
Publikacije (46)

N. Serdarević, A. Stanciu, L. Begić, S. Unčanin

Introduction: Significance of serum uric acid (UA) in cerebrovascular disease still remains controversial. UA is most abundant natural antioxidant in human plasma. Its antioxidant properties might protect against free radical damage, thereby reducing the risk of oxidative stress-related cognitive impairment and dementia. Aim: In our investigation, we determine the level of UA in 100 male patients diagnosed with the first ischemic brain stroke (blood samples were collected during the acute phase and post-acute phase), 100 male patients diagnosed with vascular dementia and 100 male healthy volunteers (control group). Methods: UA was determined using DIMENSION LxR automatic analyzer. Measurement of UA concentration was based on an enzymatic method (range 208-428 μmol/L). Results: The prevalence of hyperuricemia among ischemic stroke and vascular dementia patients was 30% and 8%, respectively. Serum UA concentration was higher 7 and 14 days after the stroke compared to the acute phase (24-48 hours after hospitalization) and these concentrations were significantly higher than those measured in the control group. UA levels measured at 24-48 hours after the first symptoms of ischemic stroke were strongly correlated with those measured after 7 days of treatment (r = 0.79, p = 0.001) or after 14 days (r = 0.839, p = 0.0049). No significant differences were found between ischemic stroke and vascular dementia groups. Conclusion: UA concentrations were higher in ischemic stroke and vascular dementia groups than in controls. UA increase may reflect vascular atherosclerosis and tissue hypoxia. UA monitoring in patients with cerebrovascular disease is essential, because UA is more harmful than protective.

A. Stanciu, N. Serdarević, M. Stanciu, L. Mazilu, O. Bratu, Mirela Gherghe, S. Voinea, D. Gheorghe

ADINA ELENA STANCIU, NAFIJA SERDAREVIC, MARCEL MARIAN STANCIU*, LAURA MAZILU, OVIDIU BRATU , MIRELA GHERGHE, SILVIU CRISTIAN VOINEA, DAN CRISTIAN GHEORGHE Institute of Oncology Bucharest, Department of Carcinogenesis and Molecular Biology, 252 Fundeni, 022338, Bucharest, Romania Institute for Clinical Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Sarajevo Clinics Center, Bolnicka 25, 71000, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina University Politehnica of Bucharest, Electrical Engineering Faculty, 313 Splaiul Independentei, 060042, Bucharest, Romania University Ovidius Constanța, Faculty of Medicine, 124 Mamaia Str., 900527, Constanța, Romania Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 8 Eroii Sanitari, 050474, Bucharest, Romania

Belma Gazibera, Enra Suljić-Mehmedika, N. Serdarević, R. Baljic, R. Gojak

Introduction: Electroencephalography can also be used to monitor long-term recovery of the patient after acute phase of the disease. Impaired neurocognitive function after infection, similar to brain injury, may present a transient but also prolonged problem for the functioning of an individual. Some studies have shown that importance of EEG may not be significant in sequel monitoring, because the extensive changes in EEG seen with severe forms of CNS infection do not necessarily imply a longer-term poor outcome. Aim: To examine the predictive potential of electroencephalography (EEG) in regard to the emergence of neurological and cognitive sequelae of acute central nervous system (CNS) infection. Methods: The study included 62 patients treated at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases, Clinical Center of Sarajevo University, who were diagnosed with acute CNS infection. The EEG record was characterized as: normal, non-specific changes of mild, moderate and severe degree and specific changes. The sequelae (headache, cognitive dysfunction, neurological and neurophysiological disorders, audiological and behavioral disorders) was evaluated by combining neurological, psychiatric, pediatric, otolaryngological, ophthalmic and infectological examination in the Neuroinfective Counseling Department for up to 6 months after discharge. Results: After a treatment of an acute CNS infection 25 (40.3%) patients had no sequelae and 37 (59.7%) were with sequelae. The EEG in the initial stage of the disease (Wald’s coefficient = 12.8), followed by the age of the patients (Wald = 6.4), had the greatest influence on the prediction of sequela (p=0.0001). For each additional degree of verified pathological changes in the EEG, the risk of sequelae was increased by 5 degrees (OR = 5.3), respectively. There was no statistically significant association between changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) findings, meningeal symptoms, and signs with sequelae development. Conclusion: Younger age, as well as severe clinical status of a patient, which implies a disorder of consciousness and seizures on admission, are associated with irreversible consequences on a previously mentally healthy individual. Pathological changes (Delta and Theta waves, spike slow complex wave) on the EEG finding significantly predicted presence of sequelae. .

