
Publikacije (9)

Lejla Kuralić-Čišić, Adela Čokić, Džana Sultanić

Educational institutions record an increase in behavioral disorders in children and adolescents every day, with severe symptoms that result in hospitalization or the imposition of criminal sanctions for juvenile delinquents. Behavioral disorders of children and young people stand out as one of the primary problems of today's society. The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed insight into the state of emotional and behavioral disorders, from those that are hidden such as withdrawal, apprehension, fear,anxiety to behavior that children and young people come into conflict with others, even committing acts that are legally recordable as punishable. It has been proven in various studies that early diagnosis and preventive interventions in working with children give the best results. The hypothesis that behavioral disorders and emotional problems among children and young people in primary and secondary schools are present and require the application of appropriate preventive and treatment programs has been confirmed. Through the presentation of modern approaches to the detection, prevention and diagnosis of behavioral problems, this work shows the relationship between biological factors, parental qualities, education, the influence of peers, school and socialnorms, and the way in which they become risky for the development of problematic behavior. Detecting risk factors and stopping the action of risk processes, which have been proven to have a positive correlation with the occurrence of aggressive behavior in children, leads to a decrease in the rate of its occurrence. It has been observed that there are several successful ways of working with children that result in a reduction in the rate of behavioral disorders, even in provoking situations. Communication and problem-solving skills training can successfully reduce inappropriate child behaviors. Teaching social-emotional skills, in addition to reducing behavioral disorders, also results in higher self-esteem and more positive attitudes in children.Schoolshave a need for continuous implementation of science-based prevention programs that include interventions aimed at children and work with parents Keywords: Behavioral disorders, interventions, children, adolescents, parents, prevention programs

Emina Suljkanović - Djedović, Lejla Kuralić-Čišić, Adela Čokić

Cilj rada je utvrditi zastupljenost pojedinih rizičnih ponašanja kod djece osnovnoškolske dobi s obzirom na porodičnu strukturu i uključenost roditelja u preventivne aktivnosti. Uzorak ispitanika u ovom istraţivanju čine 450 učenika osnovne škole, uzrasta 12-13 godina, oba spola. Istraţivanje je realizovano u Općini Doboj Istok i Gračanica. Pojavni oblici rizičnih ponašanja ispitivani su primjenom Ahenbahovog integrisanog sistema procjene, verzijom za samoprocjenu adolescenata (ASEBA Youth Self-Report - YRS, Achenbach, 2007), dok je za podatke o stepenu rizika korišten Modificirani upitnik za procjenu nivoa rizičnosti/potreba (YLS/MCI) autora Andrews i Hoge (1994). Za statističku obradu podataka korištene su metode deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike. Rezultati pokazuju da postoje jasne razlike u prisutnosti poremećaja u ponašanju učenika s obzirom na različitu porodičnu strukturu i učešće roditelja. Postoje značajne razlike izmeĎu adolescenata koji ţive sa oba roditelja i čiji su roditelji uključeni u preventivne aktivnosti i onih koji su iz nepotpune porodice i čiji se roditelji manje zalaţu. Statistički značajne razlike uočene su na skalama Agresivno ponašanje (t = - 3,55; p 0,00), Ponašanje kojim se krše pravila (t = -3,99; p 0,00) i dimenziji Eksternalizacije (t = -2,45; p 0,00). Nastojali smo ispitati i vezu strukturno poremećene porodice sa internaliziranim problemima i uočeno je da ne postoje statistički značajne razlike. Kroz interpretacije dobivenih rezultata moguće je zaključiti da razmatrana obiljeţja učenika znatno doprinose fenomenologiji rizičnih ponašanja, što upućuje na mogućnost i opravdanost kreiranja različitih intervencija usmjerenih prevenciji rizičnih ponašanja različitih skupina djece i mladih.

