
Publikacije (62)

M. Stanetić, P. Kovačević, Amela Matavulja, Z. Rajkovača, J. Huskic, S. Veljković

J. Huskic, F. Alendar

Tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) was measured in 60 patients with psoriasis and in 20 healthy individuals. According to clinical forms of psoriasis, patients were further divided into three groups: psoriasis with solitary lesions (n=20), psoriasis with multiple disseminated lesions (n=20) and erythrodermic psoriasis (n=20). The tissue ACE activity was determined before and after therapy, by the spectrophotometric method using hippuryl-l-histidyl-l-leucine as a substrate. The enzyme activity is expressed in units: 1 U corresponds to 1 nmol of hippuric acid released by hydrolysis of hippuryl-l-histidyl-l-leucine per minute and 50 mg of the tissue. Before therapy, tissue ACE activity was significantly increased in patients with psoriasis (4,14+/-0,34; X+/-SEM) in comparison to healthy individuals (1,86+/-0,16). The greatest increase in tissue ACE activity was observed in patients with erythrodermic psoriasis (4,72+/-0,65), followed by those with multiple disseminated lesions (4,24+/-0,63) and solitary psoriatic lesions (3,47+/-0,48). After therapy, serum ACE activity was significantly decreased in all clinical forms of the disease. Determination of tissue ACE activity might be a good non-specific parameter for assessment therapeutic effects.

N. Babic, J. Huskic, E. Nakas-ićindić

Serum and tissue (kidney's) angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity has been examined in Wistar rats (10 males and 10 females), seven days after unilateral nephrectomy. Renal hypertrophy was determined by measurement of kidney absolute mass. Serum and tissue ACE activity was determined by spectrophotometric method using hippuryl-l-histidyl-l-leucine (Hip-His-Leu) as a substrate. The ACE serum activity was expressed in units that correspond to 1 nmol of hippuric acid released by enzymatic hydrolysis of Hip-His-Leu substrate per minute/ml serum. The ACE tissue activity was expressed in units that correspond to 1 nmol of hippuric acid released by enzymatic hydrolysis of Hip-His-Leu substrate per minute/mg protein or mg kidney's tissue. The ACE serum activity significantly increased (p<0,05) seven days after unilateral nephrectomy. The ACE tissue activity, expressed in units that corresponds to 1 nmol of hippuric acid released by hydrolysis of Hip-His-Leu substrate per minute/mg protein, was higher seven days after unilateral nephrectomy then in kidney control, but the difference was not significant compared to the values determined in kidney control. The ACE tissue activity, expressed in units that correspond to 1 nmol of hippuric acid released by hydrolysis of Hip-His-Leu substrate per minute/mg tissue, was increased seven days after unilateral nephrectomy, which is statistically significant compared to the activity of the same enzyme in kidney control (p<0,01). The results indicate that ACE, probably has an important role in development of adaptive compensatory mechanisms after unilateral nephrectomy.

Nitric oxide (NO) level in serum and renal tissue has been examined in 15 male Wistar rats, body weight 200-250 g, 7 days after unilateral nephrectomy. All rats were ether-anaesthetized and the kidneys were removed by dorsolateral approach. NO concentration in serum and renal tissue was determined by classic colorimetric Griess reaction. Conversion of NO(3)(2-) into NO(2)(2-) was done with elementary zinc. Results have shown that NO concentration in renal tissue is statistically higher in rats 7 days after unilateral nephrectomy then in control renal tissue before compensatory kidney growth (p<0,02). There is no difference between NO concentration in serum before unilateral nephrectomy and 7 days after nephrectomy. These findings suggest that NO may play an important role in mediating the hemodynamic changes associated with reduced renal mass.

