
Publikacije (111)

H. Arbanasić, A. Galov, K. Salajpal, I. Curik

Abstract Domestic equidae display polymorphism within ELA-DRA locus which is not characteristic for other species. We characterised sequence polymorphism present at ELA-DRA locus exon 2 and estimated allele frequencies in two autochthonous breeds, Posavina and Croatian Coldblood. In 88 horses, four different alleles were found, one of them not reported before in horses. The new allele shows non-synonymous mutation at position 65 (T→A) causing amino acid change (Phe→Tyr) in antigen binding site and synonymous mutation at position 105 (C→T). Our findings emphasize the importance of DRA polymorphism among equids and some specific DRA frequency pattern potentially specific in draught horses.

M. Đikić, A. Kostelić, D. Đikić, D. Karolyi, V. Rupić, K. Salajpal, T. Florijančić, R. Lužaić

U cilju postavljanja standarda za Turopoljsku pasminu svinja analizirane su vrijednosti pojedinih biokemijskih i hematoloskih parametara u krvi. Istraživanje je provedeno na 19 svinja, prosjecne težine 95, 5kg i starosti 568± ; 20 dana. Svinje su proizvedene (prasenje, othrana i tov) u otvorenom sustavu držanja po tradicionalnoj hrvatskoj tehnologiji niskog unosa hrane, 0, 5kg zrna kukuruza/grlu/dnevno uz iskoristavanje prirodnih izvora kao sto su žir, tlo i trava. U krvnom serumu utvrđena je koncentracija glukoze, uree, kreatinina, triglicerida i ukupnog kolesterola te aktivnost enzima (CK, GGT, LDH, AST, ALT i AP), a u uzorcima pune krvi broj eritrocita (RBC) i bijelih krvnih zrnaca (WBC) te koncentracija hemoglobina (Hb). Rezultati analize pokazuju da su izmjerene vrijednosti glukoze i uree u Turopoljske pasmine neznatno niže u odnosu na referentne vrijednosti iz literature, dok su vrijednosti ostalih promatranih parametara bile unutar ili su neznatno odstupale izvan granica fizioloskih vrijednosti iz literature. Stanovite razlike u vrijednostima pojedinih parametra mogu se pripisati genetskoj osnovi ali i nacinu držanja/hranidbe karakteristicne za Turopoljsku pasminu svinja.

D. Karolyi, M. Đikić, K. Salajpal, V. Cubric-Curik, I. Juric

The proportions of main cuts (tender loin, leg, back, shoulder, upper and lower sub-shoulder, ribs, breast, neck, belly, front and hind shank) and tissues (muscle, fat, bones and connective tissue) in the carcasses of young Simmental bulls (n = 13) and heifers (n = 13) were determined by carcass dissection and compared. Bulls had higher proportion of shoulder, neck and front shank while the share of back, ribs and breasts were higher in heifers. The share of carcass cuts of category II was higher in bulls. They also had higher proportion of muscle in most of the main cuts (leg, back, shoulder, upper and lower sub-shoulder, breast, neck and belly). In contrast, the proportion of fat tissue was generally higher in heifers’ cuts (leg, shoulder, upper and lower subshoulder, ribs, breast, neck and belly). Consequently, the proportion of muscle tissue was higher in all carcass cuts categories in bulls while share of fat tissue was higher in heifers. Proportions of bones and connective tissue in the main cuts and carcass cuts categories were similar between bulls and heifers. Overall, the average share of muscle, fat, bones and connective tissue in the carcass halves was 70.45, 7.46, 16.33 and 5.76% in bulls, and 67.09, 10.72, 16.25 and 5.94% in heifers, respectively.

K. Pintur, Nina Popović, A. Alegro, K. Salajpal, Z. Janicki, D. Mihelić

Istraživanje pokazatelja reproduktivne djelotvornosti zeceva u kaveznom uzgoju provedeno je tijekom cetiri uzgojne sezone od 2001. do 2004. godine, u dva uzgajalista. Ukupno je obuhvaceno 107 parova tijekom njihove prve reproduktivne sezone. Uzgajalista su se nalazila u dva klimatski razlicita podrucja: uzgajaliste Volavje (kontinentalna Hrvatska) te uzgajaliste Valtura-Vodnjan (Istra-mediteranska Hrvatska). Prosjecno je godisnje utvrđeno od 24.70 do 25.37 % neproduktivnih parova. Znacajno veci broj legala po paru utvrđen je u uzgajalistu Valtura-Vodnjan (5 legala prema 4.6 u uzgajalistu Volavje, P<0.05). Broj mladuncadi po paru godisnje iznosio je 11.27 (Volavje) i 11.34 (Valtura-Vodnjan). Prosjecna velicina legla kretala se od 2.41 (Volavje) do 2.59 mladuncadi (Valtura-Vodnjan). Godisnje je doba (mjesec) imalo znacajan utjecaj na velicinu legla u oba uzgajalista (P<0.01). Nije bilo znacajnije razlike u broju odbijene mladuncadi po leglu za oba za oba uzgajalista (1.61-1.68). Ukupni gubici mladuncadi su prosjecno iznosili 36.59-37.83 %, ovisno o lokalitetu. Najveca smrtnost mladuncadi zabilježena je do odbica.

