
Publikacije (58)

S. Rakić, M. Pavlovic, Selver Softic, B. Lalic, U. Marjanović

E-learning represents novel learning way, which increase teaching flexibility and availability of learning resources. This paper explores the evaluation of student success at e-learning platform. Authors used multi-method approach for data analysis (i.e. Social Network Analysis, K-means Clustering and Linear Regression). This approach presents novelty in the field of e-learning, which provides more detailed analysis that enable more relevant results. The research was conducted with student group at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia. Results indicate that digital resources at the e-learning platform make strong effects on student success. Moreover, results indicate that students with the similar grades belongs to the same clusters.

Egon Lüftenegger, Selver Softic

In this paper, we present our software-supported method for analyzing the economic feasibility of business models. The method integrates the business models and business processes perspectives for analyzing how a company appropriates the financial cost and benefits. In this method, we use the Service-Dominant Business Model Radar to specify business models, then translate the specified business model into a business process for analyzing the financial feasibility of a business model. At the final step in our method, we use the generated business process in the previous step with a software-based tool, The Cost-Benefit Tracker, for analyzing the economic potential of the business model. We designed and developed the Cost-Benefit Tracker as a simple software-based BPMN 2.0 tool by integrating the concepts of the Service-Dominant Business Model Radar tightly. As a result, the software is simple and straightforward to use than enterprise BPMN 2.0 software. Hence, entrepreneurs can use the presented software-supported method to financially evaluate business model concepts specified with the Service-Dominant Business Model Radar.

Laurens De Vocht, Selver Softic, R. Verborgh, E. Mannens, Martin Ebner

When researchers formulate search queries to find relevant content on the Web, those queries typically consist of keywords that can only be matched in the content or its metadata. The Web of Data extends this functionality by bringing structure and giving well-defined meaning to the content and it enables humans and machines to work together using controlled vocabularies. Due the high degree of mismatches between the structure of the content and the vocabularies in different sources, searching over multiple heterogeneous repositories of structured data is considered challenging. Therefore, the authors present a semantic search engine for researchers facilitating search in research related Linked Data. To facilitate high-precision interactive search, they annotated and interlinked structured research data with ontologies from various repositories in an effective semantic model. Furthermore, the authors' system is adaptive as researchers can synchronize using new social media accounts and efficiently explore new datasets.

I. Turcin, Selver Softic, Udo Traussnigg, A. Trif

The paper presents an initial study and basic research of the state of the art systems and solutions for the simulation of the thermoregulatory sweating conditions. The simulation of the thermoregulatory sweating conditions has been treated by many researchers, and has become over the years a major area of interest for many industries (e.g. textile, protective garments, aeronautics, automotive industries and sports). The objective of this paper is to reflect and analyse the existing literature, for this purpose. Three existing systems and two thermoregulatory models will be characterized and critically discussed. The findings support the methodology for future applied scientific research (PhD thesis), which will use existing scientific knowledge to develop a practical application using suitable technology.

Markus Streibl, Christian Edelsbrunner, Markus Frühwirth, Peter Göri, Richard Liebmann, Dominik Nehl, Stefan Weigl, Selver Softic

Laurens De Vocht, Selver Softic, R. Verborgh, E. Mannens, Martin Ebner

Recent developments on sharing research results and ideas on the Web, such as research collaboration platforms like Mendeley or ResearchGate, enable novel ways to explore research information. Current search interfaces in this field focus mostly on narrowing down the search scope through faceted search, keyword matching, or filtering. The interactive visual aspect and the focus on exploring relationships between items in the results has not sufficiently been addressed before. To facilitate this exploration, we developed ResXplorer, a search interface that interactively visualizes linked data of research-related sources. By visualizing resources such as conferences, publications and proceedings, we reveal relationships between researchers and those resources. We evaluate our search interface by measuring how it affects the search productivity of targeted lean users. Furthermore, expert users reviewed its information retrieval potential and compared it against both popular academic search engines and highly specialized academic search interfaces. The results indicate how well lean users perceive the system and expert users rate it for its main goal: revealing relationships between resources for researchers.

C. Kaiser, Selver Softic, Vedran Sabol, Mario Zechner

This position paper introduces an approach for user interaction in an information-cockpit. The informationcockpit in our case is an explorative visual user interface backed by a faceted search-engine. The user interface employs several visualizations helping the user to get an overview of the data and providing intuitive drill-down functionality on search results. Besides searching and visualizing of data on a personal drive, our informationcockpit supports federated searching where files are located across heterogeneous data sources in the network.

