
Publikacije (110)

I. Karabegović, E. Karabegović, E. Husak

The service robots for examining and maintaining of water supply, gas and sewage systems are very interesting to researchers who are dealing with this field, insomuch a certain number of service robots are applied. According to a statistical analysis it is obvious that their number increases in application year after year. The service robots for examination and maintaining of the pipeline systems are segmented robots equipped with the cycles or tracks for inner flow of oil, gas or wastewater, industrial or air ducting. Additionally, fast problem detecting inside of the tube systems, like failing in welding, corrosion, erosion, breakup, aqueous, loose parts, invalid inner covering etc. They are applied as a substitute to human potential or where human presence is disabled and where moving are difficult. They are also applied where work conditions are dangerous for human, where high temperatures are developed, pressures, and where concentration of the health dangerous materials is present. This paper provides a service robot distribution for examination and maintaining of the pipeline systems. A certain number of the service robot applications are shown here, for controlling and maintaining of the pipelines, sewage systems, nuclear facilities, and working on high temperatures. Keywords— examination, maintaining, pipeline, robot, service robot, application

I. Karabegović, E. Karabegović, E. Husak

This paper provides an analysis of trend of the industrial robot share in different industrial branches in America. The automation and modernization of the manufacturing process in whomever industrial branch is not possible without industrial robot application. This paper shows how much the manufacturing process is automatized in different industrial branches in America. The annual and total (operational stock) industrial robot application has been analysed in following manufacturing process: handling material operations, welding, assembly, processing, dispensing and the other undefined, where robots couldn't be classified in the manufacturing process. The industrial robot application of the leading American countries has been analysed, with the developed industry or in the developing process, where the automation and modernization of the manufacturing process is performed. This paper provides the comparative analysis of the industrial robot application in last three years, at the annual level and the total number of the industrial robot applications. There has been given the percentage reference of the industrial robot application in different industrial branches in 2010. It also provides the prediction analysis of the industrial robot application in following period in America till 2014.

G. Dolecek, E. Erro, I. Karabegović

FIR (Finite impulse response) digital filters are known to have some very desirable properties such as linear phase, stability, and absence of limit cycle. However their applications generally require more computation. In this paper we consider the simple method to design a multiplier-less narrowband FIR filter. The method is based on well known IFIR (Interpolated FIR) structure. The novelty of the proposed approach is the new structure, where the interpolation filter is the cascade of comb filters and the wideband compensators. The comb filters and compensators are multiplier-less filters. The model filter is rounded to the nearest integers, which can be implemented with the adders and shifts. Consequently, the overall structure exhibits a low complexity and does not require the multipliers.

G. Dolecek, E. Erro, V. Dolecek, I. Karabegović, J. Díaz-Carmona

FIR (Finite impulse response) digital filters are known to have some very desirable properties such as linear phase, stability, and absence of limit cycle. However their applications generally require more computation. In this paper we consider the simple method to design a multiplier-less narrowband FIR filter. The method is based on well known IFIR (Interpolated FIR) structure. The novelty of the proposed approach is the new structure, where the interpolation filter is the cascade of comb filters and the wideband compensators. The comb filters and compensators are multiplier-less filters. The model filter is rounded to the nearest integers, which can be implemented with the adders and shifts. Consequently, the overall structure exhibits a low complexity and does not require the multipliers.

D. Ujević, Dubravko Rogale, Marijan Hrastinski, L. Szirovicza, Z. Bajs, J. Bačić, Nina Režek-Wilson, Ž. Prebeg et al.

Anthropometry as one of the anthropology methods deals with measuring human body and finding the relationship in the size of its individual parts. In the production of fashion wear and footwear, anthropometric measurements are used in the field of construction and modeling, and they are obtained by anthropometric measurements of a representative sample of a certain population. The compound technological project Croatian Anthropometric System was implemented based on the Contract of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, and the entire implementation of the project is harmonized with ISO and EN standards. Within the scope of this project anthropometric measurements of 30, 866 subjects in 20 Croatian counties and in the city of Zagreb were performed.

V. Dolecek, I. Karabegović, Dubravko Rogale, G. Nikolić, D. Ujević, I. sur.

Knjiga Roboti u industriji može biti od koristi inženjerima koji rade u razlicitim industrijama na programima povecanja konkurentnosti uvođenjem visokosofisticiranih tehnologija.U knjizi su prikazane primjene industrijskih robota u razlicitim industrijama, Uvođenjem robotiziranih radnih mjesta osigurana je i veca kvaliteta proizvoda, cime se povecava konkurentnost tvrtke na sve zahtjevnijem svjetskom tržistu. U knjizi je opisana primjena robota, kinematika i dinamika, senzori u robotici, pogoni robota, upravljanje i programiranje u robotici te robotska vizija.

