
Publikacije (35)

J. Komić, Slobodan Simovic, Denis Čaušević, D. Alexe, M. Wilk, B. Rani, C. I. Alexe

Sport, particularly in the realm of professional competition, is a domain of human endeavor that is increasingly dependent on the use of analytical statistical information. Consequently, mathematics and statistics are becoming increasingly crucial elements in sports. Although experts recognize the importance of analytics in women’s basketball, the literature addressing this subject remains limited. The objective of this study is to employ quantitative methodologies to discover prevailing patterns in global women’s basketball representation. The entities examined in this article were the games contested during the 2021 Olympic Games, the 2022 World Cup, and the 2023 continental championships. Two regression models were created for the research, using thirteen standard variables observed in the game. The evaluation of the regression model was conducted using the stepwise regression method, incorporating dimensionality reduction based on the outcomes of factor analysis. Among the 14 models that were observed, 13 of them exhibited strong and moderate linkages, while only 1 displayed weak connections and lacked statistical significance. The primary factors that account for the disparity between winning and losing teams in games are primarily associated with shooting accuracy toward the basket. When examining individual championships, the percentage surpassed 50% in all cases except for AfroBasket. However, when considering the overall results, the significance of shooting rose to 86%. The variable representing offensive rebound efficiency had a significant influence on the outcome, being present in all individual competitions, whereas defensive rebound efficiency was only considered in the overall results.

Lejla Šebić, Denis Čaušević, Erol Kovačević, Amir Aljiji, Mensur Vrcić, Slobodan Simovic

Basketball is one of the popular sports in the world, and physical performance is becoming increasingly important in basketball as the game evolves. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of a 3-week modified complex training on athletic performance of women's national basketball players. An experimental study involved the participation of 12 highly trained female basketball players (national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Observed variables before and after 3-weeks of modified complex training were 300 yards test, 20-yards test, lane agility and beep test. Means and standard deviations for each of the variables were calculated, and differences pre-to-post performance changes were examined using a paired sample t-test. Three weeks of specific complex training sessions show a statistically significant increase in all tested variables, 300 yards (p≤.001); 20 yards (p≤.001); Lane agility (p≤.001) and beep test (p=.028). It can be concluded that applied complex training program has significantly improved studied parameters of condition preparation of elite female basketball players.

Slobodan Simovic, J. Komić, Z. Pajić, N. Rađević, Bojan Guzina, Goran Grahovac

This study aims to ascertain the significance of the basketball game parameters which discriminated between winning and losing teams in matches played. The study sample comprises matches played at the men’s basketball tournament at the XXXII Olympic Games in Tokyo. Four regression models were formed. Due to the size of the sample, the number of explaining variables was reduced using factor analysis, followed by stepwise regression to ascertain the statistical significance of the obtained models summarily, which were then broken down into individual parameters. This study indicates: (1) one of the four set regression models was summarily highly statistically significant; (2) out of the remaining models, two were eliminated due to the presence of multicollinearity, and one model did not exhibit high statistical significance; (3) the final score was most influenced by the variables of two- and three-point shot percentages, number of three-point shots, turnovers, defensive rebounds, and true shooting percentage. The results of the study corroborated the results of other studies which were carried out in recent years, that the game of basketball is trending towards three-point shots and lay-ups, reduction of turnovers when passing, and defensive rebounds have been confirmed to be greatly significant.

Z. Pajić, Saša Jakovljević, Marija Anđelković, Slobodan Simovic

The aim of this paper is to review and summarize the theoretical and empirical facts of using the (BMI), (body mass index) in determining the relationship between body constitution and motor skills. Several key circumstances have been identified in which the body mass index can give erroneous information about the actual body composition, and especially about the amount of adipose tissue in the body. Factors such as age, sex, race, health status and muscle mass can influence the connection between(BMI) and body fat. Due to a relatively low coefficient of determination between (BMI)and percentage of body fat, one should be cautious when using (BMI) to evaluate body composition as a predictor of obesity or as a substitution measure in evaluating the influence of body constitution on the efficiency of motor performances. The analysis of the sources indicates that the existence of unexplained facts uses alternative measures of body composition and their limited use in research and direct training practice. Therefore, new concepts and models are necessary in order to explain the influence of body composition on the efficiency of motor performance. Apart from the necessary evaluation of variables of percentages of fatty and muscle tissues, it could be assumed that the application of two component (BMI) = (FFMI+FMI), (Fat Free Mass Index, Fat Mass Index) and/or (MFR) model (Muscle to Fat Ratio) would provide a better comprehension of these relations.

