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The paper presents results of research related to perception of creativity in higher education made by the authors at the University of Mostar from Bosnia and Herzegovina. This research was based on a survey conducted among teachers and students at the University. The authors developed two types of questionnaires, one for teachers and the other for students in order to investigate the perception about creativity at the University. Namely, the idea that higher education has key role in development of knowledge-based society and economy has been in the very heart of Bologna process – the overall reform of the higher education in European Union. Also, many official European Union documents identified creativity as a major driving force towards knowledge creation and social and economic advancement through the development of a knowledge society. But, the complex questions of knowledge-based society and economy could not be solved without creative, forward-looking individuals and groups who are not afraid to question established ideas and who are able to cope with the insecurity and uncertainty this entails. If today's universities, including University of Mostar, would not succeed in strengthening creativity of teaching process and education of their teachers and students, development of knowledge society could be at stake. The University of Mostar has been started with implementation of the main postulates of Bologna process since 2005. Almost ten years later, the authors wanted to examine if teachers and students of the University of Mostar are aware of the importance of creativity in higher education for development of knowledge society. That was the main reason why the authors started with research related to perception of creativity at the University of Mostar. The aim of this research was to investigate the awareness of teachers and students of the University related to the necessity to enhance creativity within and by academic community.

Nevenka J Knezović, M. Memić, M. Mabić, J. Huremović, I. Mikulić

The aim of this study was to determine the association of cardiovascular disease (CVD) of selected human subjects with the hardness of water they consume. Laboratory testing of physical and chemical parameters of water were made using standardized methods: Standard Methods 19th edn, 1995 (APHA, AWWA & WEF, Washington, DC), and ISO 7888:1985, ISO 10523:1998. Pearson's chi-squared test was used for the statistical analysis of data, with the significance level of 0.05. The obtained data were analysed using the statistical program SPSS 16.0. The study sample consisted of 1,021 individuals divided into two groups: soft water consumers, 603 individuals, and, hard water consumers, 618 individuals. Results indicate that a statistically significant (χ(2) = 5.315; df = 1; p = 0.021) number of individuals with CVD drink soft water. The prevalence of CVD in the age group 45-60 years in the study area where soft water is consumed was 21.3% and in the study area where hard water is consumed the prevalence of CVD was 13.7%. The summary results indicate significant correlation between the prevalence of CVD in the population group who drink soft water. The value of the relative risk is 1.127.

Ružica Zovko, D. Glavina, M. Mabić, Stipo Cvitanović, Zdenko Šarac, A. Ivanković

AIM To investigate effects of smoking on periodontal tissue and the occurrence of periodontal disease in the population of North Herzegovina. METHODS The study included 800 persons of 20-49 years of age (400 smokers and 400 non-smokers), inhabitants of Prozor-Rama Municipality, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Periodontal condition assessment was made by the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs index (CPITN) at representative teeth: 16, 17, 21, 26, 27, 36, 37, 31, 46, and 47.Statistically significant difference between non-smokers and smokers was tested by χ2 test with the level of significance set at p=0.05. RESULTS The prevalence of healthy periodontal tissues was lower in smokers than in non-smokers, 25 (6.3%)and 36 (9%), respectively. The prevalence of gingival bleeding, calculus, shallow and deep periodontal pockets was higher in smokers than in non-smokers, although it was not significant. There was a risk between occurrence of deep periodontal pockets and smoking (RR=2). A total of 64 (8%)participants neededonly instructions on proper oral hygiene, 654 (81.8%) prophylaxis and initial treatment,while 21 (2.6%) needed complex periodontal treatment. CONCLUSION Obtained results indicate a high need of preventive measures and the improvement of oral health in the population of North Herzegovina.

