
Publikacije (197)

A. Iglica, Amina Godinjak, E. Begić, E. Hodžić, F. Zvizdić, N. Kukavica, K. Aganović, N. Šabanović-Bajramović et al.

Aim To examine the effects of therapeutic hypothermia on the outcome of patients with the diagnosis of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Methods The study included 76 patients who were hospitalised at the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) of the Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo, with the diagnosis of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, following the return of spontaneous circulation. Therapeutic hypothermia was performed with an average temperature of 33oC (32.3 - 34.1o C) on the patients who had coma, according to the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). Results Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) significantly affected survival (p=0.0001), as its presence reduced patients' survival by 96%. In addition, ventricular fibrillation (VF) as the presenting rhythm, also significantly affected survival (p=0.019). A degree of patient's coma, as measured by the GCS, significantly affected survival (p=0.011). For each increasing point on the GCS, the chance for survival increased twice. Moreover, other physiological factors such as the pH and the lactate serum levels significantly affected patients' survival (p=0.012 and p=0.01, respectively). Conclusion In patients with the diagnosis of OHCA who underwent to the treatment with therapeutic hypothermia, verified VF as a presenting rhythm was a positive predictive factor for their outcome. Therefore, therapeutic hypothermia represents an option of therapeutic modality for this type of patients.

I. Masic, S. Janković, E. Begić

Correct choice and administration of a statistical test are absolutely essential for meaningful interpretation of research data, yet mistakes are still frequent and could be easily found in published scientific papers or PhD theses. The aim of this study was to analyze mistakes made by PhD students in statistical analysis of data collected during research within the framework of their thesis. PhD students frequently use Excel and SPSS for data processing, while SAS, Stata and R are also available. The study was designed as cross-sectional analysis of random sample (n=15) of PhD theses in pre-approval stage at Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Serbia. In total 14 (93%) theses had at least one mistake. The most frequent mistakes were as the following: insufficient statistical power due to small sample size, inappropriate presentation of results at tables and graphs, andinappropriate choice of statistical tests. In order to improve the situation, training courses in statistics during PhD studies should be re-evaluated and improved in regard to relevance, delivery methods and motivating potential, and mentors should invest more effort to review the data and guide students through statistical analysis.

Introduction: The most common congenital abnormality of the penis is hypospadias. Although the main treatment is surgical; hormone therapy with dihydrotestosterone is also used. Materials and Methods: This randomized clinical trial was carried out between January 2012 and December 2017 on 79 children with hypospadias (in the Clinic of Pediatric Surgery, Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo). Their mean age was 38.2±2.8 months. GroupI included 36 children whom were treated with 2.5% dihydrotestosterone gel which was applied twice a day to the penile shaft and glans for one month prior to surgery. GroupII included 43 children whom did not receive any treatment preoperatively. Results: Mean age of patients in group I was 37.3±6.3 months and in group II it was 39.1±5.9 months which were comparable. Complications occurring postoperatively were: urethrocutaneous fistula in 6 patients (13.9%) in group II, versus 1 patient (2.7%) in group I. There were 2 patients with meatalstenosis in group II (4.7%), and 3 (8.3%) in group I. Finally, there was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the overall reoperation rates between groups (p<0.05). Conclusion : Pretreatment with 2.5% dihydrotestosterone transdermal gel before hypospadias repair is beneficial in decreasing complication rates.

Introduction: Noise represent an unwanted sound that endangers human health in multiple manners and in work setting causes reduction of productivity on one side, and increased waste on the other. Noise pollution occurs when the ear is exposed to the volume of sound that is disturbing, stressful or directly damaging hearing, but also acting on the organism as a whole. Aim: The aim of the article is to examine the vulnerability of workers working on the „press“ machine, and to carry out an analysis and examine the press operator workplace, then perform the noise spread measurement in the press operator work area and compare the current measurements with the permissible levels and analyze the time period of worker exposure, as well as presentation of the effects of noise on productivity and workers health. The aim of the article also includes the proposal for decrease of noise pollution. Methods: A noise analysis at the workplace of workers working on a „press“ machine was performed, which is exposed to a high impulse noise due to which the quality and quantity of production are reduced. For the purpose of calculating the noise level for one working day at the press operator site 1, 2 and 3, it is necessary to analyze the noise level in time. Operators spend most of their working hours at stations 1 and 3 where the measured noise level is Lm1 = 94.7 dB is taken, or at position 3, Lm3 = 97.2 dB. The measured noise level at these locations without the operation of the press is Lm1 = 80.1 dB, or at station 3 is Lm3 = 80.1 dB. Results: It was found that these operators working on the machine in question were exposed to a noise over the limit for more than three years. Their health problems that arise as a result of noise exposure are documented in their health charts. In order to achieve uninterrupted work at the press machine, during the eight hours shift, a noise correction is required to allow the equivalent sound level to fall within one day to the permissible 85 dB. In this regard, we consider the fact that we have known that the press produces a sound level of 110 dB, and that there is a reverberation (reflecting) sound. Given the technical characteristics of the plant, the reduction of the sound intensity of the source itself is not possible, so the suggestions of the technical solution will be based on reduced reflected sounds and to prevent the spread of direct sound to the operator. Conclusion: Workers are exposed to permanent noise during a working day, which produces a number of consequences for the health of the worker, but also the employer and the community. The imperative of the employer is to reduce the number of rejects, increase profitability and to have a positive impact on the health of the individual.