Milenko Vojvodić, Slobodan Simovic, Darko Paspalj

The research included 116 subjects who have declared that they had participated in sports, sport activities and recreation. It is a targeted sample, competent to declare their views on questions of why they practice sports and sport activities and what are the reasons (causes) for young people to quit the sport which they participated in. The results obtained on reasons for participation in sports and sport activities show that good physical shape is the primary reason, followed by health, social interaction, and friendship and making acquaintances, while a sporting career and financial benefit are by far lowest on the scale. When it comes to reasons why young people quit sports and sport activities, the majority quit because of indolence, followed by injuries, social circles, and lack of free time, pressure from overambitious parents, poor attitude of the coach, excessive exertion, and ultimately, lack of talent. When it comes to differences between attitudes on quitting sports between the sexes, occupations, smokers/non-smokers, alcohol consumers/non-consumers, and types of residential areas, the results have shown that neither the subject’s sex nor alcohol consumption have an impact on attitudes on reasons for quitting sports. Some difference was observed in level of education (high school or university student), smoking (smokers or non-smokers), and type of residential area (city, suburbs, countryside).

Slobodan Simovic, J. Komić, Bojan Guzina, Z. Pajić, Tamara Karalić, Goran Pašić

Evaluation in women's basketball is keeping up with developments in evaluation in men’s basketball, and although the number of studies in women's basketball has seen a positive trend in the past decade, it is still at a low level. This paper observed 38 games and sixteen variables of standard efficiency during the FIBA EuroBasket Women 2019. Two regression models were obtained, a set of relative percentage and relative rating variables, which are used in the NBA league, where the dependent variable was the number of points scored. The obtained results show that in the first model, the difference between winning and losing teams was made by three variables: true shooting percentage, turnover percentage of inefficiency and efficiency percentage of defensive rebounds, which explain 97.3%, while for the second model, the distinguishing variables was offensive efficiency, explaining for 96.1% of the observed phenomenon. There is a continuity of the obtained results with the previous championship, played in 2017. Of all the technical elements of basketball, it is still the shots made, assists and defensive rebounds that have the most significant impact on the final score in European women’s basketball. It can be noted that, unlike with the previous championship, inside play is no longer dominant, but there is a balance between inside and outside play, which has already been established as a developing trend in men’s basketball. The emergence of the offensive efficiency variable indicates that it is becoming significant in top-tier competitions as well but is still a challenge for coaches to grasp the causes of this multicomplex issue based on this indicator.

Slobodan Simovic, Bojan Matković, M. Mijanović, Milenko Vojvodić

Measuring the efficiency of athletes during competition has been a subject of interest both for experts and scientists in sports for more than a hundred years. Basketball has recognized in the 1940s how important it is to analyze efficiency indicators because these procedures allow coaches to increase their knowledge. There are two basic methods – objective and subjective – for evaluating the efficiency, or real quality of basketball players. The aim of this research is to establish the level of correlation between these two methods and to identify clusters, i.e. player hierarchy based on the results of both methods of efficiency evaluation. The sample of variables consisted of 12 basketball players who participated in the 2010 FIBA World Championships in Turkey. The subjective evaluation, also called expert evaluation, was performed by coaches of seven national teams that participated in the Championship. The objective evaluation was performed using the EEF efficiency index. The data was processed using z-scoring, the Pearson coefficient, and hierarchical cluster analysis. The Pearson coefficients of linear correlation between the efficiency index and the expert evaluation is r = 0.859 with a statistical significance of p ≤ 0.01. The cluster analysis distinguished two groups of players, which were named quality and super quality. The variance analysis showed that the probability of the clusters being equal is less than p ≤ 0.00. The research has shown that the evaluation by coaches is relevant and is fully consistent with the efficiency index formula. Also, the distinction of two groups of players by clustering is not uncommon in the basketball practice and is linked with efficiency at the given time.

