
Publikacije (52)

S. Adhikari, G. Kalicy, P. Pauli, J. Price, T. Horn, V. Lyubovitskij, A. Ali, A. Semenov et al.

We propose to create a secondary beam of neutral kaons in Hall D at Jefferson Lab to be used with the GlueX experimental setup for strange hadron spectroscopy. A flux on the order of 3 x 10^4 KL/s will allow a broad range of measurements to be made by improving the statistics of previous data obtained on hydrogen targets by three orders of magnitude. Use of a deuteron target will provide first measurements on the neutron which is {\it terra incognita}. The experiment will measure both differential cross sections and self-analyzed polarizations of the produced {\Lambda}, {\Sigma}, {\Xi}, and {\Omega} hyperons using the GlueX detector at the Jefferson Lab Hall D. The measurements will span c.m. cos{\theta} from -0.95 to 0.95 in the c.m. range above W = 1490 MeV and up to 3500 MeV. These new GlueX data will greatly constrain partial-wave analyses and reduce model-dependent uncertainties in the extraction of strange resonance properties (including pole positions), and provide a new benchmark for comparisons with QCD-inspired models and lattice QCD calculations. The proposed facility will also have an impact in the strange meson sector by providing measurements of the final-state K{\pi} system from threshold up to 2 GeV invariant mass to establish and improve on the pole positions and widths of all K*(K{\pi}) P-wave states as well as for the S-wave scalar meson {\kappa}(800).

A. vSvarc, Y. Wunderlich, H. Osmanovi'c, M. Hadvzimehmedovi'c, R. Omerovi'c, J. Stahov, V. Kashevarov, K. Nikonov et al.

Unconstrained partial-wave amplitudes obtained at discrete energies from fits to complete sets of experimental data may not vary smoothly with energy, and are in principle non-unique. We demonstrate how this behavior can be ascribed to the continuum ambiguity. Starting from the spinless scattering case, we demonstrate how an unknown overall phase depending on energy and angle mixes the structures seen in the associated partial-wave amplitudes making the partial wave decomposition non-unique, and illustrate it on a simple toy model. We then apply these principles to pseudo-scalar meson photoproduction and show that the non-uniqueness effect can be removed through a phase rotation, allowing a consistent comparison with model amplitudes. The effect of this phase ambiguity is also considered for Legendre expansions of experimental observables. 5 pages,

S. Adhikari, H. A. Ghoul, A. Ali, M. Amaryan, E. Anassontzis, A. Anisovich, A. Austregesilo, M. Baalouch et al.

We propose to create a secondary beam of neutral kaons in Hall D at Jefferson Lab to be used with the GlueX experimental setup for strange hadron spectroscopy. A flux on the order of 3×10 KL/s will allow a broad range of measurements to be made by improving the statistics of previous data obtained on hydrogen targets by three orders of magnitude. Use of a deuteron target will provide first measurements on the neutron which is terra incognita. The experiment will measure both differential cross sections and self-analyzed polarizations of the produced Λ, Σ, Ξ, and Ω hyperons using the GlueX detector at the Jefferson Lab Hall D. The measurements will span c.m. cos θ from −0.95 to 0.95 in the c.m. range above W = 1490 MeV and up to 3500 MeV. These new GlueX data will greatly constrain partial-wave analyses and reduce model-dependent uncertainties in the extraction of strange resonance properties (including pole positions), and provide a new benchmark for comparisons with QCD-inspired models and lattice QCD calculations. The proposed facility will also have an impact in the strange meson sector by providing measurements of the final-state Kπ system from threshold up to 2 GeV invariant mass to establish and improve on the pole positions and widths of all K∗(Kπ) P-wave states as well as for the S-wave scalar meson κ(800).

