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Marija Cutura

University of Mostar - Sveučilište u Mostaru

Društvene mreže:

Marija Čutura, Mile Bošnjak, D. Lončarić

Many consumer studies have confirmed that in different international settings ethnocentric consumers mostly prefer domestic products. Consequently, consumer ethnocentrism has been considered as a prominent informal barrier for international trade. Even though an ethnocentrism as a personal trait has been a subject of international management studies, ethnocentrism was rarely observed within a context of managers’ or owners’ decisions that affect business orientations. The purpose of this study was to explore a link among consumer ethnocentrism and ethnocentric business orientations of graduate students as future managers and business owners. The main goal was to and derive implications relevant for consumer and organizational marketing in international environment. The main motivation behind the study was to explore potential extension of consumer ethnocentrism on managerial ethnocentric decision making, and consequently, on ethnocentric business orientation. Research was conducted on a convenience sample of 219 business economics graduates from the University of Rijeka, Croatia and from the University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Multi-Group Structural Equation Modeling has been employed to explore a linkage among observed concepts. Empirical results indicated a differences among sub-samples from two countries in level of consumer ethnocentrism and its impacts on preferences towards domestic products. However, significant positive relation has been found between consumer ethnocentrism and ethnocentric business orientation in case of both observed groups. Consumer ethnocentrism has been confirmed as predictor of ethnocentric tendencies towards domestic products as well as predictor of ethnocentric business orientations of youth as a future managers and business owners. Research results confirmed that consumer ethnocentrism can be extended from consumer preferences and orientation towards domestic products to managers’ ethnocentric decision making, providing ethnocentric business orientation.

Marija Čutura, Andrea Jerković

Because of the benefits for all stakeholders, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept that is now becoming increasingly popular and is also an integral part of doing business in the modern world. Through applying CSR, the business sector contributes to sustainable development and companies use it as their competitive advantage because it represents not only a desirable but also a necessary form of behavior in all business activities. The aim of this paper was to investigate the level of CSR policies implementation in small, medium, and large companies that are operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research instrument is adapted in order to analyze the application of particular CSR policies: workplace policies, environmental policies, marketplace policies, and community policies. The study also analyzed the possession standards related to the CSR implementation practice. For the purposes of the survey, data were collected from 90 companies operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The collection of primary data was conducted using the online survey technique. Based on the conducted research, it has been obtained that companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, regardless of the size of the companies, apply certain forms of CSR policies in their operations. The analysis also found that companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina attach different importance to certain CSR policies. The results related to the selection of CSR areas, the directing of financial resources in CSR, as well as the method of decision-making, and the degree of application of norms and standards, indicate that companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not have a strategic approach to CSR. Economic responsibility is the primary responsibility of companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but following current global trends, it is necessary to work to improve other dimensions and areas of CSR. The lack of significant differences in practices of CSR companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with regard to their size and giving the most importance to economic aspects of CSR, indicates an insufficient understanding of the modern approach to CSR from the side of the management of the companies. Government as well as the non-profit sector should support companies in implementing CSR policies to become more environmentally and socially responsible. Nevertheless, although there is no strategic approach, it can be concluded that companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina implement certain CSR policies. Based on the research results, the paper provides an overview of CSR policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and offers some implications guidelines for managers, as well as guidelines for future CSR research.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into the interplay between consumer ethnocentrism and social identity as concepts with significant relevance for different consumer responses in globalized environment. Design/Methodology/Approach – The paper contains analysis of theoretical foundations, based on social identity theory, as well as conceptual content analysis of selected studies that deal with both the observed concepts. Findings and implications – This paper contributes to deeper insights into the interplay between consumer ethnocentrism and identity, and provides a good foundation for explaining and predicting different consumers’ responses in the globalized environment. From the perspective of social identity theory, ethnocentrism is considered to be an important factor in maintaining social identity and preserving it in the changing environment. This proposition is confirmed by empirical studies that show a positive relation between identity and consumer ethnocentrism. On the other hand, some empirical studies reveal somewhat mixed results which indicate that consumer ethnocentrism does not always correspond with the strength of identity. Also, studies that deal with consumer ethnocentrism and identity in Marija Čutura University of Mostar, Faculty of Economics, Matice hrvatske, bb, 8800 Mostar, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, e-mail: marija.cutura@ef.sum.ba Market-Tržište Vol. 32, Special Issue, 2020, pp. 131-146 UDK 658.89:658.62 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.22598/mt/2020.32.spec-issue.131 Review CONSUMER ETHNOCENTRISM AND SOCIAL IDENTITY: THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDS AND EMPIRICAL STUDIES OVERVIEW POTROŠAČKI ETNOCENTRIZAM I SOCIJALNI IDENTITET: TEORIJSKA POZADINA I PRIKAZ EMPIRIJSKIH STUDIJA

