
Publikacije (133)

J. Popelka, R. Pavlović

The author of the thesis addresses the development of the explosive leg strength of the female volleyball team during the competition season. The main method of collecting data was by means of various testing and the evaluation was carried out by means of logical, mathematical and statistical methods as well as a subject analysis. The coaching results refer to the advisability of implementing work-out exercises during competitions to enhance the performance of the players’ explosive leg strength attained during the preliminary period. The results of this study have statistically confirmed the positive effect of explosive leg strength (p < 0.05). The author has concluded his thesis with several recommendations for practice.

Wioletta Łubkowska, Mirosława Szark-Eckardt, H. Żukowska, E. Bendíková, R. Pavlović

The problem of the use of banned substances (doping) in sport has been, is and will be an ongoing problem that undermines the very spirit of sport, beauty and pleasure, and very often the health of athletes. There- fore, it is essential to solve this problem, if possible, per- manently, although it is sometimes simply impossible to do. The research included total 200 students from Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, of which 100 students were from the University in Eastern Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and 100 students from the Department of Physical Education AMU Aligarh (India), aged 18-26 years. Of the total sample, 170 (85%) of the participants were males, while 30 (15%) were females. The main objective of the study was to test the level of differences in knowledge and identify students' attitudes about the use of prohibited substances in sport. To col- lect the necessary information has been used an anony- mous questionnaire with 13 clearly defi ned questions (11 closed questions and two open-ended questions) that are related to specifi c knowledge, attitudes about doping in sport. The obtained results are relevant to the global indi- cator of awareness, knowledge and attitudes of the popu- lation of students about the problem of today's modern sport which is called doping. Of the total sample 85% of the students marked the athletics as a sport with the most doping scandals, followed by Cycling (43%) and Body building and Weightlifting (22%), while the Sports games (28%), Cricket (25%), Shooting and Chess (19%), as well as sports with the least number doping scandals.

J. Popelka, R. Pavlović

Original scientific paper In this paper the author deals with 13 – 14 year-old pupils’ theoretical knowledge of volleyball. The main method was pedagogical experiment. The evaluation was carried out using logical and mathematical-statistical methods. Through analysis of the questionnaire the author came to the conclusion that, when compared to the control group, the experimental group pupils achieved better results in the area of tactics questions. This result was of statistical significance (p<0.05). In the range of rules and technique questions he notes that the differences between groups were not of statistical significance (p>0.05).

R. Pavlović, Vladan Savić, J. Tošić

The problem of the use of banned substances (doping) in sport has been, is and will be an ongoing problem that undermines the very spirit of sport, beauty and pleasure, and very often the health of athletes. Therefore, it is essential to solve this problem, if possible, permanently, although it is sometimes simply impossible to do. It is this research that is designed to gain a real insight, express attitudes and perceptions of students on the use of doping in sport that is the information on this sports phenomenon of the modern age. The study included a total of 141 high school students (Gymnasium and Touristic technicians) from Pale, male, aged 15-19 +/- 0.5 years. The main objective of the study was to test the level of knowledge and identify students' attitudes about the use of prohibited substances in sport. To collect the necessary information has been used an anonymous questionnaire with 13 clearly defined questions (11 closed questions and two open-ended questions) that are related to specific knowledge, attitudes about doping in sport. The obtained results are relevant to the global indicator of awareness, knowledge and attitudes of the population of high school students about the problem of today's modern sport which is called doping. As many as 75% of the students the athletics, cycling and sports games marked as sports that are most marked by doping scandals, and 56% were tennis, golf games stated as a sport with the least number of doping scandals.

Antropoloski prostor je vrlo znacajan i primaran u selekciji, usmjeravanju i postizanju rezultata u sportu. To se narocito ispoljava u vrhunskom sportu gdje se postižu izuzetni rezultati. Zavisno od sporta, sportske discipline zavisi i ucesce i uticaj antropoloskog prostora, odnosno njegovih segmenata na ukupan rezultat. Kada se opisuje i definise određena populacija sportista, njihov morfoloski prostor, najcesce se kao parametri analiziraju tjelesna visina, tjelesna masa, bodi mass index, a vrlo cesto i starosna dob ispitanika. Ovi parametri su vrlo pouzdani i daju realnu sliku o morfoloskom prostoru ispitivane populacije. U radu su analizirane razlike u segmentima morfoloskog prostora atleticarki skakacica, finalistkinja Olimpijskih igara u Pekingu. Uzorak je obuhvatio 32 takmicarke u cetiri discipline (skok u dalj, skok u vis, troskok, skok motkom). Analizirane su razlike u tjelesnoj visini, masi tijela, BMI i starosnoj dobi. Za obradu podataka primjenjen je T-test za male nezavisne uzorke koji je potvrdio postojanje statisticki znacajnih razlika u tjelesnoj visini atleticarki u disciplinama: skok u dalj - skok u vis (T=-2.906, p<0.05), skok u vis - troskok (T=3,448; p<0.01), skok u vis - skok motkom (T=3,469; p<0.01). Razlike su potvrđene i u vrijednostima BMI u disciplinama: skok u vis-skok u dalj (T=3,496; p<0.01) i skok u vis-troskok (T=-3,136; p<0.01)

