
Publikacije (129)

Adis Puška, M. Nedeljković, Ž. Šarkočević, Z. Golubovic, Vladica Ristić, Ilija Stojanović

To achieve the highest possible agricultural production, it is necessary to procure the appropriate agricultural machinery. A tractor is the most useful machine in agriculture that performs various functions. Therefore, the selection of a tractor is one of the key decisions in the agriculture-production process. This study aims to evaluate heavy tractors for agricultural production in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since this is a selection between different tractors, which are evaluated using several criteria, the methods of multi-criteria analysis (MCDA) were used in this study. Five different methods were used to determine the weight of the criteria, of which a modified standard-deviation method is a new method used in practice, while the tractor ranking was performed using the CRADIS (compromise ranking of alternatives from distance to ideal solution) method. The results showed that the best-ranked tractor is A4, while the most deviations from the ranking occur when the entropy method is used. The contribution of this study is in the systematization of the methods for the objective determination of the criteria weights and the development of new methods to facilitate decision-making in agriculture and other industries.

P. Balaban, Adis Puška

The paper aimed to examine if the mechanical characteristics (tensile strength, elongation, and friction) of the selected flexible packaging materials (BOPP and PET/PE) change after the packaging process. Some researchers have shown that mechanical characteristics can change because of the various effects to which foils are exposed (temperature, transport devices, solvents, etc.). The measurement of tensile strength and elongation was carried out according to SRPS G.S2.734, and the measurement of friction according to ASTM D 1894. The results show that there were no significant changes in the examined mechanical characteristics that could affect the functionality of the packaging.

D. Pamučar, Darko Božanić, Adis Puška, Dragan Marinković

The paper presents a neuro-fuzzy system for evaluating and predicting the success of a construction company in public tenders. This model enables companies to operate sustainably by assessing their own position in the market. The model was based on data from a seven-year study, where data from the first six years were used to adjust the model, while data from the last year of the study were used for testing and validation. The neuro-fuzzy model was tuned using the Artificial Bee Colony algorithm.

M. Nedeljković, Adis Puška, Radmila Suzić, A. Maksimović

Bosnia and Herzegovina (abbreviated BiH) has great potential for fruit production. BiH has over 1.5 million hectares of agricultural land. In addition, there are excellent climatic conditions for growing fruit. However, although there is a long tradition of fruit production in BiH, this production must be improved. This paper provides guidance on making decisions in fruit growing when there are multiple criteria. All criteria are divided into two groups: economic and technical criteria. The economic criteria are further divided into three subcriteria, namely: marketing costs, orchard construction costs and processing and transport costs. Technical criteria are divided into four subcriteria, namely: fruit, variety resistance, production characteristics and processing and transport. According to these, a multicriteria decision-making model based on linguistic values was created. In order to take advantage of these values, a fuzzy approach was applied. Using this approach, decision-making process is easier because decision making is tailored to human thinking. For the example of raising a new orchard in the area of Semberija, an evaluation of seven different varieties of pears was performed. This problem is solved by applying the method of multicriteria analysis (MCDA). To solve this research problem, the MABAC (Multi-attributive border approximation area comparison) method was used. Using the fuzzy MABAC method, the obtained results show that the Šampionka variety has the best indicators among observed varieties. In addition, the Konferans variety achieved good results, and these two varieties are the first choice for raising a new orchard of pears. The paper validates the results and performs sensitivity analysis. The contribution of this research is to develop a new model of decision making by using a new methodology that facilitates decision making on variety selection. This model and methodology provide a flexible way of making decisions in fruit growing.

Adis Puška, M. Nedeljković, R. Prodanović, R. Vladisavljević, Radmila Suzić

The research deals with the market assessment of pear varieties in Serbia. Market assessment represents the willingness of customers to consume a certain fruit or a certain variety. This research applies a market assessment of pear varieties based on expert decision making. Together with the experts, the criteria and varieties of pears used in the research are determined. Ten criteria and six varieties of pears that are mostly grown in Serbia are used. Experts evaluated pear varieties based on linguistic values according to selected criteria. Based on these values, and using fuzzy logic, the weights of the criteria are first determined using the fuzzy CRITIC method (criteria importance through intercriteria correlation), and pear varieties are ranked using the fuzzy CRADIS method (compromise ranking of alternatives from distance to ideal solution). The obtained results show that the highest rated varieties are Konferans and Viljamovka, while the lowest rated variety is Šampionka. Sensitivity analysis confirms these results. The obtained results will help cultivators and fruit vendors to choose those varieties that will achieve the best market results. This study is conducted to provide guidelines for the use of fuzzy methods in marketing assessment in fruit growing.

Adis Puška, M. Nedeljković, Danijela Parojčić

Changes in the market, caused by globalization, have led to the fact that many companies needed to adapt their operations. In response to these changes, the concept of supply chain was developed to help companies from procurement to sales of products. This paper examines the effects of supply chains on competitiveness using the example of agro-food companies from the Republic of Croatia. The research was conducted through a questionnaire which included 188 agribusiness companies. The responses were systematized and statistically processed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multivariate regression analysis. The results showed that the effects of supply chains play a major role in determining the competitiveness of agro-food companies. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the effects of the supply chain in these companies in order to improve competitiveness and achieve better results of these companies on the market.

