
Publikacije (59)

Ž. Zgorelec, F. Bašić, I. Kisić, W. Wenzel, H. Čustović

o,� BiH� Abstract: AroundthecityofTuzla,�BiH,�soilcoveredcoalas hdisposalsiteshavebeenusedforfoodand� fodderproductionsince�1992.�Toourknowledgethis �isthefirstreportonthecultivationofcoalash �disposal� sitesforagriculturepurposes.�Weobservedhighco ncentrationsofAsandNiinalkalinecoalash.�In� this� paper,� weinvestigatedarsenicandnickeltransportandaccumulationinbarleyandsoybeangrownon� substratesmadeupofdifferentsoilandashratios .� Afterthreegrowthinthegreenhouseweobserved� significantdifferences�(p<0.05)�betweentheNienr ichmentcoefficientsofDoracultivarofsoybeanan dRex� cultivarofbarley,�butnosignificantdifferenceb etweentheAsenrichmentcoefficientsofsoybeanan dbarley.� DoracultivarofsoybeanandRexcultivarofbarley �showedverylowuptakeofarsenic,�theenrichment� coefficientvariedbetween� 0.05� %� and� 0.51� %� depend ingonthecropandthetreatment.� Thenickel� enrichmentcoefficientofRexcultivarofbarleyva riedbetween�0.01%�and�0.94%.�Theenrichmentcoeffi cient� forNiinDoracultivarofsoybeanindicatedhigher �uptakeandvariedbetween�5.64%�and�34.79%.�

H. Resulović, H. Čustović

Soil damage comes as a result of various types of soil utilization in regard to its technical functions, and during that, huge quantities of various waste materials form (industrial, communal, mines, etc.). Such materials cover up vast land areas, which lead to a signifi cant reduction of land fund. It is essential to identify the ways and appropriate measures for transforming such areas into the areas suitable for any environmental functions. While executing these measures, various materials are identifi ed as technogenous substrates. When it comes to conducting the rehabilitation measures, it is important to have a good knowledge of the substrate properties, both general and specifi c. Th e general ones include: pH reaction, content of CaCO3, physiologically active calcium (CaO), organic matter, texture, content of skeleton. Th e specifi c properties encompass: heavy metals content, biological infection and radioactivity of the soil. Th is paper identifi es seven basic groups of technogenous substrates: suitable, medium suitable, less suitable, unsuitable, very unsuitable toxic, infectious and radioactive. Th e actions for the application of direct or indirect recultivation are developed by the subject groups. Direct recultivation includes the actions of immediate execution of rehabilitation measures, while indirect recultivation includes the application of a special layer of soil (suitable geological material or natural soil). It also provides the appropriate depths of such materials for the corresponding technical substrate. Th e paper’s attention is focused on the follow-up of the impact of pedo-technogenous factors on the processes within the established disposal sites. Th erefore, further elaboration and classifi cation of technogenous soils continues to be important. Th e paper also provides a projection of development of technogenous soils that encompasses three diff erent substrates: natural geological substrate, industrial waste, and communal waste, outlining specifi c developmental stages, as well as morphological denotation of the profi les, with stated monocyclic and two-layer profi le composition.

The complexity of water budgeting module as shown in this paper is represented in phases. By experimental measurement of precipitation and lysimetric measurement of percolation runoff the fi rst phase establishes monthly and annual soil-water budgets of skeletal and clayey soils, and hence the influence of soil water-retention potential on hydrologic cycle and water budget over a four year period in the area of Mostar. Then, a soil-water budget model is simulated in a simplified procedure in order to determine the corresponding soil productive water reserve (R) for given soils. In this way, depending on R values, the output parameters of the simulated model may produce different results in: calculated surplus or percolation runoff, real evapotranspiration (RET) and water deficit. The lysimetric measuring of the water input and output in skeletal and clayey soils determined significant differences in the water budgets of these, by physical properties, divergent soils. Such correlations indicate that there is a realistic possibility of computing new, relatively reliable and pragmatically significant agro-hydrological parameters using measured precipitation and calculated PET. Also, this paper addresses a correlative analysis between the apple and maize ET on one side, and evaporation measured by Piche and by Class A, as well as PET calculated by Thornthwaite, Turc and Penman, on the other side. The results show a reliable reaction between ET of apple and maize with E by Piche, while the same relation is even more reliable with Class A. Other methods in this correlative analysis are less reliable.

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