The aim of the paper is to present how usage of different software tools in solving business problems could help students of economy to better integrate theoretical knowledge from different economics subjects and to enhance their technological skills. Namely, IT plays crucial role during the problem-based learning process, serving as a critical tool for information searching, organizing and analyzing data, and presenting solutions. The paper presents the way of use of information technology in education of economists, particularly at Faculty of Economics Mostar and course named Business Intelligence (BI). It is obliged course for students of Management and Business Informatics majors. At the beginning of BI course we interviewed students and discussed their expectations related to proposed learning methods. At the end of the BI course we also interviewed students and discussed fulfilment of their expectations. Namely, BI course implements problem-based learning process through combination of the theoretical knowledge and practical problem solving by using different IT tools. Students focus attention on theoretical knowledge as well as peculiarities of solving problems. They are concentrating on operational context of the practical problem, trying to conceptualize it and deduce solutions acceptable in the project. Every student creates her/his knowledge and structure, makes sense of theories and parts of their reality in her/his own way. Applying information technology as a tool for learning in curriculum areas enables students to develop the knowledge, skills and capacity to use IT in specific field and to be more successful in achieving curriculum outcomes. Through analysis of students expectations/fulfilment related to course learning methods, paper presents how IT could reshape the educational landscape by transforming the content and modes of acquisition of learning as well as how the implementation of IT is inseparable from the process of curriculum development and implementation of problem-based learning. Keywords: Information technology, Higher education, Problem-based learning, Curriculum development, Knowledge acquisition.

This paper presents the way of use of information technology in education of economists, particularly at Faculty of Economics – University of Mostar and course named Accounting Information Systems. It shows how IT could reshape the educational landscape by transforming the content and modes of acquisition of learning as well as how the implementation of IT is inseparable from the process of curriculum development and implementation of problem-based learning.

Detailed consideration of quality in higher education requires identifying the primary users of service in higher education because the educational process involves many stakeholders - students, parents, teachers, government, enterprise... It is generally accepted that students are the primary customers because they are involved in different roles: they are the product of the process, the internal customer for campus facilities, the labourers of the learning process and the internal customer of the delivery of the course material. So, it becomes necessary to identify the determinants of service quality from the stand point of students being the primary customer. Developing a service quality model to measure the student’s perception on quality is a very complex and tedious task because the service quality dimensions cover many areas. Naturally, defining the dimensions of quality in higher education is based on the dimensions of service quality in other areas. Exploring quality in different areas, authors state different dimensions, i.e. they explore different aspects of users’ satisfaction with some services. Different dimensions of service quality are used for different industries but there are some similarities between them. But, researchers agree that there is no single dimension which can be applicable for all the service sectors. In the literature, one can find different articles that deliver results of identifying dimensions of quality in higher education based on research conducted in different regions of the world, but literature is scarce when analyzing the research conducted in the area of B&H. This prompted the implementation of this research. Furthermore, each state has a specific educational system and it is necessary, to continuously explore and upgrade the models of service quality in higher education and its dimensions of quality. The aim was to offer students as many as possible statements about the quality of the educational process in order to be able to identify the relevant dimesions of service quality in higher education.

Zdenko Klepić, L. Bošnjak, M. Mabić

The implementation of organizational changes is necessary for survival and development of enterprises, and especially if changes occur in a time of crisis. It is necessary to make the right decisions at the right time in order to implement properly the changes. However, in order to make it possible it is required to continuously, and a quality manner analyze a large number of internal/external factors that directly and/or indirectly "force" an organization to changes. Only in this way the enterprise can achieve a continuous and high quality business operation in all conditions. The aim of this research is to investigate how organizational changes are being managed in enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or more specifically to find out how much enterprises are open to changes; how changes are planned, implemented and controlled; which factors are most susceptible to changes - strategy, structure, technology, style of leadership, organizational culture, human resources or something else; what are the objectives of changes and are they rational; do employees participate in the process of planning, implementation and control of changes and are they being informed objectively. The empirical research has been conducted in the period from March to June 2010 in the enterprises from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The original questionnaire was used with questions relating to characteristics of enterprise and organizational change management. The results of conducted research are uneven, from enterprises that are open to any changes and coping with them appropriately, to those who do not think about the changes ahead and do not know how to deal with them appropriately. In order to change the situation it is necessary to intensify education on the importance of changes and necessity of their implementation, not only of managers but also all those on which depends the success of implementation of organizational changes.

