
Publikacije (17)

Amin Abbosh, K. Bialkowski, Lei Guo, Ahmed Al-Saffar, A. Zamani, A. Trakic, A. Brankovic, Alina Bialkowski et al.

Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide, and early diagnosis and prompt medical intervention are thus crucial. Frequent monitoring of stroke patients is also essential to assess treatment efficacy and detect complications earlier. While computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are commonly used for stroke diagnosis, they cannot be easily used onsite, nor for frequent monitoring purposes. To meet those requirements, an electromagnetic imaging (EMI) device, which is portable, non-invasive, and non-ionizing, has been developed. It uses a headset with an antenna array that irradiates the head with a safe low-frequency EM field and captures scattered fields to map the brain using a complementary set of physics-based and data-driven algorithms, enabling quasi-real-time detection, two-dimensional localization, and classification of strokes. This study reports clinical findings from the first time the device was used on stroke patients. The clinical results on 50 patients indicate achieving an overall accuracy of 98% in classification and 80% in two-dimensional quadrant localization. With its lightweight design and potential for use by a single para-medical staff at the point of care, the device can be used in intensive care units, emergency departments, and by paramedics for onsite diagnosis.

Jessica Rahman, A. Brankovic, Mark Tracy, Robert Halliday, Sankalp Khanna

Accurate identification of the QRS complex is critical to analyse heart rate variability (HRV), which is linked to various adverse outcomes in premature infants. Reliable and accurate extraction of HRV characteristics at a large scale in the neonatal context remains a challenge. In this paper, we investigate the capabilities of 15 state-of-the-art QRS complex detection implementations using two real-world preterm neonatal datasets. As an attempt to improve the accuracy and reliability, we introduce a weighted ensemble-based method as an alternative. Obtained results indicate the superiority of the proposed method over the state of the art on both datasets with an F1-score of 0.966 (95% CI 0.962-0.97) and 0.893 (95% CI 0.892-0.894). This motivates the deployment of ensemble-based methods for any HRV-based analysis to ensure robust and accurate QRS complex detection.

A. Brankovic, Wenjie Huang, David Cook, Sankalp Khanna, K. Bialkowski

The lack of transparency and explainability hinders the clinical adoption of Machine learning (ML) algorithms. While explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) methods have been proposed, little research has focused on the agreement between these methods and expert clinical knowledge. This study applies current state-of-the-art explainability methods to clinical decision support algorithms developed for Electronic Medical Records (EMR) data to analyse the concordance between these factors and discusses causes for identified discrepancies from a clinical and technical perspective. Important factors for achieving trustworthy XAI solutions for clinical decision support are also discussed.

Christina J. Lauw, Jessica Rahman, A. Brankovic, Mark Tracy, Sankalp Khanna

Premature babies and those born with a medical condition are cared for within the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in hospitals. Monitoring physiological signals and subsequent analysis and interpretation can reveal acute and chronic conditions for these neonates. Several advanced algorithms using physiological signals have been built into existing monitoring systems to allow clinicians to analyse signals in real time and anticipate patient deterioration. However, limited enhancements have been made to interactively visualise and adapt them to neonatal monitoring systems. To bridge this gap, we describe the development of a user-friendly and interactive dashboard for neonatal vital signs analysis written in the Python programming language where the analysis can be performed without prior computing knowledge. To ensure practicality, the dashboard was designed in consultation with a neonatologist to visualise electrocardiogram, heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation data in a time-series format. The resulting dashboard included interactive visualisations, advanced electrocardiogram analysis and statistical analysis which can be used to extract important information on patients’ conditions.Clinical Relevance— This will support the care of preterm infants by allowing clinicians to visualise and interpret physiological data in greater granularity, aiding in patient monitoring and detection of adverse conditions. The detection of adverse conditions could allow timely and potentially life-saving interventions for conditions such as sepsis and brain injury.

A. Brankovic, David Cook, Jessica Rahman, Wenjie Huang, Sankalp Khanna

The absence of transparency and explainability hinders the clinical adoption of Machine learning (ML) algorithms. Although various methods of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) have been suggested, there is a lack of literature that delves into their practicality and assesses them based on criteria that could foster trust in clinical environments. To address this gap this study evaluates two popular XAI methods used for explaining predictive models in the healthcare context in terms of whether they (i) generate domain-appropriate representation, i.e. coherent with respect to the application task, (ii) impact clinical workflow and (iii) are consistent. To that end, explanations generated at the cohort and patient levels were analysed. The paper reports the first benchmarking of the XAI methods applied to risk prediction models obtained by evaluating the concordance between generated explanations and the trigger of a future clinical deterioration episode recorded by the data collection system. We carried out an analysis using two Electronic Medical Records (EMR) datasets sourced from Australian major hospitals. The findings underscore the limitations of state-of-the-art XAI methods in the clinical context and their potential benefits. We discuss these limitations and contribute to the theoretical development of trustworthy XAI solutions where clinical decision support guides the choice of intervention by suggesting the pattern or drivers for clinical deterioration in the future.

