
Publikacije (64)

Izet Eminovic, J. Karamehić, F. Gavrankapetanović, B. Heljić

AIM We examined combined use in house method and DNA IQ system (Promega) procedure for the extraction DNA from biological trace in order to help the solving some crime cases. METHOD Simple and efficient method for extraction of the DNA from biological trace samples included the well washed trousers and the knife without any visual biological trails (from some one hard criminal case). In this method there were used: centrifuge, microwave oven, shaker, chelex, proteinase K, DNA IQ System (Promega). RESULTS The extraction of DNA could be done within 2.5 hours or over the night. The DNA prepared on this way was good quality and could be used for STR analysis. CONCLUSIONS This combined, simple, and safe method could be used for extraction DNA from samples containing a minute amount of the biological trace.

J. Karamehić, L. Scoutt, M. Tabaković, B. Heljić

With steady improvement in grafts survival due to improved efficacy of immunosuppressant protocols, refinement in surgical technique and the establishment of national system for coordination of organ distribution (United Network for Organ Sharing), organ transplantation is increasingly the preferred treatment option for patients with end-stage-renal-liver-pancreas diseases. Organ availability remains a major rate limiting factor. As the number of grafts lost due to rejection, infection and poor surgical technique has decreased, the relative clinical importance of graft loss due to vascular complications has been increasing. Real time ultrasound with power, color and duplex Doppler provides accurate, high resolution images of vascular morphology and (likely) function in organ grafts. In addition, serial exams can be performed without the risks associated with repeated use of intravenous contrast or exposure to ionizing radiation.

J. Karamehić, M. Hukić, F. Gavrankapetanović, B. Heljić, E. Hodzic, Z. Delibegović, Vanja Karlović

UNLABELLED The paper analyzed the values and titer of IgM and IgG antibodies on CMV in donors and recipients of kidney transplntats. The objective was to investigate the presence of CMV in donors and recipients. SUBJECT AND METHODS Test enzignost anti CMV/IgM was used. Detection of antibodies in 15 donors before transplantation and in 22 patients-recipients before and after the transplantation was done. RESULTS From total of 15 donors, the values of IgM ranged from 0,002 I.U. do 0,080 I.U. One case was positive. Four patients were seropositive and treated by Gancyclovirom 10 mg/kg/b.w (body weight) in period of 3 month. IgM values ranged from 0.88399 to 25978. The control finding 3 patients was negative, in 1 patient positive (IgM 0.569). In 18 patients the finding was negative. Refererent value for IgM is < 0.10 the result is negative. For IgG four times greater value comparing to the basic value was found. CONCLUSION The most significant factor for reactivation of CMV infection is iatrogenic Immunosuppressive therapy. Exclusion of CMV infection in donors and negative finding in recipient decrease.

The authors investigated renal damage in 46 chlorine-alkaly plant workers (mean age was 38.8 +/- 5.7 years) under conditions of continued occupational exposure to metallic mercury vapour. The mercury unexposed control group consisted of 32 workers who works in the plant area. Significantly low of serum globulin level was found in exposed evaluated group compared with control subjects (P < 0.001). The serum globulin level was in correlation with urine mercury level (P < 0.001). Analyses of urine chemistry indicated that exposed workers had cell death produces in sediment urine as the most common signs (P < 0.001). The proteinuria was found in 4 out 32 and high level of gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase in 8 out 32 exposed workers to high mercury level workers. Additionally, disuria and ejaculatory pain as symptoms occurred without evidence of urological disease. Mercury induced nephropathy usually associated with proteinuria, but is not with renal insufficiency.

N. Pranjić, H. Mujagić, M. Nurkić, J. Karamehić, S. Pavlović

The aim of this study was to made assessment of health effects in 37 workers exposed to gasoline, and its constituents at gasoline stations between 1985 and 1996. Thirty-seven persons who had been exposed to gasoline for more than five years were examined. The evaluation included a medical / occupational history, haematological and biochemical examination, a physical exam, standardized psychological tests, and ultrasound examination of kidneys and liver. The groups were identical in other common parameters including age, gender (all men), and level of education (P<0. 05). The data were compared to two control groups: 61 healthy non-exposed controls and 25 workers at gasoline stations exposed to organic lead for only nine months. Peripheral smear revealed basophilic stippling and reticulocytosis. We found in chronic exposed gasoline workers haematological disorders: mild leukocytosis (7 of 37), lymphocytosis (20 of 37), mild lymhocytopenia (3 of 37), and decrease of red blood cells count (11 of 37). Results indicated that they have suffered from liver disorders: lipoid degeneration of liver (14 of 37), chronic functional damages of liver (3 of 37), cirrhosis (1 of 37). Ultrasound examination indicated chronic kidney damages (8 of 37). These results significantly differed from those of controls (P< 0.05). In 13 out of 37 workers at gasoline stations exposed to gasoline for more than 5 years the symptom of depression and decreased reaction time and motor abilities were identified. The summary of diseases of workers exposed to organic lead and gasoline are discussed.