Lejla Kuralić-Čišić, Meliha Bijedić, Adela Čokić, Emina Suljkanović Dedović, A. Cubra

Opći val useljenika, najviše sa prostora Bliskog istoka, ali i iz Afrike, posebice njenog sjevernog dijela, dolazi na granice evropskih i drugih zemalja. Uz opće loše fizičko stanje u kojem se imigranti nalaze, u velikom postotku idu i psihički problemi praćeni očajem i nasilnim ponašanjem, napadima na domaće stanovništvo i njihovu imovinu, itd., što još više produbljuje krizu njihovog statusa u društvu zemlje primateljice, stvarajući neku vrstu začaranog kruga. Cilj istraživanja jeste utvrditi prisustvo nasilničkog ponašanja kod imigranata sa Bliskog Istoka i Sjeveroistočne Afrike po ulasku u novu zemlju. U istraživanju se pošlo od pretpostavki da su imigranti izloženi nasilju i u većem broju su žrtve u odnosu na domaće stanovništvo, te da su imigranti koji dolaze u potrazi za boljim socioekonomskim prilikama više nasilni od onih koji bježe od rata. Uzorak studije obuhvaća 100 ispitanika, useljenika i domaćeg stanovništva, različitog spola, starosti, zemlje podrijetla i drugih demografskih faktora. Ispitivanje je provedeno u „St Andrew Church Refugee Service“ te online radi anonimnosti na području Egipta, Kairo. Podaci su prikupljeni ASEBA Youth Self-Report – YSR upitnikom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da imigrantsko stanovništvo ima značajnije izražen osjećaj da drugi ljudi u društvi imaju želju da im naškode u usporedbi sa domicilnim stanovništvom. U rezultatima istraživanja su predstavljene i razlike između sjeverno-afričkih i blisko-istočnih useljenika u pogledu malicioznog ponašanja prema drugim osobama iz okoline (pošto blisko-istočni imigranti potječu iz regija sa aktualnim i većim ratnim razaranjima). Može se zaključiti da imigranti porijekla sa Bliskog istoka pokazuju veći stepen lošeg postupanja prema drugim ljudima, u poređenju sa sjeverno-afričkim imigrantima.

Lejla Kuralić-Čišić, M. Bijedić, Adela Čokić, Edin Muftc, Emina Suljkanović-Djedović

The aim of this paper is to determine the differences between externalized and internalized behavioral problems in the population of young adolescents in the city of Tuzla on eight different scales of syndromes (anxiety/depression, reticence, physical difficulties, aggression, rules violation, social problems, thinking problems, and attention problems). The paper starts from the assumption that there are differences between younger adolescents with internalized and externalized behavioral problems with regard to gender in such a way that externalized problems will be more frequent in male adolescents and internalized behavioral problems in female adolescents. The sample of respondents in this study consists of 587 young adolescents of both genders. The research was conducted in fifteen primary schools in the city of Tuzla. The Achenbach dimensional classification of behavioral disorders was used for assessment (Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001). The results show higher scores for internalized behavioral problems. Female adolescents had statistically significantly higher scores on the Anxiety/Depression, Somatic Problems, and Thought Problems subscales.

Lejla Kuralić-Čišić, Meliha Bijedić, Adela Jahić, Emina Suljkanović Dedović

Poslednjih decenija sve je prisutnija pojava porasta problema u ponašanju kod djece i adolescenata. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi razlike u porodičnoj orijentaciji i strukturi porodice između adolescenata sa eksternaliziranim i internaliziranim problemima i tipično razvijenih adolescenata. Uzorak ispitanika čini 587 adolescena oba spola. Istraživanje je realizovano u petnaest osnovnih škola na području Tuzle tako što je iz svake škole uključeno po dva odjeljenja, jedno sedmog i jedno osmog razreda. Uzorak je namjerni (samo sedmi i osmi razredi), a unutar njega metodom slučaja su izabirani razredi. U istraživanju su korištena dva mjerna instrumenta: Youth Self-Report – YRS (Achenbach, 2007) i Skala porodičnog okruženja, verzija za adolescente (Family Envinoment Scale – FES, Moos, Moos, 2009). Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na postojanje razlike između adolescenata koji žive sa oba roditelja i onih koji su iz nepotpune porodice. Statistički značajne razlike uočene su na skalama Agresivno ponašanje (t = - 2,23; p < 0,00), Ponašanje kojim se krše pravila (t = -3,22; p < 0,00) i dimenziji Eksternalizacije (t = -2,82; p < 0,00). Kod porodične orijentacije je također prisutna statistička razlika. Dovodeći u vezu strukturu porodice porodice sa internaliziranim problemima uočeno je da ne postoje statistički značajne razlike.

