Historical examples show and confirm the continued disenfranchisement of people with disabilities in all areas. In this regard, it is not a particularly different situation in the field of media representation of this marginalized group. A low level of awareness and knowledge about disability contributes to people with disabilities directly or indirectly discriminating, marginalizing, and at the same time creating unfounded attitudes, stereotypes, and stigma about them. Starting from the above, the text analyzes the current media presentation of persons with disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The analysis included printed, more precisely the content of daily editions of Dnevni avaz newspaper in the period from April 1 to May 4, 2023, in which, in the analyzed period, a total of nine (9) topics were published. The contents of electronic media (Federal Television, Radio Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Radio-Television of Republika Srpska, Radio-Television of Republika Srpska, Radio Republika Srpska) were also analyzed, and on which, in the period from 08 to 22 May 2023, nine (9) topics that directly or indirectly concern people with disabilities were presented in news shows. The research aimed to point out the inadequate approach to reporting on disability more precisely to point out that people with disabilities and topics important to them are marginalized in media content in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that they do not reflect the real-life conditions of members of that population.
The subject of the analysis are the practices and effects of changed direct, interpersonal communication on teachers – students reality in the form of online consultations, in new communication technologies mediated by patterns. The text analyzes the transformation of traditional, academic communication practices in teaching processes conditioned not primarily by technological but existential reasons, starting from the hypothesis that the effectiveness of consultative, communication forms cannot be achieved exclusively through mediated forms, the absence of interpersonal, social interaction. The purpose of the analysis was related both to recording the real effects of mediated communication patterns of online consultations and to analyzing indicators of improvement and development forms of online teaching. On the selected sample of students and teachers of the Department of Communication and Journalism Studies, Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo, primarily, study-oriented and interested in the field of studying and researching communication processes, the surveys aims to analyze conditionally mediated communication from the aspect of communicators, participants in the communication as well as from the aspect of the content and mediator of the communication process and its effects in comparison with established, traditional academic practices. The results of the examination of attitudes indicate that the mediated patterns of consultative forms optimized the material, technical dimension of transmission and reception, but reduced the qualitative, content aspect of the message in terms of its understanding and the inclusion of sensory inputs in the communication process. Untimeliness in responding to inquiries, different denotative and connotative forms of understanding the message, and the absence of metacommunication are just some of the recorded indicators of the absence of basic conditions for effective communication in forms of mediated consultation.
Kako bi kompletirao nastavno gradivo pomorskog prava na Visokoj pomorskoj skoli, a nakon njegove knjige Pomorsko pravo – pomorske nezgode, pomorsko osiguranje, prof. Pavic u prvom dijelu obrađuje problematiku stvarnih prava, te položaj osoba u pomorskom imovinskom pravu, s osobitim osvrtom na poznati institut ogranicenja odgovornosti brodovlasnika (brodara). U drugom dijelu ugovori su o iskoristavanju brodova, a glavnina obrade su ugovori o prijevozu stvari a u sklopu kolegija Pravo pomorskih prijevoza. Autor je pregledno i sustavno prikazao sve relevantne programske jedinice kolegija. Naime, obuhvatio je u sveukupnosti gradivo koje je bitno za studente u struci za koju se obucavaju. Tako se u najopsežnijem dijelu ugovora o prijevozu stvari morem obrađuju, među ostalim, vrste ugovora, stranke ugovora, isprave o ugovoru, osobito teretnica, ispunjenje ugovora, odgovornost prijevoznika za stete na stvarima i za zakasnjenje, uloga zapovjednika u provedbi ugovora o prijevozu. Posebna su poglavlja Ugovor o prijevozu putnika i prtljage, Ugovor o tegljenju, Drugi pomorski poslovi, Prijevozi s vise prijevoznika i Zakup broda. Na kraju su prilozi koji imaju zadacu upotpunjavati steceno znanje iz sadržaja knjige.
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