M. Nedeljković, Adis Puška, Aleksandar Đurić, J. Polcyn

The aim of the research in the paper is to evaluate the state of rural settlements in Brčko District with regard to the development of rural tourism. Together with the Tourism Department of the Brčko District, five experts from the field of tourism were selected and they evaluated the current state of rural settlements in this part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The evaluations were processed using the fuzzy approach with the SWARA (Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) multi-criteria decision-making method. Using this method, the weights of the used criteria were determined, representing the degree of development of conditions in rural settlements. The results showed that "rural facilities and services" are the best developed in rural settlements, while the criteria related to feelings and experiences are the least developed. Based on this research, it is possible to implement measures to strengthen certain criteria that have not been adequately developed in order to further improve rural tourism in Brčko District.

M. Nedeljković, Adis Puška, S. Krstić

The purpose of this paper is to examine the current state of rural tourism in Republic of Srpska as well as to provide guidance and recommendations for the development of this form of tourism. The used model approach expert opinion and, on this occasion, the DEX method of multicriteria decision-making was used. With this model, an assessment of rural tourist capacities is carried out on a random sample of four tourist facilities. The reason for the results obtained in this way is that the observed facilities have adequately used the natural resources available to Republic of Srpska. In addition, recommendations and guidelines are given in order to further develop this type of tourism in Republic of Srpska. The presented model offers an innovative approach in the assessment of current and potential tourist facilities. For this reason, it should be used in future research.

Ilija Stojanović, Adis Puška, Nasiha Osmanović, A. Maksimović

Many scholars perceive price competitiveness as a highly relevant element of tourism competitiveness in improving tourism performance. We focused our research interest specifically to understand whether price competitiveness is an important policy instrument in attracting international tourists and their spending. Our empirical study focused on how price competitiveness behaves as a predictor of tourism performance in different economic conditions and whether price competitiveness is a significant cause of tourism competitiveness in improving tourism performance. For that purpose, we conducted empirical analysis within two stages: moderation analysis to understand how price competitiveness influences tourism performance from the point of view of inbound international tourism and how this relationship behaves in different economic conditions; and mediation analysis to understand whether price competitiveness is relevant cause for tourist competitiveness in improving tourism performance. This study has revealed different views about price competitiveness and its influence on the tourism industry. The findings indicate that price competitiveness has rather limited effects on the outcomes of the tourism industry and is not a cause of overall tourism competitiveness in improving tourism performance.

Admir I. Beganović, Adis Puška, Allen Popović Beganović

Globalization and lifestyle changes have led to health becoming a major social preoccupation of the population. Spas are no longer just centers for disease treatment, but a means of preventing diseases and protecting human health. An increasing number of young people are trying to improve their health through spa treatments. This is why there is a growing tourist offer of spa centers. Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has rich natural resources that are conducive to the creation of spas. Therefore, this study looked into spa offers and evaluated the transformation of medical spas into modern spa centers in order to improve competitiveness. Spa transformation survey was conducted on the example of spas in B&H. Six, out of a total of fifteen registered spas in B&H, have been chosen randomly. The spa offer was evaluated by applying the decision-making model and expert decision-making. The obtained results showed that the spas of Ilidža - Gradačac and Ilidža - Sarajevo have "good" transformation; the spas Dvorovi and Mlječanica have "middle" transformation, while the spas of Gata and Sanska Ilidža have "bad" transformation in the process of creating modern spas. Based on the results of this study, spa managers can obtain the necessary information on how to adjust the offer to make those spas more competitive. In addition, the spas will also generate higher revenues. The decision-making model used has shown good results and can be applied to future studies and research.

Željko Stević, I. Tanackov, Adis Puška, G. Jovanov, Jovica Vasiljević, D. Lojaničić

To run a business successfully, quality determination and customer relations are very important factors. Therefore, it is necessary to measure quality and identify critical points of business. In this paper, an original integrated model for measuring the service quality of reverse logistics (RL) was developed for the company Komunalac Teslić, which was used as an example. The Delphi and Full Consistency Method (FUCOM) was applied to determine the significance of the quality dimensions, while a modified SERVQUAL (SQ) model was used to measure the service quality of the logistics. An original SQ questionnaire was formed with a total of 21 statements that were arranged in five standard dimensions. Examining the reliability of the questionnaire for quality dimensions using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient, it was found that the measurement scales for dimensions are appropriate in terms of user expectations, while in terms of quality perception there is no measurement scale for the empathy dimension. An extensive statistical analysis was then performed to verify the results. A Signum test was applied to identify the relationship between the responses in terms of expectations and perceptions, i.e., to examine their differences. The findings obtained by this research show that the expectations were higher than the perceived quality of the services and that there was a significant statistical difference for 12 of the SQ statements. For two statements, there was a significant statistical difference in favor of perceived quality compared to expectations. Based on the results obtained, the company must improve its services in order for service quality to be at a satisfactory level.

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