
Publikacije (19)


Country's image as an overall concept of marketing communication about the country, its economy, tradition and history, resources and potentials becomes more important along with the development of World Wide Web and Internet in general. This paper deals with an analysis of country's image which is communicated through the official web-sites of tourist boards of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tourist boards in Bosnia and Herzegovina are organized at local level (cantons and municipalities), including two organizations at entity level. This kind of structure is influenced by territorial and administrative constitution of the country which contributes with certain differences in communication strategies of country’s image. One of the objectives of this paper was to analyze the quality of services offered on the tourist boards’ web sites according to the certain criteria (Zeithaml, Parasuraman, Malhotra, 2002). The other objective was to analyze the level of consistency in the communication strategies of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s image, trough the observed web sites, especially from the point of marketing communications. Based on the results, the level of the quality of the tourist boards’ web sites should be improved as well as country’s image promotional strategy.

N. Brkić, Marija Čutura

Vrijednosti su, kao osnovni elementi kulture, duboko ukorijenjene u socijalizacijski obrazac svakog ljudskog bica. One su izvjestan okvir za svjetonazor i usko su povezane uz kulturna ocekivanja. Vrijednostima se utvrđuje važnost pojedinih aspekata života i bitno određuju ciljevi kojima se teži. Mnoge studije potvrdile su znacaj utjecaja vrijednosti na stavove i preferencije potrosaca ali i važnost vrijednosti kao smjernica za potrosacko ponasanje, opcenito. Mlada populacija predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih tržisnih segmenata suvremenog svijeta, stoga je i vrijednosni sustav mladih posebno zanimljiv sa stajalista marketinga. U ovom radu istraživali smo vrijednosni sustav mladih u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) uzimajuci studente za uzorak (n=1000). Kao istraživacki instrument koristen je anketni upitnik. Dimenzije obuhvacene anketnim upitnikom su: 1) socioekonomski status mladih ; 2) vrijednosna orijentacija mladih ; 3) aktivnosti i koristenje slobodnog vremena. Kao mjerni instrument strukture i hijerarhije vrijednosti mladih formirane su liste tvrdnji. Likertovom skalom od pet stupnjeva utvrdili smo stupanj slaganja/neslaganja ispitanika sa svakom od tvrdnji na listama i utvrdili rangove. Koristeci faktorsku analizu provjerena je korelacija i unutarnju konzistentnost tvrdnji (Cronbach’ s Alpha). Rezultati ove studije doprinijeli su razumijevanju vrijednosne orijentacije mladih. Analiza podataka rezultirala je izdvajanjem posebnih segmenata mladih na osnovu vrijednosti, sto pokazuje kako se i unutar iste demografske skupine mogu izdvojiti razliciti psihografski profili. Također, izvrsena je i usporedba shema vrijednosne orijentacije mladih u BiH s vrijednosnom orijentacijom mladih u Hrvatskoj ali isto tako i unutar same BiH između mladih razlicitih supkulturnih karakteristika (nacionalnih, religijskih i geografskih). Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata predložene su i moguce marketinske implikacije vezane uz izdvojene psihografske profile kombinirane s pripadajucim socioekonomskim karakteristikama.

Shimp and Sharma (1987) have coined the term “consumer ethnocentric tendencies” to describe beliefs held by consumers regarding the appropriateness and morality of purchasing foreign-made products. Studies of consumer ethnocentrism generally have found that ethnocentric tendencies are inversely related to willingness to purchase imports. The central hypothesis of this study was that in the case of B&H, consumer ethnocentrism is positively related to willingness to buy domestic goods versus goods imported from the most important trade partners of B&H (Croatia, Serbia and European Union). The results of our analysis have confirmed previously established findings on the positive relation between consumer ethnocentric tendencies and willingness to buy domestic goods.

Slavko Kukić, Ž. Marić, Marija Čutura

Young population, of the countries in transition is more influenced by the changes in the society than any other social group. So, the attitudes about social reality of young student’s population can represent a degree of development for entire society and potential trends in changing environment. In our research we had intent to find out how the young student’s population in University of Mostar, as the only University of Croatian language in Bosnia and Herzegovina, sees political and social reality in their country. What is the most important in their perception: national issues, economic issues, social problems, crime and corruption, or issues of joining to the European associations? The main purpose of this research was to establish level of political culture and character of social values of student’s population. Research was done during September 2002. Just before the last elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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