This paper builds on Sirgy’s (1998) theory of materialism by integrating exposure to materialistic advertising and social influence into a more comprehensive model. The data collected in Bosnia/Herzegovina showed that exposure to materialistic advertising and social influence contribute to materialism. Materialism, in turn, leads to the use of all types of standard of comparisons (affective- and cognitive-based expectations) to make judgments about standard of living. As the use of these standards of comparisons increases, people start to evaluate their standard of living more negatively, and this negative evaluations of standard of living leads to dissatisfaction with life.
U radu je prikazana primjena conjoint analize u proucavanju procesa vrednovanja i kriterija odabira pri kupnji MP3 playera kod segmenta mladih, kao najznacajnijeg segmenta za tu kategoriju proizvoda. Metodologija: Provedeno je nekoliko istraživanja mladih potrosaca u sarajevskoj regiji. Najprije su provedeni nestrukturirani intervjui pomocu fokus grupa u kombinaciji s nizom pitanja visestrukoga izbora i otvorenih pitanja, a sve radi identificiranja varijabli proizvoda i razine njihove važnosti za preferencije potrosaca. Nakon sto su izdvojene glavne varijable i određene razine njihove važnosti, one su kombinirane kako bi se dobili razliciti profili hipotetskog proizvoda. Dobiveni rezultati analizirani su pomocu softvera za conjoint analizu. Spoznaje: Rezultati pokazuju da bi proizvođaci i prodavaci MP3 playara svoje strategije trebali usmjeriti na marku kada ciljaju na segment mladih kao najznacajniji segment za takve proizvode. Istraživanje potražnje i osjetljivosti na cijene pokazalo je da su kupci ove kategorije proizvoda osjetljivi na cijene i zbog toga su spremni mijenjati marke. Ogranicenja: Iako istraživanje obuhvaca vecinu cimbenika koji se odnose na MP3 playere, poželjno bi bilo ukljuciti dizajn kao dodatni cimbenik te vise razlicitih marki. Isto tako, velicina uzorka mogla bi biti veca sto bi omogucilo segmentaciju tržista temeljem dobivenih part-worths.
Owing to the media, the sporting industry has largely increased its attractiveness, production and sale intended for the sporting producers (direct – indirect) and the sporting consumers (passive – active), but for the wider public, as well. Attractiveness, as a special feature of marketing abilities of individual sports, is a specific feature in itself in terms that sports belonging to the sporting industry have larger or lesser marketing potentials (football, basketball, volleyball, and team-handball), which additionally increases the interests of the mass-media, the business investors, the advertisers and the sponsors for this type of sporting products and services. Purpose of this research work is to objectify the media exposure of the sporting organisations in team-sports from the Canton of Sarajevo in terms of selection of generic strategies and their impact on the targeted media market in relation to the realised business and sporting achievements. This research defines a correlation between structural and generic significance of the media exposure segment within sports, such as, football, basketball, volleyball, and team-handball from the Canton of Sarajevo for the competitive 2003/04 season, and the business and sporting achievements segment, based on which are presented the abilities of the analysed sporting organisations in team-sports, to a larger or a lesser degree, using the potentials and attractiveness of their own sports, and in wider application of the organisational business function of public relations, by means of sporting market, to provide a higher level of profitability for themselves.
This paper aims to discover the quality of bank service delivery through websites in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The culprit for deficiencies of knowledge about medium-sized companies is their frequent inclusion among small companies. The authors try to find arguments for a more sensible definition of medium-sized company in modern microeconomic theory, theory of entrepreneurship and theory of financial markets. According to the first one, companies grow until they reach the minimum efficient scale. On the other hand, a company's size is determined by incomplete contractual relationships. The second theory argues that medium-sized companies have some advantages because a more manageable number of employees and closer ties between them and the entrepreneur may reduce monitoring costs. In addition, the employees are more willing to invest in formation of specific skills required for their post. The third theory claims that due to information asymmetry medium-sized firms resort predominantly to internal sources of financing (depreciation, retained profits), while banks (relationship banking) are more frequently among external sources of finance than capital markets. The book deals with medium-sized companies in a fourfold manner: conceptual - what are medium-sized companies ; dynamic - how do they grow ; national - how a national economy to a large extent depends on the efficiency of medium-sized companies and international - how some medium-sized companies acquire characteristics of multinational companies by means of foreign investment.
