polytechnic college Rijeka, Croatia, 2024

3.       Erasmus Ka1+ 171 with Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2024

4.       Erasmus Ka1+ 171 with Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania, 2024

5.       Erasmus Ka1+ 171 with Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania, 2023

6.       Erasmus Ka1+ 171 with University “Luchian Blaga”, Sibiu, Romania, 2023

7.       Erasmus Ka1+ 171 with Westphalian University of Applied Science, Germany, 2022

8.       Memorandum with the University of Westphalia from Germany, 2020,

9.       Memorandum with the University of Moldova, 2020,

10.   The first General Assembly of an EU-supported NGO called the WBAA (Western Balkan Alumni Association), Tirana, Albania, 2019,

11.   Bilateral agreement with the University of Resita, Romania on joint action on projects and addendum to the agreement for a specific DAAD project with the University of Applied Sciences Westphalian University, Germany, 2018,

12.   Memorandum of Cooperation with the University of Resita, Romania, 2019,

13.   Memorandum with Ecole Normale Superieure de Laghout, Laghout, Algeria, 2018,

14.   Memorandum from Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University, Ukraine, 2018,

15.   Memorandum with Mississippi State University, America, 2018,

16.   Memorandum with Petrošani, Romania, 2018,

17.   Memorandum with Poznan, Poland, 2018,

18.   Organization of a workshop with Holger Bienzle, Dia Berater, Vienna, Austria, 2017,

19.   Memorandum of Cooperation with the University of Cluj Napoca, Romania, 2016,

20.   Memorandum of Cooperation with the University of Timisoara, Romania, 2016.

1.       Project coordinator "Erasmus KA + 1" with "Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija ", Subotica, Serbia, 01.768 / 2023.

2.       Coordinator WBAA project “MAKING A REGNET”, FVC-EAC-39-2016 (special contract EAC-2018-0496, Western Balkan Alumni Association, Consortium implemented by FVC-EAC-39-2016 represented by Gustav-Stresemann Institute, Langer Grabenveg 68, 53175 Bonn, Germany, Copyright Agreement 16 / 1-2040 / 19, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2019.

3.       Project participant,"Research and development of entrepreneurial projects based on the application of ICT and innovation", Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society No. 19 / 6-020 / 961-2 / 19 as a member of the scientific research team, Copyright Agreement number: 13 / 1.1017-6 / 2019. year, 2019

4.       CEEPUS Project Coordinator CIII-BA-1402-01-1920 “New teaching technologies and new applications in the modernization of teaching at the Faculties of Technical Sciences in connection with the needs of small and medium enterprises in the environment”, 2019 to present.

5.       Coordinator for SEEAM-Network and the future DAAD project, http://seeam-network.com/joomla30/ , 2019.

6.       Project coordinator "Erasmus KA + 1" with "EFTEMIE MURGU", University of Resita, Romania, 01.22-5 / 19, 2019.

7.       Project participant "Development and application of expert systems in technical diagnostics", University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, http://www.maf.ues.rs.ba/index.php/nauka-i-istrazivanje/domaci-projekti/41-nauka-i-istrazivanje/domaci-projekti/103-razvoj-i-primjena-eksperških- system-in-technical-diagnostics-2 , 2014

8.       Project coordinator "BANOROB (Bosnian-Norwegian Robotization)", HERD ICT, supported by the Norwegian Government and the Royal Ministry of International Relations, No. 01 / 4.2-788 / 12, from May 2012 to May 2013. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269992433_BANOROB_Project_report 

9.       Project Coordinator "Development of a virtual remote-controlled laboratory for advanced information technologies in production ", Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 16 / 3.1403 / 12, 2012.

10.   Project coordinator: Project "Robotization as a basis for economic development for small and medium enterprises through workshops", 19 / 6-020 / 961-128 / 09, number: 08-1242-6 / 09, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, 2009.

11.   Project coordinator: Project "Development of artificial intelligence, phase of logic in production systems", number: 06 / 6-030 / 3-239-1 / 08, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, 2008.

12.   Project coordinator CEEPUS, CIII-RO-0202-09-1516 "Implementation and utilization of e-learning systems in the study area of ​​production engineering in the Central European Region", Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, 2014 to date.




A reviewer of SCI journal
Reviewer for 15 papers TECHNICAL GAZETTE (Print: ISSN 1330-3651, Online: ISSN 1848-6339) in the period from 2015 to 2020. 

TEHNIČKI VJESNIK / TECHNICAL GAZETTE is a scientific journal indexed in Web of Science (Science Citation Index Expanded), Journal Citation Reports (IF = 0.670 for 2019), Scopus, INSPEC, Compendex, Geo Abstracts, etc. 


Slavonski Brod, (2020), documents tvp-01082020-1 and tvp-01082020-2

Paper titles:






















Foreign languages
Active knowledge of English.


22.06.83, Foreign language school, Zagreb, Varšavska 14, No. 1/67107, I course, equivalent A1,


26.01.84, School of Foreign Languages, Zagreb, Varšavska 14, no. 1/115509, II course, equivalent to A2,


26.06.84., School of Foreign Languages, Zagreb, Varšavska 14, no. 1/115111, III course, equivalent B1,


21.12.84., School of Foreign Languages, Zagreb, Varšavska 14, no. 1/115121, IV course, equivalent to B2.


Original scientific paper in a leading scientific journal of international importance (Thomson Reuters – a web of science)


M Todic, V Golubović-Bugarski, M Merdanić, T Latinović, “Deformation state of the load-bearing structure of a four-column the press”, IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2540 (2023) 012030,  doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2540/1/012030, pp 1-6, 2023
Renata Petrevska Nechkoska, Arber Hajrizaj, Olga Arsic, Tihomir Latinovic, „PDIA in the Balkans: The Western Balkans Alumni Association (WBAA) as Positive Deviance: EU Enlargement and Regional Cohesion“, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-11065-8_9, Contributions to Management Science,  Publisher: Springer,  Scopus , pp. 237-267, 2023
3.       Lj Sikman, T Latinovic, N Sarajlic and G Sikanjic, “A model of sustainable information security management system in higher education institutions”, International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS 2022), IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2540 012003, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2540/1/012003, pp 1-10, 2023.

Tihomir Latinovic, Ljilja Sikman, „Impact of COVID 19 on the Information Technology for Online Education, Education 4.0, Challenges and Solutions”, DOI:  10.1007/978-3-031-17697-5_54, Publisher: In book: Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications VII, Springer, Scopus, 2022
D Nedelcu1, T Latinovic and L Sikman, “PyDigitizer – A Python module for digitizing 2D curves”, International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS 2022), IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2540 012015, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2540/1/012015, 2022.
Lj. Šikman, T. Latinović, N. Sarajlić, ” Modelling of Fuzzy Expert System for an Assessment of Security Information Management System UIS (University Information System)“, Tehnički vjesnik, Vol. 29 No. 1, 2022, https://doi.org/10.17559/TV-20200721154801, SCI rad, Impact Factor (2020): 0,783, 
D. Nedelcu, T. Latinovic, ”PyChart - A Python module for analysis and visual view of 2D / 3D Charts, ”, IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series, accepted and reviewed, Paper ID: 2CE_01_ICAS2020 1781, 012044, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1781/1/012044, 2021.
T. Latinovic, C. Barz, A. Pop Vadean, G. Sikanjic and L. Sikman, “Adaptive intelligence system for a predictive process for Industry 4.0 in Tobacco factory”, IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1426, 012019, DOI: 10.1088 / 1742-6596 / 1426/1/012019, ISSN: 1742-6588, 2020.
T. Latinovic, D. Preradović, CR Barz, A. Pop Vadean and M. Todić, “Big Data as the basis for the innovative development strategy of Industry 4.0”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 477 012045, DOI: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 477/1/012045, ISSN: 1757-8981, 2019.
T. Latinovic, SB Kalabic, C. Barz, PP Petrica and PV Adina, “Analysis of time in establishing synchronization radio communication system with expanded spectrum conditions for communication with mobile robots”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294, 012060, DOI: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 294/1/012060, ISSN: 1757-8981, 2018.
M. Todic, T. Latinovic, V. Golubovic-Bugarski and A. Majstorovic, “Security of bottle to fill in a high-pressure air”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 294 012085 doi: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 294/1/012085, ISSN: 1757-8981, 2018.
A. Pop-Vadean, PP Pop, T. Latinovic, C. Barz, C. Lung: “Harvesting energy an sustainable power source, replace batteries for powering WSN and devices on the IoT.”,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 200 (1): 012043., DOI: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 200/1/012043, ISSN: 1757-8981, 2017.
PP Pop, A. Pop-Vadean, C. Barz, T. Latinovic, O. Chiver: “System monitoring feedback in cinemas and harvesting energy of the air conditioning condenser”,. ”,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 200 (1): 012037., DOI: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 200/1/012037, 2017
Pop Paul Petrica, A. Pop-Vadean, C. Barz, T. Latinovic: “Transdisciplinary integration and interfacing software in the mechatronic system for carbon sequestration and harvesting energy in the agricultural soils for rewarding farmers through green certificates”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 163 (1): 3., DOI: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 163/1/012044, 2017.
C. Barz, T. Latinovic, S. Deaconu, D. Preradović, PP Pop and A. Pop-Vadean, "Using Moeller PLC in the automation of an artesian fountain", IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 163 012052, DOI: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 163/1/012052, 2017.
Tihomir Latinovic, Savo Kalabic, Cristian Barz, Paul Petrica, AP Adina: "Determining the coordinates and location of unknown sources radiation emw method fuzzy three spheres and fuzzy tori", ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara - International Journal of Engineering, Volume 3, ISSN: 1584- 2665, pp. 189-194, 2016.
PP Pop, A. Pop-Vadean, C. Barz, T. Latinovic and O. Chiver,“Research on models of biological systems that can be integrated into mechatronic systems“, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 106 012010, DOI: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 106/1/012010, 2016.
C. Barz, C. Todea, T. Latinovic, DM Preradovic, S. Deaconu, A. Berdie, “Intelligent traffic control system using PLC”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 144 012017, doi: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 144/1/012017, ISSN: 1757-8981, 2016.
TS Latinovic, DM Preradovic, CR Barz, MT Latinovic, PP Petrica, A. Pop-Vadean, "Big Data in Industry", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,, 144 012017, doi: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 144/1/012017, ISSN: 1757-8981, 2016.
PP Pop, A. Pop-Vadean, C. Barz, T. Latinovic, “Transdisciplinary research in theatrical literature through technological integration and interfacing information”,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,, 144 012006, doi: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 144/1/012016, ISSN: 1757-8981, 2016
M. Dobrnjac, T. Latinovic, S. Dobrnjac, P. Zivkovic, "Increasing the efficiency of solar thermal panels", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 144 012008, doi: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 144/1/012008, ISSN: 1757-8981, 2016.
C. Barz, SI Deaconu, T. Latinovic, A. Berdie, A. Pop-Vadean, M. Horgos, “PLCs used in smart home control”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,, 106 012036, doi: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 106/1/012036, ISSN: 1757-8981, 2016.
C. Barz, T. Latinovic, IBA Balan, A. Pop-Vadean, PP Pop, “Using HMI Weintek in command of an industrial robot arm”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, volume 85 012003, doi: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 85/1/012003, IOP Publishing, ISSN: 1757-8981, 2015.
24.    DEACONU SORIN IOAN, POPA GABRIEL NICOLAE, TIHOMIR LATINOVIC, “Comparative Study for EAF's Reactive Energy Compensation Methods and Power Factor Improvement ", WSEAS Journal of Conferences, Issue 9, Volume 9, ISSN: 1109-2777, 2010.

