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Alden Prcić

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Emina Smajić, D. Avdić, Aleksandra Pašić, Alden Prcić, Maja Stancic

Background: Scientific research is usually classified as quantitative or qualitative. However, methodologists are increasingly emphasizing the integration of qualitative and quantitative data as the center of mixed methods (mix methodologies). Mixed research method implies the use of different research methods, ie. quantitative and qualitative methods in one study. Objective: The aim of this review paper is to present the purpose of using a mixed methodology in health research. Methods: The relevant articles were searched from online data sources including PubMed and Google Scholar. Results: This approach to the use of mixed methods creates opportunities for a deeper study of various problems. The purpose of using mixed research methods is to obtain valid answers to research questions, however the researcher may still have different reasons or purposes for which he wants to strengthen the research study and its conclusions by applying mixed methods. The use of mixed scientific methodology is widely used in the field of health outcomes and should not be limited to a closed list of possible methodological options. Conclusion: Recently, there has been an increase in the number of scientific studies in healthcare that use mixed research methods. The advantage of applying this scientific method is that through the triangulation of data obtained by different (quantitative / qualitative) approaches, we get a deeper and more complete picture of the phenomenon in health care that we observe.

Introduction: The aim of the study was to determine the most frequent early and late complications in different types of ileal urinary diversions. Patients and methods: The study was conducted in a five-year period, on 106 patients who were diagnosed with invasive urinary bladder cancer and who had indication for radical cystectomy with one of the investigated types of urine derivation. They were divided into 2 groups, based on the type of ileal urinary diversions. Results: The colonization of bacteria was more prominently present in the ileal conduit urinary diversion group (97%) compared to Ghoneim (25%) and Hautmann (10%) group, Ureteral stenosis was slightly less represented in the conduit group (9.1%). Wound infections were significantly more represented in the conduit (21.2%) than in the Ghoneim group (5%) Nighttime incontinence was present in 20% of patients in both groups or 4 patients in each group. Daytime incontinence in the Ghoneim group was present in 3 patients (15%) and in the Hautmann group 2 patients (10%). Late complications correlate significantly negative with the type of surgery and slightly negative with the grade, and significantly positively with the examined group and T stage, and slightly correlate positively to the N and R stages. Early complications correlate slightly negative with the type of surgery, slightly negative with the grade, and significantly positively with T stage, and slightly positively correlates with the N and R stage. Conclusion: The most commonly reported complications in ileal conduit are: prolonged ileus, stoma infection, wound dehiscence and bacterial colonization, followed by peristomal skin complications and complications related only to the stoma, such as stenosis and stoma retraction, and prolaps of ileostoma and ileointestinal stenosis. The ileus rate in orthotopic derivation was significantly lower than that of the ileal conduit group, which led to the conclusion that the neomybladder position does not disturb the anatomic abdominal structure.

Objectives: To determine significance and sensitivity of the Free to Total prostate specific antigen (PSA) ratio (%fPSA) in diagnosis of prostate cancer and to correlate its sensitivity and specificity with diagnosis. Methods: Research included 220 patients, who had indication for biopsy (Clinic for Urology, University Clinical Center Sarajevo). Results: Average age of patients was 64.6 ± 8.1 years. Kruskal Wallis test indicates that there is a significant difference in age in relation to the diagnosis (KW χ2=12.508; p=0.006). The correlation between the %fPSA level and diagnosis is positive and statistically significant (r=0.211; p=0.002) in the sense that cancer patients have the lowest %fPSA. Analysis of the sensitivity at 95% specificity of %fPSA compared to particular diagnosis shows the highest sensitivity for prostate cancer - 20.61% (8.35-31.02) with statistically significant AUC p<0.05. Analysis of %fPSA test in detecting prostate cancer, at cut-off values ≤ 0.16, shows a sensitivity of 72.3% and specificity of 50.4 (at cut-off values <0.07, sensitivity is 8.4%, and specificity is 97.8%). Conclusion: PSA is organ specific but not cancer specific marker, whose total value, as well as the %fPSA serve as a basis, with a digitorectal exam, in the detection of prostate cancer. By increasing the cut-off values sensitivity of %fPSA increases and specificity decreases. %fPSA has a relative importance in the detection of prostate cancer, and should not be used as a guideline, without prior clinical examination.

