
Publikacije (111)

D. Karolyi, A. Džidić, K. Salajpal, M. Đikić, I. Juric

The aim of the study was to determine the variance of longissimus muscle area (LMA) measurements associated with the standard use of polar planimeter (REISS Precision 3005, Germany) and "Image tool" software program. Measurements were conducted on six dorsal samples taken between 7th and 9th rib of the right halfs of beef carcasses. Firstly, LMA was traced on acetate paper and measured using a planimeter. Secondly, the images of longissimus muscles for computer analysis were obtained by scanning (UMAX PowerLook II) dorsal samples in ratio 1:1. LMA size was determined with "Image tool" software. Triplicate measurements of LMA were performed by six measurers for each sample and method. Variance components for LMA measurement method associated with measurer, sample and measurement replicates were estimated by REML. The proportion of the total variance in LMA measurement beetwen samples was greater with "Image tool" (99.79 %) than with planimeter (96.49 %). The proportion of variance between measurers was 0.12 % with "Image tool" and 0.34 % with planimeter. The proportion of error variance due to measurement replicates associated with the use of "Image tool" program was smaller (0.09 %) than with the planimeter (3.17 %). The application of "Image tool" showed greater precision in measuring LMA than standard planimetry method.

D. Karolyi, K. Salajpal, G. Kiš, M. Đikić, I. Juric

Regarding nutritional recommendations for humans, pork in general has too high ratio of n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The n-6/n-3 index is particularly high if animals were intensively fed concentrate feeds, because the cereals like corn are rich in linoleic acid (C18:2 n-6). Traditional Black Slavonian pig production is an outdoor grazing system, which includes utilization of the natural resources of pasture and oak woodland with supplement of small amounts of corn or some other grains. However, fattening with corn-based concentrate mixtures before slaughter is common. In this study, the influence of finishing diet of acorn or corn-based mixture on fatty acid profile of longissimus muscle of Black Slavonian pigs was investigated. The indication of beneficial effects of acorn was found when Black Slavonian pigs were fed acorn instead of concentrate feed during pre-slaughter fattening. Feeding acorn ad libitum for a period of three weeks prior slaughter significantly increased the content of alpha linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3) in the longissimus muscle in comparison to concentrate fed pigs (0.37 vs. 0.12, respectively ; expressed as % of total fatty acid methyl esters, P ≤ 0.01). As a consequence, the n-6/n-3 ratio in the muscle of acorn finishing pigs was nearly threefold lower than in concentrate finishing pigs (24.1 vs. 69.3, P ≤ 0.01).

D. Karolyi, M. Đikić, K. Salajpal, V. C. Čurik, I. Juric

SUMMARY The objective of this investigation was to determine the distribution within EUROP classes and carcass traits (weight and measurements, dressing percentage, shares of separated fat and dissected muscle, fat, bone and tendon tissues) of young Simmental bulls (n=13) and heifers (n=13), which were produced as Croatian baby beef designed for export. The EUROP classification showed a favourable conformation of both, bulls and heifers with about one third of carcasses graded as highest E class. The heifer’s fatness was less favourable and almost half of carcasses were classified as high fat class (4) and thus less valid. The amount of trimmed carcass fat was higher (P>0.001) in heifers than in bulls (6.68 % vs. 4.70 %) as well as the share of fat tissue after carcass dissection (10.58 % vs. 7.27 %). The share of muscle tissue in the carcass was higher (P>0.001) in bulls compared to heifers (70.45 % vs. 67.09 %). The bulls also showed a longer (P>0.05) carcass length (135.66 cm vs. 132.07 cm), as well as a larger (P>0.001) perimeter of the leg (122.65 cm vs. 116.38 cm) in comparison with heifers. The differences between bulls and heifers in dressing percentage, leg length, shares of Milanese cut, bone and tendon tissue in the carcass were small and not significant (P>0.05).

