
Publikacije (506)

I. Masic, S. Janković

For many decades English language was dominant in international scientific communications, but during the last decade it threatens to become the only language for communicating medical science at international level. The aim of this article was to make an overview of publication practices in regard to language of publication of MEDLINE-referenced articles from European countries in year 2020. Scientific publications referenced in MEDLINE database during year 2020 were chosen for analysis. The inclusion criteria were publications affiliated with one of European countries, published in either English or national languages of those countries. The countries with less than 100.000 inhabitants were excluded from the study. Only 11 of 38 European countries had any number of medical publications in national language that were referenced in MEDLINE; the authors from twenty-seven European countries completely stopped publishing in national language at international journals. While economic strenght of a country was strongly correlated with number of international publications per 100.000 inhabitants, the correlation with international papers published in national languages was much less pronounced. Researchers from majority of European countries are publishing their studies predominantly or only in international medical journals printed in English language. Additional efforts should be made in the future to promote publishing in national languages.

This year the journal "Medical Archives" celebrates 75 year of existing. "Medicinski Arhiv/Medical Archives" was founded in 1947 as official journal of the Association of Physicians (Sabor ljekara Bosne i Hercegovina) of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the first Editorial board was consisted of academicans: Vladimir Cavka (Professor of Oftalmology), Blagoje Kovacevic (Professor of Surgery), Bogdan Zimonjic (Professor of Internal medicine), and Ibro Brkić (Professor of Internal medicine). Exactly the Medical Archives journal was a key milestone that helped in education of all academic and professional staff that became the foundation of Bosnian and Herzegovinian medicine as a science and health care as a profession. Medicinski Arhiv was included in largest bimedical database Medline in 1947 and till now in that database is deposited more than 7000 papers. Also this journal has highest h-Index in Scopus database ranked by SCImago rank. In Medicinski Arhiv journal authors from more than 60 countries from whole the world published their papers, some of them with very high Scopus h-Index.

N. Salihefendic, M. Zildžić, H. Huseinagić, S. Ahmetagić, Dzenita Salihefendic, I. Masic

Background: The corona virus is transmitted in three ways: by direct contact with an infected person, by droplets, and by air. Transmission control according to official guidelines can be prevented by keeping a distance, wearing a mask and washing hands. Sharing a space with several members of the immediate or extended family increases the risk of transmission in all three ways. In Traditional Bosnian families two or three generations live in one household. The family doctor is informed with living conditions of the residents and has the opportunity to monitor the rate of secondary transmission from the index case, and then recommend additional preventative and treatment measures. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the first occurrence of the symptoms and to monitor possible intrafamilial transmission of the disease through clinical examinations and microbiological-serological tests. Methods: The study was conducted in a family medicine clinic in the region of northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina from March to December 2020. Patients with symptoms that could indicate the presence of COVID-19 disease were registered. If COVID-19 was proven, the patient became an index case. The other members of the family would be monitored for the secondary transmission via laboratory (PCA SARS-CoV-2 and IgM and IgG antibodies) and clinical parameters. Results: Characteristics of 25 index cases were analyzed. All 25 of them were middle-aged men that worked outside the home. In 25 households, there was a total of 123 members that shared a home with the index patient. Secondary transmission developed in 76 out of 123 family members (61.8%). Only one patient had a severe form of the disease and was hospitalized. 2 patients died. Conclusion: Intrafamiliar transmission of Covid-19 in households of Bosnia and Herzegovina is high. The secondary attack rate of SARS- CoV-2 in households is 61,8%. In the surveyed households, family members use common rooms with an infected patient, and the customs of family gatherings are maintained, without the implementation of protective measures. The family medicine team has the opportunity to apply appropriate preventive action, education and early prehospital treatment as well as adequate selection for the hospital admission.

A. Kurjak, M. Jakovljevič, I. Masic, M. Stanojevic

Background: The key considerations for healthy aging are diversity and inequity. Diversity means that there is no typical older person. Policy should be framed to improve the functional ability of all older people, whether they are robust, care dependent or in between. Objective: The aim of this article is to describe negative influence of Corona pandemic (COVID-19) for realization of the WHO project about Healthy Aging global strategy proposed in the targets "Health for all". Methods: Authors used descriptive model for this cross-sectional study based on facts in analyzed scientific literature deposited in on-line databases about healthy aging concept of the prevention and treatment of the people who will come or already came to the "third trimester of the life". Results and Discussion: Some 80-year-olds have levels of physical and mental capacity that compare favorably with 30-year-olds. Others of the same age may require extensive care and support for basic activities like dressing and eating. Policy should be framed to improve the functional ability of all older people, whether they are robust, care dependent or in between. Inequity reflects a large proportion (approximately 75%) of the diversity in capacity and circumstance observed in older age is the result of the cumulative impact of advantage and disadvantage across people’s lives. Importantly, the relationships we have with our environments are shaped by factors such as the family we were born into, our sex, ethnicity, level of education and financial resources. Conclusion: COVID-19 pandemic "celebrated" one year of existing in almost all countries in the world with very difficult consequences for whole population. But in the first risk group are old people who have in average 6 to 7 co-morbidities. WHO recommended some measures to improve prevention and treatment this category of population, but COVID-19 pandemic stopped full realization of Decade of Healthy Aging project.