B. Kulovac, Damir Aganović, Alden Prcić, Osman Hadžiosmanović

Objectives : chronic nonbacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome has a high incidence rate and is usually accompanied by many psychological problems. The objective of this paper was to assess the quality of life in patients with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Methods : The study included 90 patients diagnosed with chronic nonbacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. The quality of life was studied using the National Institute of Health-Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI). Results : 54 (60%) patients reported sexual potency problems, 66 (73.3%) found that their disease received insufficient medical attention, 93.9% reported a large number of symptom-related problems affecting the performance of daily activities, all patients were thinking about the disease symptoms, and 77.7 % reported that they would be unsatisfied if told that they would spend the rest of their lives with the symptoms experienced over the last week. Conclusion : Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome causes sexual potency problems and significantly impairs patients’ quality of life. In addition, the respondents believe that their condition is not treated with sufficient medical attention. Keywords : quality of life, chronic nonbacterial prostatitis/ chronic pelvic pain syndrome, sexual potency

Introduction: Analysis of total value of prostate specific antigen (PSAT), with the unavoidable digital rectal examination (DRE) is the basis of prostate cancer detection. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the specificity and sensitivity of the total value of PSAT in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. The aim was also to determine the significance of PSAT in diagnosis of benign prostate hyperplasia, precancerous conditions and inflammatory and atrophic changes of the prostate. Material and methods: Data were collected from the “Register of PH biopsy” of Clinic of Urology, CCU Sarajevo. Results: Analysis of correlation between the diagnosis and the PSAT value shows statistically significant negative correlation (r =-0,186; p = 0.006) in the sense that the value of the PSAT is highest in cancer patients, and the lowest in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. PSAT increases with age (r = 0.152; p = 0.025). For prostate cancer optimal sensitivity and specificity for PSAT value occurs at cut off value of> 8.6 ng /mL. Values lower than 2 ng/mL and higher than 10 ng/mL are most specific, and PPV increases with increasing value of PSAT. PSAT at values of <2 ng/mL and > 10 ng/mL are at high levels of specificity, and value > 10 ng / mL is also of high sensitivity in the detection of prostate cancer, and in this moment these values represent the optimal mode for the subsequent treatment. Conclusion: PSAT has a relative significance in the detection of prostate cancer, and should not be used as a guideline without DRE.

Alden Prcić, Damir Aganović, Osman Hadžiosmanović

ABSTRACT Goal: Determine correlation between complications and stage of the disease and their impact on quality of life in patients with different types of ileal urinary derivation after radical cystectomy, and upon estimation of acquired results, to suggest the most acceptable type of urinary diversion. Patients and methods: In five year period a prospective clinical study was performed on 106 patients, to whom a radical cystectomy was performed due to bladder cancer. Patients were divided into two groups, 66 patients with ileal conduit derivation and 40 patients with orthotopic derivation, whereby in each group a comparison between reflux and anti-reflux technique of orthotopic bladder was made. All patients from both groups filled the Sickness Impact Profile score six months after the operation. All patients had CT urography or Intravenous urography performed, as well as standard laboratory, vitamin B12 blood values, in order to evaluate early (ileus or subileus, wound dehiscence, bladder fistula, rupture of orthotopic bladder, urine extravazation) and late complications (VUR, urethral stricture, ureter stenosis, metabolic acidosis, mineral dis-balance, hypovitaminosis of vitamin B12, increased resorption of bone calcium, urinary infection, kidney damage, relapse of primary disease), so as disease stage and it’s impact on quality of life. Results: From gained results we observe that each category of SIP score correlates with different rate of correlation with the type of operation, group, T, N, and R grade, except work category. Average value of SIP score rises depending on the type of operation and T stage. It is notable that there is no difference in T1 stage, no matter the type of operation. So the average value of SIP score in T1 stage for conduit was 20.3, for Abol-Enein and Ghoneim 17.25 and Hautmann 18.75 respectively. Average value of SIP score in T2 stage for conduit was 31, for Abol-Enein and Ghoneim 19.1 and Hautmann 17.8. Average value of SIP score in T3 stage for conduit was 38.03, for Abol-Enein and Ghoneim 18.75 and Hautmann 19.5. SIP score for T4 was present only in patients with conduit performed and average value od SIP score was 40.42. There is a high level of correlation of late complications and psychosocial and physical dimension with their parameters, while for an independent dimension of correlation is not significant. Early complications have insignificant correlation in all categories of SIP score. Conclusion: Upon analyzing quality of life and morbidity, significant advantage is given to orthotopic derivations, especially Hautmann derivation with Chimney modification, unless there are no absolute contraindications for performing this type of operation. Factors which mostly influence quality of life are cancer stage, type of derivation, late complications and patient age. SIP score, as a well validated questionnaire, are applicable in this kind of research.

