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Zanin Vejzović

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Faik Ćatibušić, Z. Vejzovic

With the progress of technology and mankind, demand for different job positions has emerged. Reports indicating various new job types in the last decade are continuously published, giving us perspective on where we were a decade ago and where we are now. Most of the jobs are created around new technologies, yet not exclusively as jobs within technology production or usage (e.g., machine learning engineers, data scientists, app developers, etc.), but also as a type of jobs built atop of new technologies (e.g., social media manager, podcast producer, content moderator, etc.). With new job types, there is a gap between qualified employees and employers demands created. Taking into consideration trends that we have seen in the last years, more and more new job types will be created, and we can predict that this gap will become larger as time passes.

J. Softić, Z. Vejzovic

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) is an important component of an organization's overall security strategy. VAPT helps identify security vulnerabilities in a computer system, network, or web application, allowing organizations to take corrective measures to address these vulnerabilities and prevent potential security breaches. By conducting regular VAPT, organizations can improve their security posture and reduce the likelihood of successful attacks. In this paper Metasploit was used to show importance of regular vulnerability assessment of critical systems in order to discover vulnerabilities before attacker do it and exploit them. The authors showed Metasploit beside its usage to conduct a vulnerability assessment, it can be utilized by attackers to harm systems. VAPT is not a one-time event, but rather a ongoing process. As new vulnerabilities are discovered and new threats emerge, organizations need to regularly assess their systems to ensure they are protected.

J. Softić, Z. Vejzovic

The study focused on assessing and testing Windows 10 to identify possible vulnerabilities and their ability to withstand cyber-attacks. CVE data, alongside other vulnerability reports, were instrumental in measuring the operating system's performance. Metasploit and Nmap were essential in penetration and intrusion experiments in a simulated environment. The study applied the following testing procedure: information gathering, scanning and results analysis, vulnerability selection, launch attacks, and gaining access to the operating system. Penetration testing involved eight attacks, two of which were effective against the different Windows 10 versions. Installing the latest version of Windows 10 did not guarantee complete protection against attacks. Further research is essential in assessing the system's vulnerabilities are recommending better solutions.

Vanja Ćatić Kuko, Denis Music, Z. Vejzovic, Jasmin Azemovic

In order to support modern business environment, software engineering has a constant tendency to increase productivity and thus the quality of the software. When recruiting, a biography can tell a lot about an individual, about expertise to do a certain job, but that is often not enough. For this reason, a model for prediction of work habits based on personality types has been introduced in this paper. Through the results of the research, by analyzing the employees of the FitSoft company (Bosnia and Herzegovina), a statement has been made of the existence of a certain correlation between the types of personality and the way they perform their tasks. The purpose of testing personality types is to determine how an individual performs their daily activities, and which features give them the advantage of choosing and performing certain jobs. A proposed model for predicting employees’ habits inside agile software teams based on personality estimates should present a clear insight of all factors that are related to employees, their productivity and business results.

Azra Bajramovic, Aida Brkan-Vejzović, Armina Hubana, Jasmin Azemovic, Denis Music, Z. Vejzovic

Druga polovina prošlog vijeka okarakterisana je vrtoglavim razvojem računarskeindustrije koja je ubrzo postala osnovni preduslov razvoja svih sektora privrede.Uzimajući u obzir pomenuto, porasla je i potreba za stručnjacima koji će u segmentuposlovanja biti u stanju povezati tehničke i upravljačke zajednice. Rezultat je biopokretanje studija poslovne informatike, pod tim istim, sličnim ili različitim imenima,najčešće u okviru poslovnih škola kao studij prvog ciklusa. Međutim, razvojem upodručju poslovanja, a pogotovo kompjutinga, u novom mileniju se ovaj studij sve višepojavljuje kao samostalan sa tendencijom da postane ravnopravna organizacijskajedinica unutar hijerarhije univerziteta. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da predstavi teoretskuosnovu kurikuluma i praktičan primjer studija Poslovna informatika koji je rezultatzajedničkog rada Ekonomskog fakulteta i Fakulteta informacijskih tehnologijaUniverziteta „Džemal Bijedić“ u Mostaru.