25.    Sorin Ioan Deconu, Marcel Topor, Gabriel Nicolae Popa, Tihomir Latinovic, “Improvement of the EAF's energetic parameters using capacitive inductive filters “, WSEAS Journal of Conferences, ISSN 1792-4235, ISBN 978-960-474-214-1, 2010.
Original scientific paper in a scientific journal of international significance
1.       Aleksandar MAJSTOROVIC, Mladen TODIC, Tihomir LATINOVIC, Vinko BABIC, “Testing of dilatations by cold water test of steel and composite self–contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) bottles”, ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara – INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, Tome XXI | Fascicule 3 [August], pp 81-86, 2023.

2.       Tihomir S. Latinovic, “The meaning of the new era of industry 4.0, healthcare 4.0 and education 4.0 concerning the development of 5G networks, IOT and smart everything”, ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara – INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, Tome XXI | Fascicule 3 [August], pp 147-152, 2023. 

3.       Tihomir S. Latinovic, Mladen M. Todic, Dorian Nedelcu, Cristian P. Barz, "Improving the safety of railway from basic start-stop to the intelligent system", TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS - Bulletin of Engineering [e-ISSN: 2067–3809], TOME XIII | FASCICULE 3 [July - September], pp 59-62, 2020.

4.       Tihomir LATINOVIC, Cristian BÂRZ, Adina POP VĂDEAN, Paul Petrică POP, “FMEA analysis as support to Industry 4.0 in the tobacco industry”, ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara – International Journal of Engineering, Tome XVIII | Fascicule 1 [February], pp. 83-87, 2020.

5.       Lilja ŠIKMAN, Tihomir LATINOVIĆ, Darko PASPALJ, “ISO 27001 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY, DEVELOPMENT, TRENDS, TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC CHALLENGES”, ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara - International Journal of Engineering, Tome XVII | Fascicule 4 [November], ISSN: 1584-2665 (printed editions, in two fascicules), ISSN: 1584-2673 (CD-ROM edition, in two fascicules), ISSN: 2601-2332 (online, all four fascicules), ISSN -L: 1584-2665, pp 45-48, 2019.

6.       Tihomir Latinovic, Savo Kalabic, Cristian Barz, Paul Petrica, Adina: „PREVENTIVE COLLISION NEURAL NETWORK SENSING SYSTEM WITH OPTIMIZATION OF PROCESSING RADAR SYSTEM FOR THE PROTECTION OF CAR CRASH“, ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara - International Journal of Engineering, Fascicule 3 pp 225 , ISSN: 1584-2665, 2016.

7.       Adina POP-Vadean, Paul Petrica POP, Tihomir Latinovic, Cristian Barz, „Harvesting energy-ultra low power device“, Acta Technica Corviniensis- Bulletin of Engineering, Tome IX, Fascicule 1 (January - March), ISSN 2067-3809, pp 121-124, 2016.

8.       Cristian Barz, Tihomir Latinovic, Sorin Ion Deaconu, Adina POP-VADEAN, Adela Berdie, Paul Petrica POP, "Remote control of a robotic arm using the operator panel", Acta Technica Corviniensis- Bulletin of Engineering, Tome IX, Fascicule 1 (January - March), ISSN 2067-3809, pp 129-132, 2016.

9.       A. Pop-Vadean, PP Pop, C. Barz, T. Latinovic, “Research on harvesting energy devices and storage method”, Carphatian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Volume 4 Number 2, pp 102-120, 2015.

10.    Cristian Barz, Tihomir Latinovic, Zoltan Erdei, Gherasim Domide, Alina Balan, “Practical application with PLC in the manipulation of a robotic arm”, Carpathian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Volume 8 Number 1, pp 78-86, 2015.

11.    Tanja Kerezovic, Gabor Sziebig, Bjørn Solvang, Tihomir Latinovic, "HUMAN SAFETY IN ROBOT APPLICATIONS - REVIEW OF SAFETY TRENDS", ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS - Bulletin of ENGINEERING TOME VI - FASCICULE 4, October-December 2013, 20-October 2013.

12.    Mihailo LAZAREVIC, Petar Mandic, Tihomir LATINOVIC, Trygve THOMESSEN, “SOME RESULTS OF CONTROL AND SIMULATION OF NEURO ARM ROBOT”, ANNALS of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara - International Journal of Engineering Tome XII - Fascicule 1 [February], ISSN: 1584‐2665 [ print]; ISSN: 1584‐2673 [online] a free ‐ access multidisciplinary publication of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, PP. 159-162, 2014

13.    Tihomir LATINOVIC, Goran MILOSEVIC, Mihailo LAZAREVIC, Sorin DEACONU, Gábor SZIEBIG, “FUZZY LOGIC COMBINED WITH NEURAL ALGORITHM TO CONTROL INDUSTRIAL ROBOT”, ANNALS of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara - International Journal of Engineering, ISSN 1584-2665, Volume XII, February, pp 133-136, 2014.

14.    Tihomir Latinovic, Mihailo Lazarevic, Sorin Deaconu, Gabor Sziebig, Goran Milosevic "FUZZY LOGIC COMBINED WITH NEURAL ALGORITHM TO CONTROL INDUSTRIAL ROBOT", Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara- International Journal of Engineering, Tome XII, ISSN: 1584-2665 [print] ISSN: 1584 -2673, 2014.

15.    Nikola Malesevic, Gabor Sziebig, Bjørn Solvang, Tihomir Latinovic, „SIMULATION OF ROBOTIC TASKS WITH VALIP SYSTEM –PRACTICAL APPLICATION“, ANNALS OF FACULTY ENGINEERING HUNEDOARA - International Journal of Engineering, Tome XI - FASCICULE 4, 16-73 pp. 308, 2013.

16.    Deaconu Sorin Ioan, Deaconu Razvan, Latinovic Tihomir, „HIGH POWER STATIC CONVERTERS IN INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS“, ANNALS OF FACULTY ENGINEERING HUNEDOARA - International Journal of Engineering, Tome XI - FASCICULE 4, ISSN 1584 - 1673, pp. 301-301, 2013.

17.    Mihajlo Lazarevic, Aleksandar Obradovic, Tihomir Latinovic, “Bio-Inspired Control of Redundant Robotics Systems: Optimization Approach”, Scientific technical review issue 3-4 / 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 57-58, 2012.

18.    Tihomir Latinovic, Trygve Thomeseen, “VIRTUAL JOINT LABORATORY - E LABORATORY SOLUTION”, International Journal “, Machines, Technologies, Materials”, issue 12/2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-0226, pp 43-45, 2012.

19.    Tihomir Latinovic, Trygve Thomeseen, “Overview of intelligent control an industrial robot”, CODE 2012, Balanton, Hungary, pp 231-234, 2012.