Adela Jahić, Emina Suljkanović-Djedović, Lejla Kuralić-Čišić, M. Bijedić

The school is an institution that represents an important link in the social care chain for children and young people, which also involves taking various measures to prevent the occurrence of undesirable behaviors. The aim of the study is to determine the prevalence of risk factors between adolescents with externalized and internalized problems and typically developing adolescents, and to determine in which segment, in the opinion of teachers, early social-pedagogical intervention is most needed. The research sample is made up of 450 students (233 male and 217 female) of the seventh and eighth grades of primary school. The results show that the highest risk factors are present in the group of students with externalized behavioral problems, slightly less in the group with internalized problems, and the least in students without behavioral and emotional problems. When it comes to early social-pedagogical interventions, in the opinion of teachers, they should be comprehensive and implemented by a competent expert.

The aim of this study is to determine the specific patterns of functioning of adolescent family with behavioral disorders. A large representative sample of adolescents studied differences in family relationships, encouraging proper family development, and maintaining and changing the family system among adolescents with externalized problems, adolescent with internalized problems and typically developed adolescents. The research was conducted in fifteen primary schools in the area of Tuzla Municipality, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The sample consists of 587 students of the seventh and eighth grade, 12-15 years of age, both sexes. The most important research findings are: statistically significant predictors of externalized problems are expression (β = 0.18, t = 3.69, p <0.01) and conflicts (β = 0.11, t = -2.47, p <0.05); statistically significant predictors of internalized problems are cohesiveness (β = -0.11, t = -2.03, p <0.05), expression (β = -0.15, t = -2.91, p <0.05), intellectual orientation (β = -0.15, t = -1.97, p <0.05) and organization (β = -0.15, t = -2.79, p <0.01). The general conclusion of this study is that there is a correlation between externalized problem of adolescents and the characteristics of their family environment. Adolescent families with externalized behavioral problems are characterized by inadequate family structure, reduced expression, more frequent conflicts, poor orientation towards achievement, poor intellectual orientation, lack of individual family members, and poor family organization.

Suada Selimović, N. Kravić, M. Bijedić, Lejla Kuralić-Čišić, R. Kovačević, Edin Muftić, E. Lučić, A. Arnautović et al.

Over the past few decades, there are evidences that scientific paradigm is changed from disciplinary to transdisciplinary approaches. The question of sustainability science, novel ways for production and coproduction of knowledge and a matter of accomplishment for real world problems represent a big challenge for scientific and academic community. Transdisciplinary team-based research, integration of knowledge from different disciplines and a view into complex societal problems from different perspectives can make a contribution for production of new, practice-oriented knowledge, applied for social problems solution. Going to the transdisciplinary approach is especially valuable in social sciences, where collaborative practice became a necessary normative.In this paper authors, first in the context of theoretical considerations describe possible applications of transdisciplinary research in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as post-conflict, transitional community. The second part of article there is emphasized transdisciplinary approach to the problem of juvenile delinquency in Tuzla Canton through research project: „Influence of different contexts of socialisation on the development of juvenile delinquency in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina – Recommendations for prevention and intervention“ which is realised in four years from 2010 to 2014. Analysing of challenges and problems which this interdisciplinary research team was faced with, authors tried to explain that the way of transdisciplinarity is the way for bridging of different discipline perspectives and through research process finding out solutions applicable in practice. Looking for applicable and practical solutions and maintenance of sustainable strategies for socially relevant and real life problems in post-conflict communities is one of the priorities and challenges for universities, academic communities, government institutions and whole society.

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