
Publikacije (14)

Nedim Čirić, Ramiz Nurikić

U radu se razmatra pitanje zastupljenosti i primjene pojedinih oblika nastavnog rada u pripremanju studenata za realizaciju nastave islamske vjeronauke. Oblici nastavnog rada predstavljaju osnovnu didaktičko-metodičku determinantu organizacije nastavnog časa islamske vjeronauke. Istraživanje je longitudinalnog karaktera. Istraživanje je trajalo 5 godina za vrijeme realizacije pedagoške i metodičke prakse studenata u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi. U radu je korištena je analitičko-deskriptivna metoda i metoda analize sadržaja, kao i protokol za snimanje i opservaciju nastavnog časa islamske vjeronauke. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se pored dominantnog izbora frontalnog oblika nastavnog rada u nastavi islamske vjeronauke, studenti koriste i grupnim oblikom nastavnog rada u pripremanju didaktičko-metodičke organizacije nastave islamske vjeronauke. Za unapređenje kvalitete nastave islamske vjeronauke, neophodno je obezbijediti kontinuiranu podršku kroz razvijanje pedagoških i didaktičko-metodičkih kompetencija kod vjeroučitelja, a kod studenata islamske vjeronauke više podsticati interaktivne i kreativne metode učenja tokom visokoškolskog obrazovanja.

In the teaching process, the relationship between students and university teachers is an important determinant of the quality learning and teaching process. The concepts of didactic theories provide a different approach to the didactic - methodical determination of teaching, and the position of students in the scientific - teaching process in relation to the concept of the old school and the traditional pedagogical paradigm of teaching. The student is observed and experienced as a collaborator, learning partner, authoritarian teaching styles are abandoned, democratically oriented communication and interaction are developed, with mutual respect, tolerance and respect for all participants in the teaching process. The analytical - descriptive method, comparative analysis and content analysis were used. The relationship and position of students and university teachers in the teaching process through the prism of didactic theories advocated by Christina Moller and Felix von Cube are presented. The issues of selectivity, cooperation and competitiveness as a starting point for defining the position of students in teaching, purposes and goals of learning, based on the modern pedagogical paradigmatic orientation of the “learning society”, and the analysis of the position and position of students and university teachers through the prism of cyber-information didactic theories and curriculum theories.

The total excellence of university teaching largely depends on pedagogical and didactical­methodical competencies of university professors. The development and promotion of academic teaching is enabled by the modernization of the teaching process which does not encompass only modernization of curriculum but the entire didactical­methodical organization of teaching. Pleasure and requirements of students are to be accentuated accordingly, as well as competencies of teachers and expectations of labor market. The purpose of this paper is to establish which element of didactical­methodical organization of university teaching is the most important dimension of excellence of teaching as well as in what way university professors perform self­evaluation of the excellence of didactical­methodical organization of teaching at the University of Tuzla. The analytical­descriptive survey method was used as a variant of analytical­descriptive method as well as procedures of analysis of contents and polling. It is supposed that there is statistically significant difference in self­evaluation of the importance of elements of excellence in didactical­methodical organization of teaching at the University of Tuzla and that self­evaluations of the importance of individual elements of excellence of university teaching differ with regard to age, sex, teaching/academic title, years of experience in academic institutions and scientific field the faculty belongs to. The results of this research show that the excellence of planning and preparation and excellence in choice of teaching methods are the most important elements of excellence in the organization of university teaching, and that 90% of teaching personnel evaluates that the classes they organize are at very high level of excellence.

Ukupna izvrsnost sveučilišne nastave najviše ovisi o pedagoškim i didaktičko­metodičkim kompetencijama sveučilišnih nastavnika. Za razvoj i unaprjeđenje sveučilišne nastave važno je osuvremenjivanje nastavnog procesa koje ne podrazumijeva samo osuvremenjivanje kurikula, nego cjelokupnoga didaktičko­metodičkog organiziranja nastavnoga rada. Pritom je potrebno naglasiti zadovoljstvo i potrebe studenata, kompetencije visokoškolskih nastavnika i očekivanja radnog tržišta. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ustvrditi koja je sastavnica didaktičko­metodičkog organiziranja sveučilišne nastave najvažniji čimbenik izvrsnosti nastavnog rada te kako sveučilišni nastavnici Univerziteta u Tuzli vrjednuju vlastitu izvrsnost didaktičko­metodičkog organiziranja nastavnog rada. Koristilo se analitičko­deskriptivnim upitnikom kao inačicom analitičko­deskriptivne metode, postupcima analize sadržaja i anketiranjem. Pretpostavljeno je kako postoji statistički značajna razlika u samovrjednovanju važnosti čimbenika izvrsnosti didaktičko­metodičke organizacije nastavnog rada visokoškolskih nastavnika Univerziteta u Tuzli te da se samovrjednovanja važnosti pojedinih čimbenika izvrsnosti sveučilišne nastave razlikuju s obzirom na dob, spol, znanstveno­nastavno/umjetničko zvanje, godine radnog iskustva u visokoškolskim ustanovama te znanstveno područje kojemu Fakultet pripada. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako su izvrsnost planiranja i pripremanja te izvrsnost izbora nastavnih metoda najvažniji čimbenici ukupne izvrsnosti organiziranja sveučilišne nastave, a 90 % nastavnog osoblja ocjenjuje kako je nastava koju organiziraju visoke razine izvrsnosti.