I. Masic, Smaila Mulic

1. BACKGROUND 1.1. Definition and Significance of Management As there is no universally accepted definition for management, it is difficult to define it. Father of scientific management, Frederick W. Taylor gave the following definition: “Management is an art of knowing what is to be done and seeing that it is done in the best possible manner.” A more elaborate definition was given by Henri Fayol (18411925), one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of management. He considers a management as a process that comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization or initiative to accomplish a goal (1, 2). The verb ‘manage’ comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools), which derives from the Latin word manus (hand). The French word mesnagement (later ménagement) influenced the development in meaning of the English word management, that literally means to conduct, control and direct the affairs of a business, institution, etc. (1). The size of management can range from one person in a small organization to hundreds or thousands of managers in multinational companies. The success of any business depends heavily on the effectiveness of its managers. The significance of management is huge to that point that some people agree that in order to evaluate a company’s current and future worth, the most important factors are the quality and experience of the managers. 1.2. The Difference between Efficiency and Effectiveness Efficiency and effectiveness are both commonly used management terms. These words, while they sound similar and start with the same letters, are often considered synonyms. Yet they both mean different things. Efficiency refers to doing things in a right manner. Scientifically, it is defined as the output to input ratio and focuses on getting the maximum output with minimum resources (1). Effectiveness, on the other hand, refers to doing Professional paper, Received: Apr 05, 2021, Accepted: Jun 23, 2021, doi: 10.5455/ijbh.2021.9.97-104, Int J Biomed Healthc. 2021; 9(2): 97-104

Izet Masic, Catherine Chronaki

The idea for establishing “EFMI Inside” Newsletter was born in Lyon in August 2019, during “MEDINFO 2019” Conference and EFMI Council meeting, when Catherine Chronaki, Izet Masic, and some other EFMI Council members discussed and concluded to start with magazine in which we can record important and prompt facts and information about past, current and future activities of European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI). EFMI has other types of spreading information about important facts of its activities, as “Reports”, but closely for official Council members, as reports of national and other representatives in EFMI. This publication will be an important and useful resource of EFMI and its activities for everybody who wants to be familiar with Medical informatics development and achievements in all areas of this academic and scientific discipline in European countries, but also, worldwide. In the first issue of of “EFMI Inside” readers can find contributions of influential medical informatics persons, former or current EFMI Council members - Presidents or Chairs of Working Groups, Honorary Fellows, and other EFMI members who were actively involved in the development of Medical informatics in their countries, but also worldwide. A lot of facts “inside” of the ”newsletter” was not available and visible on the way like presented in this issue.

I. Masic, A. Kurjak, S. Janković, O. Sinanović, D. Donev, Benjamin, Djulbegovic, Kenan et al.

It is very well known that science is world activity and that there is no good and bad work in the field of scientific research. Nowadays scientific productivity of the individuals, learned societies on regional or state level are measurable parameters. In most of the systems it does include the number of original scientifi papers, quality of journals measured by impact factor and scientific citation index (1-4). There are also additional measurable parameters but for the purpose of this meeting we will avoid discussion about them. New field of scientometrics using the help of impartial and ruthless machines (computers) do help very significantly in evaluation of scientific productivity anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, there are many misused conclusions and interpretation on the data offered by computers. It is clear that some vital important changes are urgently needed. Today’s conference should use rare opportunity having together experts in the field to discuss the problems visible now. This author intends to discuss facts and doubts in writing review articles and chapters in the book (5). Some important flexibility in citation, in particular self citation, should be analyzed. An illustrative examples from author’s own experience will be shown and discussed at the meeting.

Days of Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AMNuBiH) this year was organized together with International Academy of Sciences and Arts in Bosnia and Herzegovina (IANUBIH) in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on December 4th, 2021. At this conference held two meetings: Symposium with title “Sciontometry, Citation, Plagiarsim and Predatory in the Scintific Publishing” and "SWEP 2021" with title "Design of Observational Clinical Studies" (1-4). Reasons for this titles werw very frequent cases in the academic and scientific publications about four mentioned topics of the Symposium in the Bosnia and Herzegovina and other countries in Balcan region, but also worldwide. Authors of the presentations at the conference came from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, North Macedonia, USA and Poland. Days were organized as hybrid meetings: over twenty participants have been in conference room of the hotel Holiday in Sarajevo, over 50 participants followed presentations of the conference via zoom technology. Within presenters of thir experiences in the scientific area covered by title of this conference were some of most influential scientists from Bosnia and Herzegovina who are included between 2% of authors deposited in the Stanford scientometric list, which were published several months ago. Also, some of authors are former or current Editorsin-Chiefs of indexed biomdical journals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia (Izet Masic, Asim Kurjak, Doncho Donev, Osman Sinanovic). Also, Sylwia Ufnalska and Izet Masic are or have been members bof the European Associacion of Scince Editors (EASE) and and they have great expriences about topic of this cnference (5, 6). Participants and titles of the presentations at the Symposium “Scientometrics, Citation, Plagiarism and Predatory in Science Publishing" were as follows: News, Received: Dec 08 2021, Accepted: Dec 26, doi: 10.5455/ijbh.2021.9.300-303, Int J Biomed Healthc. 2021; 9(4): 300-303

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