
Publikacije (72)

M. Mabić, D. Praničević, Gašpar Dražena

Abstract This paper presents the findings of a study on digital maturity in higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Empirical research was conducted in 2020. Teachers from eight public higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina were included in the sample. The findings revealed that digital transformation has been ongoing in these institutions for some time, that some results have been achieved, but that digital maturity has not yet been attained. The findings also revealed barriers that must be overcome in order to accelerate digitalization and reap the anticipated benefits.

M. Raguž, Jerko Brzica, S. Grgić, Vedran Bjelanović, A. Mustapić, Darinka Šumanović Glamuzina, M. Mabić

Background: The aim of this study was to show the frequency and epidemiological characteristics of pregnant women who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 during childbirth as well as the course, mode and outcome of their newborn treatment and diet after discharge. The aim is also to show individual symptoms developed by newborn from pregnant women who test positive for SARS-CoV-2. Method: The study included all the infants born to the pregnant women who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 on a PCR test 24 hours prior to delivery or, had already been confirmed positive for the infection and had developed symptoms of the virus or had started treatment for SARS-CoV-2 several days prior to delivery. Results: 43/3237 (1.32%) of the pregnant women tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus or had been infected prior to admission and were positive during delivery. A total of 45 newborn infants were transferred to a special room for the care of newborn infants born to SARS-CoV-2-positive mothers at the Department of Neonatology. Specifically, 30/45 (66.7%) of the newborn infants developed symptoms within the first hours of birth which withdrew spontaneously within 24–48 hours after birth. The symptoms referred to are not specific forSARS-CoV-2 infection and are not particularly indicative of infection. Conclusions: The conclusion of this short 21-month study is that prenatal and postnatal duration and outcome in infants is not aggravated by pregnant women who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Despite the individual symptoms described above and the pathological states the children developed during hospitalization, all the newborn infants were discharged from hospital in full health, and they were all breastfeeding following discharge in conditions which respected all the epidemiological preventive measures.

Mea Zubac Musa, M. Mabić

Electronic word of mouth is a more recent form of word of mouth used by internet users who share and benefit from worldwide information. Online reviews are a very important source of information for tourists. They represent a more modern and a more reliable source of information in decision making process when compared with the content published by the foreign travel agencies. Previous research has shown that the online reviews on websites specialized for hotel ratings made a significant impact on the total number of hotel reservations. The majority of tourists find online reviews very useful and more than half of them will not make a hotel reservation if a hotel has no reviews. Since the private accommodation is quantitatively the most significant accommodation type in Croatia, the goal of this paper is to analyze the impact of electronic word of mouth on the tourist selection of private accommodation for holidays.

Vesna Pavkovic, Dražena Gašpar, M. Mabić

The mail goal of this paper is to research usefulness and satisfaction with the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system from the end users' point of view in companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The research was conducted using a questionnaire, prepared on the findings from the literature. The data were statistically analysed in accordance with the research objectives. The results show that there is a significant difference in user satisfaction with ERP regard to numbers of modules in ERP. Research shows that end users in participated companies are relatively satisfied with their ERP solutions and consider them useful for business, but improvements are still possible.

Iva Klepić, Zdenko Klepić, M. Mabić

Entrepreneurship and small and medium enterprises are very important from a social and economic point of view. Education, and in particular higher education, creates human resources for future economic and social development. There are numerous EU and national strategic documents underlining that entrepreneurship should be promoted and encouraged in educational institutions and curricula. The primary aim of this research is to determine the entrepreneurial intentions of the student population and the differences in the entrepreneurial intentions of students with regard to the field of study. The research has been conducted at the University of Mostar from April to June 2020. For the research purpose, a questionnaire was used and delivered online to students of several faculties from different areas and fields of science and education, including the first and second educational cycle. The data were analysed in IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0. The results were expressed as number and percentage and mean and standard deviation. The results of the research showed the entrepreneurial intentions of students, their entrepreneurial education and perception of entrepreneurship, their connection, and that there are certain differences with regard to the field of study.