J. Huskic, Alma Paperniku, Azra Husić, F. Alendar, N. Mulabegović

In order to study concentration of nitric oxide (NO) in the saliva of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), we measured the concentration of its stable metabolite nitrite (NO(2)-) in the saliva of these patients and healthy subjects. We analyzed saliva flow rate and salivary NO concentrations in 16 subjects with Parkinson's disease and in 16 healthy subjects. Concentration of nitrite was determined by colorimetric method using Griess reaction. Saliva flow rate was significantly lower in patients with Parkinson's disease (0.2+/-0.03 mL/min; X+/-SEM) than in healthy subjects. Salivary NO(2)-concentration was significantly lower (5.02+/-0.64) than in healthy individuals (22.39+/-1.24, p<0.0001).

Serum and tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) was measured in 20 patients with lichen planus before and after therapy, and in 20 healthy individuals. Serum and tissue ACE activity was determined by spectrophotometric method using hippuryl-l-histidyl-l-leucine as a substrate. The enzyme activity is expressed in the following units: 1 U corresponds to 1 nmol of hippuric acid released by hydrolysis of hippuryl-l-histidyl-l-leucine per minute and one liter of serum or 50 mg tissue. Before therapy, serum ACE activity was significantly increased in patients with lichen planus (35.9 +/- 2.33 U/L) in comparison to healthy individuals (28.16 +/- 1.7 U/L). Tissue ACE activity was increased in patients with lichen planus (2.24 +/- 0.41 U/50 mg) in comparison to healthy individuals (1.86 +/- 0.16 U/50 mg), but the difference was not significant. After therapy, serum and tissue ACE activity decreased and no significant difference in ACE activity was found. The determination of serum ACE activity may be a good non-specific parameter for the assessment of therapeutic effects.

E. Nakas-ićindić, A. Hadžimuratović, J. Huskic, Almira Hadzović, Asija Začiragić, N. Avdagić

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) plays an important role in blood pressure regulation not only in the state of rest, but also during physical exercise. The aim of this study was to estimate the serum ACE activity in response to acute dynamic exercise. The study involved a group of young, healthy, male volunteers (average 22 years of age). Exercise testing was carried out on ergometer bicycle according to the protocol of individually adjusted continuous, constant workload (3 W/kg). The activity of ACE in serum was measured in venous blood, in the period of rest, in 4th, 8th and 12th minute of exercise and 1st, 3rd and 6th minute of recovery by spectrophotometric method. Marked inter-individual differences in basal serum ACE activity were determined (range 8, 31-63, 72 U/L). Serum ACE activity did not significantly vary during exercise and in the period of recovery. Systolic blood pressure changed during exercise compared to values during rest period in accordance with the applied type of dynamical exercise. Diastolic blood pressure did not vary considerably during exercise. Statistically significant correlation between mean arterial blood pressure and ACE activity in the serum was not found. The lack of increase of ACE activity in the serum, in spite of changes in blood pressure values, most likely shows the presence of alternative ACE independent pathway involved in the production of vasoactive substances that have important role in the regulation of cardiovascular system response to acute dynamic exercise.

S. Rašić, A. Ćatović, J. Huskic, A. Haracić, N. Babic, N. Avdagić, S. Unčanin

INTRODUCTION Anemia has been shown to be a key component of renal failure, as well as of the occurrence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), with special attention paid to the paracrine mechanism of left ventricular remodelling. AIM The aim of the study was to analyze possible association of serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity and LVH in hemodialysis patients with anemia treated with human recombinant erythropoietin (rHuEpo) during six months. METHOD LV geometry was determined by echocardiographic analysis in 20 hemodialysis patients before and after erythropoietin treatment. Serum ACE activity was measured by spectrophotometric method using hippyril-l-histidyl-l-leucin as a substrate. RESULTS Serum ACE activity increased to 47.3% in hemodialysis patients with LVH as compared to patients with normal LV mass. A significant positive correlation was found between the level of ACE activity and LV mass index (p=0.004). Six-month erythropoietin treatment of anemia led to a significant reduction of LV mass index (p<0.008) and serum ACE activity (p=0.003) from the initial values. CONCLUSION The levels of serum ACE activity are associated with LV geometry. Our findings suggested the possibility of simultaneous and modest modulation of LV mass and serum ACE activity with rHuEpo correction of renal anemia.

