
Publikacije (43)


This paper presents the development and real-time testing of an automated expert diagnostic telehealth system for the diagnosis of 2 respiratory diseases, asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The system utilizes Android, Java, MATLAB, and PHP technologies and consists of a spirometer, mobile application, and expert diagnostic system. To evaluate the effectiveness of the system, a prospective study was carried out in 3 remote primary healthcare institutions, and one hospital in Bosnia and Herzegovina healthcare system. During 6 months, 780 patients were assessed and diagnosed with an accuracy of 97.32%. The presented approach is simple to use and offers specialized consultations for patients in remote, rural, and isolated communities, as well as old and less physically mobile patients. While improving the quality of care delivered to patients, it was also found to be very beneficial in terms of healthcare.

Jasin Hodžić, Lejla Gurbeta, E. Omanovic-Miklicanin, A. Badnjević

Introduction: Major advancements in DNA sequencing methods introduced in the first decade of the new millennium initiated a rapid expansion of sequencing studies, which yielded a tremendous amount of DNA sequence data, including whole sequenced genomes of various species, including plants. A set of novel sequencing platforms, often collectively named as “next-generation sequencing” (NGS) completely transformed the life sciences, by allowing extensive throughput, while greatly reducing the necessary time, labor and cost of any sequencing endeavor. Purpose: of this paper is to present an overview NGS platforms used to produce the current compendium of published draft genomes of various plants, namely the Roche/454, ABI/SOLiD, and Solexa/Illumina, and to determine the most frequently used platform for the whole genome sequencing of plants in light of genotypization of immortelle plant. Materials and methods: 45 papers were selected (with 47 presented plant genome draft sequences), and utilized sequencing techniques and NGS platforms (Roche/454, ABI/SOLiD and Illumina/Solexa) in selected papers were determined. Subsequently, frequency of usage of each platform or combination of platforms was calculated. Results: Illumina/Solexa platforms are by used either as sole sequencing tool in 40.42% of published genomes, or in combination with other platforms - additional 48.94% of published genomes, followed by Roche/454 platforms, used in combination with traditional Sanger sequencing method (10.64%), and never as a sole tool. ABI/SOLiD was only used in combination with Illumina/Solexa and Roche/454 in 4.25% of publications. Conclusions: Illumina/Solexa platforms are by far most preferred by researchers, most probably due to most affordable sequencing costs. Taking into consideration the current economic situation in the Balkans region, Illumina Solexa is the best (if not the only) platform choice if the sequencing of immortelle plant (Helichrysium arenarium) is to be performed by the researchers in this region.

Alem Šećerović, Lejla Gurbeta, E. Omanovic-Miklicanin, A. Badnjević

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of genes that have an impact on athletic performance. In recent years, there is a visible progress in molecular biology techniques, which facilitate researches in the field of genetics related to the sport performance. The paper focuses on 2 genes which are most intensively studied in relation to the athletic ability – angiotensine I-converting enzyme (ACE) and alpha-actinin 3 (ACTN3). There are shown results from many researches, and they indicate that genetic factors have effect on sports performance, but also impact of training and environment is important. With new approaches, new polymorphisms are discovered, so research of this area of genetics is still in progress. KeywordsAthletic Performance; Genetics; Polymorphism; Genotype; Endurance; Strength; ACE; ACTN3.

S. Murtić, H. Čivić, Ajša Ahmić, L. Karić, E. Omanovic-Miklicanin, D. Gadžo

Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitati uticaj primjene razlicitih koncentracija sintetski proizvedenih biljnih hormonana parametre razvoja presadnica paprike ( Capsicum annuum L. cv. 'Sivrija'). Biljni hormoni koristeni u ovom ogledu bili su indol-sircetna kiselina (IAA), indol-butilna kiselina (IBA) i benzil adenin (BA), a svaki od njih primijenjen je u pet razlicitih koncentracija: 100, 300, 500, 1000 i 3000 mg l -1 .Od parametara kvaliteta presadnica paprike u ovom istraživanju ispitivani su: masa svježe tvari korijena, broj korijenovih dlacica po jedinici povrsine korijena, povrsina listova, te sadržaj fotosintetskih pigmenata u listovima.Najveci uticaj na povecanje ispitivanih parametara kvaliteta presadnica paprike je iskazala primjenahormonaIAA i IBA u koncentracijama 100 i 300 mg l -1 , te se iste preporucuju za primjenu kod uzgoja presadnica paprike ( Capsicum annuum L. cv. 'Sivrija').U varijantama gdje su hormoni IAA, IBA i BA primijenjeniu koncentracijama od 500 i vise mg l -1 mlade presadnice paprike nisu uspjele nastaviti svoj životni ciklus, te je doslo do njihovog venuca, sto se može objasniti cinjenicom da previsoka koncentracija hormona može iskazati i herbicidni ucinak na biljku, posebno u ranim stadijima razvoja biljke.

Food safety is a prime concern of human life. With increased globalization of food this implies the importance of food quality assessment in all steps of agrifood supply chain. The chain includes all steps “from the farm to the table” production, distribution, processing, and marketing of agricultural food products to the final consumers (Fig. 1) (Ahumada and Villalobos 2009). Abstract info Received: 25/10/2016 Accepted: 21/12/2016

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