
Publikacije (5)


U suvremenom društvu pitanja održivog razvoja razvijala su se na različitim razinama, od novih globalnih okvira, preko politika vlada do novih poslovnih modela. U 1980-ima pojam održivi razvoj nastao je iz međuodnosa očuvanja planeta i ispunjavanja ljudskih potreba (IUCN, 1980). Opća ideja koncepta održivog razvoja je zadovoljavanje potreba sadašnje generacije, bez ugrožavanja sposobnosti budućih generacija da zadovolje svoje potrebe (Opća skupština Ujedinjenih naroda, 1987.). Kao jedan od glavnih izazova u ekonomiji i poslovanju, pojam održivog razvoja pojavio se i na širokom području poslovne ekonomije. Cilj ovog rada je pružiti pregled opsežne literature, koja se bavi konceptom održivog razvoja u području poslovne ekonomije. U svrhu analize, korišten je bibliometrijski pristup s višestrukim korespondentnim analizama na bazama baze podataka Web of Science Core Collection database za promatrano razdoblje od deset godina. Rezultati ukazuju na važnost održivog razvoja kao teme, kao i na širok raspon pristupa i raznolikosti podtema koje su povezane s konceptom održivog razvoja u poslovnoj i ekonomskoj literaturi.

Marina Jerinić, Dijana Ćavar, J. Jurić

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is a small and open country specific by its complex administrative structure and many transitional problems. Unfortunately, the country has a continuous foreign trade deficit. Domestic companies' low competitiveness and many non-tariff barriers they are being exposed to on the international market are the main obstacles to the better position in the international trade. As other countries in the region, B&H has also expressed aspiration to join the European Union by the CEFTA and Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA). Integration is intertwined with trade-relations and progressive liberalisation may have unintended consequences. So, how does EU association process affect B&H's foreign trade balance? Analysis of B&H's foreign trade policy and foreign trade balance in the light of the EU association process and recommendation for foreign trade policy makers are given below.

Electricity is one of services of general economic interest, which has exceptional influence on living standard of consumer. It has been delivered by monopolised, vertically integrated companies for years. Monopoly price of electric power was high. Idea of demonopolisation and privatisation has been more represented. Process of liberalisation, which has started in 1990s, should bring to emergence of competitive conditions on power market, and it would result in price lowering of this key resource. Pursuant to changes on European and world electricity market, market in Bosnia and Herzegovina has also undergone the restructure in recent years. Development of competitive conditions has failed to come on electricity market in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is legally entirely open from the beginning of 2015. New suppliers have not appeared and consumers are also completely uninformed about changes in legislation. Electricity price increase for ‘at risk’ consumers such as pensioners, makes them completely energy poor. Keywords: Public service of general economic interest, Electricity market liberalisation, Energy poverty.

Sanja Bijakšić, S. Jelčić, Dijana Ćavar

Contemporary companies accept the real challenges facing modern, turbulent and primarily complex business environment. It is not at all simple to acquire and maintain the competitive advantage on the glutted, highly competitive, uncertain and more and more global market. If we turn back to historical beginnings of business environment and compare them with actual one, we would find a little of common. The market was previously relatively stable, technology was not quite tending to changes, consumers were inert and competition was limited within sectors and regions. But, what is happening on the market today? Globalization processes followed by intensive development of information and telecommunication technology have resulted in occurrence of relentless and more and more severe competition from one side, and more demanding, conscious and fastidious consumers from the other. Consequences of globalization and intensive development of technology permeate entirely all aspects of life, work and business operation bringing at the same time some new postulates of functioning both the market and marketing. In that context, retail trade also experiences significant changes, which influence implies new forms of buyers’ behavior sometimes to such extent that there can be spoken about the standardization of certain number of consumer habits and behaviors, logically taking account of determinacy of specific social and business environment.

Vanja Bevanda, Sanja Bijakšić, Dijana Ćavar

Analizirani su moguci pristupi objasnjenja pojma upravljanja znanjem, poslovne inteligencije i utvrđeni su zahtjevi koje navedeni procesi postavljaju pred inteligentne sustave. Razvijen je funkcionalni pristup poslovne inteligencije, kojim se proces poslovne inteligencije promatra kao proces sintetiziranja potrebnog znanja iz velikog skupa podataka iz razlicitih izvora, a koji ima za cilj brz pristup i obradu djelomicno agregiranih podataka koji su promjenjivi tijekom vremena. Znanstveni doprinos rada je u uocavanju pojave da se informacijskim managementom nastoji upravljati samo strukturiranim informacijama, dok kolicina i broj izvora nestrukturiranih informacija i znanja bilježi stalan rast. Destiliranjem i prociscavanjem takvih podataka i informacija, odnosno njegovim strukturiranjem, dolazi do gubljenja vrijednosti takvog izvora podataka.

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