M. Mabić, Daniela Garbin Praničević

This paper presents the research results on digital maturity in higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Empirical research was conducted among employees of eight public higher education institutions in spring 2020. Digital maturity was examined through seven dimensions. The results show that higher education institutions in BiH started the digitalization process more than five years ago. They have been continuously working on the digitalization of all business processes and activities. According to employees, on a scale from 1 to 5, digitalization of their higher education institutions is somewhere in the middle (between 3 and 4). The institutions have room for improvement in all dimensions. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

M. Mabić, Dražena Gašpar, Vanja Šimičević

The global pandemic of the virus COVID-19 dramatically has impacted Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and worldwide. HEIs were forced to switch overnight to online lectures and exams without almost any teachers' and students' preparation and education. After one year of online classes at the University of Mostar (SUM), whether that kind of teaching impacts creativity. In order to find the answer to the research question, the authors used a questionnaire they developed and applied in 2015 to investigate students' perceptions about creativity at the University of Mostar. The research presented in this paper is limited to SUM students who have had online classes since March 2020. The primary research goal is to investigate whether there are any significant changes in students' perceptions of creativity compared to research from 2015. Namely, the authors investigate whether the enhanced use of IT and online platforms (Google Meet, SUMARUM – the University of Mostar’s variant of Moodle) affected students' creativity. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Martina Soljic, Kristina Simovic, Jure Stojic, M. Mabić

Ružica Zovko, K. Goršeta, Stipo Cvitanović, M. Mabić, Anka Ćorić, Zdenko Šarac, D. Glavina

OBJECTIVE Orthodontic anomalies with impaired facial aesthetics and disturbed oral functions have a major effect on emotional and social development. It is necessary to determine the degree of acceptance of treatment. This study includes an evaluation of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) according to the Aesthetic Component (AC) of dental health in schoolchildren. METHODS The research included 300 schoolchildren (150 girls, 150 boys) with an age range from 12 to 15 years. An evaluation of the need for orthodontic treatment according to the AC consisted of a ten-grade scale illustrated with a sequence of ten intraoral photographs showing different degrees of acceptability of dental appearance. Results were expressed as absolute and relative frequencies. The Chi-square test (in the absence of the expected frequencies of Fisher's Exact test) was used for testing the significance of differences. Cohen's kappa statistic measure was used for measuring the agreement between the children and dentists. RESULTS There is a significant substantial agreement between children and dentists in assessing the need for orthodontic treatment. Differences in assessment of the degree of orthodontic anomalies by the doctor of dental medicine with respect to boys and girls, are negligible, and statistical analysis did not show any significant difference. Analysis of the need for orthodontic treatment with respect to the age of the children showed a significant difference. CONCLUSION The need for orthodontic treatment is more pronounced in older children, and there is no difference between boys and girl.

M. Raguž, Željka Prce, Vedran Bjelanović, I. Bjelanović, Sanja Džida, M. Mabić

Abstract Objective of the study is to research the epidemiological aspects of maternal alloimmunization against erythrocyte antigens of fetuses (AB0, Rhesus, Lewis, Kell, Duffy and others) and to identify the most common types of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) in the West Herzegovina region. Study Design The 20-year retrospective epidemiological study includes all pregnant women who had been immunologically tested and newborn treated for HDN. Results The indirect antiglobulin (IAT) detected antibodies against antigens in 545 (1.8%) pregnant women of the 29 663 who were tested at the Department of Transfusion Medicine. During the 20-year-long study 310 (1.0%) newborn with HDN were treated. Our results indicate that 42% (230/545) of the pregnant women had AB0 immunization. The most common form of HDN is AB0 HDN 64% (199/310), whereas RhD HDN was treated in 19% (59/310) of the newborn infants. ETR was performed on 29 (19%) infants, 21 (72.4%) with AB0 HDN, and 7 (26%) with RhD HDN. Conclusion This 20-year-long study concludes that, even though there has been significant progress in the prevention of immunization and proactive treatment of HDN, precautionary measures are still required as is the need for gynecologists and obstetricians to be active. The reasons for this are the non-existence of preventive measures for non-RhD immunization, the irregular immunological screening of RhD positive women in pregnancy in the region encompassed by the study in the past few years. The above raises new questions and recommends further research and monitoring of immunization and HDN treatment worldwide.