K. Salajpal, D. Karolyi, M. Đikić, V. Kantura, G. Kiš, Željko Sinjeri

The beneficial effect of acorn on blood lipid level could be linked with presence of both high tannin content (70.10 g/kg DM) and high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids (more than 80%) such as linoleic (43.38%), oleic (30.52%) and alpha linolenic (4.58%) acid. In this study the influence of ad libitum acorn intake on blood lipid profile and longissimus muscle (MLD) composition of Black Slavonian pig were investigated and compared with the effects of commercial corn based diet. Acorn consumption in last three weeks of fattening period had a decreasing effect on triglyceride and total cholesterol concentration in blood without adverse effect on liver function. Compared with the intake of corn based diet, the intake of acorn resulted in 11% (0.22 mmol/l) lower total cholesterol (P 0.05) among finishing diets for any histochemical characteristics, except for diameter of intermediate fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) fiber types (58.10 µm and 51.67 µm in acorn and corn based fed pigs, respectively; P < 0.01). The trend toward lower proportion (10.80 vs. 12.36%) and smaller diameter (59.36 vs. 64.57%) of red slow-twitch oxidative (SO) fiber types (P < 0.08) was observed in acorn than in corn-based fed pigs.

M. ikić, K. Salajpal, D. Karolyi, D. Ikić, M. Mihelčič

Some carcass traits and muscle fiber characteristics of m. Longissimus dorsi (MLD) in pigs of Turopolje breed (T) and crossbreds TCSL were analyzed. The hogs T (n = 19, 568 ± 20 days) and TCSL (n = 10, 575 ± 27 days) were progenies of the same boar, T3HB, and sows of Turopolje breed and crossbred CSL (♂C Hypor line × ♀SL, Swedish Landrace). All pigs were reared and fattened in the outdoor system, according to traditional Croatian technology of low input. Live (LW) and carcass weight (CW) and some carcass traits and chemical composition of muscle and fat tissues were analyzed. In the carcass, the lean percentage (L%) was calculated on the basis of back fat thickness (BF) and MLD thickness, according to “two point” method (CRO, Regulation, NN 85/05). The samples of MLD from the left side at the 13/14 th rib level were taken after slaughtering (5 min.) and frozen in liquid nitrogen until histo-morphological analysis (diameter of slow twitch oxidative, SO; fast twitch glycolytic, FG; and fast twitch oxidative, FOG fiber types). After chilling carcass (24 h, at + 4 oC), the samples of MLD and the belonging back fat were taken from the same place for analysis of chemical composition (water W, protein P, lipid L, ash A). According to the estimated results the pigs of Turopolje breed and TCSL significantly differed as follows: LW (95.31 and 117.10 kg), CW (77.11 and 97.50 kg), BF (31.68 and 28.00 mm), MLD dept (50.16 and 60.10 mm), L (45.25 and 47.69%), SO (33.69 and 44.24 µm), and FG (38.48 and 47.60 µm). The chemical content of muscle and fat tissues was not significantly different between investigated pigs.

M. Đikić, D. Karolyi, D. Đikić, K. Salajpal, Danijela Višak, I. Juric

D. Karolyi, M. Dikić, K. Salajpal, V. C. Čurik, I. Juric

An analysis was made of baby beef [veal calves] destined for export to Italy. Data were obtained on 26 half-carcasses. Half-carcass weight averaged 129.2 kg, the percentage of rump was 30.5, the percentage of back and shoulders was 23.1, and the remainder accounted for 44.4%. In the rump, the percentage of meat, fat, bone and connective tissue was 76.1, 5.2, 13.3 and 5.4, respectively. Corresponding percentages for the loin were 68.5, 5.4, 20.4 and 5.8. A graph of carcass cuts and their nomenclature in Croatian was given.

