Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise one's own and other people's emotions and adjust one's behaviour in accordance with them. Numerous studies have shown that emotional intelligence has a positive effect on job satisfaction, employee performance, interpersonal relationships, business communication and productivity. In today's fast-paced and competitive business world, the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others, becomes crucial for building professional relationships. Emotionally intelligent people cope more easily with acute and chronic stress, which directly affects mental health and work performance. Using emotional intelligence as a tool to reduce stress in the workplace, as well as to resolve conflicts that have cause-and-effect relationships, allows for a better understanding of the needs and feelings of employees. The ability to effectively manage emotions and stressful situations can significantly contribute to employee satisfaction and loyalty, that is crucial to long-term business success.
Attacks by dogs, primarily stray dogs, are a very common problem faced by both underdeveloped and developed local goverments. The damage caused by attacks from stray dogs has multiple, and often long-lasting, harmful consequences for their victims, which are also reflected on members of their families. This manuscript provides a veterinary-epidemiological definition of the concept of dogs, as well as their legal definition in the context of „dangerous things“, and the psychological aspect that is regularly manifested in victims. Analyzing the legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a comparative presentation of the regulations of the EU member states, systematic overviews and answers are given, which are important for the improvement of existing regulations and harmonization of law and jurisprudence.
It seems completely impossible today to imagine life without mass media. The development of modern technologies has made mass media available to everyone. Mass media, in our case the press, sometimes try to interest and excite their users with their sensational headlines, sometimes make them think, and sometimes even entertain. However, it is very important to keep in mind that each medium shapes the message according to its own language, and an integral part of the languages of the mass media are usually different stylistic and linguistic means. Following earlier analyses of journalistic style, this paper will offer a stylistic-linguistic analysis exclusively of titles, as important and recognizable features of journalistic style, whose task is to be particularly effective in provoking the reader's attention and therefore can appear in the form of rhetorical questions, phrases, already established journalistic templates, etc. , which reflects their expressiveness. In addition, the analysis of the headlines of daily newspapers from the territory of bosnia and herzegovina (osloboenje, nezavisne novine and dnevni list) confirmed that on the phoneticphonological level, for example, there is a difference in writing foreign names, i. E. Names of clubs, awards, proper names, etc. Among these three newspapers, that on the morphological plan, verbs are most often used in the present and future, that the superlative forms of adjectives are often represented, that syntaxic, lexical-semantic figures are used that give the title a stronger, stylistically colored meaning - elliptical sentences, metaphor , metonymy with, of course, an unavoidable lexicon of foreign origin where anglicisms and latinisms dominate, along with some words of oriental origin, and among the dominant functions of the titles are referential (informative), popularistic, expressive and aesthetic.
Introduction/Objective Cat bites can seriously harm human health, especially if the bite comes from a stray or feral cat who is not under veterinary supervision. Cat bites are the second most common mammal bites, second only to dog bites, and responsible for ¾ of all bites that result in infection. We are presenting the case of a young woman whose hand had been bitten by a stray or feral cat. The objective of this case study is to stress the importance of timely medical treatment and wound management based on guidelines for treating bites inflicted by stray or feral cats, aiming to prevent possible complications. Case report A 32-year-old woman was admitted and examined in the University of Sarajevo Clinical Centre Emergency Department on the third day after being bitten by a stray or feral cat, by which time all signs of inflammation had already developed at the site of the injury-her right hand. Medical help was provided based on guidelines that included specific wound dressings recommended for animal bites, a prescription of antibiotics, analgesics and an anti-tetanus shot. The patient fully recovered with no complications. Conclusion The specific anatomy of the cat's canines enables them to penetrate deeply into the bitten tissue, which can cause an innoculation of a wide range of microorganisms from the cat's mouth into the patient's bloodstream. This can cause serious inflammatory processes, especially in immunocompromised patients. Adequate medical treatment of injuries resulting from cat bites is necessary as soon as possible, but no later than 48 hours after the incident.