Jessica Rahman, A. Brankovic, Mark Tracy, Sankalp Khanna

BACKGROUND Computational signal preprocessing is a prerequisite for developing data-driven predictive models for clinical decision support. Thus, identifying the best practices that adhere to clinical principles is critical to ensure transparency and reproducibility to drive clinical adoption. It further fosters reproducible, ethical, and reliable conduct of studies. This procedure is also crucial for setting up a software quality management system to ensure regulatory compliance in developing software as a medical device aimed at early preclinical detection of clinical deterioration. OBJECTIVE This scoping review focuses on the neonatal intensive care unit setting and summarizes the state-of-the-art computational methods used for preprocessing neonatal clinical physiological signals; these signals are used for the development of machine learning models to predict the risk of adverse outcomes. METHODS Five databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, IEEE, and ACM Digital Library) were searched using a combination of keywords and MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms. A total of 3585 papers from 2013 to January 2023 were identified based on the defined search terms and inclusion criteria. After removing duplicates, 2994 (83.51%) papers were screened by title and abstract, and 81 (0.03%) were selected for full-text review. Of these, 52 (64%) were eligible for inclusion in the detailed analysis. RESULTS Of the 52 articles reviewed, 24 (46%) studies focused on diagnostic models, while the remainder (n=28, 54%) focused on prognostic models. The analysis conducted in these studies involved various physiological signals, with electrocardiograms being the most prevalent. Different programming languages were used, with MATLAB and Python being notable. The monitoring and capturing of physiological data used diverse systems, impacting data quality and introducing study heterogeneity. Outcomes of interest included sepsis, apnea, bradycardia, mortality, necrotizing enterocolitis, and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, with some studies analyzing combinations of adverse outcomes. We found a partial or complete lack of transparency in reporting the setting and the methods used for signal preprocessing. This includes reporting methods to handle missing data, segment size for considered analysis, and details regarding the modification of the state-of-the-art methods for physiological signal processing to align with the clinical principles for neonates. Only 7 (13%) of the 52 reviewed studies reported all the recommended preprocessing steps, which could have impacts on the downstream analysis. CONCLUSIONS The review found heterogeneity in the techniques used and inconsistent reporting of parameters and procedures used for preprocessing neonatal physiological signals, which is necessary to confirm adherence to clinical and software quality management system practices, usefulness, and choice of best practices. Enhancing transparency in reporting and standardizing procedures will boost study interpretation and reproducibility and expedite clinical adoption, instilling confidence in the research findings and streamlining the translation of research outcomes into clinical practice, ultimately contributing to the advancement of neonatal care and patient outcomes.

A. Brankovic, G. Hendrie, D. Baird, Sankalp Khanna

Background Engagement is key to interventions that achieve successful behavior change and improvements in health. There is limited literature on the application of predictive machine learning (ML) models to data from commercially available weight loss programs to predict disengagement. Such data could help participants achieve their goals. Objective This study aimed to use explainable ML to predict the risk of member disengagement week by week over 12 weeks on a commercially available web-based weight loss program. Methods Data were available from 59,686 adults who participated in the weight loss program between October 2014 and September 2019. Data included year of birth, sex, height, weight, motivation to join the program, use statistics (eg, weight entries, entries into the food diary, views of the menu, and program content), program type, and weight loss. Random forest, extreme gradient boosting, and logistic regression with L1 regularization models were developed and validated using a 10-fold cross-validation approach. In addition, temporal validation was performed on a test cohort of 16,947 members who participated in the program between April 2018 and September 2019, and the remaining data were used for model development. Shapley values were used to identify globally relevant features and explain individual predictions. Results The average age of the participants was 49.60 (SD 12.54) years, the average starting BMI was 32.43 (SD 6.19), and 81.46% (39,594/48,604) of the participants were female. The class distributions (active and inactive members) changed from 39,369 and 9235 in week 2 to 31,602 and 17,002 in week 12, respectively. With 10-fold-cross-validation, extreme gradient boosting models had the best predictive performance, which ranged from 0.85 (95% CI 0.84-0.85) to 0.93 (95% CI 0.93-0.93) for area under the receiver operating characteristic curve and from 0.57 (95% CI 0.56-0.58) to 0.95 (95% CI 0.95-0.96) for area under the precision-recall curve (across 12 weeks of the program). They also presented a good calibration. Results obtained with temporal validation ranged from 0.51 to 0.95 for area under a precision-recall curve and 0.84 to 0.93 for area under the receiver operating characteristic curve across the 12 weeks. There was a considerable improvement in area under a precision-recall curve of 20% in week 3 of the program. On the basis of the computed Shapley values, the most important features for predicting disengagement in the following week were those related to the total activity on the platform and entering a weight in the previous weeks. Conclusions This study showed the potential of applying ML predictive algorithms to help predict and understand participants’ disengagement with a web-based weight loss program. Given the association between engagement and health outcomes, these findings can prove valuable in providing better support to individuals to enhance their engagement and potentially achieve greater weight loss.

David Cook, H. Brown, Isuravi Widanapathirana, D. Shah, J. Walsham, A. Trakic, Guohun Zhu, A. Zamani et al.

