
Publikacije (10)

Selma Dohranović, T. Bosnić, Sanida Osmanović

Selma Dohranović, T. Bosnić, Sanida Osmanović

U ovom radu navedeni su razlozi zasto se ljudi sve vise okrecu alternativnoj i komplementarnoj medicini, prednost ovih metoda u odnosu na konvencionalnu medicinu i farmaceutsko-hemijske preparate, kao i istraživanja i statistike o koristenju alternativne medicine. Da bi se bolje shvatili znacaj i uloga alternativne medicine u lijecenju, osim podjele opste medicine, objasnjene su i grane alternativne medicine sa posebnim osvrtom na metode lijecenja vezane za farmaceutsku struku, a to su homeopatija, fitoterapija i aromaterapija.U poglavlju o homeopatiji navedeni su oblici i primjena homeopatskih lijekova, kao i njihova prednost u odnosu na klasicne lijekove. Fitoterapija kao najstariji oblik medicine koristi se ne samo u lijecenju, vec i u prevenciji mnogih bolesti. Biljne lijekove podržala je i Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija koja pruža pomoc nastojanjima nerazvijenih zemalja da povecaju upotrebu biljnih lijekova i time trose manje ionako ogranicenih sredstava na gotove tvornicke lijekove. Aromaterapija kao sastavni dio fitoterapije polako zauzima svoje zasluženo mjesto u savremenoj medicini. Etericna ulja ostvaruju svoje dejstvo na sve celije organizma i tako ga vracaju u ravnotežu. Opisani su nacini primjene kao i djelovanje na organizam. Navedeni su razlozi vracanja prirodnom lijecenju i smanjenju bolnickih troskova i upotrebe sintetskih lijekova koji ponekad nanose vise stete nego koristi.

T. Bosnić, D. Softić, D. Jerg-Simanovic, S. Pilipović

Plant material are used throughout developed and developing countries as home remedies, over the counter drug products and raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry and represent a substantial proportion of the global drug market. Medicinal plant materials normally carry a great number of bacteria and moulds, often originating in soil, while a large range of bacteria and fungi form the naturally occurring micro flora of herbs, aerobic spore-forming bacteria frequently predominate [1]. Eighty five herbal teas and sixteen herbal medicinal products obtained from different suppliers were examined for microbial contaminants. The maximum acceptable limits were determined according to European pharmacopoeia [2]. The microbiological examination was carried out in accordance with the Ph.Eur. The total aerobic plate counts for herbal teas were about 105 CFU/g, so the limits were met. The same applied to the moulds and yeasts whose aggregate values reached 104 CFU/g. While none of the herbal tea samples contained Salmonella spp., six samples exceeded the limit of 102 CFU/g for E. coli. The total aerobic plate counts for herbal medicinal products were about 102 CFU/g. References: [1] Beckmann, K. et al. (2003) Pharmeuropa 15: 291–298. [2] European Pharmacopoeia. (2005) Council of Europe. Strasbourg.

J. Grujić-Vasić, S. Pilipović, T. Bosnić, S. Redžić

The tested plant material of rhizome with roots of Potentillaerecta (L.) Raeuschel and Potentilla alba L. was collected in2003. Determination of the total phenolics content, non-tanninphenols was conducted by applying the method of Folin-Ciocalteau reagent and proanthocyanidin content by Porter.The method used for determination of the antibiotic activitywas used in accordance with the European Pharmacopoeia(procedure 2.7.2.) on medium A and bacteria Staphylococcusaureus ATCC 6538, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Escherichiacoli ATCC 8739 and Candida albicans ATCC 10231. The water,ethyl acetate, acetone and ethanol extracts, prepared earlier,were tested. Medium A was used for testing Staphylococcusaureus and Escherichia coli while Medium F was used fortesting Candida albicans.The values obtained after testing phenol compounds (% ondry plant material) are as follows: the value for Potentillaerecta: total phenolics 16.90%, Non-tannin phenolics 0.09%,Proanthocyanidins 2.70% while the value for Potentilla alba:total phenolics 11.74%, Non-tannin phenolics 0.71%, Proanthocyanidins2.73%. The ethanol and acetone extracts havethe antimicrobial effect on Escherichia coli, ethyl acetate extractof rhizome Potentilla erecta, while water extracts of bothtested species in dissolution 1:20 have the antimicrobial effecton Staphylococcus aureus. The tested species have not had anyeffect on Candida albicans fungus. * Part of the work was presented on the International Congress and 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society forMedicinal Plant Research, August 21st – 25th, 2005 Florence,Italy

T. Bosnić, D. Softić, J. Grujić-Vasić

The screening of the antimicrobial activity of sage, rosemary, eucalyptus, melissa, lavender and thyme essential oils andactive compounds 1.8-cineole, citral, linalyl acetate and thymolwas conducted by a diffusion test against Gram-positiveand Gram-negative bacteria. The most active essential oils,eucalyptus and rosemary oils were tested for the minimal inhibitoryconcentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration(MBC). The activity was more pronounced againstGram-positive bacteria than against Gram-negative bacteriawith MIC ranging from 0.097 mg/ml-0.390 mg/ml, and MBCranging from 0.390 mg/ml-12.5 mg/ml.

J. Grujić-Vasić, T. Bosnić, M. Jovanović

1. L. Van Hoof, D. A. Vanden Berghe, G. M. Hatfield and A. J. Vlietinck, 1984, Planta Medica, 6, 459. 2. G. M. Laekeinan, J. H. Mertens, J. Totté, H. Bult, A. J. Vlietinck and A. G. Herman, (1983),J. Nat. Prod.,46, 161. 3. G.M. Laekeman, F. De Clerck, A. J. Vlietinck and A. G. Herman, 1985, Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol.,331, 108. 4. G. M. Laekeman, M. Claeys, P. C. Rwangabo, A. G. Herman and A. J. Vlietinck, accepted for publication in Planta Medica.

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