A. Anisovich, V. Burkert, M. Hadžimehmedović, D. Ireland, E. Klempt, V. Nikonov, R. Omerović, A. Sarantsev et al.

. The two reactions γp → K + Λ and π − p → K 0 Λ are analyzed to determine the leading photoproduction multipoles and the pion-induced partial wave amplitudes in slices of the invariant mass. The multipoles and the partial-wave amplitudes are simultaneously fitted in a multichannel Laurent+Pietarinen model (L+P model), which determines the poles in the complex energy plane on the second Riemann sheet close to the physical axes. The results from the L+P fit are compared with the results of an energy-dependent fit based on the Bonn-Gatchina (BnGa) approach. The study confirms the existence of several poles due to nucleon resonances in the region at about 1.9 GeV with quantum numbers J P = 1 / 2 + , 3 / 2 + , 1 / 2 − , 3 / 2 − , 5 / 2 − .

L. Tiator, M. Döring, R. Workman, M. Hadžimehmedović, H. Osmanovi'c, R. Omerovi'c, J. Stahov, A. Švarc

Electromagnetic resonance properties are uniquely defined at the pole and do not depend on the separation of the resonance from background or the decay channel. Photon-nucleon branching ratios are nowadays often quoted at the pole, and we generalize the considerations to the case of virtual photons. We derive and compare relations for nucleon to baryon transition form factors both for the Breit-Wigner and the pole positions. Using the MAID2007 and SAID SM08 partial wave analyses of pion electroproduction data, we compare the ${G}_{M}, {G}_{E}$, and ${G}_{C}$ form factors for the $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Delta}}(1232)$ resonance excitation at the Breit-Wigner resonance and pole positions up to ${Q}^{2}=5\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}{\mathrm{GeV}}^{2}$. We also explore the $E/M$ and $S/M$ ratios as functions of ${Q}^{2}$. For pole and residue extraction, we apply the Laurent + Pietarinen method.

A. vSvarc, M. Hadvzimehmedovi'c, H. Osmanovi'c, J. Stahov, R. Workman

The pole structure of the current GW/SAID partial-wave analysis of elastic $\pi N$ scattering and $\eta N$ production data is studied. Pole positions and residues are extracted from both the energy-dependent and single-energy fits, using two different methods. For the energy-dependent fits, both contour integration and a Laurent+Pietarinen approach are used. In the case of single-energy fits, the Laurent+Pietarinen approach is used. Errors are estimated and the two sets of results are compared to other recent and older fits to data.

A. vSvarc, M. Hadvzimehmedovi'c, H. Osmanovi'c, J. Stahov, L. Tiator, R. Workman

Weappliedanewapproachtodeterminethepolepositionsandresiduesfrompionphotoproductionmultipoles. The method is based on a Laurent expansion of the partial-wave T matrices, with a Pietarinen series representing the regular part of energy-dependent and single-energy photoproduction solutions. The method is applied to multipole fits generated by the MAID and George Washington University SAID (GWU-SAID) groups. We show that the number and properties of poles extracted from photoproduction data correspond very well to results from πN elastic data and values cited by the Particle Data Group (PDG). The photoproduction residues provide new information for the electromagnetic current at the pole position, which are independent of background parametrizations, which is not the case for the Breit-Wigner representation. Finally, we present the photodecay amplitudes from the current MAID and SAID solutions at the pole for all four-star nucleon resonances below W = 2 GeV.

Poles of partial wave scattering matrices in hadron spectroscopy have recently been established as a sole link between experiment and QCD theories and models. Karlsruhe-Helsinki (KH) partial wave analyses have been ``above the line'' in the Review of Particle Physics (RPP) for over three decades. The RPP compiles Breit-Wigner (BW) parameters from local BW fits, but give only a limited number of pole positions using speed plots (SP). In the KH method only Mandelstam analyticity is used as a theoretical constraint, so these partial wave solutions are as model independent as possible. They are a valuable source of information. It is unsatisfactory that BW parameters given in the RPP have been obtained from the KH80 solution, while pole parameters have been obtained from the KA84 version. To remedy this, we have used a newly developed Laurent + Pietarinen expansion method to obtain pole positions for all partial waves for KH80 and KA84 solutions. We show that differences from pole parameters are, with a few exceptions, negligible for most partial waves. We give a full set of pole parameters for both solutions.

