
Publikacije (36)

Fikret Veljović, Senad Burak, E. Begić, A. Begić, A. Iglica, Reuf Karabeg

The aim of the paper was to examine the effect of noise on the blood flow velocity through a period of three years on workers who work on press machine. It was proven that continuous exposure to noise affects the blood flow velocity through the aorta and increases the diameter of ascending aorta and this, consequently, leads to an increase in cardiovascular risk. Prevention of changes in the cardiovascular system is considered to be imperative, and the limitation of noise levels and the length of exposure to noise must be established as factors that must be planned during the construction of the work environment.

G. Janjić, Milan Simatović, V. Škrbić, Reuf Karabeg, Dragan Radulj

Introduction: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is now considered the procedure of choice that achieves a shorter recovery period after the surgery and reduction in the cost of treatment. Aim: The aim of the study is to prove which method: early or delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the method of choice in the treatment of acute cholecystitis by examining: duration of hospitalization, conversion rate, duration of surgery, postoperative complications, and total cost. Methods: The study was conducted at the University Clinical Center of Republika Srpska as a retrospective-prospective study from May 1st 2013 until December 31st 2019. Patients diagnosed with acute cholecystitis were divided into two groups: Patients designated for early laparoscopic cholecystectomy within 72 hours of admission (group A–42 patients), Patients designated for initial conservative treatment followed by a delayed interval of 6-12 weeks until surgery (group B-42 patients). Results: In both groups, there were statistically significantly more female respondents. The results showed that the average cost of treatment in the early treated group was statistically significantly lower than the cost of treatment in the delayed treatment group. The patients in the early group had shorter hospitalization times (an average of 2.8 days and 5.6 days in the delayed group of patients), a smaller percentage of conversions (4.8% in the early and 16.7 in the delayed group of patients), the total cost of in the early group it was 1300.83 KM, while in the delayed group it was 1645.43 KM. Conclusion: Early laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a method to be preferred in surgical treatment.

Senad Burak, Reuf Karabeg, Fikret Veljović, N. Begić, A. Iglica, Aida Pitić, H. Hodžić, E. Begić

Introduction: Mathematical modeling of coronavirus disease spread and computer simulations are currently one of the main tools in public health that can give important indicators for prevention planning Based on mathematical projections and daily updates of information, the measures are either tightened or reduced, in order to protect the health of the population Aim: The aim of this paper is to present a computer system based on an adequate mathematical model that allows frequent execution of various scenarios of spread severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in any period in the future Also, the aim of this article is to point out the importance of measures for the prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Bosnia through examples of computer simulation models Methods: Software solution based on the USLIRD model (Unpopulated - Susceptible - Latent - Infectious - Recovered - Deceased) was developed, with a number of variable parameters 'reproduction number, delay period, infectivity period, hospital capacity, characteristics of population) By setting these parameters in accordance with the existing and available data, the model is brought to an optimized state with the possibility of a realistic assessment of the course of the infection curve in any future period Data from the beginning of the pandemic are collected at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo and updated several times a day The set of measures is divided into two types 'Intervention 1' is a measure to close institutions that are at high risk for pandemics, working from home, wearing face mask, enhanced hygiene when entering facilities with a larger number of people 'Intervention 2' presents restrictive measures that has been introduced as mandatory in Bosnia The period 01 03 2020 to 01 09 2020 was observed Results: Without epidemiological measures, Bosnia's health system would quickly collapse Restrictive measures reduce the intensity of the spread of the infection, save human lives and keep the health system functional, but with consequences on other aspects of society - reduction of economic activities, collapse of the service industry and companies and disorders in mental health status of the population Four different scenarios of the situation were analyzed Scenario number three is current condition with measures that are currently in Bosnia The reintroduction of restrictive measures leads to a decrease in the number of infected population and suppression of the spread of the pandemic, which is shown in scenario 4 Conclusion: Self-discipline, adherence to measures, while trying to avoid restrictive measures should be the way to fight the COVID-19 pandemic Whatever the consequences, the initiation of restrictive measures to preserve the health of the population should be imperative © 2020 All Rights Reserved

