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Namik Trtak

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Introduction: Physiotherapy, a non-invasive method of conservative treatment, that includes manual therapy, exercises and physical procedures, is used in the treatment of temporomandibular dysfunction and polyarticular laxity. It has been proven that physiotherapy focused on temporomandibular dysfunction is an essential element of treatment that leads to a reduction in pain, an improvement in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) function, and an improvement in quality of life. Physiotherapy treatment aims to alleviate the symptoms and try to restore the normal function of the masticatory system, for which various techniques can be used. The aim of the study was to determine the type, intensity, and frequency of TMJ dysfunction pain before and after physiotherapy. Methods: The study was conducted in a private practice in Munich, Germany. All subjects who met the criteria for inclusion in the study completed a standardized questionnaire on TMJ dysfunction (TMJ disorder [TMJ/TMD] Questionnaire). The questionnaire was used to obtain data on the type and location of pain, duration of pain, and other symptoms related to the TMJ. The anamnestic data of the respondents who came to the doctor’s office with the symptoms mentioned were examined, and the orthodontic or dental findings were analyzed.Results: The analysis showed that before treatment some of the joints were affected in 28 subjects, while after treatment the joints were affected in 19 subjects. After treatment a significant decrease in affected TMJ was observed (χ2 = 9.516, p = 0.008). Ear pain occurred in 17 (54.84%) subjects before treatment, and in 5 (16.13%) after treatment. A significant reduction was observed at the p = 0.003 level. Pain around the eyes occurred in 9 (29.03%) of the respondents before treatment, and after treatment in 2 (6.45%) of the respondents. Facial pain was reported in 16.13% of the anamnestic data before the treatment, and it was not reported in any of the respondents after treatment. There was also a significant reduction in the occurrence of tinnitus (p = 0.004). The occurrence of headaches also decreased after treatment (p < 0.001). Ear pressure was present before treatment in 45.16% of cases, and after treatment in 22.58% of cases, so there was no significant decrease. Conclusion: Physiotherapy for people with TMJ dysfunction contributed significantly in reducing pain and alleviating other TMD symptoms.

Introduction: The complaints that occur in the area of the lumbar spine are summarized under the term lumbar pain syndrome. These include lumbar discopathy, lumbago, lumboischialgia, sciatica, and other complaints associated with the lumbar region of the spine. The purpose of this study is to evaluate sociodemographic characteristics, assess the degree of disability patients experience due to lumbar pain syndrome, evaluate how many patients catastrophize their pain, and assess the effectiveness of the dry needling technique along with other physical therapy modalities in people with lumbar pain syndrome. Methods: The study was designed as a prospective study conducted from March 2022 to June 2022. 35 subjects of both sexes, aged 25-83, agreed to participate in the study. The subjects who enrolled were pre-dominantly suffering from chronic lumbar pain syndrome, and there were also a smaller number of subjects with acute lumbar pain syndrome. Results: The majority of respondents suffer from lumbar pain syndrome, which falls into the chronic category in 29 or 82.9% of cases. The mean score after the application of therapy on the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scale was 22.0 ± 16.23% and was statistically significantly lower. The average score after the application of the therapy on the visual analog scale (VAS) was 3.06 ± 2.31 and is statistically significantly lower (p < 0.05) compared to the period before the therapy. Conclusion: Dry needling in combination with standard physical procedures led to statistically significant improvements. The mean score on the pain catastrophe scale, VAS, and ODI was significantly lower than in the pre-therapy period.

Samir Bojičić, Amila Jaganjac, B. Katana, Adela Erović Vranešić, Eldad Kaljić, Hadžan Konjo, Namik Trtak, Tanja Umičević

Introduction: Anterior cruciate ligament injury is an injury that occurs in both sexes and in the population of all ages. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a very strong internal ligament of the knee, whose injuries occur frequently in athletes (professional and recreational) and after which the recovery is very long and complicated. The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of a standardized rehabilitation program after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction based on the time required for rehabilitation in athletes and recreational athletes. Methods: Research is designed as prospective study. The research was conducted in Polyclinic FM Sarajevo over a period of 10 months, starting in June 2018 and ending in March 2019. The collection of data required for the study was carried out using a form prepared for the analysis of patients included in the study. Results: Thirty-six people participated in the study, divided into two groups. In the first group, 52.8% belonged to recreational athletes, while in the second group, 47.2% belonged to athletes. At the end of the study, the flexion value in both studied groups was 120º. At the end of the study, the percentage of subjects with correct extension of the injured limb was 94.7% of recreational athletes and 64.7% of athletes. Of the total number of respondents included in this study, 33% were soccer players, 14% were basketball players, and 53% were recreational athletes. Conclusion: Based on the research results, it was confirmed that early rehabilitation after the established rehabilitation treatment program is shorter in recreational athletes than in professional athletes.

