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Mirza Dautbašić

Društvene mreže:

Albert Ciceu, Flavius Bălăcenoiu, M. de Groot, Debojyoti Chakraborty, Dimitrios Avtzis, Marek Barta, Simon Blaser, M. Bracalini, B. Castagneyrol et al.

O. Mujezinović, Kenan Zahirović, Milan Pernek, Adi Vesnić, Damir Prljača, S. Ivojević, Mirza Dautbašić

As part of the research, the population of the eight-toothed spruce bark beetle in different types of forests in five protected areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina was analyzed. The study focused on the protected areas of Sarajevo Canton, specifically the secondary forests of fir and spruce, as well as the mixed forests of beech and fir (containing spruce). Pheromone traps were used as the research sample, and they were placed within PA Bijambara, PA Trebević, and PA Skakavac. The objective was to investigate the influence of forest type and climatological factors on the number of captured Ips typographus bark beetles from 2018 to 2021. The average number of captured I. typographus bark beetles during that period ranged from 491.39 to 901.68 individuals in secondary fir and spruce forests, and from 201.88 to 701.54 individuals in beech and fir forests (including spruce).

The sustainable forest management concept contains the essence of the sustainable development paradigm - meeting the current needs of society without compromising the needs of future generations. The strategic commitment of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo is aimed at quality education of forestry experts, conducting innovative research and the most intensive cooperation with the economy. The methodological approach in this paper is based on a critical analysis of the scope of the educational-research process at the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, and the potentials of sustainable forest management in BiH, to determine to what extent higher education and research on environmental, sociological and economic aspects of forest management can affect positive changes in BiH society. Apart from identifying the benefits of forest ecosystems in the context of contributing to sustainable development, the research on the attitudes of teaching staff related to the contribution of the educational-research process to general goals of sustainable development from the 2030 Agenda was conducted. The results of this paper show that the concept of sustainable forest management, as it is realized in educational-research process at the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, has significant potential to contribute to sustainable development in BiH. This contribution is reflected in biodiversity conservation, mitigation of climate change, carbon storage, prevention of natural disasters, impact on the stability of water and soil, energy supply from renewable sources, continuous economic growth, socially responsible production and consumption, job security, development of rural and urban areas as well as maintaining and improving the psychophysical health of the population. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that sustainable forest management, grounded on scientific postulates, understanding of diversity of forest ecosystem services and dynamics in society's requirements towards forests, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral cooperation, can be an important factor of sustainable development in BiH.

A. Vesnić, D. Kulijer, Damir Prljača, Mirza Dautbašić, S. Ivojević

The paper analysed bees by-catch collected in 259 bark beetle slit traps, from eleven localities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sampling was carried out in spruce and fir forests in 2020 and 2021. As a by-catch from bark beetle slit traps 84 bee individuals from four families and 13 genera were collected. In the bark beetle slit traps sample, out of 29 bee taxa, 22 species were identified at the species level and eight specimens were left at the genus/subgenus level. The most dominant genera were Megachile with 34 specimens and Osmia represented by 20 specimens in the total sample. The research identified 14 bee species new to the fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The bee species collected in the bark beetle slit-traps were dominated by nesters in cavities, above the ground-nesting bees.

Mirza Dautbašić, Damir Prljača, S. Ivojević, Kenan Zahirović, A. Vesnić, D. Kulijer, O. Mujezinović

Pyrrhalta viburni (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is a chrysomelid native to Eurasia. It gained importance as an invasive species in North America due to its ability to cause serious damage to native and ornamental Viburnum spp. plants. In our study Pyrrhalta viburni was recorded as a new record in the fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has been recorded on four locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the region of Sarajevo. As it is feeding on Viburnum spp. that are commonly used as ornamental plants, its monitoring in urban and other habitats is suggested.