K. Salajpal, B. Liker, K. Pintur, D. Karolyi, M. Đikić

Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi metabolicki status visokomlijecnih krava u prvih 120 dana laktacije na tri obiteljske farme razlicite s obzirom na pasminsku strukturu, nacin ishrane i držanje životinja. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaceno ukupno 65 krava (farma A, n=30, Holstein-Frisien pasmina-HF, slobodni nacin držanja ; farma B, n=16, simentalska pasmina, vezani nacin držanja ; farma C, n=19, HF pasmina, vezani nacin držanja), starosti između tri i sedam godina. Uzorci krvi i mlijeka za analizu uzeti su od svake krave u prvih 30 dana laktacije, između 30. i 60. dana, 60. i 90. dana i 90. i 120. dana laktacije. U prvih 30 dana laktacije utvrđena je znacajno niža (p<0, 05) koncentracija glukoze i albumina, manja aktivnost ALT i veca aktivnost AST u odnosu na ostala promatrana razdoblja. Koncentracija BHMK i uree u krvi i mlijeku nije se znacajno mijenjala tijekom razdoblja rane laktacije, dok je na njihovu koncentraciju kao i na koncentraciju UP u krvi znacajan utjecaj imala farma. Najniža proizvodnja mlijeka kao i znacajno niža koncentracija UP, uree i BHMK u krvi te uree i BHMK u mlijeku utvrđena je na farmi B u odnosu na ostale dvije farme (P<0, 05).

D. Karolyi, K. Salajpal, Željko Sinjeri, D. Kovačić, I. Juric, M. Đikić

U radu su istraživana svojstva kvalitete mesa (pH i boja m. longissimus dorsi), neki pokazatelji stresa u krvi (CK - kreatin kinaza, LDH - laktat dehidrogenaza, AST - aspartat aminotranferaza i glukoza) i namjensko iskoristenje trupa u proizvodnji Slavonskog kulena kod Crne slavonske (CS) i modernih križanaca svinja: domace bijele (DB) i domace bijele x durok (DBxD). CS svinje imale su najnižu (P<0, 05) CK i AST aktivnost u serumu sto ukazuje na slabiju stresnu osjetljivost. Vrijednosti misicnog pH bile su unutar granice normalne kakvoce mesa kod svih istraživanih genotipova. Starije CS i DBxD svinje imale poželjniju boju mesa za proizvodnju kulena. Namjensko iskoristenje (%) butova bilo je najniže kod CS svinja (29, 31 % od osnovnog dijela i 7, 04 % u odnosu na klaonicki obrađeni trup, P<0, 05). Skupina DBxD tovljenika imala je najvise namjensko iskoristenje leđa (34, 14 % i 4, 93 %, P<0, 05), a skupina DB najnižu iskoristivost vratnog dijela (22, 31 % i 1, 12 %, P<0, 05). Ukupna namjenska iskoristivost osnovnih dijelova trupa za preradu u kulen kod CS svinja bila je znacajno niža nego kod DBxD skupine (26, 75 % prema 32, 33 %, P<0, 05). Namjensko iskoristenje trupa za proizvodnju kulena bilo je vise u skupini DBxD tovljenika (19, 85 %, P< 0, 05) u odnosu na CS (16, 26 %) i HB (16, 28 %) tovljenike.

D. Karolyi, A. Džidić, K. Salajpal, M. Đikić, V. C. Čurik, I. Curik, I. Juric

Cilj rada bio je utvrditi varijabilnost pri mjerenju povrsine m.longissimus dorsi (MLD) standardnom metodom planimetriranja i primjenom racunalnog programa Image tool za analizu digitalne slike. Povrsina MLD-a mjerena je na sest leđnih isjecaka trupa goveda (7/9 rebro). Povrsina MLD-a opcrtana je na paus papir i izmjerena polarnim planimetrom. Slike za mjerenje povrsine misica primjenom racunalnog programa dobivene su skeniranjem leđnih isjecaka u mjerilu 1:1. Sva mjerenja povrsine MLD-a su obavljena u tri ponavljanja po svakom uzorku od strane sestoro razlicitih mjeraca. Komponente varijance procjenjene su REML metodom. Udio varijance greske u ukupnoj varijanci usljed ponavljanja mjerenja kod koristenja ¨Image tool¨ programa bio je mnogo manji (0.09 %) u odnosu na udio varijance greske kod standardne primjene planimetra (3.17 %). Primjena ¨Image tool¨ racunalnog programa imala je 35 puta vecu preciznosti mjerenja povrsine MLD-a u odnosu na standardnu metodu planimetriranja.