J. Huskic, F. Alendar, Amela Matavulj, Ljerka Ostoić

Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) was measured in 60 patients with psoriasis and in 16 healthy individuals. According to clinical forms ofpsoriasis, the patients were further divided into three groups: psoriasis with solitary lesions (n=20), psoriasis with multiple disseminated lesions (n=20) and erythrodermic psoriasis (n=20). The serum ACE activity was determined before and after therapy, by the spectrophotometric method using hippuryl-l-histidyl-l-leucine as a substrate. Before therapy, serum ACE activity was significantly increased in patients with psoriasis (47.20 +/- 2.06 U/L) in comparison to healthy individuals (28.33 +/- 1.32 U/L). The greatest increase in serum ACE activity was observed in patients with multiple disseminated lesions (78%), followed by those with solitary psoriatic lesions (76%) and erythrodermic psoriasis (31%). After therapy, serum ACE activity was significantly decreased in all clinical forms of the disease. In conclusion, the determination of serum ACE activity may be helpful in the diagnosis of psoriasis and one of the discriminators to assess the effects of used therapy.

The qualitative and quantitative study of renal cortical structures was performed seven days after unilateral nephrectomy. Adult Wistar rats (10 male and 10 female) were ether-anaesthetized and the kidneys were removed by dorsolateral approach. Renal hypertrophy was determined by measurement of kidney dry mass. The samples of renal tissue were embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 6 microns and stained by azan and haematoxylineosin methods. The volume densities of renal corpuscles, the epithelium of tubules, luminal space of tubules and cortical interstitial structures were calculated using Weibel's multipurpose test system M 42. The qualitative analysis was performed to determine possible structural sex differences of cortical parenchyma during compensatory hypertrophy. There was no significant difference in volume densities of renal corpuscles and distal tubules between control and hypertrophic kidney. The volume density of the epithelium of proximal tubules and interstitial blood vessels were statistically significant increased in hypertrophic kidney compared to the values determined in control kidney. The volume density of luminal space of proximal tubules and interstitial tissues were statistically significant decreased in hypertrophy compared to control kidney. The data from present studies shows that the increase in epithelial volume of proximal tubules and interstitial blood vessels volume have the primary role in compensatory kidney enlargement after unilateral nephrectomy, while renal corpuscles do not participate significantly.

UNLABELLED Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is commonly present in hemodialysis patients (HD pts) and is considered as an independent risk factor for high mortality. Many studies have confirmed sound connection between anemia and LVH in this patients. OBJECTIVE To analyse dystolic function of LVH in uraemic pts during the 6 months human recombinant erythropoectin (rHu-Epo) treatment of anemia, with emphasis on the role of nitric oxide (NO), whose role in regulation of LV diastolic distensibility has been hinted in some recent studies. PATIENTS AND METHODS The study included 20 HD pts, aged 39.6 +/- 5.3 yrs, with the same condition of HD treatment, signs of anemia and echocardiographically verified LVH. Pulse Doppler echocardiography confirmed LV diastolic function as a ratio of early to late diastolic mitral flow velocity (E/A). Nitrate concentration was determined by colorimetric method using Greiss reagent. Renal anemia was treated with rHuEpo. RESULTS Six months rHuEpo treatment of anemia in HD pts with LVH caused significant reduction of LV mass index (p = 0.008). However, we observed unfavourable fall in LV diastolic function (E/A = 0.83, p = 0.007). In the same time, it was found that the serum NO level was higher for 11.8% in HD pts with LVH as compared with the pts with normal LV mass. Also, the significant positive correlation was found between the level of NO and LV mass index before (p = 0.004) and after rHuEpo therapy (p = 0.03), as well as a significant positive correlation between NO and E/A in the same conditions (p = 0.002) and p = 0.049). Level of NO negatively correlates with blood hemoglobin level, but without statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS Correction of anemia with rHuEpo leads to the significant partial regression of LVH. Reduction of diastolic function of LV, observed after diminished LV mass index, could be related to the significant fall of NO level and damaged response of LV to NO. The results of the study strongy suggest that NO can present an important determinant of LV diastolic function in uraemic pts.