N. Pranjić, O. Sinanović, J. Karamehić, R. Jakubović

A prospective case study was conducted in the Department of Occupational Medicine, Tuzla. The purpose of this study was to indicate negative effects from occupational exposure to mercury on behavioural and mental health, memory and psychomotor function that was tested in 46 chloral-alkali plant workers (mean age was 38. 8+/- 5. 7 years; mean age of occupational history 16. 5+/- 6. 0 years). Data on toxicological monitoring on atomic absorption spectrometer, and data on mental health were collected, psychiatric and other subjective symptoms, and behavioural, psychomotor and memory function tested. The data were compared to control group, 32 healthy non exposed workers. The study was designed to assess blood and urine mercury levels and length of occupational exposure and investigate its relationships to effects on the mental health. The mean air mercury levels were 0.23 mg/m3, the mean blood mercury concentrations was 3. 6 mg/ dl and the mean urine mercury concentrations were 151.7 +/- 180.4 mg/l. In 25 (53%) workers exposed to mercury vapour was identified Depression-Hypochondrias Syndrome (p trend < 0. 001) with higher scores for scales: Hysteria (p trend <0. 001), Schizoid and Psychoastenia (MMPI). All psychological parameters were in highly significantly correlations with mercury levels and length of occupational exposure. Pathological parameters were possible general identified if the concentration of blood mercury levels are >2. 9 mg/ dl, or urine mercury levels > 87 mg/l workers exposed to mercury vapour knew that toxic effects in body resulted in loosing some of intellectual abilities, and that people who handle chemicals had an increased health risk (ESW questionnaire). The occupational mercury exposed workers had introvert behaviour (EPQ). Aggressiveness was found in 71.7% workers. The cognitive disturbances: short-term memory loss, difficult to concentrate on tasks which require attention and thinking, were significantly differed compared to those of controls (p trend < 0. 001). In 24 (52%) exposed to mercury workers we have determined ego strength loss and regressive defensive mechanisms (LB). Handwriting disturbances-micrography we have identified in 27 (58.7%) workers.

N. Pranjić, J. Karamehić, F. Ljuca, Z. Žigić, M. Aščerić

In this review we used the published data on depleted uranium (experimental and epidemiological) from the current literature. Depleted uranium is a toxic heavy metal that in high dose may cause poisoning and health effects as those caused by lead, mercury, and chromium. It is slightly radioactive. The aim of this review was to select, to arrange, to present references of scientific papers, and to summarise the data in order to give a comprehensive image of the results of toxicological studies on depleted uranium that have been done on animals (including carcinogenic activity). We have also used epidemiological posted study results related to occupational and environmental exposure to depleted uranium. The toxicity of uranium has been studied extensively. The results of the studies indicated primarily its chemical toxicity, particularly renal effects, but depleted uranium is not radiological hazard. Uranium is not metal determined to be carcinogenic (the International Agency of Research on Cancer). The military use of depleted uranium will give additional insight into the toxicology of depleted uranium. The present controversy over the radiological and chemical toxicity of depleted uranium used in the Gulf War requests further experimental and clinical investigations of its effects on the biosphere and human beings.

J. Karamehić, M. Aščerić, L. Tinjić, E Kabil, A. Ahmetagic

In transplantation method, efforts should be made to prevent the patient immunological reaction against the transplantation antigen. In the same time, the patient general immunological reactivity must be kept. With the increasing need for transplantation the interest for new immunosuppressive drugs has become greater. The use of immunosuppressive drugs have dated since early 1950 (azatioprin and steroids). 1960 there was the appearance of the polyclonal ALG/ATG. In 1970 the true advance has been the discovery of the first selective immunosuppressive-cyclosporin (second generation). The third generation of immunosuppressive drugs with high specific place of action, has become available now (tacrolimus, thymoglobulin, zenepax, rapamune). The purpose of this paper was to show the different groups of immunosuppressive drugs, taking into account a different place of effects and different mechanisms of their immunosuppressive action. The aim of the immunosuppressive drugs combination is to achieve the optimal immunosuppression with minimal side-effects.