Introduction: Electromagnetic imaging is an emerging technology which promises to provide a mobile, and rapid neuroimaging modality for pre-hospital and bedside evaluation of stroke patients based on the dielectric properties of the tissue. It is now possible due to technological advancements in materials, antennae design and manufacture, rapid portable computing power and network analyses and development of processing algorithms for image reconstruction. The purpose of this report is to introduce images from a novel, portable electromagnetic scanner being trialed for bedside and mobile imaging of ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke. Methods: A prospective convenience study enrolled patients (January 2020 to August 2020) with known stroke to have brain electromagnetic imaging, in addition to usual imaging and medical care. The images are obtained by processing signals from encircling transceiver antennae which emit and detect low energy signals in the microwave frequency spectrum between 0.5 and 2.0 GHz. The purpose of the study was to refine the imaging algorithms. Results: Examples are presented of haemorrhagic and ischaemic stroke and comparison is made with CT, perfusion and MRI T2 FAIR sequence images. Conclusion: Due to speed of imaging, size and mobility of the device and negligible environmental risks, development of electromagnetic scanning scanner provides a promising additional modality for mobile and bedside neuroimaging.

A. Janani, S. A. Rezaeieh, Amin Darvazehban, A. Zamani, A. Brankovic, B. Mohammed, G. Macdonald, A. Abbosh

Hepatic steatosis is a disorder with high prevalence among obese people. Traditional imaging modalities are more common in hepatic steatosis diagnosis, but they are not suitable for monitoring or treatment evaluation. This study aims at developing a new technique suitable for electromagnetic (EM) tool in the microwave band to differentiate steatotic from nonsteatotic liver. A differential permittivity estimation method for hepatic steatosis detection is proposed. First, the effective permittivity of the right side of the torso is estimated based on the phase difference of EM waves traveling along symmetric paths within the torso. Then, permittivity modeling and statistical frequency selection are performed to model the estimated values and to extract reliable frequency samples. Finally, the percentage of the difference between the permittivity of the left and right sides of the torso is calculated over the selected samples. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated using simulated signals and phantom measurements. The analyzed results reveal higher contrast between the average permittivity of the left and right sides of the torso for cases with hepatic steatosis (average contrast of 29.2%) compared to those with healthy liver (average contrast of 7.9%). The proposed method can differentiate between steatotic and nonsteatotic liver. It is suitable for clinical applications due to its robustness to unwanted noise and interferences, as well as errors in placement of sensors. The results verify the potential of EM devices, which could overcome shortcomings of traditional imaging techniques by being safe, cost-effective, and portable.

A. Trakic, A. Brankovic, A. Zamani, N. Nguyen-Trong, B. Mohammed, A. Stancombe, L. Guo, K. Bialkowski et al.

There is a significant demand for fast and accurate electromagnetic (EM) imaging of stroke in emergency situations. This article presents a method for encoding the raw S-parameters from the Cartesian matrix to polar grid coordinates with weighting coefficients based on the receiver antenna spatial sensitivity. The polar sensitivity encoding (PSE) scheme is based on the fact that the receiver sensitivity generally has an encoding effect and, in this case, it is applied during the transformation of S-matrices to polar grid, which is geometrically congruent with the shape of the head. The PSE scheme alleviates the need for highly accurate and intricate forward and inverse EM field solvers and mitigates the introduction of numerical errors in addition to the unavoidable experimental uncertainties. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the PSE method is robust to head shifts up to about 5 mm and accurate in localizing strokes in less than a second.

S. A. Rezaeieh, A. Brankovic, A. Janani, B. Mohammed, Amin Darvazehban, A. Zamani, G. Macdonald, A. Abbosh

A wearable electromagnetic belt system for the detection of hepatic steatosis (lipid accumulation within the major liver cells, hepatocytes), is proposed. To satisfy the requirements of the belt system, an array of body matched antennas is designed. The belt, which goes around the lower chest and over the liver, requires compact, wideband, unidirectional antennas that operate at low microwave frequencies. To avoid using conventional bulky reflector structures, the designed antenna utilizes the loop-dipole combination concept. To enhance electromagnetic wave penetration, the antenna is designed to match the human body. Thus, thanks to the high dielectric loading from the human body, the dipole element of the antenna is easily miniaturized. Since the same principle does not apply on the loop structure, meandered arc-shapes are employed to increase the effective electrical length of the loop. The final antenna design has a measured wide operating bandwidth of 0.58-1.6 GHz with a compact size of $0.096\times 0.048 \times 0.048\lambda ^{3}$ . The proposed structure is effective in irradiating the torso, where the signal can reach center of the liver at a depth of 90 mm, with 64% of the peak radiated power. An electromagnetic belt is built using twelve elements of the designed antennas. The belt is then tested on a 3D printed torso phantom that includes models of the lungs and liver. Due to close dielectric properties of the other tissues inside the torso, these are represented using an average tissue mimicking mixture with permittivity of 46. Measured data are analyzed using multivariate energy statistics method. A peak measured dissimilarity of 15.1% between steatotic and healthy liver is attained. These initial tests and obtained results indicate the potential of the proposed system as a method to diagnose hepatic steatosis.

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