G. Csóka, A. Hirka, S. Mutun, M. Glavendekić, Ágnes Mikó, Levente Szőcs, Márton Paulin, C. Eötvös, Csaba Gáspár et al.

The North American oak lace bug feeds on leaves of ‘white oaks” in its native range. In Europe, it was first discovered in northern Italy in 2000. In recent years, it has subsequently spread rapidly and population outbreaks have been observed in several European countries. In the present study, we summarize the steps of its expansion. To predict its potential host range, we checked 48 oak species in 20 sentinel gardens in seven countries between 2013 and 2018. In total, 27 oak species were recorded as suitable hosts; 13 of them are globally new ones, 23 out of the 29 in section Quercus (∼ white oaks, an intrageneric taxonomic unit within genus Quercus), including Asian oaks, native to Japan, Korea and China, and four out of five in section Cerris (another intrageneric unit of the same genus), were accepted as hosts. None of the species in section Lobatae (red oaks) or in the Ilex group was accepted. Host records were also collected in forest stands of 10 countries. We found 11 oak species that were infested. Outbreak populations were most commonly found on Quercus robur, Quercus frainetto, Quercus petraea and Quercus cerris, comprising widespread and outstandingly important oaks species in Europe. Based on our findings, we conclude that suitable hosts for oak lace bug are present in most of Europe and Asia. This means that a lack of hosts will likely not restrict further range expansion.

Kenan Zahirović, O. Mujezinović, Mirza Dautbašić, A. Čabaravdić, T. Treštić

Utjecaj gljiva truležnica roda Heterobasidion i Armillaria na pojavu truleži na stablima obične smreke provedeno je na Šumskogospodarskom području “Gornjebosansko”, gospodarska jedinica “Gornja Stavnja”, odjeljenje 65. Utvrđivanje prisutnosti truleži vršeno je na srušenim stablima obične smreke na premjernim površinama koje su raspoređene u sistematski postavljenoj mreži 100 m x 100 m. Uzorci su prikupljeni sa tri mjesta na dijelu debla zahvaćenom procesom truleži (početak zone truleži, sredina i vršna zona truleži). Na mjestima uzorkovanja uzimani su kolutovi drva debljine 5 cm. Analize uzoraka su provedene u laboratorijima Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Za izravnu izolaciju gljivične DNA su pripremljeni uzroci drva mase 10-20 mg. Za amplifikaciju ciljanog segmenta DNK korištene su tubice s pripremljenim reagensima, proizvod ReadyToGo PCR beads tvrtke Amersham, Bioscience. Za amplifikaciju ciljanog segmenta ITS regije za rod Heterobasidion su korišteni početnice MJ-F, MJ-R, KJ-F i KJ-R, pomoću kojih je utvrđena međuvrsna raznolikost (tablica 2). Za amplifikaciju ciljanog segmenta ITS regiona za rod Armillaria su korišteni početnice ITS-1 i ITS-4, pomoću kojih je utvrđena samo pripadnost rodu. Za međuvrsnu raznolikost je vršena amplifikacija ciljanog segmenta IGS regiona za rod Armillaria pomoću početnice LR12 i O-1, te razgradnja endonukleazom AluI (tablica 3). Uspješnost amplifikacije je provjerena elektroforezom na agaroznom gelu. Interpretacija profila je izvršena pomoću molekularnog markera poznate veličine (100 bp) (slika 1). Na osnovi provedenih istraživanja unutar istraživane sastojine utvrđeno je 9 stabala s gljivom H. parviporum, 2 stabla s gljivom A. ostoyae, 1 stablo s gljivom A. cepistipes, te 17 stabala čiju trulež su uzrokovale ostale gljive truležnice (tablica 4). Gljiva H. annosum je uspješno identificirana iz plodišta. Na osnovi svega navedenog, može se zaključiti da je molekularnim analizama moguće utvrđivati međuvrsnu raznolikost gljiva ova dva roda iz uzoraka drveta sa truleži i plodišta gljiva.

Mirza Dautbašić, Kenan Zahirović, O. Mujezinović, J. Margaletić

U ovome radu opisan je prvi nalaz hrastove mrežaste stjenice (Corythuca arcuata) na podrucju centralne Bosne, na dva lokaliteta. Kako je ovo prvi nalaz ove vrste na podrucju Bosne i Hercegovine, potrebna su dodatna istraživanja biologije i stetnosti ovog insekta. Buduci da je ovo strana i potencijalno invazivna vrsta, može se ocekivati njeno sirenje po teritoriji citave Bosne i Hercegovine.

Kenan Zahirović, T. Treštić, A. Čaravdić, Mirza Dautbašić, O. Mujezinović, F. Begović


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