U suvremenom društvu pitanja održivog razvoja razvijala su se na različitim razinama, od novih globalnih okvira, preko politika vlada do novih poslovnih modela. U 1980-ima pojam održivi razvoj nastao je iz međuodnosa očuvanja planeta i ispunjavanja ljudskih potreba (IUCN, 1980). Opća ideja koncepta održivog razvoja je zadovoljavanje potreba sadašnje generacije, bez ugrožavanja sposobnosti budućih generacija da zadovolje svoje potrebe (Opća skupština Ujedinjenih naroda, 1987.). Kao jedan od glavnih izazova u ekonomiji i poslovanju, pojam održivog razvoja pojavio se i na širokom području poslovne ekonomije. Cilj ovog rada je pružiti pregled opsežne literature, koja se bavi konceptom održivog razvoja u području poslovne ekonomije. U svrhu analize, korišten je bibliometrijski pristup s višestrukim korespondentnim analizama na bazama baze podataka Web of Science Core Collection database za promatrano razdoblje od deset godina. Rezultati ukazuju na važnost održivog razvoja kao teme, kao i na širok raspon pristupa i raznolikosti podtema koje su povezane s konceptom održivog razvoja u poslovnoj i ekonomskoj literaturi.

Marija Čutura, D. Lončarić, Mile Bošnjak

Even the fact that most of the countries adopted increasingly liberal strategies of economic development, there is a lack of surveys that deal with the attitudes of their citizens towards economic liberalization. The main goal of this study was to explore the attitudes towards trade liberalization in a rapidly changing economic environment, providing a comparative analysis of two countries: Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). For the purpose of this study empirical evidence was derived from the questionnaire survey methods. Research was conducted on a convenience sample of 200 undergraduates approaching the end of their studying of economics at the Universities of Mostar and University of Rijeka. Sampling students from the faculties of economics is appropriate in order to understand how the future business leaders and potential policy makers see the trade liberalization. The students’ attitudes towards liberalization were examined on the three levels: on the level of attitudes towards liberalization in general, on the level of the attitudes towards trade liberalization and on the level of trade liberalization with EU in case of the sample from B&H as well as within EU in the case of Croatian sample. The measurement scales for the tree level attitudes were confirmed to be reliable. The attitudes towards liberalization have been explored on the level of the total sample and across the subsamples of students from B&H and Croatia. It has been found that across the samples the difference in attitude between the students in Bosnia and B&H and their peers in Croatia not exist. The overall research results point on significant positive preferences towards trade liberalization among students in B&H and their Croatian counterparts. However, we found no statistically significance in examining the attitudes on trade liberalization with EU in case of B&H sample or within EU in the case of Croatian sample, which means that neither Croatia nor B&H students believe that Croatia has or B&H will experience only positive effects from trade liberalization with other EU member countries.

Marija Čutura, Katerina Malić Bandur

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to establish the level of importance of the country of origin (COO) in the purchasing process of different categories of consumer goods in the research context of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH establishing a level of consumer familiarity with a COO; identifying the influence of consumer ethnocentrism on the level of COO importance. Findings and implications – ANOVA and T-paired tests highlighted the importance of COO to vary across product categories. The results of regression analysis showed that consumer ethnocentrism significantly influences the level of COO importance in the purchasing process. The results contribute to the thesis that COO has a diagnostic value for the consumers in the purchasing process and can therefore be used as a marketing tool in providing better market acceptance and positioning of products. Limitations – This research has a limited scope considering that it is a single-market study, but also because of the small range of researched product categories. Further research studies should consider a wider range of product categories, as well as a cross-cultural research approach to explore the importance of COO on the overall purchasing process. Originality – This study represents an integrative approach to the phenomenon of COO, consisting of consumer ethnocentrism, product characteristics, and consumer perspective regarding COO importance and familiarity.

Winiwarter Verena, Haidvogl Gertrud, D. Barben, M. Contin, Marija Čutura, Bruno Domany, Stefan Dorondel, H. Egner, G. Gajski et al.

Contributing Authors and Commentators: Barben Daniel, Cont in Marco, Cut ura Marij a, Domany Bruno, Dorondel St efan, Egner Heike, Gaj ski Goran, Garcia-Sant os Glenda, Gueorguiev Tzvetel in, Hart l Mart ina, Hein Thomas, Hudecz Ferenc, Ivan Oana, Jelen Igor, Jungmeier Michael, Kopl iku Bresena, Laci Sabri, Lenhardt Mirj ana, Tamáska Mát é David, Mihalca Andrei, Miho Aleko, Papp Leila, Pet rovic Ana, Pont Didier, Pop Ana-Maria, Popova Jul iana, Sandu Crist ina, Sendzimir Jan, Šmid Hribar Mat ej a, St oica Georget a, St öglehner Gernot , Tabakovic Momir, Terzic Aleksandra, Torkar Gregor, Žlender Vita, Zoj er Hans

G. Haidvogl, V. Winiwarter, D. Barben, M. Contin, Marija Čutura, Bruno Domany, Stefan Dorondel, H. Egner, G. Gajski et al.


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