Milenko Vojvodić, Slobodan Simovic, Darko Paspalj

This paper mainly refers to attitudes about the reasons for the avoidance of sports and sports activities of young people who have never been involved in these activities. In this survey involving 226 university and high school students, 110 stated that they had never been involved in sport or any sporting activities. They are surely the most reputed to answer these questions. Of the offered reasons (causes) that are responsible for avoiding and non-participation in sports and sports activities, in the first place is the lack of interest which is stated by about 90% of the respondents. Secondly, the reason why respondents do not deal with sports and sports activities are the obligations at school and at the faculty, and this was confirmed by 85% of respondents. Laziness follows, about this they were very self-critical and sincere, confirming in a percentage of 84.5% that this was one of the reasons for their abstinence from sports and sports activities. Immediately behind laziness are television, there are computers and cell phones with about 80%, and so on. The results showed that male and female, then smokers and non-smokers, do not differ significantly in attitudes about these reasons. It is the same with those who consume, occasionally consume and do not consume alcohol. There is a partial difference between high school students and university students in attitudes to some causes, as well as between those who live in the city, suburban village and village.

Slobodan Simovic, J. Komić, Bojan Matković, Z. Pajić, Bojan Guzina

Background: Many papers have been published on the topic of basketball players’ performance. Most of them have come from authors covering the field from USA and Europe, whereas the number of papers from the rest of the world, particularly Asia, has so far been small in numbers. Objectives: Evaluate the significance of the observed parameters in relation to the game outcome (winning/losing) at the last continental championship, 2017 FIBA Asia Cup. Methods: The sample of entity consisted of 40 games played at 2017 FIBA Asia Cup. The sample of variables consisted of 13 variables registered in the manner as set out by FIBA regulations and 15 derived (relative) variables. Accordingly, two basic models of regression were formed, i.e. absolute and relative, and they had the number of total points scored as their dependent variable. The correlation between the two models was performed by means of regression and correlation analysis of the two models - stepwise regression. Results: The obtained regression models and partial correlation indicate that winning and losing performance was heavily influenced in the absolute model, by the following: ΔFGM, ΔMFT, and ΔM3, accounting for 95.9% of difference. The second model extracted: ΔFG%, ΔTO%, ΔDR%, ΔPTS3%, and ΔFT%, accounting for 90.7% of difference between winning and losing teams. Conclusions: Considering the significance of shooting and defensive rebounding, basketball coaches have been strongly advised, in this and many previous works, to pay special attention to these segments of the game.

Slobodan Simovic, J. Komić, Bojan Guzina, Z. Pajić, Milenko Vojvodić

The research papers investigating the game-related parameters and phenomena of women's basketball matches are relatively smaller in size and number than the similar ones treating the same issues in men’s basketball - there has been some changes in that respect in recent years though. This paper’s sample of entity consisted of 40 games and thirteen variables of standard efficiency recorded at FIBA EuroBasket Women 2017 . The research had two basic models of regressions formed, i.e. the absolute and the relative one, each of which had total numbers scored as the dependent variable, and was performed by means of regression and correlation analysis - stepwise regression, as a gradual method of fitting regression models in order to define predictive variables. The obtained regression models and partial correlation indicate that the winning or losing performance was heavily influenced by both field goal efficiency and defensive rebounding, all of which has been corroborated in many other similar pieces of research. Also, the variables as turnovers and personal fouls were extracted as significant in terms of differentiation between the winning and losing team. When we take a closer look and see the observed parameters from the point of view of either First or Final rounds of the competition - since these rounds were played in different formats - it is noticeable that it is becoming more and more evident, of course besides the shot efficiency, the efficiency of free throws and the quality of defense.

Slobodan Simovic, J. Komić, Bojan Guzina, Z. Pajić, Milenko Vojvodić

Research papers investigating the game-related parameters and phenomena of women's basketball matches are relatively smaller in size and number than similar ones treating the same issues in men’s basketball – although, there have been some changes in that respect in recent years. This paper includes a sample of 40 games and thirteen variables of standard efficiency recorded at FIBA EuroBasket Women 2017. The research had two basic models of regressions formed, i.e. an absolute and a relative one, each of which had total numbers scored as the dependent variable, and was performed by means of a regression and correlation analysis – a stepwise regression, as a gradual method of fitting regression models in order to define the predictive variables. The obtained regression models and partial correlation indicate that the winning or losing performance was heavily influenced by both field goal efficiency and defensive rebounding, all of which has been corroborated in many other similar research. Also, variables such as turnovers and personal fouls were extracted as significant in terms of the differentiation between the winning and losing team. When we take a closer look and see the observed parameters from the point of view of either First or Final rounds of the competition since these rounds were played in different formats it is noticeable that the difference is becoming more and more evident, of course besides shot efficiency, the efficiency of free throws and the quality of defense.