Alden Prcić, Damir Aganović, Osman Hadžiosmanović

Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the use of the SIP score and the quality of life impairment in patients with ileal conduit and orthotropic ileal derivations by Hautmann and AbolEnein/Ghoneim. Methods: Prospectively evaluated 146 patients in different age groups. In 66 patients ileal conduit derivation was performed, in 20 patients orthotropic derivation using Hautman technique was recorded and in 20 of them AbolEnein/Ghoneim was used. Prior to examining patients with urinary diversions, 40 patients with minor urological symptoms not requiring any active treatment, were surveyed in order to validate SIP score. Six months after the operation, all patients with urinary diversions filled the SIP score questionnaire. Results: Using Crombach’s Alpha equation the high reliability of SIP questionnaire was proven. Average scale value was 0,93. Using descriptive statistics mean values of all categories and dimensions of the SIP questionnaire of examined patients were determined, calculated according to the questionnaire manual being converted to percentage. Total value of SIP score for the ileal conduit group was 34,76% and in orthotropic derivation 18,52% respectively. For Hautmann procedure total SIP score was 18,35% and for AbolEnein/Ghoneim 18,7%. In the control group total SIP score was 9%. The most influential dimensions on the total score of ileal conduit were physical and psycho-social, while independent dimension did not significantly influent total SIP score. Conclusion: Taking into consideration the lack of questionnaires on quality of life for urinary derivations, SIP score as a general disease influence to the quality of life questionnaire represents a reliable alternative for objectification and quantification of the quality of life upon urinary derivation. According to this instrument, orthotropic derivations provide significantly better quality of life compared to ileal conduit.

Damir Aganović, Alden Prcić, Osman Hadžiosmanović, M. Hasanbegović

Objective: Determine diagnostic power and intercorrelation between bladder outlet obstruction number (BOON) and intravesical prostatic protrusion (IPP ) as non-invasive predictors of infravesical obstruction in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic enlargement. Material and methods: Prospective study during 2009-2010 analyzed data of 110 patients with proven benign prostatic enlargement. Prostate volume and IPP were determined by transabdominal ultrasound, and patients underwent complete urodynamic studies (UDS). BOON was calculated using the formula: prostate volume (cc)-3 x Qmax (ml/s)-0.2 x mean voided volume (ml). Results: There is a statistically significant correlation between the values of IPP and BOON (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient rho=0.48, p=0.0001). BOON is a more sensitive (sensitivity 82.4%, specificity 66.1%), while IPP is a more specific factor (sensitivity 58.8%, specificity 81.4%) in the group-wise prediction of bladder outlet obstruction (BOO). Positive predictive value in the diagnosis of obstruction increases at the individual level combining the cut-off values for BOON>-30, with IPP >10 mm (PP V 86.8%). Owing to a good correlation of IPP with different definitions of urodynamic obstruction, IPP was included in the BOON formula instead of prostate volume. This number was arbitrarily called BOON2. The combination of IPP >10 mm and cut-off value for BOON2 >-50 showed that 88.6% of the patients were accurately classified in the zone of obstruction (mean IPP 14.9 mm), while BOON2<-50 carried a high NPV. Conclusion: The combination of cut-off values for BOON and IPP increases test accuracy according to BOO at the individual level, thus facilitating clinical decision making regarding diagnostics and optimal choice of therapy in patients with BPE. Owing to its good correlation with obstruction determinants, IPP can be included in the formula for BOON instead of prostate volume.