Selver Softic, Manfred Rosenberger, I. Turcin, A. Stocker

Project management within the automotive production in specific departments is still done separately and does not interact with engineering process. Our work aims on providing flexible data insights on collaboration tasks within such environments. We apply semantic technologies RDF, OWL and SPARQL with a specific domain related ontology PROTARES (PROject TAsks RESources) to interlink, describe and query domain knowledge. As proof of concept we are introducing an experimental visualisation interface called TaskRadar. Our application resides on domain ontology and allows knowledge based browsing and visualisation of tasks in development process. With this example we want to show, how semantically driven customized views can support monitoring and reflection as well as decision-making within the early phases of the automotive product lifecycle.

D. Weitlaner, Selver Softic, G. Breslmair, Elisabeth Pergler, Xiaoshan Liu, Thomas Loidolt

The ever increasing importance of services for the market success of companies sector-independently evokes new challenges when it comes to service pricing. In search of adequate guidelines firms frequently encounter traditional and product-related techniques and apply them although they do not meet the services’ specific needs. The reason can be found in the acute shortage of service pricing tools and methods, especially value-based ones which are meanwhile deemed superior to others. To address this issue this paper introduces a service evaluation programming platform that can be used by companies as auxiliary device for finding appropriate prices for their provided services.

M. Ebner, Behnam Taraghi, Selver Softic

In dieser Arbeit werden die erforderlichen Masnahmen und Schritte zur Umsetzung einer visualanalytischen Plattform in Form eines Dashboards zum Zweck der Analyse und Visualisierung von Informationen sowie der Verfolgung von Lernaktivitaten in der eigens entwickelten Lernumgebung namens Personal Learning Environment (PLE) vorgestellt. Daruber hinaus prasentieren wir einen neuartigen Semantic Web orientierten Ansatz zur Modellierung der Lernaktivitaten und tatigkeitsbezogener Zusammenhange unter Zuhilfenahme entsprechender Ontologien.

A. Stocker, A. Richter, C. Kaiser, Selver Softic

– Despite a growing demand for enterprise search from practice, little is known about its implementation from an academic perspective. As the few available practice-oriented investigations show, enterprise search user satisfaction is rather low. The purpose of this paper is therefore to explore user-centric barriers of enterprise search implementation in order to increase user satisfaction. , – Results are built on a qualitative user study in an R & D organization. Findings are gained from think-aloud observations introduced by semi-structured interviews in which ten knowledge workers explore a newly implemented enterprise search tool. , – Findings illustrate barriers that knowledge workers have to overcome when adopting enterprise search to find project-relevant documents. Implementation barriers relate to selection for keywords, search query formulation, availability and adequacy of metadata, relevance judging of search results, current search strategies, and overall perception of enterprise search usefulness. , – Limitations address the piloted enterprise search software, along with its specific configuration and scope, the chosen research approach of generating qualitative findings from a single case, and the size of the involved sample of engineers. Implications address measures to increase enterprise search adoption. , – This study provides project managers with knowledge to take appropriate actions in the early phases of enterprise search implementation, and even prior to that, to raise the success of enterprise search projects. It contributes to a better understanding of enterprise search engine user needs and assists in concretizing user requirements. , – While existing studies primarily focus on advancing the technical perspective of search in organizations, the author elaborate on the under-investigated social and organizational aspects. The author furthermore stress the importance of user-centered approaches for enterprise search adoption.

Laurens De Vocht, Selver Softic, Anastasia Dimou, R. Verborgh, E. Mannens, Martin Ebner, R. Walle

The various ways of interacting with social media, web collaboration tools, co-authorship and citation networks for scientific and research purposes remain distinct. In this paper, we propose a solution to align such information. We particularly developed an exploratory visualization of research networks. The result is a scholar centered, multi-perspective view of conferences and people based on their collaborations and online interactions. We measured the relevance and user acceptance of this type of interactive visualization. Preliminary results indicate a high precision both for recognized people and conferences. The majority in a group of test-users responded positively to a set of statements about the acceptance.

Selver Softic, Laurens De Vocht, E. Mannens, Martin Ebner, R. Walle

Conference Linked Data (COLINDA) 3 , a recent addition to the LOD (Linked Open Data) Cloud 4 , exposes information about scientific events (confer- ences and workshops) for the period from 2002 up to 2015. Beside title, descrip- tion and time COLINDA includes venue information of scientific events which is interlinked with Linked Data sets of GeoNames 5 , and DBPedia 6 . Additionally in- formation about events is enhanced with links to corresponding proceedings from DBLP (L3S) 7 and Semantic Web Dog Food 8 repositories. The main sources of COLINDA are WikiCfP 9 and Eventseer 10 . The research questions addressed by this work in particular are: how scientific events can be extracted and summa- rized from the Web, how to model them in Semantic Web to be useful for mining and adapting of research related social media content in particular micro blogs, and finally how they can be interlinked with other scientific information from the Linked Data Cloud to be used as base for explorative search for researchers .

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