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Nataša Čereković

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N. Čereković, Mihajlo Marković, V. Radic, S. Čadro, Benjamin Crljenkovic, Nery Zapata, T. A. Paço, Wilk S. Almeida, Ružica Stričević et al.

Aim of study: A two-year experiment (2021-2022) was conducted to assess the response of a local maize hybrid BL-43 to different water regimes (full irrigation, deficit irrigation and rainfed) at two distinguished pedo-climatic locations (Aleksandrovac and Butmir) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Area of study: The field experiment was located in Aleksandrovac (near Banja Luka) and Butmir (near Sarajevo) in BiH. Material and methods: A randomized block design was adopted at both experimental locations with three replicates. An Excel-based irrigation tool was used to manage crop water requirements and irrigation scheduling. Main results: Crop response to water was affected by site-specific agronomic management, the duration of phenological stages and their interconnection with precipitation events. At both locations, the effect of the water inputs on grain yield was statistically significant confirming the beneficial impact of irrigation. The effect of water stress on yield was particularly pronounced at Aleksandrovac, which was under water and temperature stresses during flowering time. During both seasons and for all water regimes, the total average grain yield was greater at Butmir than at Aleksandrovac for 38% and 27%, respectively. Research highlights: This is the first experimental study conducted in BiH on the effect of irrigation on maize grain production under different pedoclimatic conditions. The study emphasizes the need for knowledge regarding the impacts that climate change is having on the productivity of one of the region's most important crops.

E. Playán, N. Čereković, Mihajlo Marković, Z. Vaško, M. Vekić, Alen Mujčinović, S. Čadro, Đurađ Hajder, Milan Šipka et al.

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) accumulates challenges in the areas of research and innovation (R&I), agricultural water management (AWM) and their intersection. In the decade 2012–2022, the BiH gross domestic product per capita in current US$ increased by 6.2% annually. However, improvements are slowly arriving in R&I and AWM. In this period, relevant challenges to AWM have materialized, such as climate change effects or the need to implement an interconnected vision of ecosystem services. In the R&I arena, the societal demand for knowledge goods remains low, while the reforms of higher education and R&I funding systems have become urgent. This paper set out to elaborate a realistic and feasible policy roadmap to consolidate R&I in AWM in BiH. The methodology included an assessment of policies and sector performance, the analysis of stakeholder perceptions, the development of strategic directions and the design of a strategy. Desk research and stakeholder consultations (33 interviews, six workshops, 179 persons in total) were used to take stock of the current situation and expectations for the future. Stakeholders were divided into knowledge supply and knowledge demand, with five and six subcategories, respectively. Relations were established among the key enabling factors, the needs and the capacities of the involved stakeholders. The TOWS (Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Strengths) matrix permitted to identify policy strategies. A Weaknesses – Opportunities, conservative or mini-maxi strategy was selected, owing to the relevance of system weaknesses (such as low investments, poor return of R&I to society or low R&I for AWM adaptation) and opportunities (such as the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, Smart Specialization or regional partnerships). The policy roadmap was structured along three policy goals: strengthen R&I, strengthen AWM and identify / fund local R&I priorities for AWM. Policy goals included policy instruments promoting eco-efficient use of resources and sustainable development of rural areas.

Dijana Mihajlović, Jovana Žunić, N. Čereković, Zlatan Kovačević, Biljana Kelečević, B. Bosancic

This research focused on the determination of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) distribution in different agricultural soils and Ambrosia atremisiifolia L. (ragweed) at seven, different locations in the northern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Quantification of PTEs was done using atomic absorption spectrophotometry provided after acid digestion of the air-dried samples of soil and plant material. Determined content of elements in the soils increased as follows: Cd<Pb<Cu<Zn<Cr<Ni<Mn<Fe and were under the allowed maximum for unpolluted soils, except for Ni and Cr. However, transfer of Ni and Cr from the soil to the ragweed as well as their bioaccumulation was not intensive. Established metal contents ratio from plant tissues (root and shoot) to soil for both elements, represented their bioaccumulation factors (BAF), which were extremely low in the roots, as well as in the shoots, both in average less than 0.2. On the other hand, Zn showed a tendency to accumulate in ragweed shoots (BAF=2.07). The study showed that uptake and accumulation of PTEs in the ragweed was mainly influenced by their content in the soil, as well as specific characteristics and biological role of each element. Hence, content of PTEs in the ragweed tissue could be used as the soil contamination degree indicator.