Introduction: Injuries to the radial nerve can occur at any point along its anatomical route, and the etiology quite varies. A particular entity are war injuries of the extremities, which have high morbidity but low mortality. After irreparable radial nerve injury, the only treatment is tendon transfer (if we neglect arthrodesis) with over then 40 methods. Four tendon transfers are considered as better than the other and two of them are the subject of our article flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU). Aim: To evaluate the ultimate functional results of forearm tendon transfers for irreparable radial nerve damage caused by war injuries and indicate the better operative treatment choice in accordance with the evaluation schemes. Methods: This retrospective research included 40 patients with isolated irreparable radial nerve damage. Patients were operated from 1993 to 1996. The follow-up period is from 3.5 to 11.5 years (until 2007). Twenty patients were operated using FCR tendon transfer method and twenty patients were operated using FCU tendon transfer method. The surgery was performed at the Clinic for Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo. Three score evaluation schemes were used: Zachary, Neumann Pertecke and Tajima scheme, along with subjective evaluation of treatment. Results: Measured by the Zachary Evaluation Scheme, the overall score in patients undergoing FCR tendon transfer is 92.25%. In patients undergoing FCU tendon transfer, the total score was 82.20%. The total result of all 40 operated patients was 87.25%. The Zachary evaluation scheme showed a significant difference between FCR and FCU results by tendon transfer (p <0.05) in favor of the FCR tendon transfer. Tajima scheme proved a statistically significant difference between the two tendon transfers (p = 0.024), also in favor of FCR tendon transfers. Conclusion: Forearm tendon transfer is a relevant method to compensate for the loss of function of the wrist, fingers and thumb extensions as a result of irreparable damage to the radial nerve. FCR tendon transfer provides better functional results than FCU tendon transfer in irreparable radial nerve damage. The time elapsed from the injury to the performed surgery of the tendon transfer has no effect on the final functional result. There is no surgical tendon transfer procedure that can be recommended as a standard for any patient. Practically, the surgeon must tailor the surgery to the patient’s needs. It is necessary to develop a unique and generally accepted evaluation scheme for the results of tendon transfers that will enable comparisons of results achieved. Both methods can be used for irreparable damage of radial nerve due to any etiology.

Reuf Karabeg, Fikret Veljović, A. Voloder, S. Bećirbegovic, Dženan Jahić, Senad Burak, E. Begić, I. Masic

Introduction: Achilles tendon injuries usually occur with abrupt movements at the level of the ankle and foot, and the consequence is the overload of the Achilles tendon. Aim: Examine the Achilles tendon load as a function of the landing angle, and find the critical point at which the tendon overload begins and when a further increase in the landing angle can lead to rupture. Methods: The study has a prospective character. The input data represent the anthropometric values of the respondents, who are professional basketball players in the senior national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina and were processed in the CATIA v5-6 software solution. Software data processing analyzed the landing angles and the transfer of force to the Achilles tendon. The end result is a regression curve, which projects the angle at which the Achilles tendon is overloaded, and indicates an increased risk of possible injury to the tendon itself. Results: The onset of overloading starts at an angle of 32.28° and at an angle of 35.75° the overloaded load occurs, indicating the need for the subject to change the position of the foot to prevent damage to the tendon itself. Conclusion: An angle of 35.75° is the critical point at which the Achilles tendons are overloaded at the very landing. Prevention of injury should go in the direction of practicing the feet for a particular position at the time of the landing, and in the direction to develop adequate footwear that would mitigate the angle at the landing.

Reuf Karabeg, Malik Jakirlić, A. Karabeg, Danijela Crnogorac, I. Aslani

Introduction: Breast augmentation is one of the most frequently performed aesthetic surgical procedures in the world. The most important preoperative decisions which influence the final appearance of the augmented breast are the breast implant pocket choice and selection of the most appropriate implant. Described pocket locations are subglandular, subfascial, partially retropectoral, totally submuscular and dual plane. Aim: We have introduced a new method of pocket forming for implant placement, which is combination of Tebbett’s dual-plane 2 or 3 and Graf’s subfascial. We named it as dual plane subfascial. Methods: Between January 2016 and April 2018, total of 27 patients were operated using dual plane subfascial breast augmentation. The pinch test in the medial pole less than 2,0 cm and in upper pole less than 2,5 cm are indications for this technique. In our modification, in primary cases a dissected flap in front of muscle is fasciocutaneous (not cutaneous as in Tebbett’s technique). It will be finally located caudally of pectoral muscle and in front of the lower pole of implant. Fasciocutaneous flap in primary cases and two independent levels of soft tissue coverage (fascial and cutaneous) in secondary cases (subglandular to dual plane subfascial conversion) in front of the lower pole of implants provide better coverage than cutaneous flap alone. Results: Hematoma and infection did not occur in any patient in our study. A capsular contracture grade I/II without the need for reoperation occurred in two patients. In one patient with secondary augmentation minimal bottoming out was noticed (before reoperation patient had significant bottoming out deformity). Minimal palpability of implants is recorded in three patients. Conclusion: Dual plane subfascial is a good option in primary breast augmentation with a well set indication especially in the breasts with the upper pinch test less than 25 mm and medial pinch test less than 20 mm. The idea can be followed even in secondary breast augmentation (subglandular to dual plane subfascial conversion). There is additional soft tissue in front of the implant which led to a less implant palpability, especially in thin patient with smaller amount of subcutaneous fat.