Ilhan Karić, Z. Vejzovic

This paper proposes a new algorithm for the evaluation of similarity between two sequences in quasilinear time. It describes the theoretical, practical and implementational aspects of the algorithm. The proposed method is a new approach dedicated to the computation of sequential similarity in contrast to other methods like the Jaccard Index which although designed for the computation of similarity of sets have been frequently used on sequences. The method is generalizable and applicable to any form of sequential data of a finite alphabet (binary files, DNA sequences, natural language etc.) One of the problems tackled was the processing of multiple sequences at once, which allowed for quasilinear-time complexity for both search and comparison. The algorithm itself is parallelizable. Although the function is still a pseudo-metric as it doesn't fully satisfy the triangle inequality, it can still compute the distance from one sequence to another. This relation forms as a consequence of the decreasing probability of larger subsequences to form within two sequences without them being correlated. The mathematical model suggests that the contextual similarity of two random sequences approaches zero as their length increases.

Ilhan Karić, Z. Vejzovic, Denis Music, Emina Junuz, Mirza Smajić

Scarlet an Artificial Teaching Assistant is a personal digital assistant that has been developed with main aim to assist students in their learning process by ensuring fast and efficiently search of documents and learning materials. Scarlet is able to give an adequate response to a specific question based on knowledge gathered by an unique algorithm which enables her to recognize context during file and web page content search. After finding the most appropriate answer Scarlet seeks for student feedback in order to improve future search. The metric proposed is based on the power law which occurs in natural language, that is the Zipfian distribution[1]. It is designed to work for any spoken language although it might work on some better than other depending on the nature of the language, the structure, grammar and semantics. The method uses this metric to derive context from data and then queries the data source looking for the best match. The whole implementation is rounded off by a learning module which gives the system a learning curve based on users (students) scoring how relevant the output is among other parameters. All the main algorithms and newly proposed metrics like the “contextual similarity” are presented in the same paper.

Melida Hasanagić, Bajro Sarić, Olivera Batić-Mujanović, A. Beganlić, Z. Vejzovic

Health care system in Bosnia and Herzegovina is undergoing major reforms, including reorganization of primary health care offices from being general medicine in primary health care units into family medicine practices according to European accreditation standards. To be successful, general practitioner’s teams have to acquire new skills and knowledge from the fields of family medicine in order to get close to accreditation standards Twenty general practitioners teams from three Federal cantons conducted medical record clinical revision on diabetes mellitus according to standards provided by Bosnia and Herzegovina Federal Agency for Healthcare Quality and Accreditation. The results of medical records clinical revision on 210 females and 190 males on diabetes mellitus were not satisfactory. Proportion of positive inspection results was the best in the group of blood pressure readings recorded in the record, but the number of patients with foot examination (40%); BMI (39%) and HgbA1C (20,75%) noted in the record during the last year was significantly low comparing to requested standards. Good preparation for future work as family medicine teams who will work under European standards provided by Federal Agency for Healthcare Quality and Accreditation needs continuation of education for doctors in general medicine field and should be recommended as a standard.

E. Humo, Z. Vejzovic

Engineering studies (mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical etc.) it is of great importance to efficiently use available space particulary labs with expensive equipment according to the given time schedule. In order to accomplish this demanding condition this paper propose a mathematical approach to classroom-period schedule optimization. This paper proposes a heuristic mathematical approach to a better use of the available classroom space for a given time table of courses at a university. Model building starts with a definition of two dimensional matrix consisting of of two ordered sets: classroom set and daily period set. In each row (classroom) of the matrix we allocate one, two and three period fragments or the corresponding one, two and three subsets of the considered daily periods set. Then, we introduce the classroom occupation parameter defined for each classroom as ratio of its occupied periods and total available periods. In the paper the defragmentation procedure is defined as relocation of the one, two and three period fragments from their current classroom location to some other classroom location, mantaining always the given courses time table. The defragmentation procedure begins from the classroom with the smallest classroom occupation parameter value moving first three, then two and finally one period fragments to the respective free classroom location with the largest occupation paremeter value. The relocation process continoues until all free classroom location are found. In the paper " A Software Solution For A Mathematical Model of Classroom-Period Schedule Defragmentation ", which should be considered and rewiewed as the second part of this paper, the authors have developed the corresponding computer software for the model. The model and the software are illustrated by applying them to the University of Mostar.


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