
Publikacije (197)

Dženan Jahić, E. Begić

Introduction: Exercise-associated muscle cramp (EAMC) is one of the most common conditions that occur during or immediately after the exercise, with questionable etiology. Aim: Aim of article was to present doubts about the cause of EAMC, whether it is primarily a neurological condition or it is water and salt imbalance. Results: Strongest evidence supports the neuromuscular aetiology with the focus on the muscle fatigue. Muscle overload and fatigue affects the balance between the excitatory drive from muscle spindles and the inhibitory drive from the Golgi tendon organs (GTO). This results in a localized muscle cramp. Since the dehydration and electrolyte depletion are systemic abnormalities, it is not clear how these changes would result in local symptoms such as cramping of the working muscle groups. Conclusion: “Triad” of causes might be behind the etiology of EAMC, although the “altered neuromuscular control” theory with the “dehydration” theory is the most cogent descriptive model that explains the origin of EAMC. Treatment and prevention strategies for EAMC include: electrical cramp induction, kinesio taping and compression garments, massage therapy, electrolyte supplementation and hydration, corrective exercise, stretching, quinine, pickle juice, hyperventilation strategies.

Objective Demonstration of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy with unusual flow, unpredictable clinical picture and complex therapy. Case report Patient A.P., female, 38 years old, had symptoms of dilated cardiomyopathy (with possible infectious myocarditis in the background) at age 17. After hospitalization for ten months and ten days, while waiting for heart transplantation (with threatening death outcome), without a clearly pronounced threatening arrhythmia, but with a low ejection fraction and a poor general condition, remission occurred. The therapy focused primarily on the treatment of heart failure, prevention of arrhythmia and thromboembolism. Normalization of the disease by improving the function of the left ventricle (expected in 16% of patients) occurred and lasted for 4 years, followed by an exacerbation of the disease that lasted for two years. In the next few years the patient was stable, had a first child with normal pregnancy. During the second trimester of the second pregnancy, there was an exacerbation (postpartum dilatation cardiomyopathy) lasting for couple of months. At the time of case report (May 2017), the patient is stable on therapy (ACE inhibitor, beta blocker, diuretics, If channel blocker), without limitation of physical capacity, mother of two children, unemployed. Conclusion The clinical course of dilated cardiomyopathy is extremely unpredictable and therapy is very complex and demanding.

Pediatrics is defined as the science of a healthy and sick child from birth to end of adolescence. Diseases of the cardiovascular system are the leading causes of mortality in adults, with frequent onset in childhood. The cardiologic examination starts with anamnesis in a pleasant atmosphere, refined space, enough time and patience, detailed measurements, and preferably a noncrying child. Anamnesis, regardless of the development of diagnostic procedures, still constitutes the basis of every clinical examination. The basic characteristics of pediatric cardiac anamnesis are comprehensiveness, that is, details, clarity, concurrency, and chronology. Proper and conscientiously taken anamnesis with a thorough clinical examination of a sick child is a solid protection against dehumanizing the relationship between a physician and patient. Pediatric cardiac anamnesis can be variable, completely negative, but very rich. Anamnesis should, first of all, clarify whether only a child is sick or it is perceived like that be his or her environment. Preschool and school-age children are normally attending anamnesis. High-quality, comprehensive medical history can keep the patient at one level of health care, with a strict focus primarily on the diagnostic processes, reduce crowds in specialist and subspecialist institutions, and make economic savings. A large number of patients in specialist and subspecialist clinics can be reduced by proper screening and by developing primary health-care system (from the local health-care center). Taking patient's medical history with thoroughness has a strong educative character for young doctors at the beginning of their careers.

This study aimed to show the spontaneous rupture of the stomach in a 3-year-old girl. The patient was admitted to the pediatric clinic due to poor general condition that occurred suddenly with severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and the development of hypovolemic shock (blood pressure was unmeasurable, in acidosis), and after the ultrasound and abdominal X-ray, she was operated by the pediatric surgeon within 6 h of admission. During surgery, multiple defects of stomach mucosa with transmural bleeding without pathohistological changes in the muscle layer were found in the large stomach blood vessels. Treatment was continued in the pediatric intensive care unit with the development of life-limiting complications: peritonitis, sepsis, intracranial hemorrhage, and outcome of death. Rupture of the stomach caused by acute distension is rarely seen outside the neonatal period with fast clinical course and high mortality rate. Early diagnosis and rapid surgical procedures are a prerequisite to avoid the development of life-limiting complications that lead to a fatal outcome.