D. Lukić, Reuf Karabeg, Vildana Jahić, Andrea Stanojević, B. Pavlovska, Zoran Kričković, Goran Predojevic, D. Ivić et al.

Aim: The aim of this article is to determine the possible correlation between the smoking habit and the incidence of basocellular skin cancer (BCC). Patients and methods: The prospective study, which lasted from June 2012 to June 2018, included subjects diagnosed with basocellular skin cancer (BCC). Respondents were divided into 3 groups. The first, group A (21 respondents), are respondents who smoke 20-35 cigarettes a day. The second, group B (19 respondents), consists of respondents who smoke 35-50 cigarettes a day. The third, group C (91 respondents), consist of non-smokers. Observed parameters are sex, age, current and previous smoking habits, including duration (total smoking year) and intensity (average number of cigarettes smoked per day), age at the start of smoking, and prolonged exposure to the sun. Results: No statistically significant relationship was found between smoking and BCC frequency. It was shown that with BCC of the skin was more affected those who did not smoke. There is no clear relationship between the duration of smoking and/or the amount of smoking and the development of BCC, and it follows that this relationship is not likely to be causative. A suggestive, but not significant, evidence of relationship between smoking and skin cancer is found at this time. Conclusion: Since it is a conglomerate of possible etiological factors, further research is needed to definitively clarify the effect of tobacco consumption on the development of BCC by monitoring a larger number of respondents over a longer period of time in large prospective studies. In any case, a possible association with skin cancer is a reason to avoid smoking.

Reuf Karabeg, S. Arslanagic, Malik Jakirlić, Vanis Dujso, G. Obradovic

UNLABELLED Injuries of hand extensor tendons occur as isolated or combined injury or multiple tendons injuries associated with injuries of other hand structures. Clinical pictures of these injuries depends on the level of occurred injury, and can be expressed in loss of function extension of one or more fingers, wrist and creating contractures. PATIENTS AND METHODS This is five-year retrospective study of 87 patients operated at Clinic for Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo. We studied the efficiency of primary surgical treatment in hand extensor tendons injuries in the prevention of hand dysfunction. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The best recovery results after surgical treatment of hand extensor tendons injury were in zones I, zone II and zone III. But, in zone VII recovery was difficult, and the outcome unpredictable. The most commonly injured zone was zone VI, and in zones of thumb usually violated zone was zone T-III. According to Miller's assessment criteria and recovery functions, after 6 weeks, with excellent finding was 41 (47,1%) and good results 21 (24,0%) of patients, while after 6 months, the excellent results were in 60 (68,9%) and good results in 28,7% of patients, due to well-conducted physical rehabilitation. Only two patient had complications at 6 months after surgery due to very complicated associated injuries of soft tissues and bone structures of the hand. CONCLUSION Results depends in extensivity of injury, anatomic zone, lack of infection, concomitant injuries, skills and operative methods of surgeon.