20.    Tihomir Latinovic, Sorin Deaconu, Gencho Popov, Marcel Topor "Intelligent workcell robot system in manufacturing with ABB IRB 2000", International Journal "Machines, Technologies, Materials", Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-0226, pp 145-146, 2011.

21.    Tihomir Latinovic, Sorin Deaconu, Milosav Đurđevic “Develop Virtual Joint Laboratory for Robotics in Production”, MECH - CONF 2011, Subotica, Invited paper, pp 29-33, 2011.

22.    Sorin Ioan Deaconu, Lucian Nicolae Tutuelea, Gabriel Nicolae Popa, Tihomir Latinovic, „Artificial loading for rotating electric Machines“, Annals of faculty engineering Hunedoara-International journal of engineering, Tome IX, Fascicule 1. (ISSN 1584-2665), pp 213 -218, 2011.

23.    Tihomir Latinovic, Milan Latinovic, Sorin Deaconu, „Genetic fuzzy algorithm used for robot navigation“, Scientific proceedings 2010, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU in Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-227-3326-7, pp. 91-97, 2010

24.    Diana Alina BISTRIAN, George SAVII, Tihomir LATINOVIC, „Stability Investigation of Swirling Flows with Spectral Algorithms“, IST Transactions of Applied Mathematics - Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 1, no. 1 (2), ISSN 1913-834, pp. 20-27, 2010.

25.    Sorin Ioan Deaconu, Lucian Nicolae Tutelea, Gabriel Nicolae Popa and Tihomir Latinovic, “Mathematical models and the control of homopolar and homo-heteropolar reactive synchronous machines with stator excitation”, Advances in Communications, Computers, Systems, Circuits and Devices, ISBN: 978 -960-474-250-9, pp. 78-83, 2010.

26.    T. Latinovic, Z. Konjevic, D. Obradovic, K. Bosnjak "PQM (Process Quality Model) for the analysis, improvement and control of supply chain systems in tobacco factory (15th international conference on systems science), Poland, pp 4-353 4- 259, 2004.

27.    T. Latinović, K. Bošnjak, O. Miletić, Todić M, “Comparative analysis of modern methods in measuring quality from the point of view of ISO9000 revision”, SQM2000 Herceg Novi, Kvalitet magazine, UDC 06.05, ISSN 0354-2408, UDC 006 + 658.5, year X, No. 7, 2000

Original scientific papers in international conferences with review
1.      Ljilja Šikman, Danica Savanović, Tihomir Latinović, Aleksandar Gaćina, “Information security in the function of corporate management of information technologies”, XII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT, ISSN 2303-498X, Trebinje, Bosna i Hercegovina, pp. 362-369, 2023.

2.      Mladen Todic, Valentina Golubović-Bugarski, Tihomir Latinović, “Reliability and safety of axle-wheel assembly”,Proceedings / XX Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON '22, Niš, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6055-160-5, pp. 97-100, October 13-14, 2022.

3.      Tihomir Latinović, “INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) AND TRANSPORT”, Addressing Trans-Regional Issues in Intelligent Transport Systems from Managerial and Technical Perspective, COBISS.MK-ID 58424325, ISBN – 13 978-9989-786-67-9, EAN 9789989786679, pp. 107-110, 2022

4.       Pop Paul Petrica, A Pop-Vadean, C Barz, T Latinovic, “Research on the Integration of Systemic Thinking Applied Technical Field”, INNOVATIVE IDEAS IN SCIENCE 2018, Volume: ISBN 978-606-701-296-5, abstract, 2018. 

5.       C Barz, Pop Paul Petrica, A Pop-Vadean, T Latinovic, “Network Control of Simatic S7-1200 PLCs for Industrial Processes”, INNOVATIVE IDEAS IN SCIENCE 2018, Volume: ISBN 978-606-701-296-5, abstract, 2018

6.       A Pop-Vadean, T Latinovic, C Barz, Pop Paul Petrica ”Applications of the Thermoelectric Energy Harvester in Air Conditioning Condenser Unit”, INNOVATIVE IDEAS IN SCIENCE 2018, Volume: ISBN 978-606-701-296-5, abstract, 2018.

7.       T Latinovic, C Barz, Pop Paul Petrica, A Pop-Vadean, Mladen Todic, “Adaptive Fuzzy-FMEA Expert System for Predictive Control Industrial Processes with Example”, INNOVATIVE IDEAS IN SCIENCE 2018, Volume: ISBN 978-606-701-296-5 , abstract of the paper, 2018.

8.       Barz Cristian, Jalba Klaus, Latinovic Tihomir, Erdei Zoltan and Preradovic Dragana, ADVANTAGE OF PLC USING IN THE CONTROL OF ENVIRONMENT APPLICATIONS, ICAS 2018 conference, 2018, ISBN 978-99938-39-80-4, COBISS.RS-ID 7393816, abstract of work, 2018

9.       Mladen Todic, Tihomir Latinovic, Djurdjevic Biljana, Aleksandar Majstorovic, “SECURITY APPLICATIONS OF INSULATION MASK”, Conference DEMI 2017, ISBN: 978-99938-39-73-6, pp. 841-846, 2017

10.   Pop Vadean Adina·Pop Paul Petrica,, T. Latinovic, Christian Barz, ”Ambient rf energy harvesting: gsm power density measurements. Are measured values ​​dangerous to health?”, INTERNATIONAL Scientific-Professional Conference of Information Technology for e-Education ITeO 2015, University Apeiron Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-91-72-4 COBISS.RS-ID 5331224, pp. 30-39, 2015.
11.   T. Latinovic, Christian Barz, Pop Vadean Adina, Pop Paul Petrica, Milan Latinovic, Sorin Ion Deacon, “Simulation of movement and navigation of lego nxt 2.0 mobile robot in the unknown environment including inverse pendulum modeling and control”, INTERNATIONAL Scientific-Professional Conference of Information Technology for e-Education ITeO 2015, University Apeiron Banja Luka, ISBN 978-99955-91-72-4 COBISS.RS-ID 5331224, University Apeiron Banja Luka, pp 12-19, 2015. 

12.   Tihomir Latinovic, Mladen Todic, Cristian Barz, Pop Vadean Adina, Pop Paul Petrica, “DATA RECORDING SYSTEMS WITH TELOC-1500 FOR UPGRADING SAFETY SYSTEMS ON LOCOMOTIVE SERIES 441-521”, Conference DEMI 2017, ISBN: 978-99938-39-73-6 , pp. 669,678, 2017

13.   Deacon Sorin,,Tutelea Lucian Nicolae, Latinovic Tihomir, Barz Cristian, “Wind and Hydro Variable Speed ​​Energy Conversion System with Dual Stator Winding Induction Generator”, SIELMEN 2015, Proceedings 10th International Conference on Electromechanical and Power SystemsAt CHISINAU - MOLDOVA, ISBN 978-606-567-284-0, pp 233-236, 2015.

14.   Barz Christian, Adela Berdie, Olivian Chiver, Claudiu Lang, Tihomir Latinovic, “Using LabVIEW simulation environment in a smart house”, LUMEN 2015 - Rethinking Social Action. Core Values ​​- RSACV 2015, Veliko Trgoviste, Romania

15.   Cristian Barz, Tihomir Latinovic, Erdei Zoltan, Gherasim Domide, Balan Alina“Siemens PLC and interfaces Weintek used in the control of a robotic arm”, THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE CARPATHIAN EURO-REGION SPECIALISTS IN INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS CEurSIS 2014, 10th Edition, 11-13 September 2014, BAIA MARE, ROMANIA

16.   Tihomir Latinovic, Milan Latinovic „Intelligent control lego nxt 2.0 mobile robot with nonholonomic restrictions, according to previously been drawing trajectory in the undefined environment, 1st International Symposium on Machines, Mechanics and Mechatronics - Current Trends, Serbia, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, July 1-2, 2014.

17.   Tihomir Latinovic, Sorin Deaconu, Milan Latinovic, Mihailo Lazarevic, Cristian Barz “INTELLIGENT MOVING SERVICE ROBOT NAVIGATION TECHNIQUE USING RFID TECHNOLOGY FOR TRANSPORTATION INSIDE SMEs”, SMEs development and Innovation: Building competitive future of South-Eastern Europe, Ohrid, Macedonia, ISBN 978-9989 -695-55-1, October 3-4, pp 88-92, 2014

18.   Tihomir Latinovic, Mihailo Lazarevic, Sorin Deaconu, Gabor Sziebig, Goran Milosevic “FUZZY LOGIC COMBINED WITH NEURAL ALGORITHM TO CONTROL INDUSTRIAL ROBOT”, DEMI 2013, pp. 1119-1024, 2013.

19.   Milan Cajic, Mihailo Lazarevic, Tihomir Latinovic, "Equations of Motion of Robotic System with Piezo-Modified Viscoelastic and Magnetorheological Elements of Fractional Order", 84th annual meeting of the international association of applied mathematics and Mechanics, GAM 2013, Novi Sad, 2013.