This research renders analysis of the web sites and service quality that banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B-H) deliver through the Internet to the clients and other stakeholders. Objective of study was to examine how a set predetermined dimensions and attributes of Web services quality delivery represent tangible and intangible elements that influence banking industry image. The analysis is based on the model of service quality delivery through Internet, defined by Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Malhtra (2002). Research results show many interesting things about Internet presentations of banks in B-H. Of all the banks included in the research (23), only one bank provides no basic information about itself (4.35%), while one bank provides its information in the form of presentation. The rest of the banks provide complete information on themselves (95.65%). The English version of their web pages is provided by 15 banks (65.2%), while the remaining six banks (26.1%) do not provide such a service. Two banks (8.7%) have broken links. Standard navigation is provided by 22 banks (95.65%), while only one bank (4.35%) provides specific link to the previous page through the“fast link”. Banks in B-H do not have any privacy policies.
The development of the advertising sector in Bosnia‐Herzegovina can be divided into two periods, i.e. the period before and the period after the entry of trans‐national advertising agencies into the Bosnia‐Herzegovina market. Until the mid‐1990s there were no foreign advertising agencies in Bosnia‐Herzegovina. There were several local agencies, mostly connected with the media. Since 1996 several international agencies have entered the market. The process of transformation from underdeveloped and local level to international competition was stimulated by overall economic liberalization and by intensive growth of the media sector in the country. Today there are 23 agencies for advertising and marketing communications in the Bosnia‐Herzegovina market and the overall annual turnover of the sector is US$15–20 million. The purpose of this paper is descriptive: to describe the rejuvenation of a national advertising industry following a period of war and economic destruction. It is felt that the paper may have resonance for other potential markets that may pass through similar circumstances.
Advertising sector development in Bosnia-Herzegovina (B-H) can be divided into two parts: period before and period after the entry of transnational advertising agencies (TNAA) in the B-H market. Until mid 90-ies, there were no foreign advertising agencies in B-H. However, after 1996 several international agencies entered the market. Advertising sector development has been a part of globalization of the advertising market in the country, with a number of international agencies penetrating the market. Globalization of advertising industry has raised the question of the positive and negative aspects of entry of transnational advertising agencies and their effect on other players in the market. Our study shows that there are very positive effects: Introduction of modern advertising concepts to B-H market, and promotion of professional approach and scientific methodology. The dominance of international agencies and their prevalent market share could be denoted as negative effects of transnational advertising influence on B-H advertising industry.
This study tested animosity and ethnocentrism in Bosnia and Herzegovina with regard to products from Serbia, Croatia and Western European countries. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a developing country that experienced four-years of war with its neighbours- Serbia and Croatia. The results of this study mainly confirm previous findings for developing countries: high level of ethnocentrism that reduces willingness to buy imports. Surprisingly, we have discovered that a high level of admiration for lifestyle in the economically developed countries does not have any influence on willingness to buy imports. Also, there is a presence of political animosity towards Serbia and economic animosity towards Western European countries. Support evidence for animosity towards Croatia was not found.
Madsen synthesized international performance studies and identified 20 performance antecedents. Of these, 12 are unrelated to international performance or have conflicting relationships across the reviewed studies. We use his recommendations to increase the value of international performance research. First, we include seven antecedents that cover the organizational, environmental, strategic, and performance domains of his model, including components of the market orientation model. Second, earlier studies involved mostly North American and European goods exporters. This study extends previous research to the service sector in Australia. Based on responses from 181 exporters, the importance of managerial attitudes, perceived international barriers, and human resource efforts is shown to affect international performance.
Advertising sector development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B-H) can be divided into two parts: the period before and the period after the entry of transnational advertising agencies in the B-H market. Until mid 90-ies, there were no foreign advertising agencies in B-H. There were only several local agencies, mostly connected with media. However, after 1996 several international agencies have entered the market. The process of transformation from underdeveloped and local level to international competition was stimulated by overall economic liberalization and by intensive growth of the media sector in the country. Today, in the B-H market there are 23 agencies for advertising and marketing communications, and overall turnover of the sector is between 15 and 20 million USD.
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