Introduction: Aging is a natural physiological process based on disturbances of homeostatic mechanisms and loss of adaptability that significantly affects life activities over time. The activities of daily living (ADL) in old age represent the relationship between the subjective characteristics of each individual, supplemented by previous life experiences, and objective socioeconomic factors that create a desirable living framework for people in the third age. The objectives of this research are to analyze the sociodemographic characteristics of third-age people, to study the daily activities of third-age people, and to compare the daily life activities of third-age people living in a rural setting with those of third-age people living in an urban setting. Methods: The research was conducted in the area of urban and rural environment of Travnik municipality. One hundred elderly people (50 from urban and 50 from rural areas) were included in the research using the snowball method. The instrument used in our research is a standardized questionnaire on instrumental ADL (IADL) according to Lawton-Brody. The study was conducted during the period from the end of March to the end of May 2022. Results: There is a statistically significant difference in ADL in all eight domains. The mean IADL score in the total sample (n = 100) was 6.36 ± 1.78 and ranged from 1 to 8. The largest number of respondents had the highest IADL score of 8 in 41% of cases, while only one respondent had an IADL score of 1. Conclusion: The obtained results prove that the score of ADL is lower in people of third-age living in rural areas.

Eldad Kaljić, Martina Jurišić, B. Katana, Namik Trtak, Adela Erović Vranešić, N. Jevtić, Gordan Bajić, Adnan Mujezinović

Introduction: Neck pain (NP) may have a local mechanical (non-specific) origin caused by dysfunction of the joint, muscle, and ligament structures in the neck or by a discogenic etiology. Most people (50–60%) suffer from NP at some point in their lives. They are more common in highly developed countries and in urban areas. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of NP and its impact on daily living activities in the student population. Methods: The study included students of the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Health Studies in the period from May 2021 to June 2021. The sample of respondents was formed by the method of random selection and included respondents of both sexes, aged 19–28 years. The study was conducted as a transversal cross-sectional study at a specific time point on the frequency of NP and the ability to perform activities of daily living in the student population. Results: Out of the total number of 255 respondents, 77 (30.2%) reported that they have NP while 178 (69.8%) respondents reported that they do not feel NP and it was found that there was no statistically significant difference between the age groups of the subjects with and without NP. The study concluded that a higher percentage of respondents with NP did not engage in leisure activities and that respondents with NP had lower mobility in daily life, sleep disturbance, and poorer ability to perform activities of daily living due to NP. Conclusion: The study conducted revealed that a significant percentage of the student population with NP has a lower ability to perform activities of daily living. Considering the above facts and the current transformation of the educational model, in which static postures dominate, it is necessary to design and implement programs for targeted physical activity and prevention of long-term inactivity that leads to painful musculoskeletal syndromes.

Naim Salki, Emira vraka, Namik Trtak, Lara Krnjojelac

Technical problems have accrued and we were not able to place abstract here in it's full length. Abstract can we found in the pdf version of the paper attached down below.

Introduction: Active aging is a process of optimizing of opportunities for health, participation, and safety to improve the quality of life as people age. Therapeutic exercises to strengthen muscles are especially important for the elderly, and the results of such exercises are positive in people with functional limitations. The aim of the study was to assess functional mobility of people in the 3rd age of life after programmed therapeutic exercises.Methods: The prospective study included two groups of 130 respondents over the age of 65 who came to the “Centre for Healthy Aging” in Novo Sarajevo in the period from September 1, 2014, until March 1, 2015. Using the time up and go test (TUG), the basic functional mobility was assessed and it represents the minimum time the respondent needs to get up from the armchair, walk a distance of three meters, turn around, and sit back in the armchair. We tested the respondents at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the study, which lasted for 6 months.Results: Analysis of the gender structure of the control and the test groups, using the Chi-square test, found a statistically significant difference, and in the test group, there were more female subjects than in the control group, χ2 = 50.620; p = 0.001. Analysis of the functional mobility of the respondents of the test groups using the TUG at the end of the study found that the respondents of the test group needed statistically significantly less time to perform the test (8.84 seconds) compared to the control group (9.59 seconds) and test Group B (9.41 seconds), F = 4.711; p = 0.041.Conclusion: Programmed therapeutic exercise leads to a significant improvement in functional mobility of persons in the 3rd age of life.

