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Mihajlo Marković

Društvene mreže:

M. Marković, N. Čereković, Đurađ Hajder, M. Šipka, N. Zapata, T. A. Paço, E. Riezzo, S. Čadro, M. Todorović

Agricultural practices in Bosnia and Hercegovina demand different improvements, including smart management of land and water resources. A new H2020 project started in 2021 in this regard. The objective of this publication is to spread knowledge about SMARTWATER project by describing different achievements in two years of implementation (2021-2022), to invite target groups to participate in the action and to promote smart agricultural practices. Presented results indicate that the implementation is at a satisfactory level. Project consortium will continue with efforts, including twinning, networking, research, dissemination and increasing competency and fund rising skills.

Rational use of available land is of great importance for the economic development of every society, especially considering the fact that soil is the primary production resource, thereby placing an even greater importance on its protection and conservation, but also on the correct use of it. This paper focuses on the municipality of Bužim, located in the north/western part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the soil suitability for the purposes of corn cultivation were assessed and examined by using the FAO (1976) methodology of AEZ (agroecological zoning), which uses input data such as soil characteristics, climate change, relief patterns of the investigated area, and the requirements of the agricultural crops. Within the municipality of Bužim, 13,026.27 ha of the land is used for agricultural purposes. In regards with the corn, one distinguishes between two categories ofsoil suitability: the suitable classes (S1, S2, S3), which occupy more than 43.44% of the land surface, and the unsuitable class (the N class), which only occupies 0.94% of the land surface. Thus, it can be concluded that conditions necessary for corn do exist within the municipality of Bužim, in the form of land resources, and higher yields can be achieved by implementing landscaping measures and introducing new corn varieties in accordance with the latest scientific and expert achievements.

The consequences of improper land management are long-term, inadequate for agricultural production, and reflected through the loss of land, reduced yields, soil erosion, etc. In order to determine the optimal role or suitability of the land for apple cultivation within the Bužim municipality, a survey was conducted according to the FAO method of AEZ (FAO, 1976), and based on the obtained results, an assessment of the suitability of the land for apple cultivation was carried out. It was found that a significant land portion of the total of 13,026.27 ha agricultural land within the Municipality of Bužim is suitable for fruit production marked from S1 to N suitability class. Thus, the areas with the best graded class S1 cover only 1.23% or 159.52 ha, the S2 class occupies 5.51% (717.24 ha), the S3 class occupies 2.29% (298.24 ha). However, the largest areas are marked as the unfavourable N-class with 36.68% (4,772.60 ha). It is evident that pre-existing conditions for apple production within the municipality do exist. With the implementation of the necessary measures of soil/ land regulation, education of agricultural producers, and mindfulness of constraint factors hindering intensive production such as terrain slope, depth, rockiness and soil response, progress in production can be made. Key words: municipality of Bužim, soil suitability, apple, AEZ.

J. Jakubínský, M. Bláhová, L. Bartošová, K. Steinerová, J. Balek, P. Dížková, D. Semerádová, Daniel Alexandru, G. Bardarska et al.

M. Markovic, P. Begović, B. Ivankovic, M. Šipka, D. Pesevic, M. Marković

The aim of the investigation is to determine water resources available in the Bratunac municipality as an opportunity for irrigation in agriculture, one of the most important economic sectors in that municipality at the present time. The study area covers almost the whole Bratunac municipality and includes 20 of the total of 27 local communities. Research of the hydrogeological characteristics and the required quantities of water for irrigation in the studied local communities showed that in 10 local communities, irrigation can be provided using underground water withdrawn by means of excavated or drilled wells. Adequate water supply in many other local communities could be obtained from nearby surface water streams. In five local communities, the surface water from local rivers is not sufficient to ensure adequate water supply; therefore, an alternative solution consisting in the catchment of water from the Drina river has been proposed. The alternative solution for all local communities situated in the Glogovac river valley could consist in securing the required amounts of water from that water stream.

Rational use of available land is of great importance for the economic development of every society, especially when considering the fact, that the soil is a primary production resource, thereby placing an even greater importance on its protection and conservation, but also on the correct use of it. This paper focuses on the municipality of Bužim, located in the north-western part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where we assessed and examined the soil suitability for the purposes of potato cultivation by using the FAO methodology of AEZ (agro-ecological zoning), which uses input data such as soil characteristics, climate changes, relief patterns of the investigated area, and the requirements of the agricultural crops. Within the municipality of Bužim, 13,026.27 ha of land is used for agricultural purposes. In regards to the potato cultivation, one distinguishes between two categories of soil suitability: the suitable classes (S1, S2, S3) which occupy more than 45% of the land surface, and the unsuitable class (the N class) which only occupies 1.43% of the land surface. Thus, it can be concluded that conditions necessary for potato production do exist within the municipality of Bužim in the form of land resources, and higher yields can be achieved by implementing landscaping measures and introducing new potato varieties in accordance with the latest scientific and expert achievements.


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