Background and Objectives: Titanium DS clips are made to secure the appendiceal stump during laparoscopic appendectomy. The assumption is that they behave like stapler clips in the body, being made from titanium. However, the construction and weight of DS clips differs from staplers. Their biocompatibility may have implications for their clinical use. Methods: One hundred and twenty rats were randomized into four experimental groups: in the first group the appendiceal stump was secured by Vicryl® ligature, in the second by linear staplers, in the third by Hem-o-lok® plastic clips, and in the fourth by DS titanium clips. Ten animals from each group were sacrificed 7, 28, and 60 days post-surgery. Histopathological data and adhesion formation were assessed. Results: On postoperative day 7, a statistically significant difference was found in the occurrence of inflammation between the Hem-o-lok® and stapler groups. The adhesion score was significantly higher in the Vycril® and Hem-o-lok® in comparison to the DS and stapler groups. On postoperative day 28, a statistically significant difference was found in the occurrence of inflammation between the Vycril® and stapler groups. The adhesion score was significantly higher in the Vycril® than in the DS and stapler groups. On postoperative day 60, there were no statistical differences between any of the groups. The adhesion score was significantly higher in the Hem-o-lok® group in comparison to the DS and stapler groups. Conclusion: Staplers and DS clips have advantages over other methods of securing the appendiceal stump, because of their high biocompatibility and lower adhesion score.
Introduction: The technique of closing the appendiceal stump using linear titanium stapler clips is being used more and more frequently in laparoscopic surgery, despite the good practice in the use of resorbable single endoloop vicryl ligatures and/or the non-resorbable plastic hem-o-lok clips. No light has been shed on potential undesirable effects on the haemathological profile of the use of titanium stapler clips. This experimental study aimed at establishing any possible undesirable effect of linear titanium stapler clips and single resorbable vicryl endoloop ligatures on the blood cells in rats following appendectomy. Methods: A total of 70 adult rats were used, divided into a control group (n = 10), and two experimental groups (n = 30 + 30). The appendices were removed from the rats in the first experimental group using titanium stapler clips and in the second experimental group the appendiceal stump using resorbable endoloop vicryl ligatures was closed. In both experimental groups three sub-groups with ten animals each were formed, from which peripheral blood from a tail vein on days 7, 28 and 60 was removed postoperatively, in order to assess the usual haematological parameters. Stained blood smears were also analysed in order to establish any poikilocytotic erythrocytes present. Results: In the first experimental group, with the titanium stapler clips, more than 25 % neutrophils were found on day 7, which is a significantly different result (p < 0.05) to the control group. In the second experimental group, there were more neutrophils than in the titanium stapler clips group, especially on days 7 and 60 and the results of these two sub-groups differ statistically significantly, p < 0.05. Hypochromia was found in the endoloop vicryl ligatures group, as well as in the titanium stapler clips sub-group on day 28, due to lower haemoglobin values which were significantly different to the control group, p < 0.05. Moderate levels of annulocytes, spherocytes and stomatocytes were found in most experimental groups. Conclusion: The results of this study favour the use of linear titanium stapler clips over resorbable single endoloop vicryl ligatures, because a less unfavourable effect was established on the blood cells of the experimental rats with their use.
The lexical level in the language is the level that offers the most abundant material for re- search. This paper deals with the analysis and presentation of semantic groups of orientalisms in Skender’s first short story „Night in the vizier town“ and their attributes, in context of aut- hor’s intention to represent cultural context and mentality of bosnian inhabitant. Orientalisms have remarkable stylistic potential in this short story and Kulenovic created an autentic verbal framework where he put the action and described character and events by using them. The paper primarily focused on the number of lexemas that have the symbols of spiritual and ma- terial culture, considering that the story shows events from the time of the Ottoman Empire, therefore this short story presents very good basis for our analysis.
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