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Senad Fazlović

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Dino Kakeš, S. Fazlović

Upravljanje kvalitetom u javnom sektoru je znatno dobilo na značaju poslednjih godina. Istina, dugi niz godina javni sektor se držao izvan ovog koncepta, a pod pojmom upravljanja kvalitetom podrazumevala se samo isporuka usluga u skladu sa zakonskim propisima. Međutim, kriza javne uprave i područja javnih usluga dovela je do preispitivanja uloge i upravljačkih mehanizama javnog sektora, te se vremenom u sve većoj mjeri, jednostavnim preuzimanjem ili eventualno uz odgovarajuća prilagođavanja, koja uzimaju u obzir specifičnosti i karakteristike istog u odnosu na privatni sektor, mogu uočiti pokušaji uvođenja i prilagođavanja sistema upravljanja kvalitetom usluga u organizacije javnog sektora. U BiH, kao zemlji u kojoj specifičnost državnog uređenja, zakonskih procedura, političkih previranja i uopšte društvene organizacije dodatno usložnjava posmatranu problematiku, važno je dijagnosticirati postojeće stanje primene sistema upravljanja kvalitetom i performansi poslovanja jedinica lokalne samouprave, te identifikovati područja mogućeg unapređenja. S tim u vezi, cilj rada je istražiti razlike u performansama poslovanja jedinica lokalne samouprave sa implementiranim standardom kvaliteta ISO 9001 i jedinica lokalne samouprave koje nisu primenile ovaj međunarodni standard u svom poslovanju. Primarni podaci za potrebe ovog istraživanja prikupljeni su primenom tehnike anketiranja, korištenjem anketnog upitnika kao obrasca za prikupljanje podataka. Razlika je testirana korištenjem t-testa nezavisnih uzoraka, a dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na značaj implementacije standarda ISO 9001, budući da je u jedinicama lokalne samouprave sa implementiranim standardom ISO 9001 zabilježen viši nivo performansi perspektive internih poslovnih procesa, performansi perspektive učenja i rasta i performansi perspektive korisnika u odnosu na jedinice lokalne samouprave koje nisu implementirale isti.

Dino Kakeš, S. Fazlović

Abstract The concept of quality management in the public sector is nowadays more popular than ever before. Since it forms in the fields of public interest, public companies, institutions and organizations are crucially important for the development and the functioning of any social and modern society. Therefore, those organisations are expected to perform transparent, efficient, democratic and socially righteous work with the goal of maintaining and improving the quality of a nation’s economic life. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the public sector is specific and additionally complicated by a complex political system, legal procedures and the constitutional structure and as such, it is often very ineffective. The main purpose of the implementation of ISO 9001 is to introduce a system of quality management and improve the quality of public services as well as to ensure customer satisfaction. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to present the concept of customer satisfaction and selected statistical methods in quality management, and to apply a part of these methods through secondary research and analysis of published reports about customer satisfaction with services of the public sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Results of the study have confirmed greater user satisfaction with service in the public sector in units of local self-government with an implemented ISO 9001 standard implemented ISO 9001 standard than in units in which the standard has not been implemented.

The dynamics of the contemporary environment with all its characteristics has greatly encouraged further research of the impact of innovation on the company's performance due to the paradigm that defines an innovation as means to enhance the competitiveness of enterprise. Thanks to the efforts of scientists, corporate managers and owners of capital can now choose from a variety of management tools to measure the innovation and success of the enterprise. In this paper, the methodology of Croatian Innovation Score (in Croatian: Hvatski Kvocijent Inovativnosti - HKI) is applied to assess the condition and the activities undertaken in order to build innovation capacity, and an assessment of the perception of innovation at the enterprise level, whereas the methodology of BEX index (Business Excellence Index) was used to measure business excellence of an enterprise. Applying the methodology on a sample of large manufacturing companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the composite innovation indices and business excellence indices were first calculated. The standard multiple regression has been applied to explain the relationship between innovation and business excellence of an enterprise. The results obtained in this research are encouraging and stimulating for the managers of the studied companies to strengthen the innovation capacity in order to advance on the business excellence ranking scale.(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.)1. INTRODUCTIONThis paper is based on the presumption that the implementation of innovation positively affects the financial performance of companies that are being assessed for their business excellence. In their research, Tidd, Bessant & Pavitt (2005) point out that companies which implement innovations in order to improve their processes and differentiate their products / services are significantly ahead of their competition in terms of market share, profitability, companies' growth, and net income. Urban and Hauser (1993) highlight innovation as being essential for creating a competitive advantage and company's subsistence, although innovation is at the same time extremely risky activity that constantly requires enormous financial and human resources. Bearing all the above in mind, the managers' task is to ensure the continuity of innovation. However, in order to reduce the business risks of investing in innovation they also need information about the efficiency and effectiveness of resources that the company has invested in the innovation process. Synchronization of innovation capacity development, strategy options, processes and innovation models not only considerably contribute to the risk reduction of investing in innovation, but it also leads to achieving company's business excellence.In this study, authors analyze the relationship between innovation and business excellence of large manufacturing companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina using the methodologies established by Croatian scholars that have been tested on Croatian companies (Antoljak, Mitrovic et al., 2011; Belak & Aljinovic, 2008). The study comprises 36 large manufacturing companies for which their composite index of innovation will be calculated so as to pre-calculate summary data for innovation capacity categories, innovation processes and strategies and for innovation results. Composite index of business excellence (BEX) is to be calculated for the sample companies. Business Excellence Model (BEX) evaluates the existing and expected business excellence. Hereafter, the paper explores the correlation between innovation and company's business excellence by using the HKI and BEX indices.The main objective of this paper is, using standard multiple regression, to determine the correlation between innovation and business excellence of large manufacturing enterprises in B&H based on composite innovation and business excellence indices, operationalized according to HKI (innovation) and BEX (business excellence) methodology. …

S. Fazlić, S. Fazlović

Tourism and hotel industry are one of the main priorities in the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Development of tourism is based primarily on raising the quality of hotel services. Hotel industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina is determined by an insuffi cient level of service quality, unfavourable structure and a low degree of capacity utilization. In an eff ort to improve the quality of services in hotel industry, and the satisfaction of tourists from emitting countries, hotel management is oft en faced with the problem of measuring the quality of services, which is a precondition for managing the quality of service provision.

S. Fazlić, S. Fazlović

Tourism and hotel industry are one of the main priorities in the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Development of tourism is based primarily on raising the quality of hotel services. Hotel industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina is determined by an insuffi cient level of service quality, unfavourable structure and a low degree of capacity utilization. In an eff ort to improve the quality of services in hotel industry, and the satisfaction of tourists from emitting countries, hotel management is oft en faced with the problem of measuring the quality of services, which is a precondition for managing the quality of service provision.

Quality management of key dimensions and characteristics of assembled service has to secure quality that is expected by service customers. Principle dimensions of assembled service are speech service, data–transfer service and telecommunication equipment. Factor analysis of research results should point out to the determinants of customer’s content, as well to main characteristics that influence customers’ decision to buy and use assembled services. Also, internal processes in one of the telecom operators in the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be analysed by FMEA methodology, and suggestions for quality improvement will be given. The results of this analysis and selection of assembled service characteristics and dimensions which are important for customers, along with the analysis of internal processes will enable the creation of a model ensuring a steady improvement of assembled service quality. The model is based on general references of ISO 9001:2008 standard for quality management, and it means grouping all processes and activities in one unique process on the service level.


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