R. Pavlović, K. Idrizovic, Mensur Vrcić, Miroljub Mosurović

Sažetak: U sprinterskim disciplinama vrlo važno mjesto zauzimaju start i startno ubrzanje koje u velikoj mjeri generise konacni rezultat. U zavisnosti od odgovarajucih individualnih morfoloskih dimenzija, a narocito motorickih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti takmicara mogucnost dobre realizacije ovih parametara je izvjesnija. Međutim, i pored vrhunskih rezultata koje ostvaruju, razlike u ova dva parametra su evidentne, sto u pogledu na konacni rezultat ima određenog efekta. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrde razlike u vremenu startne reakcije i rezultata u sprinterskim disciplinama finalista Olimpijskih igara u Londonu 2012. godine. Analizirani su rezultati finalista (24 muska) i 24 (ženska) takmicara koji su nastupili u finalnim trkama na 100m, 200m i 400m. Evaluacija vremena startne reakcije (ms) i rezultata u sprintu (s) bazirala se na izvjestajima koje je službeno objavila Međunarodna atletska federacija (IAAF). Rezultati analize T-testa su pokazali statisticki znacajne razlike u vremenu reakcije kod ženskih takmicara u disciplinama trcanja 100m i 400m (t= -3,220; p<0,01) kao i za discipline 200m i 400m (t=-2,550; p<0,01), za razliku od muskih finalista gdje nisu zabilježene statisticki znacajne razlike. Takođe, u istim disciplinama između polova nisu zabilježene statisticki znacajne razlike, dok su evidentne u postignutim rezultatima u disciplinama 100m (t=-2,842; p<0,05), 200m (t=-11,526; p<0,01) i 400m (t=-27,019; p<0,01).

R. Pavlović, J. Tošić, K. Idrizovic, A. Rakovic, I. Mihajlović

One of the most important health problems of today's society is hypokinesia accompanied by obesity. The assumption is that reduced physical activity has a large negative impact on the school population. The problem of reduced commitment and involvement of pupils in extracurricular activities is increasingly evident in recent times, which results in a number of negative health effects on the human body of an individual. This study comprised a group of older school children from first to fourth year of high school in Pale. The total sample consisted of 209 pupils (82 male and 127 female), aged 15 to 18 years. As a way of gathering the required information we used an anonymous questionnaire of open type in order to collect information about student involvement in extracurricular sports activities. The survey was conducted in November 2012 and all the pupils voluntarily participated in the study. Based on the survey results have been obtained the necessary information to reflect the relative lack of physical activity, of the studied population. Of the total sample of pupils, the survey confirmed that only about 35% are physically active pupils. The alarming are the results which showed that with the increasing age of pupils they are less physically active, and in the higher years is evident negative trend in physical activity (sports).

D. Mladenović, R. Pavlović, D. Piršl

As the population of multisports continues to grow there is also a growing demand for the better strategic and practical time adjustment and training incorporation into a busy way of life. One cannot ignore the fact that it takes a lot of time for the correct training to complete triathlon and that this is the exact reason why many active people, trapped by the daily routine, do not support this sport. A lot of time and knowledge of the correct planning and programming of the training is a must. Therefore, this paper will deal with the basics which will make it easier to plan and programme the cycling segment for the triathletes.

Bozena Paugasova, T. Gábriš, Ursula Zmatlan-Gabris, M. Ozimek, M. Pupiš, Ľudmila Jančoková, R. Pavlović

Coordination plays an important role in solving complex physical activities which arise during a biathlon race. We determined the level of coordination skills by measuring the time of a simple reaction to visual stimulus at rest by measuring the time response of complex reaction to visual stimuli by measuring the eff ect of visual-motor coordination (part of orientation skills – test Piorkowski) and by measuring the eff ect of visual-motor coordination (part of orientation skills – test Krzyzowy). In addition, we conducted a test of the simple and complex reaction aft er a short-term and long- term exercise. Among the tested sportswomen, the best results, both at rest and aft er exercise, have achieved twos Slovak athletes. Both results were above-average and slightly above-average. In order to develop physical coordination, we recommend biathletes to execute: the already known workout in diff erent environmental conditions, while practicing new coordination exercises especially systematics not focusing on their maximum improvement but to gain general skills for practice while implementing them in the fi rst part of the training.