E. Hodžić, E. Begić, Sedina Zuhric, A. Nalbantić, Z. Begić, I. Masic

Background: The aim of the study was to highlight the importance of adequate anticoagulant therapy and the correlation of higher risk of stroke. Methods: This study analyzed data obtained from 103 patients with diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AF) (39 of them had a stroke). Patients were divided into groups according to the CHADS2, CHA2DS2-VASc, and HASBLED scores. Results: An analysis showed that anticoagulant drugs were more often prescribed to subjects <75 years of age (P = 0.001). Patients with a higher CHADS2 score had a higher CHA2DS2-VASc score and vice versa (rho = 0.513; P = 0.0001). According to the CHA2DS2-VASc, 91.3% of the patients examined were prescribed an anticoagulant medication as a therapy at discharge from the hospital. The result was statistically significant compared to the practice where an anticoagulant was prescribed to 55.9% of high-risk subjects as estimated by the CHA2DS2-VASc score (P < 0.05). Our results also show that rivaroxaban is more commonly prescribed as a discharge therapy than warfarin (χ2 = 12.401; P = 0.0001). Furthermore, a significantly higher number of patients who were being prescribed aspirin (38.5%) had a stroke compared to 12.8% of patients who were being prescribed warfarin (χ2 = 12.259; P = 0.0001). Conclusions: Novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) seem to be a better choice as a pharmacological therapy in the treatment of AF, due to a lack of adequate monitoring of patients' international normalized ratio (INR) values. CHA2DS2-VASc and HASBLED scores must be used as a part of routine clinical diagnostics when dealing with patients with AF.

Introduction: Renal vasculature is extremely sensitive to vasoconstrictor effects of endothelin (ET), while nitric oxide (NO) has special role in several pathological renal conditions. Aim: The aim of this study to examine the presence, character, and degree of changes in NO and ET levels in the serum of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)-treated patients with nephrolithiasis. Patients and Methods: This study included a total of 60 patients that were divided in two groups: Group I (n = 24), in which a total of 2000SWs were administered; 0–2 units; (0.5 units per each 500SWs), and Group II (n = 36), in which a total of 4000SWs were administered; 0–4 units; (0.5 units per each 500SWs). Results: In the Group I median NO serum concentration increased in relation to pretreatment levels (39.04 ± 8.29 μmol/L) specifically 30 min, 60 min, and 24 h following the treatment (39.11 ± 12.60), (41.80 ± 6.89), and (46.33 ± 9.03), where concentration growth after 24 h was statistically significant P < 0.01. The NO serum concentration in the Group II increased in relation to pretreatment levels (38.90 ± 10.33 μmol/L) after 30 min (48.71 ± 30.09), 60 min (54.57 ± 39.76), and 24 h (97.95 ± 72.07). The NO concentration increase after 60 min and 24 h is statistically significant, respectively, P < 0.03 and P < 0.0001. Conclusion : NO and ET serum levels are changing under the influence of ESWL, and that the NO and ET changes are directly correlated with the number of administered shock waves and administered energy.