A. Durak-Nalbantić, A. Džubur, N. Serdarević, A. Hamzić-Mehmedbašić, F. Zvizdić, E. Hodžić, M. Vučijak-Grgurević, A. Begić et al.

N. Serdarević, B. Katana, Amila Jaganjac, Samir Bojičić, S. Branković, Jasmina Mahmutović

Introduction: The dietary supplements are defined as vitamins and minerals or herbal products and are typically given in the form of a capsule or tablet. The nonsmokers are more attempted to use dietary supplements than individuals who smoke. Aim: In our investigation, we examined associations between vitamin B, folic acid, multivitamin or mineral intake among the student population and their correlation with smoking prevalence and drinking coffee. Materials and methods: We used a questionnaire to examine the general characteristics of the subjects, age, sex, their lifestyle, cigarette smoking, coffee intake and their use of dietary supplements. Data were collected from participants of the University of Sarajevo and a longitudinal study of 960 men and women aged 18-24 years from 2017 to 2018 was conducted. Results: The results showed that 32% of students took vitamin B supplements and 10% folic acid. In opposite, more than half of students took multivitamins (59.5%) and minerals (60.4%) less than one year. About a quarter or less took multivitamins (23.9%) and minerals (24.3%) for years. Less than 20% of students took multivitamins and minerals within a period of one year. In student population smoking prevalence was estimated at 21.2% and coffee intake in 71.2%. The smoking and use of vitamin B supplements were independent of each other, p = 0.201. The use of folic acid did not depend on smoking p = 0.501. There were no observed correlations between multivitamin and mineral supplement consumption compared to smoking status or drinking coffee. Conclusion: Deficient dietary intake of folic acid and B vitamins from food and supplemental sources appear to be one of the atherosclerosis incidences. Further studies should examine associations between dietary supplements intake and lifestyle of students, as well as smoking status and coffee intake.

N. Serdarević, Arzija Pašalić, V. Djido, Muris Pecar, Namik Trtak, R. Gojak

Introduction: Inadequate vitamin B 12, folate status and B6 are associated with an increased risk for chronic diseases that may have a negative impact on the health. Aim: The aim of our study was to investigate dietary intake of vitamin B12, B6 and folates from various foods among the university students. Methods: Dietary intake of foods having vitamins B12, B6 and folate was assessed among the students of University of Sarajevo, 19-22 years old, from 2017 to 2018. The participants were interviewed to collect information regarding age, socioeconomic status, B12, folate, B6 vitamin, and usual food intake during one week. Results: The main sources of vitamin B12 and B6 in the students’ diet were chicken white meat (51.8-53.7 %), beef (45-63 %), cream (62.2 -72.1 %), sardines in oil (47.9-52.2 %), tuna (55.2 -60.4 %), cheese edamer (80.1%) and cheese feta (67.4%-73%). The foods with a high source of vitamin B12 and B6 but rarely consumed were fish, shellfish, salmon, roasted trout and mackerel. Sufficient folate intake was mainly achieved through dietary intake of beans (48.5-57.2%) and oatmeal (46.3-48.2%), while folate-insufficient diet resulted from intake of spinach (30.9-35 %), turkey (26.2-33.4 %), lentils (16.9-19.7 %) and soy (9.4-15.5%). Conclusion: Our results show that there is an important percentage of the students in Canton Sarajevo that do not meet the recommended intakes for vitamin B12 and B6 and folate. Additional research is needed to establish the best cost-effective public health approach to achieve sufficient intake of these vitamins.