D. Karolyi, M. Đikić, K. Salajpal, V. C. Čurik, I. Juric

The objective of this investigation was to determine the carcass traits (weight and measurements, dressing percentage, cooling loss, shares of separated fat and dissected muscle, fat, bone and tendon tissues as well as shares of beef cuts of different retail categories) of young Simmental bulls (n=13) and heifers (n=13) classified according to EUROP system which were produced as Croatian baby beef destined for Italian market. The classification showed a favorable conformation of both, bulls and heifers with about one third carcasses graded as highest E class. The heifers’ fatness was less favorable and almost half of carcasses were classified as high fat class (4) and thus less valuable. The heifers over fatness was confirmed by significantly higher amount of trimmed carcass fat and higher share of fat tissue and lower share of muscle than bulls after carcass dissection. The carcasses of both sex classified as most valuable E class had the lowest proportion of muscle which imply a need for an additional improvement of conformation assessment practice. The differences between bulls and heifers in dressing percentage, carcass cooling loss, shares of Milanese cut, bone and tendon tissue as well as shares of cuts of different beef retail categories in the carcass were relatively small.

K. Salajpal, D. Grbeša, M. Kapš, G. Kiš, D. Karolyi

A 2X3 factorial experiment was conducted using a total of 504, 1 day old, Cob 500â commercial broilers to determine the effect of added copper (0 or 250 ppm) and full fat soybean meal level (10, 20 and 30 %) on the growth performance and carcass properties in broiler chickens. The chickens fed 250 ppm copper as copper sulfate had lower (P<0.05) average daily gain and lower finally average body weight then chickens fed no added copper diets. Also, added copper impaired (P<0.05) feed conversion ratio during 49-d experimental period. The chickens fed with 30% full fat soybean meal in diet had higher (P<0.01) average daily gain during day 7 to 49 and higher (P<0.01) average body weight at day 49 then those consuming other diets. The addition of 250 ppm of copper improved dressing percentage (P<0.01), increased (P<0.05) lightness of breast muscle and tended to reduce abdominal fat content (P<0.06). The results indicate that the addition of 250 ppm copper to broiler diets have adverse effect on growth performance, but improve dressing percentage and decrease abdominal fat content. Using a 30 % of full fat soybean meal in a broiler diet improves growth performance without negative effect on dressing percentage and abdominal fat content in 49 days fattening period.

M. Đikić, K. Salajpal, D. Karolyi, V. C. Čurik, D. Đikić, M. Mihelčič, V. Rupić, I. Juric

In Turopolje pig breed the carcass and tissues composition were established by analysing the share of muscle (M), fat (F) and bone (B) tissues in the carcass and the chemical content (water, W, protein, P, lipid, L, ash, A) in the back fat and m. Longissimus dorsi (MLD) as well as the some traits (diameter and proportions) of slow-twitch oxidative, (SO), fast-twitch glycolitic, (FG), fast oxidative, glycolitic, (FOG), fibre types in the last. Investigation was caried out on Turopolje breed hogs (n=10, age 679 ± 20 days and 100.3 kg ± 4.9 kg). Pigs were fattened in the outdoor system of flood forests and marsh meadows biocenosis (Quercus robur and Deschampsietum caespitosae) according to traditional Croatian technology of low input feed (0.5kg of corn seed/day/animal) in ecosystem. On the slaughter line the animals and carcasses were separetly weighted and cut according to Weniger (1963) method and by total dissection. The samples of muscle and fat tissues were taken from MLD and belonging back fat in height of the 13/14 inter rib space after chilling of 24 h and +4oC for chemical analysis (by Weende methods). For histochemical analysis (Salamon at al. 1981, Pearse, 1972) the sample of MLD from the same place were taken 5 min. after slaughter and frozen in liquid nitrogen until analysis. At Turopolje pig breed in the cold carcass (79, 7 kg) was estimated the share of tissues respectively: M, 40.5 % ; F, 33.8 % ; B, 9.7% and lard, 4.0% double chain, 3.2%. The chemical contents of MLD and back fat were respectively: W, 74.71% and 7.25 ; P 21.19% and 1.49 ; L, 1.46% and 91.76% and A, 1.o6 and 0.06. The size and proportions of fibre types in MLD were respectively: SO, 38.9 µm and 10.5% ; FG, 57.7 µm and 52.9% ; FOG, 53.5 µm and 36.7%.