F. Zvizdić, E. Begić, A. Mujaković, E. Hodžić, B. Prnjavorac, O. Bedak, F. Čustović, Haris Bradaric et al.

Introduction: The most appropriate choice of pharmacological treatment of heart rhythm disorders occurring in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular comorbidity is often a topic of debate between pulmonologists and cardiologists in clinical practice, although numerous studies and clinical trials have demonstrated evidence to support the use of selective beta-blockers (BBs) in these patients. Aim: To examine the difference in the number of exacerbations in patients treated with a combination of verapamil and digoxin or BB alone in patients with different COPD stages. Patients and methods: The study included 68 patients (n = 68) diagnosed with COPD who were followed-up during a 12-month period, and the number of exacerbations were analyzed. The patients were divided into two groups according to the stage of COPD: GOLD II (moderate), and GOLD III (severe), and in each group a subdivision was established in relation to the use of either a combination of verapamil and digoxin or the use of BBs alone in pharmacological treatment. The inclusion criteria for patients were defined as following: a) established diagnosis of COPD according to present or deteriorated relevant clinical symptoms and signs, b) the ejection fraction (EF) of a left ventricle (LV) >35%, and c) spirometric cut-points classified as GOLD II (FEV1 / FVC <0.7, FEV1 predicted 50-80%), or GOLD III (FEV1/FVC <0.7, FEV1 predicted 30-50%) stage of the COPD. The exclusion criteria were EF of LV <35% and a lethal outcome during a follow-up period (2 patients were encountered). Exacerbation was defined as functional deterioration of the COPD symptoms verified by spirometric functional testing, frequency of hospitalizations according to GOLD stage assignment or verified clinical symptoms deterioration. Results: Regardless the pharmacological treatment, there is a statistically significant increase in the number of COPD exacerbations, in a 12-month period follow-up, in the GOLD III group (severe) compared to the GOLD II group (moderate). In the group of patients taking verapamil and digoxin, a two-tailed t-test was used to analyze the results between the GOLD II and GOLD III stage groups, p = 0.01, and 2. In the group of patients taking BBs, a two-tailed t-test was also used to analyze the results between the GOLD II and GOLD III stage groups, p = 0.003). Within the COPD GOLD II stage group, there appears to be no statistically significant difference in the number of exacerbations between the patients taking verapamil and digoxin (n = 24) and the patients taking BBs alone (n = 15), although, in patients taking BBs alone, there appears to be a trend towards a decrease in the exacerbations compared to the number of exacerbations in patients taking verapamil and digoxin (p = 0.007). Within the COPD GOLD III stage group, there is no difference in the number of exacerbations between the patients taking verapamil and digoxin (n = 20), and the patients taking BBs alone (n = 9), as analyzed by a two-tailed t-test, p = 0.577. Conclusion: Use of selective BBs in the treatment of cardiovascular comorbidity in patients with COPD represents a far better choice of pharmacological approach in the treatment of patients diagnosed with COPD GOLD II (moderate) stage.

E. Begić, Mensur Mandžuka, Elnur Smajić, E. Hodžić, A. Iglica, A. Mujaković, F. Zvizdić, Amra Dobrača et al.

Alzheimer's disease represents the most common age-related neurodegenerative disorder and a leading cause of progressive cognitive impairment. Predicting cognitive decline is challenging but would be invaluable in an increasingly aging population which also experiences a rising cardiovascular risk. In order to examine whether plasma measurements of one of the established biomarkers of heart failure, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), reflect a decline in cognitive function, associated with Alzheimer's disease neurodegeneration, BNP levels were analysed, by using a novel assay called a SOMAscan, in 1. cognitively healthy, control subjects; 2. subjects with mild cognitive impairment, and 3. subjects with Alzheimer's disease. The results of our study show that the levels of the BNP were significantly different between the three types of diagnoses (p < 0.05), whereby subjects with mild cognitive impairment had the lowest mean BNP value, and healthy subjects had the highest BNP value. Importantly, our results show that the levels of the BNP are influenced by the presence of at least one APOE4 allele in the healthy (p < 0.05) and in the Alzheimer's disease groups of subjects (p < 0.1). As the levels of the BNP appear to be independent of the APOE4 genotype in subjects with mild cognitive impairment, the results of our study support inclusion of measurements of plasma levels of the BNP in the list of the core Alzheimer's disease biomarkers for identification of the mild cognitive impairment group of patients. In addition, the results of our study warrant further investigations into molecular links between Alzheimer's disease-type cognitive decline and cardiovascular disorders.

E. Hodžić, Adnan Durek, E. Begić, N. Šabanović Bajramović

Aim To investigate etiological link between acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and the accompanying impotence/erectile dysfunction (ED). Methods Study included 99 male patients (48 who had AMI - patient group, and 51 healthy examinees without previous cardiovascular disease - control group). All patients completed a standardized questionnaire, the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5). Results Older patients had significantly lower IIEF-5 score (negative correlation) (p<0.05), but higher ED degree (significant positive correlation) (rho=0.522; p=0.0001). In the patient group, 37 (77.1%) patients had ED, while in the control group it was found in 26 (51%) examinees (p<0.05). A clear correlation was found between incidence of ED and diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and positive family history (they were more common in patients with ED, with no statistically significant difference). There was no statistically significant difference between patients with ED and patients without ED according to the beta-blocker usage (p=0.824): ED was reported in 11 (68%) patients in the group who used carvedilol, 14 (82.3%) in the group who used metoprolol, and nine (81.8%) who used nebivolol. Conclusion Myocardial infarction as well as age are directly related to the occurrence of ED. Cardiovascular risk factors are in direct correlation for the occurrence of erectile dysfunction after myocardial infarction.

