
Publikacije (23)

Jovan Gardašević, Izet Bajramović, B. Mašanović, Herzegovina

Advertising is an attractive promotional tool for marketers who can use it to strengthen communication with consumers and persuade them to purchasing certain product or service. Hence, there is necessity to analyse their general attitudes among various questions, while this research was aimed at gaining relevant knowledge about the attitudes of Sarajevo consumers toward advertising through sport among the question how often they participate in sports activities. The sample included 358 respondents, divided into six subsample groups: consumers who do not participate in sport activities at all, then consumers who participate in sport activities less than ones a month, next 1–4 a month, 5–10 a month, 11–20 a month, as well as consumers participate in sport activities more than 20 times a month. The sample of variables contained the system of three general attitudes which were modelled by seven-point Likert scale. The results of the measuring were analysed by multivariate analysis (MANOVA) and univariate analysis (ANOVA) and Post Hoc test. Based on the statistical analyses it was found that significant differences occur at multivariate level, as well as between all three variables at a significance level of p=.000. Hence, it is interesting to highlight that it was found there are significant differences showed up between the consumers who participate in various sports activities. These results are so important for the marketers, mostly due to the reason they can’t merge all the potential consumers who participate in various sports activities into one homogeneous group. This is the case in previous investigations and this observation presents relevant information.

G. Zoric, Jovan Gardašević, Izet Bajramović, Herzegovina

Unlike other advertising mediums such as TV commercials or online advertising, people involuntarily receive sport advertisements; they prefer to watch the game for the sporting action than the regular advertisements. However, it is important to analyse their general attitudes among various questions, mostly due to the reason it varies from demographic group to demographic group. Hence, this research was aimed at gaining relevant knowledge about the attitudes of Mostar consumers toward advertising through sport among the question how often consumers purchase sporting goods. The sample included 228 respondents, divided into six subsample groups: consumers who do not purchase sport goods at all, then consumers who purchase sport goods less than ones a month, next 1–3 a month, 4–6 a month, 7–9 a month, as well as consumers who purchase sport goods more than 10 times a month. The sample of variables contained the system of three general attitudes which were modelled by seven-point Likert scale. The results of the measuring were analysed by multivariate analysis (MANOVA) and univariate analysis (ANOVA) and Post Hoc test.Based on the statistical analyses it was found that significant differences occur at multivariate level, as well as between all three variables at a significance level of (p=.020).

Slavenko Likić, Faculty for Sport, Sarajevo, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Izet Bajramović, Damira Vranešić-Hadžimehmedović

The aim of the research is to determine the relationship between morphological characteristics and dynamic parameters of running in the case of boys aged 10-12 years. The study was conducted on a sample of 75 respondents, who are separated from the fourth-grade elementary school population. Morphological characteristics are measured by a set of fifteen variables: longitudinal dimensionality (3 variables), transversal dimensionality (4 variables), volume and body mass (4 variables), fatt tissue (4 variables), and body mass index. Dynamic parameters of running were estimated by measuring the passing time at 5m segments of the whole distance. Variables of dynamic running parameters have achieved statistically significant correlation with variables of transversal dimensionality, volume and body mass and fat tissue (p<0.05). Also, statistically significant correlation (p<0.01) of mean intensity was obtained between body mass index and all variables of dynamic running parameters. Based on the results of dynamic running parameters it can be concluded that the analyzed sample of boys aged 10-12 years is characterized by the following pattern of running structure at 50 meters: the acceleration phase lasts from the start to the fifteen meters section; stable running phase lasts from 15 to 40 meters, indicating that the maintenance length of the maximum speed level is 25 meters; and the deceleration phase of running lasts from 40 to 50 meters.

Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje globalnih kvantitativnih razlika mjera morfoloskih karakteristika nogometasa klasificiranih prema razlicitim pozicijama u polju. Istraživanje je izvrseno na uzorku nogometasa juniorske kategorije iz pet klubova Kantona Sarajevo, koja su aktivno ukljucena u trenažni proce. Testirano je ukupno 149 nogometasa, i to 28 nogometasa sa pozicije centralnih branica, 37 sa bocnih/krilnih pozicija, 48 sredisnjih i 36 napadaca. Koristeno je 12 varijabli morfoloskih karakteristika. Rezultatima diskriminativne analize utvrđeno je da sve tretirane longitudinalne mjere i tjelesna masa u najvecoj mjeri ukazuju na statisticke znacajne globalne razlike. Centralni branici i bocni/krilni se međusobno najvise razlikuju, te se relativno razlikuju od veznih nogometasa i napadaca. Centralni branici su visi i masivniji u odnosu na ostale, a sto je svakako u skladu sa zahtjevima igre na toj poziciji.

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