N. Rašeta, Slobodan Simovic, Sonja Djuric, Nenad Suzic, A. Prtina, Nina Zeljkovic

Abstract Poor dietary habits have become one of the most important concerns among public health policy makers in recent years, due to the impact they have on both economic and health systems of a country. The transitional period toward young adulthood, marked with high school graduation and the beginning of college years, has been identified as critical in terms of its influence on young people’s bad eating habits. The aim of this study was to assess whether the results obtained through Food Frequency Questionnaire significantly correlate with standard body parameters. Participants included 210 students from the University of Banja Luka, with the mean age of 21.94 ± 2.73 years. Factorization of Food Frequency Questionnaire Instrument extracted seven factors which were subjected to multiple regression analysis as independent variables, and correlated to dependent variables - anthropological measurements. This study shows that the factors labeled as consumption of bread, consumption of healthy food, and intake of carbohydrates, are significantly related to Body Fat Percentage, whereas factors labeled as intake of food of animal origin, and intake of fruits and vegetables, are statistically significant in terms of their relation to Waist-to-Hip Ratio. Only one factor, labeled as intake of unhealthy food, is significantly related to Body Mass Index; this is to suggest that Body Mass Index has again showed many limitations with regard to its research relevance. This research has also found that students of the University of Banja Luka typically consume white bread, known to have a direct link with overweight and obesity.

Z. Milinković, Slobodan Simovic, Adriana Ljubojević, J. Jovanović, Kristina Pantelić Babić

Abstract Introduction. Numerous international and local organisations and agencies have in the past 15 years dealt with various issues and problems related to tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Often, they have accentuated the large potential for tourism development and improvement, particularly when it comes to spa tourism. Although all elements necessary for development (tradition, accommodation capacities, natural resources, and traffic connections) are present, the “Banja Vrućica” spa is still unable to respond to modern tourism market demands so that it can contribute to the economic growth and development in the national and local economies. The successful running of a tourist destination requires the formulation of long-term goals and decisions, reached through a process of strategic management. The aim of this article is to use strategic analysis as a means of identifying the possibilities of introducing new sport-recreational offers with a higher quality of service provision aligned with consumer needs, which would help the Vrućica spa to become more attractive and profitable. Material and methods. After selecting factors of the internal and external environment which influence sport tourism at the spa, the intensity of the impact of each factor was determined through the use of SWOT analysis. Then, by multiplying the average impact of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats matched in the SWOT Matrix, a polygon SWOT analysis of the strategy was carried out. Conclusion. Having analysed the “Banja Vrućica” spa’s environment and having quantified the results, we reached the conclusion that the best solution is to form and implement a WO strategy with regard to sport tourism at the spa, meaning a shift in strategy aimed at keeping the existing activities and structures and developing new products and a new approach to the market.

N. Rašeta, S. Đurić, Nina Zeljkovic, Slobodan Simovic, M. Vujnić

Overweight and obesity prevalence has been reported in all age groups worldwide, including college students, while numerous researchers have pointed out that the critical period for weight gain are the freshman years. The first aim of this study was to measure body weight and prevalence of overweight and obesity among students at the University of Banja Luka by using three independent measurement methods. The second aim of the present study was to determine whether there were any statistically significant differences across groups in terms of gender, field of study (faculty), and year of study. A total of 210 students from the University of Banja Luka participated in the study, with a mean age of 21.94 ± 2.73 years. The set of measurements included: the Body Mass Index, Body Fat Percentage, and Waist-to-Hip Ratio. In terms of the Body Mass Index, a total of 22.40% of students were reported to be overweight, while 2.40% of them were obese. A higher percentage of overweight and obesity was reported among male students. The other two measurement methods, Body Fat Percentage and Waist-to-Hip Ratio, showed somewhat different results primarily with respect to fewer numbers of students classified either as overweight or obese, which raised questions as to whether the Body Mass Index was a reliable method when it came to measuring certain population groups, particularly young people. Differences across groups were reported when gender and, to a certain extent, field of study was taken into account, whereas the difference between freshman and senior years students was not statistically significant. The results from this study call for an extensive, detailed and prompt response to the issue of overweight and obesity, and its treatment among university students.

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