20.   Deaconu Sorin Ioan, Deaconu Razvan, Latinovic Tihomir, „HIGH POWER STATIC CONVERTERS IN INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS“, 11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI 2013, ISBN 978‐99938‐39‐46‐0 COBISS.BH‐ ID 3729176, pp. 1025-1030, 2013

21.   Tanja Kerezovic, Gabor Sziebig, Bjørn Solvang, Tihomir Latinovic, „HUMAN SAFETY IN ROBOT APPLICATIONS - REVIEW OF SAFETY TRENDS“, 11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI 2013, ISBN 978‐99938‐39‐46‐ 0 COBISS.BH ‐ ID 3729176, pp. 1031-1040, 2013.

22.   Nikola Malesevic, Gabor Sziebig, Bjørn Solvang, Tihomir Latinovic, „SIMULATION OF ROBOTIC TASKS WITH VALIP SYSTEM –PRACTICAL APPLICATION“, 11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology DEMI 2013, ISBN 978‐99938‐39‐46‐ 0 COBISS.BH ‐ ID 3729176, pp. 1071-1076, 2013.

23.   Mihailo P. Lazarevic, Srecko A. Batalov, Tihomir S. Latinovic, “Fractional PID Controller Tuned by Genetic Algorithms for a Three DOF`s Robot System Driven by DC motors“, IFAC Joint conference: 5th Symposium on System Structure and Control, Grenoble, France, pp 385-390, 2013

24.   Dina Alina Bistrian, Manuela Panou, Tihomir Latinovic, Marcel Topor “Parallel solutions to accelerate mathematical algorithms in hydrodynamic stability problems”, DEMI 2011, pp. 523-533, 2011.

25.   Tihomir Latinovic, Sorin I Deaconu, Remi Labudzki, Marcel Topor “Intelligent approach for mobile robot simulator with robosim software”, DEMI 2011, pp. 857-863, 2011.

26.   Deaconu, SI, Oprisa N, Popa. G, Latinovic T.,“Ultrasonic welding system for automotive wirings industry”, DEMI 2011, pp. 911-918, 2011.

27.   Tihomir Latinovic, Sorin Deaconu, Milosav Đurđevic, Mirko Dobrnjac, „The Basic of Designing controllers for industrial robots (Egg. Robots ABB IRB 2000), International symposium on advanced engineering & applied management 40th Anniversary in higher education, pp. 195- 198

28.   T. Latinovic, S. Jokanovic, M. Rogic "A Genetic Fuzzy Real-Time Expert System -In Tobacco Industry Banjaluka", The 19th INTERNATIONAL DAAAM SYMPOSIUM "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and Solutions" 22-25th October 2008, ISBN 978-3-901509- 68-1, ISSN 1726-9679, pp 372, 2008

29.   Tihomir Latinovic, Milan Latinovic, Sorin Deaconu, “Genetic phase robot control algorithm”, 32 conference JUPITER, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia, 2010.

30.  M. Dobrnjac, T. Latinovic, “A constructive solution for a solar collector with aluminum absorber”, ”, ISIRR 2009, 10th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM“ INTERDISCIPLINARY REGIONAL RESEARCH ”- ROMANIA - HUNGARY - SERBIA, Hunedoara, Romania, 23 to 24 April, 2009.

31.   T. Latinovic, M. Rogic, M. Đurđevic, “Adaptive genetic fuzzy systems in industry: current framework and new trends”, ISIRR 2009 - 10th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “INTERDISCIPLINARY REGIONAL RESEARCH” - ROMANIA - HUNGARY - SERBIA, Hunedoara, Romania, 2009.
Introductory lectures by invitation at a scientific conference of international importance, printed in its entirety

1.         Tihomir Latinović, Sorin Deaconu, Milosav Đurđević “Develop Virtual Joint Laboratory for Robotics in Production”, MECH ‐ CONF 2011, Subotica, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-85409-67-7, COBISS.SR-ID 26 pp. 29-33, 2011.

2.         TS Latinovic, SI Deaconu, MT Latinovic, N Malesevic, C Barz "Develop a virtual joint laboratory for education like distance engineering system for robotic application", IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 85 (2015) 012018. DOI: 10.1088 / 1757-899X / 85/1/012018, IOP Publishing, ISSN:1757-8981,2015


Original scientific paper at a scientific meeting of national importance, printed in its entirety
1.       Tihomir Latinovic, Miroslav Rogic, “FUZZY-FMEA SYSTEM FOR QUALITY MONITORING”, INTERNATIONAL scientific-professional conference Information Technologies for e-Education ITeO 2018, ISBN 978-99976-34-13-9, pp 402-407, 2018

2.       Tihomir Latinovic, Dragana Preradovic, Milan Latinovic, Zoran Grahovac “E-LEARNING: A CASE STUDY OF INTRODUCTION OF E-LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT STED 2015,, UDC: 37.018.43: 004.738.5 (497.6 RS) DOI: 10.7251 / STED0515045L, pp. 61 - 65, 2015

3.       Pop Paul Petrica, Pop Vadean Adina, Tihomir Latinovic, Cristian Barz, "River water monitoring trough programmable interfaces which are integrated into a mechatronic system warning", INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT STED 2015, UDC: 004.451.23: 004.021, Doi: 10.7251 / STED0515067P, pp. 67-72, 2015.


5.       Tihomir Latinovic, Dragana Preradovic, “Possibility to improve sales using RFID technology”, ACTA ECONOMICA, Banja Luka, February 2015, UDK 33, ISSN 512-858X, E-ISSN 2232-738X, pp. 285-301, 2015

6.       Latinovic. T., Todić M., Zrilić R., "Genetic phase adaptive expert system in an automated production system", SPMS 2008, XXXII CONSULTING OF PRODUCTION MACHINERY, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2008.

7.       Zrilić R., Miletić O., Latinović T., "Mechatronic-cybernetic definition of adaptive processing systems", 30. JUBILEE CONSULTATION OF PRODUCTION MACHINERY OF SCG, Kragujevac, Vrnjačka Banja, 01-03. September 2005, pp 125-133, 2005

8.       Latinović T., Todić M, Zrilić R, "Genetic phase adaptive expert system in an automated production system", SPMS 2008, XXXII CONSULTING OF PRODUCTION MACHINERY, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2008.

9.       Latinović Tihomir, Obradović Danilo, Konjević Zora "Phase adaptive controller as a basis of industrial development", (DEMI 2005), pp. 520-526, 2005.

10.   Latinović Tihomir, Obradović Danilo, Konjević Zora "Measurements of the Phase of the Expert System from the Point of View of Rule Optimization" (DEMI 2003) pp. 269-275, 2005.

11.   Mladen Todić, Ostoja Miletić, Tihomir Latinović, “Multilayer materials for elastic (springboards) thermobimetals, (DEMI 2003), pp. 697-702, 2003.

12.   T. Latinović, K. Bošnjak, M. Todić, M. Šljivić, D. Obradović: Application of Fuzzy Logic in expert systems (DEMI 2002) str-385-390, 2002.

13.   O. Miletić, P. Dakić, M. Todić, T. Latinović: Analysis of the bending process of thin masonry workpieces in the mold and profiling p. (DEMI 2001), pp. 93-102, 2001.

14.    M. Todić, O. Miletić, V. Jovišević, T. Latinović: Energy balance in pulling axisymmetric profiles (DEMI 2001), pp. 102-108, 2001.

15.   T. Latinović, K. Bošnjak, M. Ostoja, T. Mladen: Expert system as an auditor for prediction of possible errors and their effects in industrial systems (DEMI 2001), p. 371- 376, 2001.

16.   Helmut Hening, Latinović Tihomir, Krstan Bošnjak (CADDY) (DEMI 2001), p. 215-220, 2001.

17.   T. Latinović, K. Bošnjak, O. Miletić: MODEL FMEA (FAILURE MODE EFFECT ANALYSIS) of expert software with a knowledge base (DEMI 2000), pp. 138-140, 2000.

18.   M Todić, Miletić O., Latinović T .: Koncepcija krivajne presse obrtnim alatom za presovanje u vrućem stanju. (DEMI 2000), pp. 102-105, 2000.

19.   M Todić, Miletić O., Latinović T .: Normal and tangential stresses on the contact surface during the drawing of an axisymmetric profile. (DEMI 2000), pp. 106-109, 2000.

20.   T. Latinović: HP-IB interface standard for connection in automated test systems controlled by a computer Symopis Herceg Novi 1988, pp. 4-131 to pp. 4-135, 1988.

21.   T. Latinović: ATS - Automatic test system for radios based on HP-IB interface, Opatija 1987.




Editing an international scientific journal
Editor of the international scientific journal Annals of Hunedoara, http://annals.fih.upt.ro/

Editor of the international scientific journal Acta Technica Corvinius, http://acta.fih.upt.ro/

Editor of the international scientific journal Machine Design, http://www.mdesign.ftn.uns.ac.rs

Editor of the Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, https://science.lpnu.ua/ujmems

Editor of the international Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/special-issue/172004 

Reviewer of the journal from the SCI journal Technical Gazzete ISSN 1330-3651 (Print) ISSN 1848-6339 (Online), UDC 62 (05) = 163.42 = 111, Impact Factor (2018): 0.644


Editing the proceedings of the international scientific conference
1.       International Conference "ICAS 2018", Book of Abstracts, 2018, ISBN 978-99938-39-80-4

2.       International Conference "ICAS 2019", Book of Abstracts, 2019, ISBN 978-973-132-510-1



Visiting professor at universities in the countries of the European Union and outside Europe
1.       From 23.10.2023 – 27.10.2023  resided at the Westphalian University of Applied Science, Gelsenkirchen, Germany as a visiting professor 

2.       From 08.11.2022 - 28.11.2022 resided at the “LUCIAN BLAGA” UNIVERSITY OF SIBIU, Engineering Faculty, Sibiu, Romania as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-RS-0304-2223-161154.