INTRODUCTION The activation of PI-3 kinase/AKT/PKB signal transduction pathway has implicated in the cell growth regulation and proliferation. AIM To determine a role of PI-3 kinase/AKT/PKB signal transduction pathway in the kidney of Angiotensin II-induced hypertensive rats. METHODS NZW (New Zealand White) rats have been infused by Angiotensin II using osmotic minipump for six days (n = 8). Control group was untreated rats (n = 6). PI-3 inase and AKT/PKB activities were measured in the presence or absence of different inhibitors. RESULTS Angiotensin II elevated mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) to 182 +/- 2 mm Hg (p < 0.001) vs untreated control rats (95 +/- 3 mm Hg). Ras-GTPase and PI-3 Kinase activities were elevated in angiotensin II-treated group. Ras inhibitors FPT III and BMS/191563 attenuated MABP to 122 +/- 2 and 127 +/- 4 mm Hg (p < 0.05) and abolished Ras-GTPase and PI-3 Kinase activities. AKT/PKB activity followed the PI-3 kinase activity. CONCLUSION PI-3 kinase/AKT/PKB signal transduction pathway in the kidney is activated and mediates Angiotesin II-induced hypertension.

S. Nuhbegović, A. Halibasić, F. Ljuca, J. Karamehić, M. Merić, I. Terzić

INTRODUCTION Impaired cardiac function is frequently present in patients on maintenance haemodialysis. AIM To assess the left ventricular diastolic function in patients on haemodialysis. MATERIAL AND METHODS We used 2D and pulsed wave Doppler echocardiography to evaluate the left ventricular diastolic function in 40 patients on haemodialysis and compared those to healthy controls. RESULTS Majority of Doppler parameters were changed in patients on haemodialysis. Diastolic dysfunction was present in 77.5% patients. In comparison to the healthy controls haemodialysis patients showed significant increase in peak velocity of late diastolic filling, (A wave, 76.82 +/- 23.76 cm/s vs. 58.46 +/- 9.65 cm/s p < 0.001) and reduction in the E/A ratio (1.00 +/- 0.26 vs. 1.26 +/- 0.31 p < 0.001). CONCLUSION There was significant impairment in left ventricular diastolic function in patients on haemodialysis.

S. Nuhbegović, A. Halilbasić, J. Karamehić, E. Halilović, M. Merić

Left ventricular hypertrophy is dominant finding in patients with chronic renal failure. In our work we have analysed the interventricular septum and left ventricular posterior wall in thirty patients on chronic hemodialysis, using an echocardiography. Increased thickness of interventricular septum and left ventricular posterior wall were found in 70% patients. We have also confirmed correlation between these parameters and value of systolic arterial blood pressure. Echocardiography is very useful and powerful method for the assessment of morphological cardiac disorders in patients on hemodialysis.

J. Karamehić, M. Aščerić, T. Tulumović, E Kabil, M. Uzeirbegović, N. Hadzibegić

In this study we have analyzed the liver transaminases levels in the 15 patients after kidney transplantation. All these patients have taken immunosuppressive cyclosporine therapy. The transaminases levels were determined by using the method Bergmayer kinetic ultraviolet test on the apparatus Tehnicon-Opera. The well known fact is the liver intoxication the same as kidney intoxication, if patients take cyclosporine for a long time. The average of the grafts in these patients were 9 years (ages between 1 and 16). The liver transaminases level was normal in all of groups of patients except for one who had high liver transaminases levels. After the correction cyclosporine therapy in the patient, the liver transaminases levels were normal. There was no possibility for monitoring of cyclosporine during the war, so the patients were determining the dose of cyclosporine on their own without any consulting with doctors. The most reliable method of cyclosporine applications is its determination, every day monitoring, and dosing by monitoring, which means concentrations in the reference values.

S. Nuhbegović, A. Halilbasić, J. Karamehić, E. Halilović, M. Merić

Many cardiac functional disorders are developed in chronic renal failure. The aim of our work was the echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular functional parameters in patients on haemodialysis. We observed that left ventricular end-diastolic volume, left ventricular end-systolic volume and stroke volume significantly decreased after haemodialysis. Left ventricular ejection fraction increased after haemodialysis, but not significantly. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly after haemodialysis while heart rate increased significantly. During the haemodialysis, many haemodynamic changes are observed. Analysis of cardiac functional status is essential before the haemodialysis starts.

J. Karamehić, T. Tulumović, M. Uzeirbegović, J. Trnovcević, M. Aščerić, N. Hadzibegić

Estimation of the monitoring efficiency of Phenobarbital as anti seizure agent was performed by using fluorescence-polarization immunoassay on analyzer ABBOTT TDx. Determined values have shown that Phenobarbital monitoring is extremely important in the prevention of epileptic seizures, especially considering its ability to induce a microsomal drug-metabolizing system.

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