Eldad Kaljić, Edina Hadžipašić, Amila Jaganjac, Namik Trtak, B. Katana, Muris Pecar

Introduction: Cervical pain syndrome (CPS), or pain in the neck, is defined as a set of symptoms that limit performing movements in the upper part of the back and last more than 1 day. When the mentioned symptoms last for more than 12 weeks, we talk about chronic CPS. It often represents the condition that results from disability. It is associated with poor posture, work in sitting position, stress, and long-lasting and repetitive movements. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of physical therapy on the degree of disability, pain intensity, and daily life and work activities of persons with chronic CPS.Methods: The research was conducted in the health spa center “Reumal” Fojnica from June 2020 until July 2020. It included 50 subjects of both genders, more than 18 years old, and of all occupations, treated with physiotherapy procedures (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, magnetotherapy, therapeutic ultrasound, and kinesitherapy in the form of McKenzie exercises). In addition, a pre- and post-treatment study analyzed the condition of the respondents at the first examination and the control examination after completion of treatment.Results: By analyzing the results, we established that of the total number of respondents, 74% were female, and the average age was 57.36 years. At the end of the study, the degree of disability caused by neck pain was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than the degree of disability before the therapy. Discomfort caused by symptoms of CPS that occurred and interference with work before the therapy was significantly lower (p < 0.05) after the treatment program. Therapeutic procedures have reduced the pain intensity and improved the activities of everyday life.Conclusion: The treatment with physical therapy procedures effectively reduces the degree of disability and pain intensity and improves people’s daily life and work activities with chronic CPS.

Introduction: The challenges faced by visually impaired people in their efforts to integrate themselves into the labor market and the general position of persons with disabilities, regarding their employment and social security, is extremely difficult. Employment is the best safeguard against social exclusion and one of the main ways to achieve a full involvement in the society of the visually impaired people.Methods: The research was conducted on a sample of 25 visually impaired people employed at “TMP” d.o.o. Sarajevo. The study was used as a cross-sectional survey method wherein data were collected through appropriate survey instruments, using a modified survey questionnaire.Results: Out of the total number of respondents, 48% are male and 52% are female. The majority of respondents use other persons’ assistance when moving (n = 16). The largest number of respondents had 100% visual impairment (n = 17). The majority of subjects have no strenuous physical activity. The largest number of respondents during the previous week walked for at least 10 minutes, in the sequence of all 7 days and was driven in motor vehicles. When doing household chores, 56% of respondents said they had no difficulty. The most common difficulties in recreation, sports and physical activity in leisure time, that were encountered by 32% of respondents, are poor sound signalling and difficulties of visual nature, though 68% of respondents said that they had no difficulty in their recreational activities.Conclusion: The daily activities of employed visually impaired persons have a positive impact on their quality of life. Various are occupations of visually impaired people that improve their quality of life.

Introduction: Inadequate vitamin B 12, folate status and B6 are associated with an increased risk for chronic diseases that may have a negative impact on the health. Aim: The aim of our study was to investigate dietary intake of vitamin B12, B6 and folates from various foods among the university students. Methods: Dietary intake of foods having vitamins B12, B6 and folate was assessed among the students of University of Sarajevo, 19-22 years old, from 2017 to 2018. The participants were interviewed to collect information regarding age, socioeconomic status, B12, folate, B6 vitamin, and usual food intake during one week. Results: The main sources of vitamin B12 and B6 in the students’ diet were chicken white meat (51.8-53.7 %), beef (45-63 %), cream (62.2 -72.1 %), sardines in oil (47.9-52.2 %), tuna (55.2 -60.4 %), cheese edamer (80.1%) and cheese feta (67.4%-73%). The foods with a high source of vitamin B12 and B6 but rarely consumed were fish, shellfish, salmon, roasted trout and mackerel. Sufficient folate intake was mainly achieved through dietary intake of beans (48.5-57.2%) and oatmeal (46.3-48.2%), while folate-insufficient diet resulted from intake of spinach (30.9-35 %), turkey (26.2-33.4 %), lentils (16.9-19.7 %) and soy (9.4-15.5%). Conclusion: Our results show that there is an important percentage of the students in Canton Sarajevo that do not meet the recommended intakes for vitamin B12 and B6 and folate. Additional research is needed to establish the best cost-effective public health approach to achieve sufficient intake of these vitamins.


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