Sajma Dautović-Krkić, J. Huskic, D. Cengić, S. Dizdarević, Š. Bešlić, S. Guska, H. Mesihović, S. Mulić

In a five year long study efficiency of Praziquental in a prevention of human echinococcosis relapses was studied. Study was conducted in a period from October 1996 till October 2000, and it included patients with echinoccosis treated in Clinical Center of Sarajevo University in Sarajevo, and in Hospital Konjic, in Konjic. In the above stated period 136 patients with echinoccosis were treated surgically, and in 30 of them combined therapy with Praziquental was used. Antihelmint therapy was applied in hospital settings for 14 days in a dose of 25-50 mg/kg of body weight with adjuvant corticotherapy. After hospital discharge patients were followed up in outpatient clinics by infectologists, surgeons and pediatricians. Follow up included clinical, biochemical, ultrasonic and radiological investigations. Longest follow up interval was 5.5 years and shortest year and a half. Results of study have shown that in a group of 106 patients, treated only with surgical treatment, there were 12.5% of relapses. In a group of patients that we treated with combined therapy with Praziquental there were not relapses. Our results suggest Praziquental could be a drug of choice for the prevention of relapses in human echinoccosis in a combined therapy.

H. Tahirovič, A. Toromanović, N. Hadzibegić, D. Stimljanin, R. Konjević, Z. Budimić, H. Cengić, Ž. Rončević et al.

Abstract Assessment of the status of iodine prophylaxis was studied in 5,523 schoolchildren randomly selected in all cantons in Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation (BHF). According to the iodine content of household salt samples, all cantons of BHF were divided into two groups: Group A: 95.5% of the salt used is produced in the Tuzla plant, in which the salt is iodized at 5-15 mg Kl/kg salt, and 4.5% of the salt used is produced in the Pag plant, in which the salt is iodized at 20-30 mg Kl/kg of salt, and Group B: 19.9% of the salt used is produced in the Tuzla plant and 80.1% in the Pag plant. In Group A the amount of iodine in salt was significantly lower than in Group B (11.4 mg/kg vs 18.9 mg/kg, P <0.001). In Group A the prevalence of goiter was significantly higher than in Group B (32.6% vs 19.7%, P <0.001). The highest prevalence of goiter was in Bosnian Podrinje Canton (51.2%) and Central Bosnian Canton (42.6%) while the lowest was in West Herzegovina Canton (12.9%). Significantly higher concentrations of urinary iodine were found in Group B than in Group A (82.6 μg/1 vs 75.2 μg/1, P <0.001). In Group A the percentage of urine samples below 50 μg/1 iodine was significantly higher than in Group B (35.6% vs 26.9%, P <0.001), but there was no difference in the percentage of urine samples with iodine values less than 100 μg/1 (70.7 μg/1 vs 68.25 μg/1, P >0.05). We conclude that FBH is an iodine deficient area and that the improvement of iodine prophylaxis is urgently required, primarily by increasing salt iodine content to 20-30 mg/kg, in order to eradicate endemic goiter.

