
Publikacije (110)

I. Karabegović, M. Mahmić, E. Husak

I. Karabegović, M. Mahmić, E. Husak University of Bihać Technical of Engeenering Dr.Irfan Ljubijankić bb, Bihać Bosnia and Herzegovina ABSTRACT Hydroforming is classified in unconventional processes of the metal forming that are used for forming metal sheet and tube thinwalled elements, as other spatial elements. Technological forming processes by fluid are: deep drawing, stretching, bending, extruding, tube forming, etc. In the paper basic characteristic of some hydroforming technologies of sheets and tubes are given.

I. Karabegović, V. Dolecek

Energy security and stability are currently the main issues throughout the world. Applied research is carried out all over the world in order to increase a share of renewable energy sources in the overall task of energy generation. In near future environmentally friendly energy sources should be found that will enable the mankind to cover its energy needs. Renewable energy sources are currently offered worldwide as an environmentally friendly and acceptable solution; however, one may always wonder whether it is realistic to expect such energy sources to be developed at a level sufficient to meet the mankind’s ever increasing energy needs. This caution is caused by the following facts associated with the renewable energy sources available today: the wind energy is not everywhere available in sufficient quantities, solar energy is not sufficiently used, hydropower (we refer to small hydro power plants), is not big enough for this quantity of energy, geothermal energy can be optimally used only at places where thermal energy from the inner core of the Earth is near the surface, tidal energy (energy of the waves) has great potentials but is very little used due to its scarcity and non-accessibility, bioenergy, as a substitute for conventional fossil fuels, is not completely environmentally friendly or acceptable due to the emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. On the other hand, without implementing the adequate policies in the energy sector operation, it is not possible to have any industrial, economic or social progress in the world. Energy security and stability are only one part in achieving the ultimate goals: sustainable economy, clean environment, high standard of living, prosperity and health of the population. In the light of all the above, the paper will investigate the state and perspective of renewable energy sources with a special emphasis on the potential of solar energy.

V. Dolecek, I. Karabegović

Energy security and stability has become a major issue over the last few years in the whole world's economic and social development. Despite its high development and evolution of its approach to the issue of energy security, the European Union is also facing the problem of decreasing its role in reducing human impact on the climate. Energy is of essential importance for the development of any country, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. Without adequate policies in the energy sector bussines, industrial and economic progress is not possible either. However, regardless of how energy is important for the development, it is still only a mechanism for achieving an ultimate goal – sustainable economy, clean environment, high living standards, prosperity and population health. According to the official data, Bosnia and Herzegovina produces annually about 13.600 GWh (data from 2010), out of which 7.950 GWh in thermal power plants and 5.650 GWh in hydro power plants. Basic domestic energy sources in Bosnia and Herzegovina include coal and hydropower, while gas and oil are imported. This paper gives an overview of future of the European Union energy policy by 2020, together with the situation and outlooks for Bosnia and Herzegovina renewable energy sources: hydropower, wind power, solar energy, biomass and geothermal energy. The legislation of renewable sources in the Federation of BIH, as well as the European Union's legislative framework, are also presented.

An assumption for satisfaction of needs and technological efficacy is related to: scientific knowledge, manufacturing operations, general technical organizational stage, engineering experience, equipment expediency and other vocational and human skills. Technological efficacies imply an improvement of technical solutions in automation domain of technological processes and application of intelligent systems in different industrial branches where automobile industry belongs to. There are a number of industrial robot applications in automobile industry today, in Asia and in other continents in the world. Their application is motivated by technical and economical reasons like: quality improvement of the completed products, fallout decrease (in montage processes), rate enlargement of the quality homogeneity-constancy (in all processes linked to robot application repeatability), security operation rate enlargement ( in aggressive, burning, explosive and other areas, with the high rate of robot protection), decrease of the necessary work force in routine and repeatability processes, manufacture cost minimising and overall maintenance, fulfilment of demands required by a competition and more rigorous quality standards. This paper provides an analysis of industrial robot application in automobile industry in countries of Asia with an overview on application trend and future development of the same industry.

S. Klančnik, M. Brezocnik, J. Balic, I. Karabegović

This article proposes asystem for theautomatic programming of a CNC milling machine by particle swarm optimization (PSO). In the presented research, each individual swarm particle presents a possible numerical control (NC) program. Voxel representation of machining area was used. Bresenham's algorithm was implemented, for the rasterization of the cuts. Optimisation with PSO was carried out within a voxelized machining area. The system automatically finds the NC program for optimal machining. The NC program guarantees an optimal selection of tools, the shortest possible work and rapid motions, and minimization of the manufacturing time, thus achieving a reduction in machining costs and increased productivity. Testing using test workpieces and 2.5 D milling confirmed the efficiency of the proposed approach. The proposed intelligent system is easily adaptable for programming other types of CNC machines by PSO.