Reuf Karabeg, Malik Jakirlić, Vanis Dujso, G. Obradovic, S. Arslanagic

INTRODUCTION The ulnar nerve is a mixed motor and sensory nerve, which making nerve repair more difficult and functional recovery less predictable than pure sensory nerves. Recovery of muscle activity and restoration of sensibility are essential for a functional extremity. A nerve graft, if performed in a tensionless manner, has been shown to generally have better results than an end-to-end approximation performed under tension. PATIENTS AND METHODS In study period from 1993 through 2008, evaluation was performed in 48 patients with adequate follow-up. The mean follow-up period was 3.4 years (range, 24 months to 8.3 years). The average patient age was 32.4 years (range, from 6 to 71 years). There were 37 male patients and 11 female patients. RESULTS We analyzed the effect of the age of the patient, level of injury, graft lenght and denervation time on motor and sensory recovery. Values of p < 0.05 were considered significant. Results of motor (chi-square = 8.04, p = 0.154) and sensory recovery (chi-square = 7.53, p = 0.184) were not significantly better in patients younger than 25 years compared to the group of patients older than 25 years. The level of the ulnar nerve injury had an impact on the outcome, with better results both sensory (chi-square = 161., p = 0.000) and motor recovery (chi-square = 238., p = 0.000) in patients with distal lesions. The results were significantly better in the group with graft lenght less than 5 cm compared to those longer than 5 cm for both sensory (chi-square = 72.6, p = 0.000) and motor recovery (chi-square = 196., p = 0.000). The functional results were significantly better for both sensory (chi-square 13.4, p = 0.020) and motor recovery (chi-square = 133., p = 0.000) in the group of patients with denervation time shorther than 6 months. CONCLUSION The graft length, level of injury and denervation time significantly influenced the functional outcome in both motor and sensory recovery. Better results were in the patients in which the autograft length was up to 5 cm, in patients who were operated within six months from the injury and in patients with distal lesions.

Reuf Karabeg, Malik Jakirlić, S. Arslanagic, Vanis Dujso, G. Obradovic, Adnan Zeco

INTRODUCTION Dupuytren's disease (DD) is a progressive fibroproliferative disorder of the hand causing digital flexion contracture. Treatment goals include removing or releasing the fibrotic cord to allow extension of the affected finger(s) and restoration of hand function. MATERIAL AND METHODS In study period from 2001 through 2008, evaluation was performed in 115 patients. Limited or extensive fasciectomy was performed in all patients. Tubiana classification sheme to rate severity of DD was used. RESULTS There were 106 male patients ( mean age 62.6 years) and 9 female patients (mean age 66.3 years). Before the operation, 38% of all patients were at Tubiana stage I, 32% were at stage II, 22% were at stage III and 8% were at stage IV. Of all patients, 43% were diagnosed with Dupuytren's in only one finger, 39% in two fingers and 18% in three fingers. In 23% of patients DD were diagnosed on both hands. Limited fasciectomy was peformed in 90.4% of patients and extensive fasciectomy in 9.6% of patients. The Tubiana stage achived after surgery was lower in 98% of patients. As a final result after surgery, 66% of patients didn't have contracture, stage I was reported in 28% and stage II in 3% of patients. There were no patients with Tubiana stage III or more after surgery. Postoperative complications were noted in 18% of patients. Wound healing problems were present 12% of patients. Haematoma was reported 5% of patients. Of all patients 22% had diabetes mellitus. CONCLUSION DD is much more common in male than in female patients. Most of the patients are diagnosed at Tubiana stage I and II. Surgical correction has led to an improvement in most patients. Limited fasciectomy is still the gold-standard in DD treatment. Extensive fasciectomy or dermofasciectomy is preformed only in most severe cases.

D. Lukić, Reuf Karabeg, P. Jeremić, Jadran Milos Bandic, Malik Jakirlić, N. Babić, A. Karabeg, S. Sibinčić et al.

INTRODUCTION Basocellular skin carcinoma (BCC) is the most common cancer in the human population. BCC almost appeared at adult's people, but it can be found at children, too. THE AIM The aim of this study was to determine which the position of BCC on the head skin is the most difficult for the treatment and what the reasons are for it. METHODS With the prospective study, from June 2004 to June 2011, were compared the results of treatment of basocellular carcinomas (BCC) of the head skin. The examinees were divided into 3 groups. The first group, the group A (38 patients) was consisted of examinees treated of BCC on the nose. In the second group, the group B (42 patients) was classified of examinees treated of BCC on the face, temple, eyelids and forehead, while the third group, group C (35 patients) was classified of examinees treated of BCC on the scalp. The parameters for comparison the results of treatment were the method of treatment, number of the relapse, elapsed time from surgery to relapse and consequently defacement. RESULTS There was found a statistical significant difference in terms of choice of methods of operative treatment for the significantly higher number of operations on the scalp operated with cutaneous transplants. It was confirmed that the localization of the tumors on the scalp, and then on the nose are with the highest incidence of the relapse, whereas the postoperative defacement is mostly on the scalp after skin graft placement. Key

Reuf Karabeg, D. Lukić, Z. Janjić, Malik Jakirlić, Vanis Dujso, Jadran Milos Bandic, N. Babić, A. Karabeg et al.