Materia Socio-Medica (Mater Sociomed) is peer review journal with open access, which publishes original research papers, reviews, viewpoints, news notes, letters and other items on topics related to public health, epidemiology, social medicine and health care organization, health management & economics. From the year 2009 plagiarism check of manuscripts was introduced and the journal has been published as an official journal of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Dženan Jahić, Eldan Kapur, E. Begić, E. Zerem

Introduction: In this paper, we report our experience with a case of primary hydatid cyst involving only the spleen in a 27-year-old sportsman treated by PAIR technique. Case Report: Five years before, a 27-year-old handball player being admitted to our hospital, it was detected the cyst in his spleen which size was 35 x 30 mm in diameter, by abdominal ultrasound during a systematic examination. There was no pain or any other symptoms at that time. Tests on the presence of echinococcus cysts were negative. After a period of 5 years, and regular check-ups, the patient began to feel a dull pain in the left upper quadrant area. The Echinococcus test was again negative. Puncture and aspiration of content was performed and sent to cytological analysis that confirmed the presence of Echinococcus. The CT finding showed the spleen in a normal position, shape, enlarged, 185 mm in longitudinal diameter (splenomegaly), with inhomogeneous parenchyma on the expense of rounded area with hyperdense halo, which did not opacify after contrast, located in the dorsal area of the spleen, 100x98 mm in diameter and which corresponded to the echinococcal cyst in differential diagnosis–clean dense contents (protein / haemorrhagic). Conclusion: The reported case is very specific, considering that handball is contact sport, where it is almost impossible to avoid the physical contact between players, which is sometimes even rough. Due to rough contacts, spleen trauma is something we should be very aware about, especially in cases of splenomegaly with hydatid cyst, where the spleen rupture might lead to fatal outcome. According to all this, careful follow up of this patient is necessary.

N. Naser, S. Tandir, E. Begić

Introduction: Aim of article was to present perspectives of telemedicine in the field of cardiology in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Material and methods: Article has descriptive character and present review of literature. Results: Information technology can have the application in the education of students, starting from basic medical sciences up to clinical subjects. Information technologies are used for ECG analysis, 24h ECG Holter monitoring, which detects different rhythm disorders. By developing software packages for electrocardiogram analysis, which can be divided and interpreted by mobile phones, and complete the whole of the patient in the ambulance, specialist, experienced specialists, or even consultations in various illnesses and cities. Image segmentation algorithms have significance in the quantization and diagnostics of anatomic and pathological structures, and 3D representation has an important role in education, topography and clinical anatomy, radiology, pathology, as well as in clinical cardiology itself, especially in the sphere of coronary arteries identification in the multislice computerized angiography of coronary arteries. Interactive video consultations with subspecialists from the state and the region in adult cardiology, adult interventional cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, pediatric invasive and non-invasive cardiology enable better access to heart specialists and subspecialist, accurate diagnosis, better treatment, reduction of mortality, and a significant reduction in costs. Conclusion: Telemedicine by slow steps in entering the soil of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but the potential exists. It is necessary to educate the medical staff, as well as to provide a tempting environment for software engineers. Investing in infrastructure and equipment is imperative, as well as a positive climate for the its implementation.

Introduction: The aim of the study was to determine the most frequent early and late complications in different types of ileal urinary diversions. Patients and methods: The study was conducted in a five-year period, on 106 patients who were diagnosed with invasive urinary bladder cancer and who had indication for radical cystectomy with one of the investigated types of urine derivation. They were divided into 2 groups, based on the type of ileal urinary diversions. Results: The colonization of bacteria was more prominently present in the ileal conduit urinary diversion group (97%) compared to Ghoneim (25%) and Hautmann (10%) group, Ureteral stenosis was slightly less represented in the conduit group (9.1%). Wound infections were significantly more represented in the conduit (21.2%) than in the Ghoneim group (5%) Nighttime incontinence was present in 20% of patients in both groups or 4 patients in each group. Daytime incontinence in the Ghoneim group was present in 3 patients (15%) and in the Hautmann group 2 patients (10%). Late complications correlate significantly negative with the type of surgery and slightly negative with the grade, and significantly positively with the examined group and T stage, and slightly correlate positively to the N and R stages. Early complications correlate slightly negative with the type of surgery, slightly negative with the grade, and significantly positively with T stage, and slightly positively correlates with the N and R stage. Conclusion: The most commonly reported complications in ileal conduit are: prolonged ileus, stoma infection, wound dehiscence and bacterial colonization, followed by peristomal skin complications and complications related only to the stoma, such as stenosis and stoma retraction, and prolaps of ileostoma and ileointestinal stenosis. The ileus rate in orthotopic derivation was significantly lower than that of the ileal conduit group, which led to the conclusion that the neomybladder position does not disturb the anatomic abdominal structure.

1. 8. 2017.

Introduction: Accidental murmurs occur in anatomically and physiologically normal heart. Accidental (innocent) murmurs have their own clearly defined clinical characteristics (asymptomatic, they require minimal follow-up care). Aim: To point out the significance of auscultation of the heart in the differentiation of heart murmurs and show clinical characteristics of accidental heart murmurs. Material and methods: Article presents review of literature which deals with the issue of accidental heart murmurs in the pediatric cardiology. Results: In the group of accidental murmurs we include classic vibratory parasternal-precordial Stills murmur, pulmonary ejection murmur, the systolic murmur of pulmonary flow in neonates, venous hum, carotid bruit, Potaine murmur, benign cephalic murmur and mammary souffle. Conclusion: Accidental heart murmurs are revealed by auscultation in over 50% of children and youth, with a peak occurrence between 3-6 years or 8-12 years of life. Reducing the frequency of murmurs in the later period can be related to poor conduction of the murmur, although the disappearance of murmur in principle is not expected. It is the most common reason of cardiac treatment of the child, and is a common cause of unreasonable concern of parents.