Amra Zalihic, V. Markotić, M. Mabić, E. Cerni-Obrdalj, D. Zalihić, G. Pivić, L. Ostojić

INTRODUCTION There is obvious decline in quality of life after MI and stroke. The main factors that reduce quality of life in these patients were the inability of returning to normal activities, pain and the development of depression / anxiety. We wanted to know what has the biggest influence on recovery and differences in quality of life in patients after stroke and heart attack. SUBJECTS AND METHODS Cross-sectional study was conducted using HADS and WHOQOL-Bref questionnaire. Criteria for exclusion were diabetes, previous depression, cancer or other co morbidities that influenced the quality of life. It has been surveyed total of 396 patients, of whom 378 patients satisfied the criteria of inclusion in the study. Based on the personal data of patients, they were divided according to gender, age, educational level, and social support expressed by number of members with whom patient lives. RESULTS In all the observed parameters of the SU group had better results than the stroke group. The recovery after a stroke affected age, length of education and depression. Age, gender and length of education influence on a heart attack recovery. Disease duration did not affect the quality of life in either group. Significantly more patients after a stroke had depression compared to MI (p<0.001). Anxiety was not found significant in differences between groups (p=0.051). Metabolic syndrome was more frequent in the stroke group, but the difference between groups was not significant (stroke/MI) (p=0.098). In the group of stroke patients who had MS patients more often had depression (p=0.003) for different of respondents from the group with MI. CONCLUSION Quality of life was significantly worse in patients after stroke compared to those with MI. The recovery from stroke was most significantly impacted by depression and age and level of education, while the recovery from heart attack was at most affected by gender, age and level of education.

Amra Zalihic, V. Markotić, D. Zalihić, M. Mabić

The aim of this work is to investigate the influence of gender on recovery after cerebral stroke.It is believed that functional outcome of cerebral stroke (CS) depends on gender. Female gender is mildly negative prognostic factor in after stroke results. Two hundred and two patients who had first ischemic cerebral stroke were questioned with help of, HADS and WHOQOL-Bref questionnaires, looking for differences in recovery depending on gender. Average patients' age was 72+/-13 (ME+/-IR) years. The youngest patient had 40 years, and the oldest 92 years, and medium range was 52 years. There were 112 males and 90 females. Quality of life was equally graded by both male and female after CS (p=0.208). Male patients had significantly better results in physical (p=0.035) and psychological (p=0.020) domain of life quality. After CS, male patients had better results only in memory dimension (p=0.003). Anxiety was statistically more frequent among female patients (p=0.009). Gender did not influence frequency of metabolic syndrome in patients with CS. Quality of life after CS was better in male patients, and statistically significant difference has been shown in physical, psychological domain and memory dimension. Female patients were more anxious then male after CS.

Zdenko Klepić, M. Mabić, Jelena Brkić

Rapid development of information technologies has had a big influence on global economy and has activated the series of changes such as: globalization, liberalization, concurrency growth, market expansion, availability of market information to all segments etc. Also, the significance of the Information itself has become larger since information technologies are making the process of gathering, processing, storing and distributing of data much easier with the primary goal of possessing the right information at the right time and at the right place in the organization with minimization of costs. The achievement of this goal is leading to improvement in all segments of business activity such as: research and development of new products, process of supply, supply management, accounting and finance, marketing, sales, control, communication and decision making. Application of information technologies in the modern business does not only include buyingand owning PCs in the company, but also a presence of high quality organization and utilization of information technologies which is a guarantee for successful and competitive existence in the market. What kind of information system should be implemented is dependant on the company size, amount of information and data it operates with, the type of business, future plans etc. The objective of this research is to get the picture of level of enterprise informatization in Herzegovina with respect to amount and manner of information technology utilization. From these goals, the following hypotheses were set: H1 – information technologies are insufficiently used and are not appropriately organized in the companies of Herzegovina region H2 – there are substantial differences in utilization and organization of information technologies in the enterprises of Herzegovina region regarding their size This paper will present the research based on the original questionnaire from the project named "Research and need analysis for training and consultative services for small and medium enterprises in the Herzegovina region" which was carried out by the authors for the Herzegovina regional development agency. The research was conducted in the end of year 2008 and in the beginning of 2009 and it comprised 105 enterprises from the Herzegovina region which spans over Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Srpska. The size of the enterprise (micro, small, medium and large) was defined through a two-dimensional criteria including two variables: number of employees and total income. The research is expected to confirm the hypothesis and create the foundation for undertaking the appropriate actions in order to change the current, unsatisfying situation.

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