Introduction: Timely diagnosis is a prerequisite for the successful treatment of malignant skin tumors. Late diagnosis leads a patient into a situation of losing valuable time and chance for cure. Material and methods: A prospective study was conducted from February 2006 until August 2011 which analyzed the reasons that led to establishing the diagnosis of malignant skin tumors in 220 patients. Patients were divided into two groups: Group A (102 patients), patients with diagnosed melanoma, and group B (118 patients) of patients suffering from basocellular (BCC) and planocellular cell (PCC) skin cancer. Parameters for comparison of analysis results were the reasons for coming to examination and reasons for not coming to the examination, because of which skin cancers were not diagnosed in time. Goal: To determine the factors that influences the establishment of late diagnosis and treatment of skin tumors. Results: It was confirmed that the prejudices of patients that tumors of the skin „should not be operated because it is dangerous“ is the main reason for late diagnosis. At the same time it is confirmed that the belief that it is unnecessary to operate congenital changes of the skin is the second most important reason for delayed diagnosis of malignant skin tumors.

Reuf Karabeg, Malik Jakirlić, Vanis Dujso, Elma Alic, G. Obradovic

Background: Synonymous with carpal tunnel syndrome is the name computer hand which includes a massive use of computers, and is associated with modern lifestyles. In everyday practice, great importance is early detection of carpal tunnel syndrome, and its timely and adequate treatment. The long-term nerve compression generally reduces the chances of successful surgical treatment. Therefore, the priority programs impose improvement of early diagnosis and prevention of disease in general population and occupationally exposed persons, and the detection of risk factors with their timely removal. Objective: The goal of this study was to determine the correlation between the time interval from onset of CTS symptoms to surgery with a recovery time interval. Patients and methods: In a retrospective study, we analyzed 43 patients from which 13 patients were male and 30 female patients who were surgically treated at the Clinic for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in the period from January 1st 2000 to January 1st 2008. The criterion by which patients were included in the study was clinically verified diagnosis of median nerve compression in the wrist. All patients included in the study have a history of long-term work at the computer keyboard. Results: The average recovery time after surgery varies depending on the period that has passed since the onset of symptoms to surgery. The study proves the effectiveness of surgery in reducing pain and improving hand function in patients in whom the time interval between onset of symptoms to surgery was less than three months. Conclusion: In everyday practice, the most important is early recognition of CTS, and its timely treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to shorten the time and improve diagnosis of patients with suspected CTS. When it comes to family medicine physicians, it would include additional training and focus attention on early detection of this disease.

H. Pandza, I. Masic, Reuf Karabeg, B. Hajdarevic, Z. Sabanovic, Z. Hadziahmetovic

One of the most common events in Surgical Ward is admission of patients with biliary tract disease. To evaluate such patients, it is necessary to create appropriate database and define attributes that will be analyzed. The patients should be divided in groups for analysis and data processing. There were 219 patients included in the study. All patients were selected on the basis of ICD-10 codes and then divided into categories according to the code. In order to assess selected patients, the database was created with all relevant questions about anamnesis, diagnostic tests and surgical procedures. The data about patients was entered into the database. It is possible to analyze data about the most frequent disorders of biliary tract. The most common entity was chronic cholecystitis with calculus and most common procedure was laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The other important attributes are also assessed. ICD-10 classification can be used as a basis for aggregation of data of the patients with biliary tract disease. Some of the codes are more frequent than others and some are rarely used.

Reuf Karabeg, Vanis Dujso, Malik Jakirlić, I. Hizar

Introduction: A burn should not be considered solely a wound but a disease striking almost all body systems and being combined with several physical and psychological consequences imperiling patient’s health. The aim of the article is to show social rehabilitation, psychological changes and social adaptation of patients who suffered burns. Patients and methods: We used a retrospective study to analyze the patients hospitalized at the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic in the period from 01.07.2003 to 30.06.2008. The patients analyzed were men and women, of 15-88 age, with burns covering over 10% of body surface and with 2nd burn level or even deeper ones. The study did not include the patients who had not survived the disease of burns. Psychological status and socialization of injured patients were analyzed. Results: Total number of evaluated patients was 58 out of which 37 were men and 21 were women. There were 15 patients injured at work, two cases were classified as attempted suicide, one was classified as an attack and one as burn by gasoline. Psychological status of hospitalized patients was defined as depression, anxiety and delirium. Evolution of patients’ socialization was defined to be in the form of their back to work and as a sociological stigma. Conclusion: Mutual aim of all the members of multidisciplinary team included in healing of the injured should be sociological reintegration of patients. Patient’s attitude and motivation are very important factors in healing process and rehabilitation of the patient.

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