
Publikacije (110)

I. Karabegović, E. Karabegović, M. Mahmić, E. Husak

From the very knowledge of Industry 4.0, its implementation is carried out in all segments of society, but we still do not fully understand the breadth and speed of its implementation. We are currently witnessing major changes in all industries, so new business methods are emerging. There is a transformation of production systems, a new form of consumption, delivery, and transportation, all thanks to the implementation of new technological discoveries that cover robotics and automation, the internet of things (IoT), 3D printers, smart sensors, radio frequency identification (RFID), etc. Robotic technology is one of the most important technologies in Industry 4.0, so that the robot application in the automation of production processes with the support of information technology brings us to smart automation (i.e., smart factories). The changes are so deep that, from the perspective of human history, there has never been a time of greater promise or potential danger.

R. Tomovic, S. Dizdar, Safet Isić, Smajo Tuka, I. Karabegović

The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how the correct application of FEM analysis can be used to find effective solutions for the design of mechanical structures. The design of the inspection openings on the tanks is being considered. There are several existing tanks of the same dimensions (20 m high and diameter 10,2 m), but they have different wall thicknesses (9,6; 15; 20 and 25 mm). For inspection purposes, assembly of manhole hatch on all tanks is required. The manhole hatch is designed applying standard API 650. All tanks are filled with the water to the top 20 m high. Several different analyses have been carried out in order to ensure that there are not too high stresses in the materials of the existing tanks due to the insertion of the manhole hatch and finally qualify construction according to EN-13445 norm. The elastic analysis shows that stresses in the material are too high and the design hasn’t been approved. In order to avoid redesign procedures, which can be expensive and sometimes difficult to do in reality, plastic analysis has been done. After plastic analysis, the design could be approved with the restriction on the max. preload force in the bolts 40 kN/per bolt.

I. Karabegović, E. Karabegović

All companies in the world are facing global competition. In order to keep up with the competition and meet the increasing demands of the market, it is essential that they use new technologies in the production processes (i.e., to implement Industry 4.0). The chapter presents smart sensors that automatically detect errors during the production process. Smart sensors communicate via IO-Link in stable communication, whereas the technology itself offers numerous practical benefits in everyday industrial work. Sensors are excellent data collectors and highly intelligent analysts that share their knowledge with their environment through an integrated real-time IO-Link interface. With the implementation of smart sensors in production systems, they become flexible production systems, contribute to the rapid start-up of the process, are automatically adjusted, enable digital data transmission, and can verify the device and the records.

I. Karabegović, V. Dolecek

Mobile robots are increasingly becoming the subject of research and a very important area of science, so that the 21st century will be named as the century of development of service robots. Mobile robots are an excellent “System Engineering” research example because it includes a lot of scientific research, namely in the area of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, computer science, social science, and more. As mobile robots perform their tasks in the same environment as humans, mobile robots should have the abilities that people have. The mobile robots should be able to recognize faces, gestures, signs, objects, speech and atmosphere. Successful realization set of tasks results in bypassing obstacles without collision and destruction in the shortest possible time and distance. They should communicate with people on the basis of emotion. The range of mobile robots application is huge. Mobile robots have found application in many areas, but this chapter will cover the following distribution of mobile robots areas of application: medicine, agriculture, defense, logistics, construction, demolition, professional cleaning, space exploration, education and scientific research. The price of robots is declining steadily and they are coming into ever wider use. It is only a matter of time before robots become available to the population of today's high school students, just as it happened with computers and cell phones.

I. Karabegović, Arts Bosnia, Herzegovine, E. Karabegović

: The implementation of the fourth industrial revolution Industry 4.0 is based on the following technologies: internet of tings , cloud computing, big data, robotics & automation, intelligent sensors, 3D printers and radio frequency identification – RFID. The robotics is considered as the core technology. Second-generation industrial robots – collaborative robots have been implemented in the last two years. Their implementation is increasing every year and has reached about 3% of the total application of industrial robots in the world. The development of new technologies has contributed to the development and implementation of collaborative service robots AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle), which is one of the most significant qualitative shifts in the automation of logistic in production processes, assembly lines, warehouses and all other operations where transport is necessary. Their application is motivated by technical and economic reasons, such as: improving the quality of finished products, reducing the production of the finished product, increasing the homogeneity rate - constant quality, reducing the number of workers to carry out tedious transport, increasing the safety of workers in the work process, minimizing production costs and overall maintenance. The paper describes the trend of implementing service robots for professional use, with particular reference to collaborative service robots in logistics. Some design solutions for collaborative service robots in logistics already implemented in the industry are presented.

E. Husak, A. Kovacevic, I. Karabegović

Clearances between rotating and stationary parts in a screw compressor are set to ensure the efficient operation and allow for thermal deformation without unwanted contacts. The change in clearances is caused by both pressure and temperature changes within the machine. If clearances are too large, the increased leakage flows will reduce efficiency. However, if the nominal clearances are too small, contacts between the rotating and stationary parts can occur as a consequence of rotor and casing deformations. In order to determine the operational clearances, a numerical analysis of deformation of screw compressor rotors and casing has to be performed. This paper discusses how the temperature of rotor and casing surfaces calculated from the one-dimensional chamber model in the SCORG could be used as a boundary conditions for a steady state thermal and structural analysis of a screw compressor solid parts. Deformations of rotors and casing under temperature load were calculated using a commercial Finite Element Analysis code ANSYS. Operational clearance are estimated from these deformations and some recommendations for further work are proposed.

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