UDK 378.1:28]:004.783  616.98:578.8 Pandemija Covid-19 i mjere koje se poduzimaju da bi se sprijecilo sirenje virusa, mnogo su ogranicile prilike za mobilnost studenata i nastavnog osoblja u cijelom svijetu. Posljedice pandemije uocavaju se u svim segmentima drustva, narocito obrazovnog, u koji je ukljucena populacija najvažnija za buducnost svake države. Istraživanje provedeno za potrebe ovog rada transferzalnog je karaktera a koristena je analiticko-deskriptivna metoda i elektronsko anketiranje. Analiziran je rad visokoskolskih ustanova Islamske zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini (FIN-a Sarajevo, IPF-a Zenica i IPF-a Bihac). Na temelju dobivenih rezultata, može se reci da su visokoskolske ustanove Islamske zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini odgovorile izazovima u novonastalim okolnostima i na najbolji moguci nacin realizirale obrazovne ciljeve postavljene kroz reorganizaciju i uspostavljanje elektronskog obrazovanja tamo gdje je ono bilo neophodno. Elektronsko obrazovanje i ucenje na daljinu dovelo je do transformacija pedagoskog i metodickog pristupa, cime su osnažene nove uloge i kompetencije univerzitetskih nastavnika ali i studenata, a sto može biti polazna osnova za planiranje nekih buducih reformi utemeljenih na iskustvima stecenim tokom pandemije Covid-19. Summary Covid 19 pandemic and the measures taken to control its spread have, to a great extent, limited circumstances and mobility of students and teaching staff throughout the world. Consequences of this pandemic are felt in all the segments of society, especially in educational segment which involves the most important part of the population of every state. The research carried out for the purposes of this article is of cross-sectional character and analytical descriptive method was used along with electronic survey. The work of high education institutions of the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FIN/Faculty of Islamc Studies-Sarajevo, IPF/Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy-Zenica and IPF/Faculty of Islamic Pedagogy- Bihac) was analysed. On the bases of the results of this analysis we may say that the high education institutions of the Islamic Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina answered this challenge successfully and achieved the goals of education through reorganisation and through establishing electronic education wherever it was necessary. Electronic education and distance learning brought about a transformation of pedagogical and methodological approach, resulting in enhancement in competencies of both, university teachers and their students. This experience gained during the Covid-19 pandemic can be used as bases for planning some reforms in the future.