Ž. Cvetnić, J. Margaletić, M. Đikić, M. Glavaš, D. Đikić, S. Špičić, I. Juric, K. Salajpal

A. Kostelić, Rebecca Dagny Stojčević, V. Rupić, D. Karolyi, K. Salajpal, Z. Barač, G. Kiš, R. Beck

Abstract The purpose of our research was to determine which groups and species of internal parasites endanger the health of sheep on the islands of Rab and Pag. The research was carried out in 10 flocks on both islands taking the fresh dung out of 30% of the total number of sheep in each flock. It was ascertained that the gastrointestinal parasites and protozoa of Eimeria genus are present in most flocks on both islands. The presence of the fluke Dicrocoelium dendriticum was ascertained in considerably larger number of flocks on the island of Rab than on the island of Pag. On the other hand, the presence of parasites of Moniezia and Nematodirus genus was ascertained in larger number of flocks on the island of Pag. In two flocks on Rab parasites of Protostrongylus genus were ascertained while on the island of Pag they were not found in any flock.

K. Salajpal, M. Dikić, D. Karolyi, Željko Sinjeri, B. Liker, A. Kostelić, I. Juric

Abstract Pigs of two crosses: A (♀ Duroc × ♂Swedish Landrace) × ♂Pietrain (n=24) and B (♀ Swedish Landrace × ♂Large White) × ♂Pietrain (n=26) were used to investigate the effects of different lairage time (2 and 24 hours) on levels of stress and meat quality traits. No direct effect of lairage time on cortisol, lactate, electrolytes and meat quality parameters was observed. However, after long lairage time, pigs showed lower level of glucose and higher CK, AST and ALT activity. Crossbred B pigs exposed to short lairage time, showed higher blood lactate, sodium, and potassium level, higher drip loss and lower pHi, whereas there were no significant differences between the crossbreeds in the long lairage group. The results indicate that long lairage time decreases blood glucose level and produces signs of muscle damage. In the short lairage period, the crossbreed B showed a higher response to pre-slaughter handling affecting the meat quality.

Z. Janječić, S. Mužić, K. Salajpal

Abstract The aim of this research was to establish the influence of different quantities of rapeseed meal (RM) and calcium in feed mix on productive performance of 360 chicks divided in 12 groups during the 42-day experiment. It was found that chicks in group C (0% of RM) and E3-5 (10% of RM) achieved significantly (P<0.05) higher body gains than those in groups E6-11 (20 and 30% of RM) at the end of the experiment. In the same time average body weights of groups Ec,3,6,9 (0.8% of calcium) were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those in groups E1,4,7,10 (1.0% of calcium) and groups E2,5,8,11 (1.2% of calcium). We can conclude that 10% of RM in broiler diet didn’t have a negative effect on the production results. More than 0.8% of Ca in the broiler diet caused lower live weight.

D. Karolyi, K. Salajpal, M. Dikić, I. Juric, A. Kostelić

Abstract Influence of raw ham weight, trimming form and pressing on seasoning weight loss of Istrian dry-cured hams were studied. Swine thighs were shaped traditionally with skin and subcutaneous fat removed. The pelvis bones were left in the ham (B hams) or experimentally deboned (boneless or BL hams). After trimming the raw hams were weighted and classified into the weight classes. The hams were pressed after dry salting with different loads. High seasoning weight loss (46.31 %) of Istrian hams was expected due to raw ham skinning. However, deboning had no influence on differences in seasoning weight loss. Significantly higher weight loss of light class hams suggest to use raw hams heavier than 10 kg and 9 kg after B and BL dressing, respectively. There was no significant press load effect on seasoning weight loss.

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