N. Serdarević, Arzija Pašalić, Eldina Smječanin, Vedran Đido, R. Gojak, Muris Pecar, Fatima Jusupović, D. Avdić et al.

Introduction: Dietary supplements are an important source of vitamins and minerals that may help prevent several disease-causing biological pathways involved in one-carbon metabolism, including the suppression of cell proliferation, oxidative stress, nitric oxide synthesis, and angiogenesis. The present study aimed to assess the association between the intake of folate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and minerals and the consumption of alcohol among university students. Methods: This study was participated by students aged 19-22 years from the University of Sarajevo between 2017 and 2018. Using a questionnaire, we interviewed in a week them to collect information regarding age, socio-economic status, alcohol consumption, and dietary supplement intake. Then, we investigated the association between the baseline intake of folate, B vitamins, and minerals and that of alcohol consumption. Results: Most students consumed Vitamin B supplements (32%) and folic acid (10%). Dietary multivitamins and minerals were less prevalent in more than a year, accounting for 186 (23.9%) and 174 (24.3%) students, respectively, than those in less than a year. In a year, <20% of students consumed multivitamins 129 (16.6%) and minerals 116 (15.3%). Meanwhile, 256 (27.1%) students consumed alcohol. The Chi-square test of independence showed that drinking habits and the intake of such dietary supplements had no association (p > 0.05). Conclusion: An extremely low percentage of the participating students in Canton Sarajevo used dietary supplements of Vitamin B, folate, multivitamins, and minerals. Moreover, alcohol consumption and dietary supplement intake were not associated. Further research is needed to establish the best cost-effective public health system to achieve a sufficient intake of dietary supplements.

N. Serdarević, J. Smajić

Introduction: Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is used for monitoring of disease progression and treatment response in cancer patients. The aim was to compare the performance of chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay with electrochemiluminescence immunoassay for CEA. Methods: A total of 115 samples were collected during routine diagnostic, prognostic, and therapy monitoring procedures in patients with colorectal and pancreatic cancer. We used Architect i2000SR and Cobas E601 for CEA analysis in sera samples. Results: The correlation coefficient of 0.984 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.972–0.991) for results obtained on both platforms was observed for CEA ≤10 ng/mL group. Moreover, intercept of 0.9027 (95% CI: 0.705–1.099) and slope 0.8076 (95% CI: 0.765–0.8498) (p < 0.0001) were observed in this group. In CEA >10 ng/mL group, we observed slope = 1.1986 (95% CI: 1.1474–1.2498) (p < 0.0001), intercept = –11.69 (–17.53–−5.84), and correlation coefficient = 0.985 (95% CI: 0.976–0.9914). Mean differences between assays in group ≤10 ng/mL and >10 ng/mL were 0.2066 (95% CI: 0.0019–0.4113) and –2.66 (95% CI: −10.10–4.76) ng/mL, respectively. Conclusion: Although there were differences, based on 20 days’ precision tests, overall results showed a good analytical performance and correlation between CEA assays on Architect i2000SR and Cobas E601 platforms. Reference intervals appropriate for the method of CEA measurement should be used. The standardization and harmonization of serum CEA concentration assays are needed.

Introduction: The carbohydrate antigen (CA 19-9) is a marker for pancreatic and colorectal carcinoma. In our study, we have investigated the level of CA 19-9 at 50 patients with benign and malign disease using three immunoassays. Methods: The COBAS e 601 (Roche) uses an ECLIA, Architect i2000 analyzer (Abbott) uses CMIA and VITROS 5600 uses integrated System Intellicheck Technology with cut off 0.0-37.0 U/mL for determination of CA 19-9. Results were with a statistical significance of p < 0.05. Results: Comparison of CA19-9 on COBAS with Architect show correlation coefficient R = 0.708. The results showed a regression line between immunoassay in patients with CA 19-9 treatment of y (Cobas) = 16.14 x (Architect) + 0.53. The comparison of CA19-9 on Architect and Cobas show correlation coefficient R = 0.709. The results showed regression line between immunoassay in patients with CA 19-9 treatment of y (Vitros) =–5.558 + 2.432 x (Architect) and correlation coefficient R = 0. 990. The mean concentration of CA 19-9 in the CMIA method was 41.49 U/mL, Intellicheck Technology was 103.45 U/mL and using ECLIA method was 47.25 U/mL at patients. Conclusions: Patients should be monitored on a single method to avoid differences in the results. The various immunoassay techniques for the detection of CA 19-9 tumor marker using different monoclonal antibodies, which leads to different results. Different antibodies recognize different parts of the molecule, and antigen heterogeneity may account in part for inter-method differences.