S. Srdić, Z. Srđević, R. Stričević, N. Čereković, P. Benka, Nada Rudan, M. Rajić, M. Todorović

The study evaluated nine empirical methods for estimating reference evapotranspiration (ETo) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) across different climatic zones. The methods compared were the Hargreaves–Samani method (HS), the modified Hargreaves–Samani method (HM), the calibrated Hargreaves–Samani method (HC), the Priestley–Taylor method (PT), the Copais method (COP), the Makkink method (MAK), the Penman–Monteith method based on air temperature and overall average windspeed (PMT2), the Penman–Monteith method based on air temperature and regional average windspeed (PMT1.3), and the Penman–Monteith method based on air temperature and site-specific windspeed (PMTlok). These methods were tested against the “Food Agricultural Organization-Penman Monteith approach” (FAO-PM). The evaluation was performed using data from 20 meteorological stations in BiH, considering a common irrigation season (April–October) for two periods (2000–2005 and 2018–2022). The stations represented three climatic zones: semi-arid (SA), dry sub-humid (DSH), and moist sub-humid (MSH). The performance and ranking of the ETo methods were analyzed using the TOPSIS method. The trend of ETo during the common irrigation season for the period from 2018 to 2022 was determined using the Mann–Kendall test. The results of the study indicated that the HC method showed the best performance across all three climatic zones. The average root mean square error (RMSE) was 0.67 mm day−1, 0.49 mm day−1, and 0.50 mm day−1 for the SA, DSH, and MSH zones, respectively. As an alternative to the HC method, the PT method is recommended for its favorable results in both periods and in all zones. On the other hand, the HS method exhibited the highest average overestimation, particularly in the MSH zone, where ETo values were 18% higher compared with those of the FAO-PM method. The COP method also showed high overestimation and was not recommended for use. Regarding the MAK method, it resulted in underestimation during the period from 2000 to 2005, ranging from 17% in the DSH zone to 11% in the MSH zone. However, its performance improved during the period from 2018 to 2022, for which it ranked second place in the MSH zone. Among the PMT methods, the PMTlok, which utilized local average windspeed, yielded the best results. Despite performing well in the neighboring country of Serbia, the HM method showed poor overall performance in BiH. The findings of this study can serve as a foundation for further research in BiH to enhance irrigation practices in response to climate changes.

M. Marković, N. Čereković, Đurađ Hajder, M. Šipka, N. Zapata, T. A. Paço, E. Riezzo, S. Čadro, M. Todorović

Agricultural practices in Bosnia and Hercegovina demand different improvements, including smart management of land and water resources. A new H2020 project started in 2021 in this regard. The objective of this publication is to spread knowledge about SMARTWATER project by describing different achievements in two years of implementation (2021-2022), to invite target groups to participate in the action and to promote smart agricultural practices. Presented results indicate that the implementation is at a satisfactory level. Project consortium will continue with efforts, including twinning, networking, research, dissemination and increasing competency and fund rising skills.

M. Knežević, L. Životić, N. Čereković, Ana Topalović, N. Koković, M. Todorović

The impact of climate change on potato cultivation in Montenegro was assessed. Three scenarios (A1B, A1Bs and A2) for 2001–2030, 2071–2100 and 2071–2100, respectively, were generated by a regional climate model and compared with the baseline period 1961–1990. The results indicated an increase of temperature during the summer season from 1.3 to 4.8 °C in the mountain region and from 1 to 3.4 °C in the coastal zone. The precipitation decreased between 5 and 50% depending on the scenario, region and season. The changes in temperature and precipitation influenced phenology, yield and water needs. The impact was more pronounced in the coastal areas than in the mountain regions. The growing season was shortened 13.6, 22.9 and 29.7 days for A1B, A1Bs and A2, respectively. The increase of irrigation requirement was 4.0, 19.5 and 7.3 mm for A1B, A1Bs and A2, respectively. For the baseline conditions, yield reduction under rainfed cultivation was lower than 30%. For A1B, A1Bs and A2 scenarios, yield reductions were 31.0 ± 8.2, 36.3 ± 11.6 and 34.1 ± 10.9%, respectively. Possible adaptation measures include shifting of production to the mountain (colder) areas and irrigation application. Rainfed cultivation remains a viable solution when the anticipation of sowing is adopted.

P. Poltronieri, N. Čereković

NAD + has emerged as a crucial element in both bioenergetic and signaling pathways since it acts as a key regulator of cellular and organism homeostasis. NAD + is a coenzyme in redox reactions, a donor of adenosine diphosphate-ribose (ADPr) moieties in ADP-ribosylation reactions, a substrate for sirtuins, a group of histone deacetylase enzymes that use NAD + to remove acetyl groups from proteins; NAD + is also a precursor of cyclic ADP-ribose, a second messenger in Ca ++ release and signaling, and of diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A) and oligoadenylates (oligo2′-5′A), two immune response activating compounds. In the biological systems considered in this review, NAD + is mostly consumed in ADP-ribose (ADPr) transfer reactions. In this review the roles of these chemical products are discussed in biological systems, such as in animals, plants, fungi and bacteria. In the review, two types of ADP-ribosylating enzymes are introduced as well as the pathways to restore the NAD + pools in these systems.


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