M. Omerović, S. Porobič, Nedim Čirić, M. Efendić

Uvod: Pedagoški rad, odnosno edukacija, u ustanovama odgoja i obrazovanja posebno u periodu ranog djetinjstva predstavlja temeljno djelovanje za razvoj pozitivnih navika i zdravih stilova života. Ranija pedagoška, a posebno longitudinalna istraživanja pokazala su kako predškolski odgoj, utjecaj obitelji i škole značajno doprinose razvoju higijenskih, zdravstvenih, ekoloških, kulturnih i emocionalnih navika kod djece. Smatra se da su predškolska i školska dob ujedno razdoblja koja stručnjaci definiraju kao vrijeme i pedagoško-odgojnu, obiteljsku i društvenu obavezu za prikladno započinjanje prevencije kroničnih bolesti odrasle dobi, u prvom redu kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Kroz pravilnu prehranu djeca zadovoljavaju svoje energetske potrebe, ali i unos vitamina i minerala. To znači da periodu njihovog razvoja treba prilagoditi prehranu, pa zato u vrtiće i škole treba uvesti promjene. Cilj rada: Istražiti pedagoške aspekte utjecaja pravilne prehrane na razvoj pozitivnih navika kod djece u školama kroz zastupljenost takvih sadržaja u nastavnim programima osnovnog obrazovanja Tuzlanskog kantona. Materijal i metode: Ovo presječno istraživanje provedeno je tijekom rujna 2015. godine na osnovu podataka dobivenih iz nastavnih planova i programa za osnovno obrazovanje na Tuzlanskom kantonu. Korištena je analitičko deskriptivna metoda i postupak analize sadržaja četiri nastavna predmeta: „Moja okolina“, „Biologija“, „Kemija“ i „Kultura življenja“. Ovi predmeti se uče na nivou druge i treće trijade osnovnog obrazovanja. Zaključak: Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je u devetogodišnjem osnovnom obrazovanju obuhvaćeno jedanaest predmeta koji obrađuju ili u sebi imaju zastupljene sadržaje koji tretiraju prehranu i zdrave stilove života djece u osnovnom obrazovanju. Važno je osvijestiti da je potrebna veća zastupljenost ovakvih sadržaja kroz nastavne predmete, kao i kontinuirana edukacija odgajatelja i nastavnika u području nutricionizma i ekologije te kulture o zdravom životu i razvoju mladih. Kao mjeru prevencije, predlaže se da nadležne stručne pedagoške službe i ministarstva hitno učine promjene u pogledu sadržaja nastavnih programa osnovnog obrazovanja kroz model izborne nastave koja će predvidjeti prehranu i zdrave stilove života kao važnu pedagošku djelatnost za razvoj mladih.

Discussions on quality of university teaching are numerous and under the public eye. At contemporary market conditions where responsibility and evaluation of academic institutions is accentuated there is a need for innovations of methodical organizations of teaching work for the purpose of development and promotion of quality of academic teaching and higher education. The accent is on pleasure and requirements of students, competencies of teachers and labor market expectation as well as the community. The purpose of this paper is to present characteristics of interactive teaching in relation to quality of academic teaching and establish whether university teaching through interactive learning and teaching emphasizes cooperative and partner relations through position and role of students and teachers. In terms of methodology, the method applied is one of meta-analysis for research studies that dealt with studying of characteristics of academic teaching (innovations in learning and teaching, project-co-relation approach realized through connecting of teaching contents and differences in teaching organization, and the like) based on which it could be said that problems of contemporary researches in the area of academic didactics mainly encompassed micro organizational structure of teaching work. Analytic-descriptive method was used with the procedure for content analysis. The basis was the assumption that didactical methodical structure of teaching work according to the model of interactive teaching contributes to creation of co operational and partner relations through positions and role of students and teachers which is reflected to higher quality of academic education. The results of this research indicated that interactive teaching with suitable methodical-didactical structure of organization of teaching work contributes to development of cooperative relations that were neglected in the concept of traditional paradigm of academic education which contributes to quality of academic

Reassessment of the existing didactic-methodological organization within the University lectures as well as the role of students and University lecturers is a result of the current process of higher education reforms. The advancement of pedagogical and didactic-methodological competences of university lecturers represents an imperative in reaching a high quality education. The results of this research may function as a starting point in the self-evaluation of University lecturers. The point of this work was to present didactic and methodical elements of contemporary university teaching, according to Bologna concept of higher education, and position of students. Taking into consideration the very definition and didactic methodological structure and legality of teaching, researches related to representation of individual didactic and methodical elements of contemporary university teaching are presented, which relate to forms of teaching, methods of teaching and application of teaching and technical aids. In the context of the current reform of the high education and considering the Bologna Declaration it could be concluded that contemporary university teaching is marked with cooperative interactive teaching in which the position of students and teachers is defined as partnership.

Contemporary university courses in the process of implementation of principles based on the Bologna Declaration is between traditional and contemporary paradigm of high education. Integrating of new valid forms is possible to actualize in readiness to change in relationships within academic community that still has intention of centralization in form but with no essence and purposefulness of educational work. Those changes happen in conceptions, goals and tasks, curriculums and programs, education of new teaching staff, organization and managing, financing and legal regulations and other segments streaming towards standardization and adaption of universities to needs of society and time with a special accent on creation of assumptions for continual lifetime education and professional development. In relation to this, methodic organization of teaching in which a special accent is put on teaching aids, didactic media and teaching technology is of existential value to sustainability of contemporary university courses. Results acquired through analytic descriptive method and survey method as a variant of analytic descriptive method and through apposite instruments for self evaluation of university teaching staff shows that contemporary university teaching is dominated by combining of teaching aids, that laptop and projector are dominant didactic media that characterize contemporary university courses.

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