3.       From 08.11.2022 - 28.11.2022 resided at the “LUCIAN BLAGA” UNIVERSITY OF SIBIU, Engineering Faculty, Sibiu, Romania as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-RS-0304-2223-161154.

4.       From 18.10.2022 - 07.11.2022 resided at the POLITEHNICA UNIVERSITY TIMISOARA, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, Hunedoara, Romania as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-RS-0304-2223-161149.

5.       From 10.10.2022 - 17.10.2022 resided at the University of Slavonski Brod, Technical department, Slavonski Brod, Croatia as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-BA-1402-2223-160171.

6.       From 03.10.2022 - 09.10.2022 resided at the University of Szeged, Engineering Faculty, Szeged ,Hungary as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-BA-1402-2223-159829.

7.       From 01.09.2022 - 30.09.2022 resided at the "Aleksandër Moisiu" Durrës, Faculty of Information Technology, Durrës, Albania as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-BA-1402-2223-159769.

8.       From 01.09.2022 - 30.09.2022 resided at the University "Aleksandër Moisiu" Durrës, Faculty of Information Technology, Durrës, Albania as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-BA-1402-2223-159769.

9.       From 29.05.2022 - 04.06.2022 resided at Rijeka, Croatia as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-RO-0202-2122-153306.

10.    From 09.03.2022 - 31.03.2022 resided at the POLITEHNICA UNIVERSITY TIMISOARA, Faculty of Management in Production and Transportation, Timisoara, Romania as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-RO-0202-2122-153548.

11.    From 01.05.2022 - 21.05.2022 resided at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Engineering and Technologic Management, Baia Mare, Romania as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-RO-0202-2122-153305.

12.    From 01.04.2022 - 25.04.2022 resided at the Polytechnical Engineering College, Subotica, Serbia as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-RO-0202-2122-153304.

13.    From 14.02.2022 - 07.03.2022 resided at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-RO-0202-2122-153301.

14.    From 16.11.2021 - 30.11.2021 resided at the “LUCIAN BLAGA” UNIVERSITY OF SIBIU, Engineering Faculty, Sibiu, Romania as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-RS-0304-2122-150603.

15.   From 01.11.2021 - 15.11.2021resided at the POLITEHNICA UNIVERSITY TIMISOARA, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, Hunedoara, Romania as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, M-RS-0304-2122-150599

16.   From 09.03.2021 - 29.03.2021 resided at the Subotica Tech - College of Applied Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Subotica, Serbia as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report, CIII-BA-1402-02-2021-M-14710

17.   From 01.09.2020 - 30.09.2020 resided at the Faculty of Information Technology, Durrës, Albania as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report CIII-BA-1402-02-2021-M-142515

18.   From 25.10.2020 - 31.10.2020 resided at the University Slavonski Brod, Croatia as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report CIII-BA-1402-01-1920-M-141074

19.   From 05.10.2020 - 21.10.2020. resided at the Polytechnic of Rijeka, Croatia as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report CIII-BA-1402-01-1920-M-135826

20.   From 11/25/2019 - 1/30/2019. resided at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Materials and Technology Sciences in Trnava, Slovakia as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report CIII-RO-0202-13-1920-M-132950,

21.   From 27.05.2019 - 31.5.2019. resided at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Materials and Technology Sciences in Trnava, Slovakia as a visiting professor, Teacher Mobility Report CIII-RO-0202-12-1819-M-129431,

22.   From 06/03/2018 - 06/10/2018. stayed at the Technical Faculty in Cluj Napoca, Romania as Visiting Professor, Teacher Mobility Report, CIII-RO-0202-11-1718-M-113365,

23.   From 11.10.2016 - 11.11.2016. stayed at the Technical Faculty in Cluj Napoca, Romania as Visiting Professor, Teacher Mobility Report, CIII-RO-0202-10-1617-M-97511,

24.   From 01.3.2016 - 31.3.2016. resided at the Technical Faculty in Cluj Napoca, Romania as a visiting professor, CIII-RO-0202-9-1516-M-93007,

25.   From 23.11.2015 to 27.11.2015. resided at the University of Saint Istvan, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Hungary as a visiting professor, CIII-RO-0202-09-1516—86573,

26.   From 23.11.2015 to 27.11.2015. resided at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Technical Faculty in Hunedoara, Romania as a visiting professor, CIII-RS-0304-05-1213-M-61950,

27.   From 01.05.2015 to 31.05.2015. resided at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Technical Faculty in Hunedoara, Romania as a visiting professor, CIII-RS-0304-05-1112-M-51367,

28.   From 01.04.2010 to 30.04.2010. resided at the Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Republic as a visiting professor, CIII-RS-0304-02-0910-M-36409,

29.   From 01.11.2010 to 30.11.2010. resided at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Technical Faculty in Hunedoara, Romania as a visiting professor, CIII-RS-0304-03-1011-M-40609,

30.   From 04.10.2010 to 30.10.2010. resided at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovakia as a visiting professor, CIII-RS-0304-02-0910-M-35763,

31.   From 01.14.2009 to 30.12.2009. resided at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Technical Faculty in Hunedoara, Romania as a visiting professor, CIII-RS-0304-02-0910-M-31121,

32.   From 01.12.2009 to 31.12.2009. resided at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Technical Faculty in Hunedoara, Romania as a visiting professor, CIII-RS-0304-02-0910-M-31121,

33.   From 01.04.2009 to 30.04.2009. resided at the Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Technical Faculty in Hunedoara, Romania as a visiting professor, CIII-RS-0304-01-0809-M-27540,
Visiting professor at universities in the countries formed on the territory of the former Yougoslavia
1.       From 06/15/2019 - 06/25/2019 resided at the Higher Polytechnic School, Subotica, Serbia as Visiting Professor, Teacher Mobility Report, CIII-RO-0202-12-1819-M-124852,

2.       From 14/05/2018 - 31/05/2018 resided at the Higher Polytechnic School, Subotica, Serbia as Visiting Professor, Teacher Mobility Report, CIII-RO-0202-11-1718-M-117456,

3.       From 01.06.2012 to 30.6.2012. resided at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering as a visiting professor, CIII-RS-0304-04-1112-M-50730,

4.       From 01.06.2011 to 30.06.2011. resided at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering as a visiting professor, CIII-RS-0304-03-1011-M-44357,

5.       From 01.05.2010 to 30.05.2010. resided at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,

6.       From 01.11.2009 to 30.11.2009. resided at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering as a visiting professor, CIII-RS-0304-02-0910-M-33035,
Visiting professor at universities in the Republika Srpska or the Federation of BiH
The University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering East Sarajevo and Faculty of Industrial Management Trebinje, employed from 2009 to 2017 at 50%.
Other forms of international cooperation (conferences, gatherings, workshops, education in

1.      ICAS 2024, member of the Scientific Committee, May, 2024, University VITEZ, Faculty of Information Technology, University VITEZ

2.      KOD conference, member of the Scientific Committee, International Conference on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering, International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science, http://www.kod.ftn.uns.ac.rs/proceedings.html, University of Novi Sad, May, 2019 till now

3.      Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Members of Editorial Board, https://science.lpnu.ua/ujmems/editorial-board,  DOI: 10.23939/ujmems, ISSN: 2411-8001 (Print), 2415-7236 (Online), 2015 till now

4.      Romanian Journal ANNALS of FACULTY ENGINEERING HUNEDOARA, Members of Editorial and Scientific Board, https://annals.fih.upt.ro/scientific-committee.html, ISSN: 1584-2665 (printed editions, in two fascicules), ISSN: 1584-2673 (CD-ROM edition, in two fascicules), ISSN: 2601-2332 (online, all four fascicules), ISSN-L: 1584-2665, International Journal of Engineering, from 2013 to now.

5.      Romanian Journal ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering, Member of Editorial and Scientific Board, https://acta.fih.upt.ro/scientific-committee.html, is accredited and ranked in the B+ category, e-ISSN: 2067-3809 (online editions, in four fascicules), Commenced publication year: 2013 till now

6.      DEMI conference, member of the Scientific Committee, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN 978-9976-11-04-8, https://demi.mf.unibl.org/archive/, 2015 till 2022.

7.      ICAS 2023, member of the Scientific Committee, May, 2023, University of Timisoara, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara

8.      ICAS 2022, Coordinator and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference, Conference Program, http://icas.science/, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, http://icas.science/.