M. Đikić, K. Salajpal, D. Đikić, Đurđica Tkalčević, D. Karolyi

Cilj je rada istražiti mase i preživljavanje prasadi Turopoljske pasmine i križanaca TCSL kroz sedmodnevana razdoblja od 1. do 42. dana života prema distribuciji porodnih masa. Prasad T i TCSL bili su potomci nerasta Tmb3 i krmaca T i križanki CSL (C m. rod. lin. Hypor x SL, krmace pasmine Svedski Landras), a proizvedeni su po tradicionalnoj hrvatskoj tehnologiji niskog inputa u otvorenom sustavu držanja, biocenoza sume hrasta lužnjaka i mocvarnih livada u podrucju Turopolja. Mase prasadi utvrđene su pojedinacnim vaganjem 1. ( porodna masa), 7., 14., 21., 28., 35. i 42. dan života. Rezultati i razlike analizirani su između T i TCSL skupina unutar pojedinih razreda distribucije porodnih masa i sedmodnevnih razdoblja ( t-test, SAS, 1999). Distribucijom porodnih masa utvrđeno je u skupinama T i TCSL 29.4 i 61.5% s manjom, 35.3 i 15.4% u granicama te 35.3 i 23.1% prasadi s vecom masom u odnosu na prosjecnu porodnu masu, 1.25kg, koja je standardna vrijrdnost za svojstvo porodne mase prasadi kod T pasmine. Mase prasadi TCSL u odnosu na T bile su znacajno razlicite (p<0.05) u razredima distribucije porodnih masa 1.2-1.3kg 14. i 21. dan života, a u razredu 1.3-1.4kg 14., 21., 28., 35., i 42. dan života. Prosjecne mase po sedmodnevnim razdobljima između skupina TCSL i T bile su razlicite samo 21. dan života. Preživljavanje prasadi T i TCSL od 1. do 42. dana života bilo je 73.5 i 84.6%.

D. Karolyi, Z. Luković, K. Salajpal

K. Salajpal, M. Đikić, D. Karoly, J. Šurina, M. Mataković, B. Liker

Melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) is a G-protein coupled receptor predominantly expressed in hypothalamic regions which are known for their roles in feeding behavior, energy homeostasis and HPA axis regulation. In this study, we analyzed the effect of a missense mutation (Asp298Asn) in the porcine MC4R gene on physiological stress response and carcass composition in pigs of two crosses: A (♀ Duroc x ♂ Swedish Landrace) x ♂ Pietrain (n=25) and B (♀ Swedish Landrace x ♂ Large White) x ♂ Pietrain (n=21). All pigs included in this study were heterozygous (Nn) for the stress syndrome gen. Blood samples were collected before loading and at exsanguinations to measure cortisol, lactate, glucose, serum enzymes activity and some haematological parameters. Because only one pig with AA genotype was observed, there was no indicated effect of this genotype on investigated parameters. The heterozygous (AG) pigs showed a lower increase (P<0.05) in CK and AST activity after exsanguinations as well as trend towards lower increase (P<0.10) in cortisol and lactate levels and higher increase (P<0.10) in RBC and haemoglobin content. Higher increase (P<0.05) in LDH activity was observed in GG homozygous pigs from group B, but not in pigs from group A. In addition, the heterozygous (AG) pigs had a higher backfat thickness and lower estimated lean (P<0.05) than homozygous (GG) pigs. These results may support a possible role of the MC4R Asp298Asn polymorphism in the genetic basis of stress response and economically important traits in pigs.

M. Đikić, K. Salajpal, D. Karolyi, D. Đikić, Marija Pavić, I. Juric

Since 1996, Turopolje pig breed autochtonous Croatian breed was in the state of renewal and protection. The size of breeding population was 137 sows and 13 boars in year 2006. The aim of this study was to present some bones traits of femur and humerus in pigs /hogs Of Turopolje Breed ( T, n=19, live w. 100.3 kg) in comparison to selected hogs Swedish Landrace and Hypor (SL and HY, n= 62 and 53, live w. 103.3 and 104.0 kg). The hogs of T breed were produced by traditional Croatian technologies of low input ( feed) in outdoor system, while selected hogs were produced by conventional technologies of fettening in large farm. Characteristics of femur and humerus at hogs T were as follows: weights 271.4 and 256.6 length 202.0 and 194.9 mm, diameters of epiphysis proximalis 58.3 and 67.9 mm and epiphysis distalis 49.0 and 42.0 mm, the min. and max. diameters of doaphysis 19.0 and 18.9 mm and 23.0 and 25.8 mm and circumference of diaphysis 78.1 and 77.0 mm. Significantly higher values for all traits of femur and humerus except for lenght and circumference of diaphsis were found in hogs SL and Hy. The results should be contribution in explanation of carcass composition and distribution of tissues in the carcass of turopolje pig breed.

M. Đikić, D. Karolyi, D. Đikić, K. Salajpal, Danijela Višak, I. Juric

Turopoljska pasmina svinja je u statusu obnove i zastite od 1996 godine. U 2006 godini velicina uzgojne populacije od 137 krmaca i 13 nerqstova ukazuje da je pasmina u statusu kriticne ugroženosti (standardi FAO). Cilj rada bio je istražiti mase i preživljavanje prasadi kroz sedmodnevna razdoblja 1., 7., 14., 21., 28., 35., i 42. dana života. Dobiveni rezultati analizirani prema distribuciji porodnih masa pokazuju da je 29, 4% s manjom, 35.3 u granicama, a 35.3% iznad prosjecne vrijednosti od 1, 25kg koja je standardna vrijednost za svojstvo porodne mase prasadi kod Turopoljske pasmine svinja. Porodna masa prasadi ima utjecaj na promjene mase u razdoblji od 1. do 42. dana života, a posebno do 21 dan života. Preživljavanje prasadi od 1. do 42 . dana života bilo je 73.3%.

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