Damir Aganović, H. Spahović, Alden Prcić, Osman Hadžiosmanović

The objective of our study was to evaluate bladder outlet obstruction number (BOON) in order to predict infravesical obstruction in patients with benign prostatic enlargement (BPE). Two hundred patients with proven BPE from daily urological practice at the Urology Department of the Sarajevo University Clinical Centre were covered by a prospective study in period 2009-2011. All patients completed International Prostatic Symptom Score, their mean voided volume urine was determined from frequency-volume chart and their prostate volume was determined by transabdominal ultrasound. Subsequently, the patients had free uroflowmetry and they underwent complete urodynamic studies. BOON was calculated using the formula: prostate volume (cc)-3 x Qmax (ml/s)-0.2 x mean voided volume (ml). A satisfactory area under the curve (AUC) was obtained for the prediction of obstruction according to bladder outlet obstruction index, Schaefer obstruction class nomogram and group specific urethral resistance factor , with AUC of 0.83 (p<0.001). Following the comparison of different cut-off values of BOON according to the obstruction, the BOON >-20 has been found to be the most accurate obstruction indicator (sensitivity 76.5% and specificity 68.2%), with posttest probability of 77%. The BOON may be used in daily urological practice as a valid, non-invasive indicator of infravesical obstruction in patients with BPE, with a possibility of correct classification of obstruction in approximately 75% of the cases. Transabdominal ultrasound has shown to be applicable to the BOON formula in determining prostate volume.

Damir Aganović, Alden Prcić, B. Kulovac, Osman Hadžiosmanović

AIM Establish the main differences in the prostate volume, prostate specific antigen density (PSAD), number of biopsy samples in patients with primarily or rebiopsy detected prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS In the 2007-2009 period, at the KCUS Urology Clinic, there were 379 TRUS guided prostate biopsies in 323 patients with known prostate volume. The total of 56 patients (17.3%) underwent the first rebiopsy, primarily due to precancerous lesions. The mean prostate volume, ranges of prostate size, PSAT, PSAD and the number of biopsy samples were analysed retrospectively, and the main characteristics in patients with primarily and rebiopsy diagnosed Pca were evaluated as well. RESULTS The first biopsy cancer detection rate was 29.6% (112/379). The rebiopsy detection rate was 30.3%. There was no statistically significant difference in the prostate volume and the number of biopsy samples among the total number of patients with prostate cancer against the group with benign (suspected) findings. There was a higher Pca detection rate in patients with the prostate volume < 40 cm3 and 40-60 cm3, against the group with the prostate volume > 60 cm3. PSAD was significantly higher in patients with PCa (0.24 vs. 0.18; p = 0.013). The total of 27.2% of the patients with negative biopsy findings and 48% of the patients with diagnosed Pca had PSAD > 0.15. PSAD showed sensitivity and specificity in prostate cancer detection of 50% and 75%, with PPV of 48%. Furthermore, the patients with PSAD >0.15 had a higher Gleason score versus the patients with PSAD < 0.15 (6.7 +/- 2.4 vs. 5.9 +/- 1.7; p < 0.003). A comparison of the main characteristics in patients with primarily and rebiopsy detected prostate cancer gave a statistically significant difference only in the number of biopsy samples (10.9 vs. 14.1, p <.0000). CONCLUSION Patients with a smaller prostate volume, lower PSAD and a higher number of biopsy samples in rebiopsy have a higher chance of prostate cancer detection. PSAD carries a higher specificity in rebiopsy decision, and a higher PSAD is related to a higher Gleason score.


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