9.      EMING 2021, Coordinator and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference, Conference Program, May 26-28, 2021, Resita, Romania,  https://uem.ro/manifestari-stiintifice-studentesti/,

10.  GENERAL_ASSEMBLY_of_WBAA, General Assembly - online event - on March, 20th 2021, https://www.western-balkans-alumni.eu/, 

11.   Organized by V4+WB RMA Network, webinar “From H2020 to Horizon Europe – main changes and different emphases in HE”, https://hetfa.eu/2021/02/webinar-series-for-research-managers-to-be-launched-in-february/,  was held on February 24, 2021

12.   Organized by the University of Sarajevo and the Bosnia and Herzegovina-American Academy of Sciences and Arts (BHAAAS), https://bhaaas.org/, a round table on "Research and Development Perspectives at Universities" was held on February 22, 2021.

13.   WBBA online event “WB countries and e-learning in the COVID 19 situation”, https://www.western-balkans-alumni.eu/.  

14.   DEMI 2021, member of the Scientific  Committee, May, 2021, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

15.   ICAS 2021, Coordinator and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference, Conference Program, http://icas.science/, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, http://icas.science/.

16.   ICAS 2020, Coordinator and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference, Conference Program, http://icas.science/, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, http://icas.science/.

17.   DEMI 2019, member of the Organizing Committee, May, 2019, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, No. 16 / 3.2419 / 18.

18.   ICAS 2019, coordinator and member of the scientific committee of the conference, Timisoara Polytechnic University, Conference program, http://icas.science/.

19.   STED 2019, member of scientific committee International conference on social and technological development, University PIM Banja Luka,  https://stedconference.com/index.php/proceedings/, 2019

20.   WBAA WBAA Project Team Meeting, Skopje, Northern Macedonia, 2019   


21.   WBAA Founding Assembly in Tirana, Albania, Western Balkans Alumni Association, 2019. https://www.western-balkans-alumni.eu/western-balkans-alumni-association-celebrates-its-first-general-assembly-march-14-16th-2019/,

22.   Faculty of Technology and WBAA workshop "Learning and encouraging students of technical sciences to participate in European exchange programs", https://tf.unibl.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/WBAA-workshop-agenda.pdf ,,2019.

23.   ICAS 2018, coordinator, member, organizing committee, University of Banja Luka, number: 16 / 3.2109 / 17, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,  http://icas.science/ .

24.   ICAS 2018, coordinator, University of Banja Luka, Timisoara Polytechnic University, Conference program,  http://icas.science/ ,

25.   ICAS 2018, President of the Organizing Committee and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference, http://icas.science / .

26.   Horizon 2020 Proposal Writing Days, Banja Luka, 2018.

27.   Horizon 2020 workshop, Banja Luka, April 2018. 

28.   Horizon 2020 workshop in Mostar Technology Park, 2017 

29.   Work on the Erasmus + Ka2 program Capacity Building, “Hub for European Leaders of Projects, HELP”, did not pass the project, 2017. 

30.   ICAS 2017, Vice President and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference, http://icas.science/.

31.   DEMI 2017, member of the Organizing Committee, May 2017. Number. 16 / 3.2419 / 18, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, demi.rs.ba/2017.

32.   DEMI 2017, member of the Organizing Committee, May 2017, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Conference Program.

33.   DEMI 2013, member of the Organizing Committee, May 2013, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Conference Program.

34.   DEMI 2010, member of the Organizing Committee, May 2010, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Conference program.

35.   Organization of the arrival of the owner of Die Berater, Holger Bienzle for a two-day stay. During his stay, he met with the Minister of Science and Technology, Vice-Rector of the University of Banja Luka, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Pedagogical Institute of Republika Srpska, 2017.

36.  ERASMUS KA2 + Capacity Building "Building Engineering Skills in new Technologies (BEST)", the project did not pass, 2016.

37.  ERASMUS KA2 + Knowledge Alliances "VIRTUAL JOINT LABORATORIES FOR INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES ViLabTech", did not pass the project, 2016.

38.   DEMI 2013, member of the Organizing Committee, May 2013, No. 16 / 3.51 / 13, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

39.   DEMI 2010, member of the Organizing Committee, May 2010, No. 01-797 / 10, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

40.   Work on the new study program "Business Informatics", with the Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka, 2016.

41.   WORKSHOP "Preparing Proposals for Call 7", (2010), HGK - Croatian Chamber of Commerce ZAGREB, CROATIA

42.   WORKSHOP Training Workshop “FP 7 THE HIGHWAY TO EUROPEAN RESEARCH”, (2010), Hotel Bosna, Banja Luka

43.   The eChallenges e ‐ 2010 Conference & Exhibition takes place 27 - 29 October in Warsaw, Poland, coinciding with Chopin's 200th Anniversary

44.   Forum on Research for Innovation in ICT for the Western Balkan Countries, 2009

45.   Information day FP7 ICT‐ Call 8 AIDRS Banja Luka

46.   Towards 2020: New Horizons for RTD and Innovation in the Western Balkan Region ”WBC -

INCO.NET Final Conference & Brokerage Event "March 27/28, 2014, Vienna

47.   Modification of the front panel of the military radio device RU3, 1988.

48.   Modification of the front panel of the military radio RU30, 1993.

49.   Work on the front panel of the frequency hopping device RU30 S, 1989.

50.   Communication with RU3 radio via detachable front panel connected by PTK cable, via cyclic codes, 1988.

51.   Technical improvement "Package for automatic testing of radio devices UNIV, reg. Br. 229,

Professional Electrical Engineering, 1989

52.   Technical Improvement, "Microprocessor Development System 6805E2", reg. Br. 343,

Professional Electrical Engineering, 1989

53.   Development of a device for mutual communication in a tank, UMR, 1988.

54.   2003, Education project with the Employment Bureau of Republika Srpska and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka, Education of 20 people each from the office Kotor Varoš, Laktaši, Banja Luka, Gradiška, Prnjavor, Training in MS OFFICE

55.   AURA, a Software package for Financial and Material Accounting, Universal company, original program, 1994.

56.   FIKS, a Software package for Financial and Material Accounting, Eurohem company, original program, 1994.

57.   KOKS, a Software package for Financial and Material Accounting, company Glas Srpske, original program, 1995.

58.   BASIC, Software package for Financial and Material Accounting, company

Unicep, original program, 1995
Co-mentor of the commission for the defense of the doctoral dissertation
1.       Zgripcea Laurentiu, "Research on improving the quality of welding of low alloy steels", Polytechnic University of Timisoara, 2019.

2.       Lupu Oana Izabela, "Small waste recovery resulted in the preparation and processing of steel", Polytechnic University of Timisoara, 2019.

3.       Cristina Daniela, “Research on the influence of the structure and characteristics of the metal load over specific consumption and the quality of steel produced in electric arc furnaces”, Polytechnic University of Timisoara, 2016.

4.       Mehmed Arnautović, "Implementation and administration of open source programs and tools in information technologies and systems", University of Bihać, 2014.

5.       Damir Dračić, "Unified development of transactional information systems using the method" Globally integrated language extreme 13 ", Apeiron University in Banja Luka, 2013.
Mentoring a candidate for a second cycle degree
1.      Sikanjic Goran "Information systems in the function of automating the process of conducting bankruptcy proceedings in the Republic of Srpska", University of Apeiron, 2014.

2.      Džemal Kurić "Design of information systems based on GIS platform, with the use of modern CASE tools", University of Apeiron, 2014.

3.      Slobodan Majstorović "Application of computers in mathematics teaching", NUBL University, 2010.
Member of the commission for the defense of the work of the second cycle
1.       Mirsad Musić, “Artificial intelligence in education and next-generation networks”, 2024

2.       Bojan Mišić, "Automation of the process of palletizing finished products on technological lines of toilet paper using an industrial robot", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, 2019

3.       Darijo Dujakovic , “Automatic object identification using RFID technology ", 2014.

4.       Dana Koruga “Digital marketing is the function of attracting users of banking services and business success of banks”, Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka, University of Banja Luka, 2013

Chairman of the commission for the final work of the first cycle

2.       Elmina Selman, “The future of mobile learning: Predictions and trends for the further development of mobile technologies in education”, 2024



5.       Harisa Jurić, “Analyzing the Effectiveness of Mobile Learning Applications: The Rise of Mobile E-Learning”, 2024



8.       Danilo Rakita, "PROFINET network according to the requirements of the Internet of Things", Banja Luka, 2020

9.       Nenad Aleksić, "Service robotics, conceptual solutions and application", Banja Luka, 2020.

10.    Nemanja Duronjić, "Automation of block warehouses with the system" AUTOSTORE ", Banja Luka, 2020

11.    Lana Malić, "Implementation of industrial robots for painting applications", Banja Luka, 2020.

12.    Vesna Bubić, "Designing a home alarm installation", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Banja Luka, 2020.

13.    Lazar Simić, Assembly automation using robots ", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Banja Luka, 2020.

14.    Branko Ćulibrk, "Basic principles of electrohydraulic systems", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Banja Luka, 2019.

15.    Verica Beronja, "Analysis of the system of commissioning goods in warehouses", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Banja Luka, Banja Luka, 2019.

16.    Duško Milojica, "Development and application of collaborative robots", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2019.

17.    Dragan Rodić, "Protection on mechanical presses for metal processing", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Banja Luka, 2015.