D. Ujević, Dubravko Rogale, Marija Hrastinski, L. Szirovicza, J. Bačić, Zlatka Mencl-Bajs, P. Rudan, M. Drenovac et al.

D. Ujević, Dubravko Rogale, Marija Hrastinski, L. Szirovicza, J. Bačić, Zlatka Mencl-Bajs, P. Rudan, M. Drenovac et al.

D. Ujević, Renata Hrženjak, Ksenija Doležal, B. B. Šajatović, A. Mujkić, Ž. Prebeg, L. Szirovicza, Zlatka Mencl-Bajs et al.

Antropometrijska mjerenja stanovnistva u Republici Hrvatskoj predstavljaju osnovnu podlogu za finalno izvjesce o velicinama odjece i obuce, a u skladu i kao dopuna Europskih normi (EN). U tu svrhu je Tekstilno-tehnoloski fakultet sa suradnim institucijama 2004. godine pokrenuo složeni tehnologijski istraživacko-razvojni projekt (STIRP) „ Hrvatski antropometrijski sustav“ (HAS). Pri tome je izmjereno 30.866 ispitanika (muskaraca, žena i djece) od rođenja do 82 godine starosti tijekom 17-mjesecnog neprekidnog terenskog rada u 20 hrvatskih županija i Gradu Zagrebu. U radu je opisana nužnost novog antropometrijskog mjerenja. Opisane su znacajke te postupci mjerenja. Na temelju statisticke obrade podataka dat je prikaz nekih rezultata putem grafova i tablica. Na sastanku Tehnickog odbora (TO-38) Hrvatskog zavoda za norme rezultati projekta Hrvatski antropometrijski sustav su prihvaceni i upuceni u daljnju proceduru.

With digital computers development possibility for change of certain human intellect based action raised. Because of a need for human vision replacement, needs that require simplicity, speed and low price in robotized mounting systems, usage in objects recognition and their settlement on exact place robot vision systems took place. This paper explains 3D vision systems implementation industrial robotics. Here are given elements of robot vision systems, ways of assembly and implementation examples.

D. Ujević, Dubravko Rogale, L. Wadsworth, I. Karabegović, Tonći Lazibat

D. Ujević, Dubravko Rogale, Marijan Hrastinski, L. Szirovicza, J. Bačić, Zlatka Mencl-Bajs, P. Rudan, M. Drenovac et al.

U knjizi je dat prikaz rezultata antropometrijskih mjerenja mladica dobi od 12, 5 do 20, 4 godine, provedenih u okviru složenog tehnologijskog istraživacko-razvojnog projekta Hrvatski antropometrijski sustav. Rezultati antropometrijskih mjerenja dovoljno opsežne populacije mogu se koristiti za određivanje nacionalnih sustava velicina odjece i obuce te se u knjizi nalaze tablice procjena osnovnih parametara razdiobe: visine tijela, opsega grudi, opsega struka, opsega bokova, duljine koraka, duljine hlaca, duljine rukava, opsega vrata, opsega glave, opsega sake, duljine stopala, visine struka, visina bokova, visine koljene, sjedece visine do tjemena, visine trupa, duljine trupa, dubine sjedala, unutarnje duljine natkoljenice, sirine stopala, duljine sake, visine skocnog zgloba, kosine ramena, opsega baze vrata, duljine ramena, sirine ramena, sirine leđa, razmaka grudi, opsega nadlaktice, opsega lakta, opsega zapesca, opsega natkoljenice, srednjeg opsega natkoljenice, opsega koljena, opsega ispod koljena, opsega potkoljenice, najmanjeg opsega noge, opsega skocnog zgloba, dubine orukavlja, duljine leđa, duljine sedmi vratni kralježak– koljeno, duljine sedmi vratni kralježak– stopalo, visine prednjeg dijela od sedmog vratnog kraljeska, visine prednjeg dijela bez vratnog izreza, dubine bokova, opsega trupa, ukupne duljine sjedala, opsega ramena, opsega nadlaktice, duljine rukava od sedmog vratnog kraljeska, unutarnje duljine rukava, mase tijela, opsega rista i opsega stopala mladica po dobnim razredima.

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