Introduction: This paper presents mobile application implementing a decision support system for acid-base disorder diagnosis and treatment recommendation. Material and methods: The application was developed using the official integrated development environment for the Android platform (to maximize availability and minimize investments in specialized hardware) called Android Studio. Results: The application identifies disorder, based on the blood gas analysis, evaluates whether the disorder has been compensated, and based on additional input related to electrolyte imbalance, provides recommendations for treatment. Conclusion: The application is a tool in the hands of the user, which provides assistance during acid-base disorders treatment. The application will assist the physician in clinical practice and is focused on the treatment in intensive care.

E. Begić, Z. Begić, Amra Dobrača, E. Hasanbegović

Cough is one of the most common symptoms that doctor faces in working with pediatric population, and according to some characteristics of cough, doctors can often conclude localization, and sometimes even the nature of the disease that causes it. Cough is not only the physiological defense reaction, but a symptom of a disease. According to duration it can be acute, chronic and recidivist, recurrent and persistent, strong or discreet, caused by changes in body position and changes in outside temperature. Pathoanatomically it is divided into lobar, lobular, alveolar and interstitial, pathogenetically to bronchogenic and hematogenous, as well as in immuno competent and immunocompromised, and clinically on the local and inpatient (72 hours after hospital admission). Considering the contents, cough can be productive–with secretion from the respiratory tract, and unproductive-dry, without secretion. By auscultation bronchial breathing, rattle and crepitus can be heard. The primary diagnostics is radiological, posterior to anterior (P-A) and lateral footage of the chest. Laboratory findings in typical pneumonia, are characterized by leukocytosis, neutrophilia and shift of blood image to the left. Sedimentation is accelerated and C-reactive protein is elevated. The basic bacteriological diagnosis is sputum Gram’s stain and culture of sputum. In atypical pneumonia, leukocytes are usually in the normal range, and it is necessary to do serological tests (IgM and IgG antibodies). The role of doctors in primary health care is auscultation differentiation of murmurs with confirmation of doubt if there is pathological findings by laboratory tests and treatment, depending on the type of cough. Treatment is essentially pharmacological, with irrefutable importance of non-pharmacological measures.

E. Hasanbegović, S. Hasanbegovic, E. Begić

Introduction: Thyroid gland diseases in children are in second place by frequency among all endocrine disorders. When interpreting the results of the thyroid function assessment it should be taken into account the significant differences in the concentrations of TSH, thyroid hormones, thyroid binding proteins and calcitonin among children of different ages. Goal: To present the age and sex structure of the patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism, evaluate diagnostic methods for making diagnosis, evaluation of etiology of hypothyroidism, with special review of the therapeutic modality. Patients and methods: The study have retrospective character and includes all patients who have the diagnosis of hypothyroidism, but at the moment of data collection were aged 0-18 years. Results: Distribution of patients on the basis of gender, revealed more significant representation of female (65.93%), and without significant difference in the presence of the disease in relation to age (p>0.05). Physical examination of the struma was not verified in the majority of cases (74; 81.32%, p<0.05) suffering from hypothyroidism. Ultrasound review in 22 (50%) cases confirmed the struma. Ultrasound findings in most cases 14 (31.81%) demonstrated diffuse struma and Hashimoto thyroiditis together. In relation to the etiology of hypothyroidism most patients belong to a group where hypothyroidism is associated with other diseases and conditions (27; 29.67%), but the least with congenital hypothyroidism with 18 (19.78%) cases. The average dose of L-thyroxine in the age of 0-1 months was 50 mg, 1 month–10 years 37.5 mcg, and the group of patients over 10 years 65 mcg. Conclusion: Congenital hypothyroidism has about one-fifth of patients. Physical examination revealed in about one fifth of patients the struma of the thyroid gland; TSH levels is critical for the diagnosis and correction of therapy in pediatric patients with hypothyroidism. Congenital hypothyroidism is diagnosed on average at the age of 12 days, which is optimal for period for therapeutic response; Substitution treatment is carried out with L-thyroxine which is relatively reduced in doses from neonatal age onwards.

E. Hasanbegović, S. Hasanbegovic, E. Begić

Introduction: Thyroid gland diseases in children are in second place by frequency among all endocrine disorders. When interpreting the results of the thyroid function assessment it should be taken into account the significant differences in the concentrations of TSH, thyroid hormones, thyroid binding proteins and calcitonin among children of different ages. Goal: To present the age and sex structure of the patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism, evaluate diagnostic methods for making diagnosis, evaluation of etiology of hypothyroidism, with special review of the therapeutic modality. Patients and methods: The study have retrospective character and includes all patients who have the diagnosis of hypothyroidism, but at the moment of data collection were aged 0-18 years. Results: Distribution of patients on the basis of gender, revealed more significant representation of female (65.93%), and without significant difference in the presence of the disease in relation to age (p>0.05). Physical examination of the struma was not verified in the majority of cases (74; 81.32%, p

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