18.    Predrag Milovanović, "System for programming complex MIG welding regimes in Motoman robots in the Inform programming language", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, 2014.

19.    Danijela Kojadinović, “Electronic waste recycling”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Banja Luka, 2011.

20.    Darko Rauš, "Ergonomic aspects of protection of workers working with computers", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Banja Luka, 2011.

21.    Bojan Brkić, “Comparison of JPEG and PNG digital image formats”, BLC College Banja Luka, 2011.

22.    Duško Ružičić, “Design of electromechanical positional system with a controlled jerk”, “Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Banja Luka, 2011.

23.    Nemanja Gavranović, "Robot cell simulation using the MotoSIM software package", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2011.

24.    Mirković Milenko, "Influence of hazardous substances on the working environment", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2010.

25.    Dragan Perić, “The Use of Business Intelligence Tools as a Contemporary Trend in Knowledge Management”, BLC college, 2006.

26.    Dalibor Pančić, “Implementation of the CDS / ISIS Library Information System on the BLC Library”, BLC college, 2006.

27.    Rade Vojvodić, “Structural system analysis of the work of the student service of the faculty”, BLC college, 2006.

28.    Esad Delić Ibukić, “Methods of Attack and Defense of the Information System”, 2006.

29.    Edin Tiro, E-GOVERNMENT “Internet Basis for Development”, BLC college, 2006.
Mentoring of candidates for the final work of the first cycle

2.      Milica Vujic, "Designing accounting information systems based on SAP's specialized software", University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Economics, Banja Luka, 2015.

3.      Branka Stanojevic, "Development and design of an accounting information system with a practical example", University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Economics, Banja Luka 2014.

4.      Velimir Jovisic, “Computer-supported intelligent mobility robot movement on the example of the Lego-NX robot“ T ”, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2014.

5.      Branković Branka, "Development of Information Systems in the Function of Improving Business Operations", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka, 2011.

6.      Igor Primorac, “Customer Relationship Service Information System Development Project Management”, 2008

7.      Svjetlana Gavrić, “Information system design in a pilot factory for the production and processing of plastics”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka, 2008.

8.      Radmilo Pantić, "Creating a successful web presentation for the B2B model of electronic business", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka, 2008.

9.      Vladan Cvijetić, “Public Key Infrastructure”, 2007.

10.   Maniša Pećo, “New software technologies in user interface development”, WPF (Windows presentation foundation), 2007.

11.   Dubravka Orlić, “Internet education and tools for internet education”, 2007.

12.   Milan Banika, “Planning and Implementation of Active Directory Infrastructure, Domain Controller and Digital Certificates in windows2003 server”, 2007.

13.   Gordana Malešević, “Videoconferencing as the Basis of Internet Education”, 2007.

14.   Boris Damjanović, “Standards, theoretical assumptions and advanced tools as a way to improve the quality of information systems, 2007.

15.   Šurlan Branko, “M ‐ COMMERC, Defining the B2E Business Model”, 2007.

16.   Sani Savić, “Public Administration Reform and Informatization in BiH”, 2007.

17.   Dušica Savić, "Advanced tools for improving the development of financial-accounting information system", 2007.

18.   Duško Gajanović, "Multimedia presentation of BLC", 2006.

19.   Adnan Čečo, “Application of Information Technologies in Justice”, 2006.

20.   Nebojša Predojević, “Example of object-based information system analysis and design using UML, 2006

21.   Nerol Hajdarević, “Advanced tools for information systems design”, 2006.
Member of the commission of candidates for the final work of the first cycle
1.       Vesna Kovačević, “ Protection sistems on thi chips production line“, Banja Luka, 2021

2.       Igor Šebez, "Insulation masks", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Banja Luka, 2020.

3.       Rada Kovač, "Reconstruction of a flexible robotic cell for processing and palletizing of the stator winding", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, 2019.

4.       Dragan Stamenić, "Conceptual design of apkant press", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, 2018.

5.       Igor Zlatković, "Design and simulation of a robotic cell with the CIROS robotic software package", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, 2018.

6.       Goran Šipka, "Design of the control system of the line for painting and drying pipes", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, 2016.

7.       Goran Bjelajac, "Designing a mobile robot that avoids obstacles", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, 2015.

8.       Filip Stanić, "Three-axis camera stabilizer", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, 2015.

9.       Boris Dmitrović. "Climate management within greenhouses for vegetable production", 2014, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka

10.   Bojan Maljurić, “Design and construction of a self-balancing robot”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, 2013.

11.   Sergej Janković, “Realization of a hardware signal simulator for robot operation in a robot cell”, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, 2013.

12.   Dejana Knežević, "Automation of the production process in the food industry", Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Banja Luka, 2011.

13.   Milena Hrvaćanin, “Investment Banking”, BLC college, 2006.

14.   Hamdo Makul, “Application of SPAC 535C feeder terminal in Automation”, “, BLC college, 2006.

15.   Darko Vejnović, “E-learning system and approach to learning with the help of LMS Moodle”, 2006.

Accreditation like external evaluator  for  Romanian agency ARACIS, member of HEA in Commission of the University, Doctoral Scholls Study Programs 
1.       Commission for accreditation Doctoral school of Electrical and Energy Engineering for University of Craiova, Romania, ARACIS agency, member of HEA, 2021

2.       Commission for accreditation Doctoral school of Electrical and Energy Engineering for The “Valahia” University of Târgovişte, Romania, ARACIS agency, member of HEA, 2021

3.       Commission for accreditation Doctoral school of Electrical and Energy Engineering for Dunăreade Jos University in Galaţu, Romania, ARACIS agency, member of HEA,2021

4.       Commission for accreditation Doctoral school of Electrical and Energy Engineering for the University of Iasi, Romania, ARACIS agency, member of HEA,2021

5.       Commission for accreditation Doctoral school of Electrical and Energy Engineering for The "Ferdinand I" Military Technical Academy, Romania, 2021
Licensing Commission of the University, Study Programs and Colleges of the Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Licensing Expert of the Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina)
1.       Commission for  accreditation University of Tuzla, Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No: 05-33-1-390-4-20, from 5.01.2020. god. , watch on  web link:



2.       Commission for licensing the first cycle of the academic study program Information Technology at the University of Synergy in Bjeljina, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, no. 07.050-612-18-01 / 18, 2018.

3.       Commission for licensing the first cycle of the academic study program Information Technology Engineering at the Pan-European University "Apeiron" from Banja Luka, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number. 07.050-612-7 / 18, 2018.

4.       Commission for licensing the first cycle of the academic study program Occupational Safety and Fire Protection for the College "CMS - Center for Multidisciplinary Studies" from Tuzla, (2016), Ministry of Education and Culture, no. UP1-10 / 1-38-011616-3 / 16, 2016.

5.       Commission for licensing the first cycle of the academic study program Computer and Information Technology at the College of Information Technology, Economics and Entrepreneurship, (2016), Ministry of Education and Culture of Republika Srpska, number: 07.050 / 612-183-1 / 15, 2016.

6.       Commission for licensing the first cycle of the academic study program Computer and Information Technology at the College of Information Technology, Economics and Entrepreneurship, (2016), Ministry of Education and Culture of Republika Srpska, number: 07.050 / 612-183-1 / 15, 2016.

7.       Commission for licensing the first cycle of the academic study program Computer and Information Technology at the College of Information Technology, Economics and Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 07.050 / 612-183-1 / 15, 2016.

8.       Commission for licensing the third cycle of the academic study program Information Systems in Communications and Logistics at the Faculty of Transportation in Doboj, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, no. 07.05 / 612-191-5-2 / 14, 2015

9.       Commission for licensing the first cycle of the academic study program Computer and Information Science, Department of Software Engineering, Primus High School, Gradiška, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 07.05 / 612-168 / 14, 2015.

10.   Commission for licensing the second cycle of the academic study program of Computer Science at the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Business Engineering and Management, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 07.05 / 612-184 / 14, 2015.

11.   Commission for licensing the first cycle of the study program Energy at the College "CMS Center for Multidisciplinary Studies", Federation of BiH, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Tuzla Canton, number: 10 / 1-38-015839-3 / 15, 2015 .

12.   Commission for licensing the first cycle of the study program Computer Science and Informatics at the Doboj Business School, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 07.050 / 612-156-1 / 13, 2014.

13.   Commission for licensing the first cycle of the study program Computing and Informatics at the College of Economics and Informatics Prijedor, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 07.050 / 612-188-2 / 13, 2013.

14.   Commission for licensing changes in the first cycle of the academic study program Teacher Informatics at the Pan-European University Apeiron, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 07.023 / 612-3 / 2013-1, 2013.

15.   Licensing Commission for the first cycle of the academic study program Business Informatics at the Prometej College of Applied and Legal Sciences, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 07.023 / 612-504 / 11, 2012.

16.   Commission for licensing the first cycle of the study program of Computer and Information Science at the Primus High School, Gradiška, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 07.023 / 612-5-1 / 11, 2012.

17.   Commission for licensing the second cycle of the study program of Modern Information Technology at the Faculty of Business Informatics, University of Synergy, Bjeljina, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 07.023 / 612-336-2 / 11, 2011.