E. Karabegović, I. Karabegović

132201-6767-IJMME-IJENS © February 2013 IJENS I J E N S  Abstract— A fluid tube forming procedures are applied towards optimization of techno-economical parameter production. A basic principle is utilisation of the material ductility in the stability range of a certain forming operation. Besides of the manufacturing optimization of tube forming, like this it is achieved: better quality, mechanical and structural properties of the work pieces, material and energy savings. During the process of tube hydroforming, and with an analysis of the stress-strain states, fig. 3., four characteristic zones have been determined to exist: principal tube zone, passing tube zone into the drainage, drainage zone (stresses of pressure and stretching) and top drainage zone (stresses of stretching and pressure). The areas of attrition functioning in the process of tube forming, fig. 2., can be separated in four different influential zones: a flow zone, passing zone, expansion zone and protraction zone. Knowing the attrition coefficient in the influential zones gives the opportunity of strategy development for its decrease. This paper provides a determining model of attrition coefficient in tube hydroforming.

I. Karabegović, Mehmed Felić, M. Đukanović

Service robotics design, as well as robotics itself, has been faced with a challenge and opportunity to find solutions that will satisfy population from the aspect of their health with regard to social and health care and provide them with complete help and support. Design is one the main factors in developing service robotics as well as the identified trends of the elderly. Globally, there is an increased number of retired and the elderly. This paper shows the examples of service robots and robotized systems that assist patients and the handicapped in performing their daily activities and supporting their rehabilitation. Goal of robotic technology is to develop service robots of such a design that will provide an interactive communication with a patient, give them support in performing their daily activities, making their life a more quality-based one, more eventful and stress-free, so that the design can make

E. Karabegović, I. Karabegović, E. Hadzalic

Technological success implies technical solution improvement in automation domain of technological process and intelligent system application in different branches of industry, along with a metal industry. A huge number of robot applications exist today in metalworking industry. Their application is motivated with the technical and economical reasons like: quality improvement of the completed products (machine processing and other), fallout decrease (in the assembly process), rate enlargement of the homogeneity-constancy quality (in all process linked to robot application repeatability), security operation rate enlargement (in aggressive, burning, explosive and other areas, with the high rate of robot protection), decrease of necessary work force of routine and repeatability process, manufacture cost minimizing and overall maintenance, fulfilling of demands required by a competition and more rigorous quality standards. Besides the technical advantages, which is carried out owing to the robot application, it is necessary to emphasize that rationality of the robot application in particular operations is principally conditioned with the manufacturing volume and the operation character which the robot (or more robots) needs to carry out. This paper provides an analysis of the industrial robot applications in metal industry worldwide, with a detailed analysis according to years and manufacturing process. The analysis has been carried out on all four continents: Europe, Asia, America and Africa. The parallel analysis with the other industries has been given in addition to analysis of economic justification of robot application in manufacturing process. The results of this research show increasing robot application in metal industry and in other industries, which was a primary goal of this research. By using available data concerning installed robots worldwide, such as analyzing profitability and economic justification of robot implementation in manufacturing process, and as a result of this research, the trend of robot application in metal industry has increasing trend today. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.ee.23.4.2567

I. Karabegović, E. Hadzalic

This paper presents the research based on experiment performing of the deep-drawing process with wall-thickness thinning. The corresponding measurement equipment was applied, where with the process analysis and with the applied stochastic modelling method, the physical mathematical model for the deep-drawing force is obtained, in the form: F i =  f ( ψ , s 1 , μ ). The applied modelling and simulation methods in this paper, can also be used for defining the optimal values of bigger number of the technological process parameters of deep drawing, with wall-thickness thinning, by the applied higher order mathematical model. Principally, it would relate to the reduction of the drawing force with the obtained products, according to the demanded quality along with the minimum energy consumption. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.mech.18.2.1563

E. Karabegović, M. Jurković, I. Karabegović

Hydroforming of a tube is an advanced process of plastic forming. Researches in this area are significant for an analysis with a view to optimal performance and process improvement. This paper provides theoretical and experimental analysis of the axial force modeling in T tube.

I. Karabegović, E. Karabegović, E. Husak

Intelligent machines and systems with a different level of complexity are used today for performing the various processes in the industry and also everyday life. Applications of service robots in everyday life are practically unlimited. Service robots will change our daily lives sooner or later as: assistants, servants, supporters, friends, surgeons assistants in medical operations, interventions in hazardous environments like search or rescue, in agriculture and forestry, cleaning, excavating, transport constrictions and demolitions. Probably the greatest achievement of robotics is cooperation between robots and humans. Serving robots besides application for daily tasks also are applied for military actions apropos defense. These kinds of the service robots should decrease number of humans in military defense which affects at number of military casualties. Most used service robots for military defense are unmanned ground vehicles. This type of robot is generally capable of operating outdoors and over a wide variety of terrain, functioning in place of humans. Unmanned robotics is actively being developed for both civilian and military use to perform dull, dirty, and dangerous activities. There are two classes of unmanned ground vehicles Remote-Operated and Autonomous. The greatest part of service robot application is for the military defense. In this paper are presented some applications of service robots in military defense.

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