Aim To investigate a correlation between resistive index (RI) level changes following extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) in treated and non-treated kidneys depending on the ESWL treatment intensity. The study was conducted on 60 subjects, which were divided in two groups according to age and treatment protocol. Results In the group of patients younger than 55 years of age there was a significant increase in mean RI values, on the first (p=0.001) and second day after the treatment (p=0.007). In the group older than 55 years of age, the resulting increase in mean RI levels was also significant on the first (p=0.003) and second (p=0.011) day following the treatment. The RI values in the non-treated kidney on the first day after the treatment grew significantly (p=0.033). In the group older than 55, RI values in the non-treated kidney grew significantly on the first day after the treatment (p=0.044). In the group who received 2000 SWs, RI levels grew significantly (p=0.044) as well as in the group who received 4000 SWs during the treatment, where the significance was more pronounced (p=0.007). Conclusion There is a correlation between RI changes and the degree and localization of changes in vascular elements of the kidney. Post-ESWL treatment changes are existent and reversible, over a period of one week after the treatment.

M. Jakovljevič, I. Masic, L. Ostojić, M. Bevanda, E. Begić

INTRODUCTION Education in medicine faces a number of challenges and dilemmas and the onus is on Medical hodegetics, an important but almost forgotten discipline, to address them effectively. The task and final goal of education in medicine is to coach students into professionals, effective and ethical practitioners of medicine, giving them the best available knowledge, skills and attitudes and providing them with a professional identity so that they are able to think, speak, act and feel like medical doctors. During the life course human beings organize their experiences into a meaningful narrative that involves their personal, private, public and professional selves. The self can be defined as a distinct principle of identity, as a narrative construction and as an experiential dimension. AIM The aim of this paper is to address the actuality and vitality of the hodegetic approach in medical education and professionalism. METHODS By cross-sectional study authors of the paper searched on-line scientific data-bases and analyzed references about Medical hodegetics subject. RESULTS Drawing on the literature on psychology of self, identity formation and personality styles as well as on own experience in medical education, the authors stress the increasing importance of medical hodegetics, very useful, but almost completely forgotten discipline. Medical hodegetics which involves all evidence-based medicine, values-based medicine, narrative medicine and person-centered medicine can significantly improve the quality of medical education. The identity of any person in any moment reflects its three domains: individual identity, relational identity, and collective identity, all relevant to medical education. The concept of professional identity formation has recently emerged and attracted great attention in literature on medical education and professionalism. Hodegetics, as a discipline that trains it, seems to us that the essential part of life and what every person should follow. CONCLUSION Medical hodegetics is an important pillar of the triad of medical deontology as well as it could be an important discipline in medical education and professional identity formation.

E. Begić, Haris Bradaric, Z. Begić, Amra Dobrača

Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy (Lafora disease, LD) is a fatal autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder (with an onset in teenage years in previously normal adolescents). This paper represents a view of a patient diagnosed with Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy, over a course of seven years. A description of the initial manifestation of symptoms, doctors' attempts to combat the symptoms with drug treatment, further attempts towards reaching the correct diagnosis, the final confirmation of the Lafora diagnosis (mutation in the NHLRC1 gene), and the current state of the patient is presented. The absence of a positive family history, the lack of staff specialized in dealing with this or similar pathology, and the diagnostic inability to characterize this type of disorder in Bosnia and Herzegovina have led to a fair delay in diagnosing and beginning of an adequate pharmacological treatment. Overall, recent identification of LD cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina warrants an establishment of a Centre for Genetic Testing in order to ensure more humane counseling of an entire family whose family member(s) might be diagnosed with this devastating and currently an incurable disorder.

N. Resić, A. Durak-Nalbantić, A. Džubur, A. Begić, E. Begić

Introduction: In patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) early risk assessment of development of complications is of great importance. It is proven that aldosterone level has a major role in progression of cardiovascular pathology. Aim: Determination of influence of aldosterone plasma level in the progression of heart disease in patients without signs of heart failure after AMI. Material and Methods: Research included 207 patients, hospitalized in the acute phase of myocardial infarction, and who were divided into two groups: 127 patients with no clinical signs of heart failure and 60 patients with heart failure. Results: The serum aldosterone concentration was 73.4% higher in the group of decompensated patients, 128 pg/mL (75.4-236 pg/mL) in decompensated and 73.7 pg/mL (42.7 -115.25 pg/mL) in compensated. In the group of compensated patients, changes in aldosterone levels showed a statistically significant effect on the incidence of post-infarction angina (p=0.0001) as well as reinfarction (p=0.009). There is a connection between changes in aldosterone plasma level and positive stress test (p=0.012). Conclusion: In patients with AMI, elevated serum aldosterone level can be prognostic factor of the progression of coronary heart disease, development of heart failure, as well of development of post-infarction angina, myocardial reinfarction and pathological finding on the stress test.

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