18.   Second Cycle Licensing Commission Business Informatics, Apeiron University in Banja Luka, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 07.023 / 612-193-2 / 11, 2011.

19.   Commission for licensing the first cycle of the study program Computer Science and Informatics, at the University of Synergy in Bijeljina, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 07.023 / 612-247-1 / 10, 2010.

20.   Commission for licensing the first cycle of the study program of Computer Science, at the University of Business Engineering in Banja Luka, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, number: 07.023 / 612-398 / 10, 2010.

21.   Commission for licensing the second cycle of academic studies and study programs Electrical Power Engineering, Automation and Electronics, Computer Engineering and Informatics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo, Ministry of Education and Culture of Republika Srpska, no. 07.023 / 602-4691 / 09, 2009.

22.   Commission for licensing the first cycle of study programs in Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and the study program of the Technical-Energy course at the University



I know and use all applications MS OFFICE, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, programming languages ​​SQL, C ++, Java, JavaScript, Html, SWISH, PHP, Visual Basic and Payton

D. Nedelcu, T. Latinovic, L. Sikman

The paper presents a PyDigitizer application designed to extract numerical coordinates of existing curves from image format. The application is created in the Python programming language and offers the possibility of manual extraction of curve coordinates, intersection of curves with user-specified abscissa or ordinate, generation of polynomial regression equations of curves. All generated information (coordinates, intersection points, regression curves) can be exported to Microsoft Excel. Also, point coordinates of Excel curves can be loaded into PyDigitizer to obtain polynomial regression curves or intersections.

L. Sikman, T. Latinovic, N. Sarajlic, G. Sikanjic

Modern business systems have the expectations and requirements of users and stakeholders for safer and better services that are constantly growing. The increasing use of information technology in business increases the threats and vulnerabilities to which information resources are exposed, which causes an increase in information risks. Many business institutions must constantly monitor their activities to establish an organized and sustainable information security management system and services. The requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 27001 and the generally accepted COBIT management framework are important for the application of such a system. The paper presents a model of a sustainable information security management system (ISMS) at universities.

M. Todic, V. Golubović-Bugarski, M. Merdanić, T. Latinovic

During the operation of each machine, the deformation and stress state of its supporting structure is directly related to the load. The load intensity ranges from the minimum to the maximum value and is a function of nominal force, torque, and kinematic-dynamic values of moving and executive assemblies during the machine operation process. The intensity of deformations is also a function of the shape and type of the supporting structure. However, although the supporting structure is reliable, which refers to its integrity, the production of a quality workpiece (product) does not have to be reliable. Therefore, it is important that the deformation states of the supporting structure be in the appropriate tolerance field, regardless of the intensity of the load. If the intensity of deformations is outside a certain field, it will directly affect the quality of the workpiece that is made on the subject machine. It is known that load-bearing structures can be of open and closed types, load-bearing structures of closed type are used for higher loads and larger workpiece dimensions. By installing sensors on the elements of the supporting structure with accompanying measuring chains in real-time, the deformation state of certain elements or places on the supporting structure can be monitored, based on which the reliable quality of the workpiece can be influenced.

Ljilja Sikman, T. Latinovic

: Several methodologies based on the international standard ISO/IEC 27001 have been developed for modelling information security management systems within higher education. This paper transformed the ISO/IEC 27001 standard into a questionnaire, which was sent digitally to about 100 universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to the EU, Norway and the USA. The questions are arranged by levels, and the levels have their numerical weights, derived from individual questions in the levels themselves. Otherwise, the questions are asked with Yes or No and thus are reduced to binary variables. The rules necessary for the functioning of the system have been calculated. The fuzzy logic method represents a new approach to the problems of managing complex systems, which is very difficult to describe with a certain mathematical model, as well as in systems with a large number of inputs and outputs where there are unclear interactions. Risk assessment is a major part of the ISMS process. Traditional risk calculation models are based on the application of probability and classical set theory. Here, we have converted the risk assessment into a system rating of 5 to 10 numerically or from five to ten descriptively. We perform fuzzy optimization by finding the values of the input parameters of a complex simulated system, which results in the desired output. We use the fuzzy logic controller to execute fuzzy inference rules from the fuzzy rule database in determining congestion parameters, obtaining warning information and appropriate action. Simulating the situation of an advanced system that evaluates the protection quality of such a system with fuzzy logic, we use MATLAB. The paper combines the original Visual Basic programming language and MATLAB's Fuzzy Toolbox, to solve the complex problem of assessing compliance with the ISO/IEC 27001 standard, as one of the main standards for information systems security modelling. University information systems were used, but it is also applicable to all other information systems. The evaluation has been done for several universities and it has been proven that the system evaluates correctly, but these universities must not be publicly named. There was no such approach in the use of fuzzy logic and on such systems, and that is the originality of this work.

D. Nedelcu, T. Latinovic

The paper describes the PyChart module (aimed at analysis and visual view of 2D/3D Charts), which was created with the help of free and Open Source resources, using Python as a programming language and wx.Python as a graphical user interface toolkit. The chart data is imported from a Excel/CSV file with a template structure and is drawn in the PyChart module as XY or XYZ curves similar with Excel scatter with smooth lines and markers style. The main functions of the charts are activated using the toolbar. The module is provided with zooming instruments (fit, pan, zoom in, zoom out), cubic spline curves interpolation, chart intersection with constant X, Y or Z values, visual follow of the 2D chart points to view coordinates, export of data in Windows Clipboard, Excel or Microsoft Word format and saving the chart as a image file.

T. Latinovic, C. Barz, A Pop Vadean, G. Sikanjic, L. Sikman

Speaking of the biggest innovations for the manufacturing industry of the day, we are talking about intelligent production systems with “self-aware”, “self-contemplative and” self-sustaining “capabilities. Building such an intelligent system that is adapted and predictable provides the aforementioned capabilities in production, processes and machines. The intelligent system is able to combine various technologies and techniques for mixing statistical data, data, and artificial intelligence methods. Cigarette production is selected because it is highly serial. In such production, the use of expert systems in quality management in this area is not sufficiently developed, and with direct management, it generates great savings. Mistakes and errors are inversely proportional to productivity. This paper deals with the application of an intelligent system that uses the key principle of lean production. We need to build an adaptive system for predictive error and reduce the machine’s failure time in the cigarette industry.

T. Latinovic, D. Preradovic, C R Barz, A. Pop Vadean, M. Todic

The aim of the paper is establishing a link between Big Data connected with Industry 4.0. We are developing a modern economy which is based on supply chains and logistics. Within each logistics are IT solutions. Some of the world’s solutions are compiled in this paper and guidelines are set in the development of such solutions. Industry development 4.0, and in particular the development of Big data, gives us the possibility to introduce new ways of the industry. In the development of industry, maximizing production and reducing costs is extremely important. Real-time data and advanced algorithms give us the possibility to obtain real-time operational industry. Big data and their analysis are of great use in the industry because they improve the accuracy of the decision-making process. We must organize a structure that can design, manage and develop projects based on IoT and Big Data / Analytics technologies. In the industry, good sensor technology provides access to information. The paper has a focus on the managing the database with Big data in the Industry 4.0.

M. Todic, T. Latinovic, V. Golubović-Bugarski, A. Majstorović

Charging the bottle of high pressure air isolation devices is performed by a high-pressure compressor. The charging time is in function of the compressor capacity and the intensity of the nominal pressure of the air in the bottle. However, in accident situations this time is long and therefore high-pressure accumulators are used where the filling time of the bottle of isolation apparatus has been drastically reduced. Due to the short filling time of the bottle through the air flow, there is a thermodynamic load of bottle material that could endanger the safety of users and other participants in the area. It is therefore necessary to determine the critical parameters of the rapid charge and their intensity.

T. Latinovic, S. Kalabic, C R Barz, P. Paul Petrica, A. Pop-Vǎdean

This paper analyzes the influence of the Doppler Effect on the length of time to establish synchronization pseudorandom sequences in radio communications systems with an expanded spectrum. Also, this paper explores the possibility of using secure wireless communication for modular robots. Wireless communication could be used for local and global communication. We analyzed a radio communication system integrator, including the two effects of the Doppler signal on the duration of establishing synchronization of the received and locally generated pseudorandom sequence. The effects of the impact of the variability of the phase were analyzed between the said sequences and correspondence of the phases of these signals with the interval of time of acquisition of received sequences. An analysis of these impacts is essential in the transmission of signal and protection of the transfer of information in the communication systems with an expanded range (telecommunications, mobile telephony, Global Navigation Satellite System GNSS, and wireless communication). Results show that wireless communication can provide a safety approach for communication with mobile robots.

P. Pop, A. Pop-Vǎdean, C. Barz, T. Latinovic, O. Chiver

Our article monitors the degree of emotional involvement of the audience in the action film in theaters by measuring the concentration of CO2. The software performs data processing obtained dispersion sensors and displays data during the film. The software will also trigger the start of the air conditioning condenser where we can get harvesting energy by installing a piezoelectric device. Useful energy can be recovered from various waste produced in cinema. The time lag between actions and changes in environmental systems determines that decisions made now will affect subsequent generations and the future of our environment.


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