Recently, social media has become an integral part of different business activities. One of these activities is the recruitment and selection of employees. The paper presents the results of empirical research conducted among the students of the University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) and BH employers related to the use of social media in the process of recruitment and selection of new employees. The aim of the research is to find if there are similarities or/and differences in standpoints of students and employers concerning the use of social media in job finding and recruitment. The results show that most students and employers recognized social media as a valuable tool in the process of job finding, i.e., recruiting. However, both students and employers expressed reserve about data accuracy on social media. Students were resolute that their activities on social media should not affect their employment, while employers saw social media only as an additional tool in human resource management.

Iva Klepić, M. Mabić, D. Madžar

In modern business conditions, human resources have become the most important resource of enterprises, and many authors point out that this is especially true for SMEs, in which, due to their specificity, human resources create a competitive advantage of the company and affect its survival and development. SMEs are faced with a strong, global competition of large enterprises and in order to survive and grow in the market, they must find specific strengths within themselves, develop and use them. Creativity is one of the most powerful tools that enable SMEs competitiveness, survival and development in the market. The basic objective of this research is to determine whether there is a correlation between recruitment and selection of human resources and organizational creativity in SMEs. The survey was conducted in SMEs in the Federation of B&H in 2019. An original questionnaire was created for the research, which collected the opinion of top managers on the recruitment and selection of human resources and organizational creativity in small and medium-sized enterprises. Data have been analysed using IBM SPSS Statistic 25.0. From the statistical procedures, the following were used: Shapiro-Wilk's test, Pearson's coefficient of correlation, Mann-Whitney U test and t-test for independent samples. The results of the survey showed that there is a correlation between the recruitment and selection of human resources and organizational creativity in SMEs and that there are differences in the correlation between the recruitment and selection of human resources and organizational creativity in the enterprises in terms of their size.

Amra Zalihic, Maja Barbaric, M. Mabić, Marnela Palameta, A. Maric, Ana Marija Grubisic, G. Pivić, N. Markota et al.

The number of obese and overweight people around the world rapidly grows and takes on epidemic proportions. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of body weight on quality of life and to investigate our patients' consciousness about their body weight and its impact on their quality of life.Methods : The cross-sectional study was conducted by interviewing 1067 respondents, using the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire.Results : Out of 1067 patients, 684 were females. 65.5 % of patients had BMI ≥25 kg/m 2 . 21.7% of 699 patients who had BMI ≥25 kg/m 2 think that their increased body weight doesn’t affect their health, 27.9 % of respondents think that their overweight is unrelated to physical activity, 41.8 % of respondents have no problems purchasing the clothes due to their weight and 31.6 % of respondents with BMI ≥25 kg/m 2 think that it doesn’t affect their quality of life.Conclusion : Quality of life is significantly better in respondents with BMI <25 kg/m 2 . The alarming result is that slightly less than half of respondents think that overweight doesn’t affect their health and don’t understand the seriousness of the problem.

S. Jelčić, M. Mabić

Quality relationships with customers are the very essence of relationship marketing. It is necessary to create and deliver customer value to develop relationship marketing successfully, and to gain sustainable customer loyalty. Having in mind contemporary customers who look for higher customer value the question arises as to whether delivery of higher value is a key to creation of long-term profitable relationships with customers on the retail market. In this paper influence of perceived customer value on perceived relationship quality in retail will be researched. Perceived value has been determined as two-dimensional, as emotional and economic value. Relationship quality in retail will be measured by satisfaction and trust dimensions. The obtained research results will enable better understanding of relationship between the two concepts in retail. It will also provide presumptions for successful management of relationship quality according to perceived customer value dimensions.

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