H. Tahirovič, A. Toromanović, N. Hadzibegić, D. Stimljanin, Z. Budimić, H. Cengić, Ž. Rončević, E. Denjo et al.

Iodine deficiency which causes the wide spectrum of disorders for all ages, is one of the significant public health problem worldwide. From the ancient times different iodine deficiency disorders were noticed in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in its some areas the goiter existed in endemic form. These facts confirm that its soil bas been iodine deficient and that necessity for iodine prophylaxis is obvious on its territory. The study was based on 5,523 children, of both sex boys and girls school age from 7 to 14 years, randomly selected with the equal participate subjects in relation to the age. The sample is representative and it has been assessed based on: total number of school children aged from 7 to 14 years, anticipated prevalence of goiter 5% level of probability 95%, relative punctuality 30% and the factor called "design effect" which is 3. The study was carried out in whole ten cantons in the schools with equal representation among cities and villages. In examining of prevalence of giter we used inspection and palpation. Determination of iodine concentration in urine was carried out by the method is based on Sandel-kolthof's reaction. The technique used for determination of concentration of iodine in salt was iodinemetric titration. The prevalence of goiter was 27.6% in Federation of Bosnia and Heryegovina. The highest prevalence of goiter was in Bosnia Podrinje Canton (51.20%) while the lowest was in West Herzegovina Canton (12.90%). The urinary iodine excretion in investigated children varied from 1 to 208 *mg/L with median of 77.6 *mg/L. Iodine contetn in household salt samples was from 3 to 29.8 mg/kg, range 14.4 + 5.9 mg/kg. The results of our study show the persistence of mild to moderate iodine deficiency in Bosnia and Herzegovine Federation. Therefore according to the recommendations of the World Health Organisation, UNICEF and International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders, the salt for human, and animal consumption as well as for food industry which is consuming on its teritory, has to be iodinated on the place of its production without looking back whether or not it is produced or imported in Bosnia and Herzegovina Federation, lodination has to be performed with 20 to 30 mg KI per one kg of salt, thereby an average the iodine content has to be 25 mg per kg. In this way it will be prevented the wide spectrum of disorders, which we often are not aware for that its are caused by iodine deficiency. In addition it will be prevented many very important socioeconomical consequences of iodine deficiency.

D. Kardum, J. Huskic, D. Fabijanić, M. Banic, M. Buljevac, M. Kujundžić, B. Lončar

OBJECTIVE Previous studies have pointed to the changes of serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (SACE) values in patients with liver disease and cancer located in different sites. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in SACE values in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver cirrhosis. METHODS The study comprised 30 patients with HCC (22 men and eight women) of average age 48.6 +/- 9.0 years and 30 patients with liver cirrhosis (21 men, nine women) of average age 49.1 +/- 9.5 years. The control group consisted of 30 healthy volunteers with matching anthropometric characteristics. SACE activity was determined by a spectrophotometric method using synthetic hippuryl-glycyl-glycine as substrate. RESULTS The mean SACE value was considerably lower in patients with HCC, 22.8 U/ml (95% CI, 22.5-23.9), both those in whom HCC developed in cirrhotic liver (n = 23), 23.7 (22.9-24.5) as well as those with HCC without cirrhosis (n = 7), 21.8 (21.0-22.6), with regard to patients with liver cirrhosis, 37.2 (36.6-37.8) (P < 0.001). There was also a statistically significant difference between healthy, 29.9 (29.4-30.3), and both groups of HCC patients (P < 0.001). No significant differences could be found between the group of HCC patients with and without liver cirrhosis (P < 0.05). In patients with liver cirrhosis SACE value was increased in accordance with the severity of the disease expressed by Child's classification; however, at each stage SACE values were considerably lower in patients with HCC in cirrhotic liver (Child A, 35.8 vs 22.1; Child B, 38.7 vs 24.2; Child C, 40.0 vs 28.3) (P < 0.001). Alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) values did not correlate with the SACE activity. The SACE value was also significantly decreased in patients with HCC whose AFP were not altered. CONCLUSION The study has shown that SACE values are low in patients with advanced HCC. It may be helpful in detecting HCC in patients with cirrhosis, where it can be difficult to differentiate between small HCC tumours and regeneration nodules.

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