N. Serdarević, J. Smajić

Introduction: Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is used for monitoring of disease progression and treatment response in cancer patients. Our aim was to compare the performance of chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA) with electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) for CEA. Methods: A total of 115 samples were collected during routine diagnostic, prognostic and therapy monitoring procedures in patients with colorectal and pancreatic cancer. We used ARCHITECT i2000SR and Cobas E601 for CEA analysis in sera samples. Results: The correlation coefficient of 0.984 [95% CI: 0.972 to 0.991] for results obtained on both platforms was observed for CEA≤10 ng/mL group. Moreover, intercept of 0.9027 [95% CI: 0.705 to 1.099] and slope 0.8076 [95% CI: 0.765 to 0.8498]  (p < 0.0001) was observed in this group. In CEA >10 ng/mL group we observed slope = 1.1986  [95%CI: 1.1474 to 1.2498]  (p < 0.0001), intercept = -11.69 [-17.53 to - 5.84] and correlation coefficient of 0.985 [95% CI: 0.976 to 0.9914]. Mean differences between assays in group ≤10 ng/mL and >10 ng/mL were 0.2066 (95% CI: 0.0019 to 0.4113) and –2.66 (95% CI: -10.10 to 4.76) ng/mL, respectively. Conclusion: Although there were differences, based on 20 days precision tests, overall results showed a good analytical performance and correlation between CEA assays on ARCHITECT i2000SR and Cobas E601 platforms. Reference intervals appropriate for the method of CEA measurement should be used. The standardization and harmonization of serum CEA concentration assays are needed.

Elma Serezlija, N. Serdarević, L. Begić

BACKGROUND Renal insufficiency is one of the most serious renal diseases. Early diagnosis plays an essential role. Serum creatinine as a marker has had priority so far. The use of cystatin C for estimation of glomerular filtration rate has been recommended recently. There is a set of formulae which consolidates serum values of both creatinine and cystatin C. The study focuses on different formulae and their estimation for the purpose of better, faster, and more accurate diagnosis of renal insufficiency. METHODS The sample consists of 75 examinees which are divided into three groups. The first group is made of patients with the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) 90 - 120 mL/minute/1.73m². The second group consists of patients with GFR 60 - 89 mL/minute/1.73m² and the third with GFR 30 - 59 mL/minute/1.73m². The exclusion criteria are the following: children and adolescents under the age of 20, pregnant women, patients on corticosteroid therapy and blockers of the distal tubular creatinine secretion. The five equations (GFR1-5) used in this research are: a Cockcroft-Gault equation - GFR1; a MDRD equation - GFR2; CKD-EPI - an equation based on cystatin C - GFR3; CKD-EPI - an equation based on cystatin C, adjusted according to the gender and age - GFR4; and CKDEPI - a combined equation based on cystatin C and creatitine, adjusted according to the age, gender, and race - GFR5. Upon acquiring the results, it is followed up with the statistical data analysis followed by graphs and tables. RESULTS After data analysis, it is established that data distribution does not show normal distribution in each case, which leads to the use of nonparametric statistics. Depending on the stage of kidney injury there are different results regarding the difference in statistics of the used formulae. The highest sensitivity is recorded with the formulae GFR4 and GFR5. Then the increase in cystatin C levels increases sensitivity with the formulae GFR3 and GFR4. CONCLUSIONS As a result of this study, it is to be established that the formula of choice is the GFR3 - CKD-EPI formula based on serum cystatin C values, without adjustments. Its sensitivity, specificity, price, and feasibility are to be observed as parameters. Besides that, the increase in serum cystatin levels leads to the increase of sensitivity of the GFR3 formula, which could be an additional factor in the selection of formulae.

N. Serdarević, IVAN MALESIC, F. Kozjek

The lithium ions concentration in human serum was determined using Dry-slide technol­ ogy Vitros 250 Analyser ( Ortho Clinical Diagnostic), atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) method Perkin Elmer 403 and ion-selective electrode (ISE) potentiometry AVL 9181. We compared lithium ions results in sample sera between these methods. Our reference method was AAS. We analyzed lithium ions concentration in 23 sera samples of patients after oral administration of lithium carbonate (3x 300mg) Jadran, Galen Laboratory Rijeka, by dry-slide technology, AAS and ISE methods. The quality control, precision, reproducibility and accu­ racy for Vitros dry slide technology were assessed. We established that the main difference between AAS method and dry slide technology was not statistically significant at p< 0.05 according to Student t-test. Therefore, the dry slide technology may be a useful alternative or it may even replace other methods, such as AAS. The main difference between dry slide technology and ISE methods was statistically significant at p<o.05 using Student t-test. By ISE method, we obtained considerably higher results, which may be explained by the presence of electrolytes or medicaments interfering with lithium ions. I<EY WORDS: dry slide technology, AAS, ISE, and lithium BOSNIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC MEDICAL SCJENCES 2006; 6 (2): 32-36 NAFIJA SERDAREVIC ET AL.: COMPARISON OF VITROS DRY SLIDE TECHNOLOGY FOR DETERMJNATION OF LITHIUM IONS WITH OTHER METHODS

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