A. Švarc, M. Hadžimehmedović, H. Osmanovic, J. Stahov, L. Tiator, R. Workman

We present a new approach to quantifying pole parameters of single-channel processes based on a Laurent expansion of partial-wave T-matrices in the vicinity of the real axis. Instead of using the conventional power-series description of the non-singular part of the Laurent expansion, we represent this part by a convergent series of Pietarinen functions. As the analytic structure of the non-singular part is usually very well known (physical cuts with branch points at inelastic thresholds, and unphysical cuts in the negative energy plane), we find that one Pietarinen series per cut represents the analytic structure fairly reliably. The number of terms in each Pietarinen series is determined by the quality of the fit. The method is tested in two ways: on a toy model constructed from two known poles, various background terms, and two physical cuts, and on several ∞

We present a new approach to quantifying pole parameters of single-channel processes based on Laurent expansion of partial wave T-matrices. Instead of guessing the analytical form of non-singular part of Laurent expansion as it is usually done, we represent it by the convergent series of Pietarinen functions. As the analytic structure of non-singular term is usually very well known (physical cuts with branhcpoints at inelastic thresholds, and unphysical cuts in the negative energy plane), we show that we need one Pietarinen series per cut, and the number of terms in each Pietarinen series is automatically determined by the quality of the t. The method is tested on a toy model constructed from two known poles, various background terms, and two physical cuts, and shown to be robust and condent up to three Pietarinen series. We also apply this method to Zagreb CMB amplitudes for the N(1535) 1/2- resonance, and conrm the full success of the method on realistic data. This formalism can also be used for tting experimental data, and the procedure is very similar as when

E. Jusufovic, B. Prnjavorac, Ermina Iljazović, M. Košnik, D. Keser, P. Korošec, J. Stahov, Edin Zukić et al.

Objective: The primary goal of this study was to determine the difference of abundance of CD4+, CD8+ and CD56+ bronchoalveolar fluid’s lymphocytes and their subpopulations between cancerous lung and healthy lung from the same patient. Methods: Mini-bronchoalveolar lavage was taken from 55 patients from lung with cancer and healthy lung. After laboratory processing and addition of CD4, CD8, CD27, CD28 and CD56 antibody, the material was analyzed by flow cytometer. Results from lung with cancer were compared to the ones from the healthy lung. The examined patients were the test and the control group at the same time. Results: CD27+28+ forms of CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes are more activated in the cancerous lung compared to healthy lung, while the CD27-28- forms are less activated in diseased lung. CD4+ forms of CD56+ lymphocytes are more activated in cancerous lung compared to the health lung, while the CD8+ forms are less activated in diseased lung. Conclusion: Immature helper and cytotoxic T lymphocyte response, as well as regulatory NK and NKT cell response are more activated in cancerous lung compared to the health lung of the same patient.

In Hadzimehmedovicet al.[Phys. Rev. C 84, 035204 (2011)] we have used the Zagreb realization of Carnegie-Melon-Berkeley coupled-channel, unitary model as a tool for extracting pole positions from the world collection of partial-wave data, with the aim of eliminating model dependence in pole-search procedures. In order that the method is sensible, we in this paper discuss the stability of the method with respect to the strong variation of different model ingredients. We show that the Zagreb CMB procedure is very stable with strong variation of the model assumptions and that it can reliably predict the pole positions of the fitted partial-wave amplitudes.

M. Hadžimehmedović, S. Ceci, A. Švarc, H. Osmanovi'c, J. Stahov

Each and every energy-dependent partial-wave analysis is parametrizing the pole positions in a procedure defined by the way the continuous energy dependence is implemented. These pole positions are, henceforth, inherently model dependent. To reduce this model dependence, we use only one, coupled-channel, unitary, fully analytic method based on the isobar approximation to extract the pole positions from each available member of the worldwide collection of partial-wave amplitudes, which are understood as nothing more but a good energy-dependent representation of genuine experimental numbers assembled in a form of partial-wave data. In that way, the model dependence related to the different assumptions on the analytic form of the partial-wave amplitudes is avoided, and the true confidence limit for the existence of a particular resonant state, at least in one model, is established. The way the method works and first results are demonstrated for the ${S}_{11}$ partial wave.

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