K. Idrizovic, R. Pavlović, I. Vasiljević, Željko Pejović

Osnovni cilj ove studije je bio da se procijeni međusobni odnos, povezanost funkcionalno-motorickih kapaciteta aerobna izdržljivost, brzinska izdržljivost, startno ubrzanje, maksimalna brzina trcanja, brzina trcanja, agilnost i eksplozivna snaga elitnih fudbalerki kadetkinja, kao i njihov uticaj na realizaciju specificnih fudbalskih kretnih struktura. Uzorak ispitanica za ovo istraživanje je je bio sacinjen od 21 igracice U17 Fudbalske reprezentacije Crne Gore. Testiranje je sprovedeno tokom redovnog okupljanja reprezentativki u periodu zimske pauze u sezoni 2012/2013. godine. Navedene fizioloske karakteristike su testirane testovima: Yo Yo intermitentni test oporavka (nivo1), sprint 10 m iz stojeceg stava, sprint 20 m leteci start, sprint 30 m stojeci stav, slalom trcanje, 300 jardi, skok iz cucnja sa pripremom, i skok udalj s mjesta, dok su specificna fudbalska kretanja, kao kriterijum, procjenjivana testom slalom sa loptom. Ovom studijom je utvrđeno da rezultati svih primijenjenih testova međusobno znacajno koreliraju, odnosno imaju statisticki znacajnu povezanost. Takav slucaj se nije desio samo kod korelacionih koeficijenata koji su izracunati za test skok iz cucnja sa pripremom, koji je znacajnu povezanost imao samo sa testom 300 jardi (r=-.51, p ˂ .05). Ovom studijom je takođe utvrđeno da ovakav sistem pokazatelja fizioloskih potencijala ima statisticki znacajan uticaj na kvalitet realizacije specificnih fudbalskih kretnih struktura (R2=.73, p ˂ .05), dok je od svih nezavisnih pokazatelja samo test slalom trcanje imao statisticki znacajnu predikciju kriterijumskog rezultata u testu slalom sa loptom (β=.65, p ˂ .05).

M. Pupiš, Pavol Pivovarniček, Zuzana Tonhauserová, R. Pavlović

Original scientific paper The aim of the paper was to compare the influence of three different alternatives of hypoxic training (a training in higher altitude – HA, an intermittent hypoxic training – IHT, and a hypoxic tent – HT). The research was executed on 10 athletes who all took part in higher altitude training and an intermittent hypoxic training. Four of the athletes from this sample took part in a training (a sleep) in a hypoxic tent. All the three alternatives lasted for approximately three weeks. In haematological indicators the number of erythrocytes, haemoglobin and hematocrit in HA and IHT increased from 3% to 4.9%. A more significant increase (25.3%, resp. 26.2%) was measured in reticulocytes. In HT we measured the increase of reticulocytes in 17.9%; however in the remaining indicators we observed even smaller increase, namely 0.7 – 2.3%. From the point of spiroergometric indicators we observed the most significant increase in the VO 2 max.kg-1 at ANT where we measured an increase of 8.7%, resp. 9.9%. Obviously, this indicator is directly influenced by the decrease of body weight, but also in absolute rate of VO 2 max at ANT we measured an increase (7%, resp. 7.7%), which indicates the increase of oxygen usability at ANT, thus the intensity corresponding to the competition load. In HT we also measured the increase in these parameters as well as a moderate decrease of body weight (0.3%), however only from 0.3 – 1.5%. From the point of effectiveness we confirmed a positive influence of hypoxic training in all the three methods (HA, IHT, HT), but according to our findings the influence of HA and IHT was significantly higher than in HT.

I. Čillík, M. Pupiš, Ondrej Ďurják, R. Pavlović, D. Bonacin, M. Bel

This contribution deals with speed and speed-strength abilities of the pupils in short-distance runs in athletics. The main purpose of our contribution was to determine the performance and the correlations between the indicators of speed: accelerating speed, maximum running speed and the indicators of speedstrength: explosive power of lower limbs. We investigated speed abilities using the 50 m sprint with a standing start and speed-strength abilities by performing 10 repetitive squat jumps without the help of the upper limbs. The sample of subjects consisted of the pupils – competitors for Slovakia in the Youth category in athletics. Overall, physical demands of tested athletes were found to be average. Short-distance runners have better speed indicators than hurdle runners and long-distance runners; however, they achieve worse performance in speed-strength abilities. Contact time during the repetitive squat jumps is one of the decisive factors that significantly affect the level of speed and speed-strength abilities.

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