Infl uence of the Washing Process and the Perspiration Eff ects on the Qualities of Printed Textile Substrates
Clothes are exposed to diff erent impacts during usages and maintenance. The more frequent impacts on textile materials are the washing processes and the perspiration eff ects. These mentioned eff ects are the causes of specifi c changes of the textile fi bres and on colour reproduction on printed materials. This paper presents research into the impacts of a series of washing and perspiration eff ects on the colour reproduction studied with a spectrophotometric analysis and the water retention capacities of the prints using the screen-printing technique. The research results indicate that with the increase in the number of washes, major changes occurred in the reproduced colours compared to the colours of the samples that did not undergo the process of washing. It was determined that, besides the series of washings, the perspiration effects also had an impact on the reproduced colour changes. The impacts were also affi rmed of printing and a series of washings on water retention on textile materials.