The aim of this prospective study is to record the presence of Candida albicans yeast in geriatric population, and to compare the results between denture wearers and non-wearers, in order to evaluate the role of dentures as factor influencing the Candidal growth. We performed oral examination on 217 institutionalized elderly people living in hospice "Sv. Josip" in Zagreb, recorded the data regarding oral health and collected detailed information on denture wearing status. Furthermore, we performed oral smears for Candidal cultures ; cultivated on Sabouraud's dextrose agar ("Emmon's") on 37 C for 48 hrs and counted the Candidal colonies. Collected data were stored in the database created for this purpose in "Microsoft Access 2ooo". The number of Candidal colonies from denture wearers and non-wearers were compared (Man-Whitney U test, p
Oral melanoma (OM) occurs from activated or genetically altered epidermal melanocytes. There is no scientific evidence that OM can be linked to physical, chemical and thermal irritation, or to other risk factors of the oral cavity. According to fi gures from various countries, OM accounts for 0.2% to 7.5% ( Japan) of all cases of melanoma of the skin and mucous membrane. The male to female ratio of OM is 2:1. About 80% of OMs are located in the mucosa of the palate and maxillary gingiva. This paper presents two cases of oral mucosal melanoma of the upper and lower lips in women aged 62 and 59 years. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapy are reported.
OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was the quantification of alveolar bone resorption as well as the number and percentage of teeth with dental caries. MATERIALS AND METHODS Four samples of jaws and single teeth were studied from four time periods, i.e. from the Krapina Neanderthals (KN) who reportedly lived over 130,000 years ago, and groups of humans from the 1(st), 10(th) and 20(th) centuries. Resorption of the alveolar bone of the jaws was quantified by the tooth-cervical-height (TCH) index. Diagnosis of dental caries was made by inspection and with a dental probe. TCH-index was calculated for a total of 1097 teeth from 135 jaws. Decay was calculated for a total of 3579 teeth. RESULTS Resorptive changes of the alveolar bone in KN and 1(st) century man were more pronounced on the vestibular surface than interdentally (p<0.05), while no significant difference could be confirmed for 10(th) and 20(th) century man (p=0.1). The number (percentage) of decayed teeth was 0 (0%, n=281 teeth) in KN, 15 (1.7%; n=860 teeth) in 1(st) century, 24 (3.4%; n=697 teeth) in 10(th) century, and 207 (11.9%, n=1741 teeth) in 20(th) century. CONCLUSION On the basis of our results it may be postulated that in contemporary man in relation to KN, the accumulation of plaque pathogens in the interdental space is substantially greater than on the vestibular side. These findings have practical, educational and preventive value for oral hygiene improvement, especially of the interdental space, which should help decrease the prevalence of periodontal disease and dental caries, and improve oral as well as general health.
Objectives were to measure labial alveolar resorption using Lamendin's method; to correlate the measured values of resorption with age at death; to determine whether age influences alveolar resorption, and if so, to quantify this impact. The study was performed during the 1992-1995 period in identified war casualties in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data on the date, month and year of birth, and on the month and year of death were known in all cases. Measurements were carried out in 845 anterior monoradicular maxillary and mandibular teeth from male bodies (n=198) aged 23-69, divided into five age groups of 23-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60-69 years. Teeth with macroscopic pathologic lesions were excluded from analysis. Lamendin's method was used to measure the alveolar bone level on the labial aspect of the extracted teeth. Results are presented in tables. Regression analysis was used to determine the alveolar resorption increase with age. Results are also presented by the factor of alveolar resorption, where the youngest age group was divided by older age groups. In the total sample of 845 teeth, alveolar bone level of up to 3.49 mm was recorded in 740 (87.76%), of 3.50-5.99 mm in 99 (11.79%), and of > 6.00 mm in 6 (0.71%) teeth. In anterior monoradicular teeth, labial alveolar resorption increased with age and showed a regular age dependent pattern toward older age groups in mandibular but not in maxillary teeth. A > 6-mm pocket was very rarely recorded. Study results contribute to clinical practice, demonstrating that periodontology is a preventive discipline in dental medicine.
Alergijska reakcija na lokalne anestetike vrlo je rijetka. Ona je suspektna kod stomatoloskih bolesnika s iskustvom neželjene reakcije na aplicirani anestetik. Simptomi reakcija na lokalne anestetike obicno su posljedica vaskularne i neurogene reakcije, a manifestiraju se kao bljedoca, znojenje, povracanje, pad arterijskog tlaka i bradikardija. Sve to može dovesti do uznemirenosti, anksiozne reakcije i gubitka svijesti. Prevelika kolicina te intravenozna aplikacija anestetika, isto tako mogu prouzrociti neželjene reakcije. Prije lokalne intraoralne aplikacije anestetika mora se obaviti aspiracija kako bismo bili sigurni da nismo u krvnoj žili. Kod neželjenih reakcija pacijenti mogu reagirati na sadržaje koji se dodaju anestetiku, primjerice na epinefrin koji ima vazokonstriktoran ucinak i djeluje na simpatikus. Imunoloski posredovana, tj. prava alergijska reakcija, cini iznimno mali udjel neželjenih reakcija na lokalne anestetike. Lokalni anestetici prema kemijskom sastavu su esteri benzojeve kiseline i amidi. Esterima benzojeve kiseline pripadaju: prokain, tetrakain, kokain i benzokain. U skupini amida su: lidokain, mepivakain i dibukain. Esteri benzojeve kiseline u rijetkim slucajevima uzrokuju preosjetljivost, a amidi vjerojatno uopce ne. Prava alergija može se javiti na sredstva za stabilnost anestetika, primjerice na bisulfite i parabene. Kod sumnje na alergiju na lokalne anestetike moguca su testiranja uobicajenim alergijskim testovima: skarifikacije, intradermalno, subdermalno, submukozno i, manje pouzdano, testom transformacije limfocita. Tijekom prikupljanja anamnestickih podataka o alergiji na anestetike treba uzeti u obzir sve suspektne elemente i osobna bolesnikova iskustva vezana za stomatolosko lijecenje. Kod nekih bolesnika stomatoloska ordinacija, stomatoloski stolac, brusilica i sama intervencija mogu potaknuti anksioznu ili vazovagalnu reakciju koja se može ciniti poput alergije na aplicirani medikament.
The purpose of this study was to obtain age estimation formulae using the length of periodontosis, transparency of the root and root height in each tooth group for the current male population in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to compare these formulae with Lamendin's and Prince's formulae. The research was undertaken on 847 single rooted teeth from 200 identified deceased persons, individuals who died between the ages of 23 and 85 years. Periodontosis, transparency and root height were measured according to Lamendin's procedure. All teeth were grouped in two ways: according to the tooth groups and to the age groups. The highest coefficients of correlation are obtained for maxillary canines (R = 0,731) and mandibular canines (R = 0,706) and the maxillary lateral incisors showed the lowest mean error (ME = 6,63 years). In age groups, the lowest mean error was obtained in the 40-49 years age group (ME = 5,15 years). Equations developed in this study give statistically significantly better age estimations in comparison to the original Lamendin and Prince formulae for the whole sample as well as for each tooth group, except for mandibular central incisors. Age estimation with models developed for each tooth group (except for mandibular lateral incisors) was statistically significantly better than models based on the whole sample.
Poglavlje udžbenika koje se bavi oralnim fokalnim infekcijama ; lokalizacijom fokusa, dijagnozom fokalne infekcije i odontogenih žarista, terapijom odontogenih žarista i prevencijom oralnih bolesti.
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