
Publikacije (28)

M. Marković, I. Komljenović, V. Kovačević, J. Todorovic, Ž. Jovanović, I. Djalović

I. Komljenović, M. Marković, Goran Djurasinović, V. Kovačević

Received 21 February 2013 Revised form 25 February 2013 Accepted 27 February 2013 Available online 25 March 2013 The field experiment of liming (0 and 10 t ha-1 of powdered hydrated lime) and phosphorus fertilization (monoammonium phosphate or MAP: 12% N + 52% P2O5) were conducted on Mahovljani acid soil in November 2008. The rates of P on basic fertilization were as follows: 0, 500, 1000 and 1500 kg P2O5 ha-1. Basic plots of liming and P fertilization were 640 m2 and 40 m2, respectively. The average yield of maize grain was 8.03 t ha-1. The yield of maize was increased by liming 32% (3-year averages: 6.90 and 9.12 t ha-1, for the control and liming, respectively) with differences of liming effects among the years by 18% to 47%. The differences of yields were nonn-significant among three rates of P applications, while increases of yields were 5% (2009), 6 % (2010) and 18% (2011) respectively by comparing these treatments with the control. Protein and oil contents were independent on liming and P fertilization in maize grain, while effects of these treatments on starch contents found only in 2009 growing season: as affected by liming starch contents were increased by 1.3%, while P fertilization resulted by decreases of starch contents by 0.9%. 2013 KnowledgesPublisher Ltd. All rights reserved.

V. Kovačević, I. Komljenović, M. Marković

The field experiment was conducted on calcaric soil of Knespolje area (Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina). By preliminary soil test (autumn 2003) were found values as follows: pH in KCl = 6.84 ; humus = 4.24 % ; NH4-Acetate + EDTA (pH 4.65) extractable P and Ca = 10 and 22559 mg kg-1. Four rates of P fertilization were applied (May 7, 2004) as follows: a) ordinary fertilization (kg ha-1: 200 N + 80 P2O5 + 120 K2O) ; b) a + 500 kg P2O5 ; c) a + 1000 kg P2O5 ; and d) a + 1500 kg P2O5. The triplephoshate enriched with sulphur and zinc (45% P2O5 + 1, 2% S + 0, 06% Zn) was used for increased P fertilization. Maize hybrids Bc5984 and OsSK494 (2004 and 2005, respectively) were grown on the experimental plot. In the next year, residual effects of P fertilization were tested and the experiment fertilized uniformly (kg ha-1: 200 N + 80 P2O5 + 120 K2O). The ear-leaf of maize was taken at beginning of silking (25 leaves in the mean sample: total 16 samples). The total amount of the elements in the leaf samples was measured by the ICP-AES technique after their microwave digestion using concentrated HNO3+H2O2. Applied fertilization resulted by increases of grain yield up to up to 32% and 17% compared to the control, for 2004 and 2005, respectively. In our study, P fertilization significantly influenced on decreases of the leaf, Zn by 48% (45.2 and 23.7 Zn mg/kg, respectively), but only in the first year of testing. In the next year, residual influences of ameliorative P fertilization on Zn status in corn leaves were not found. However, Zn status in corn grain were independent on P fertilization for 2004, but in the next year Zn contents for ameliorative P treatments were reduced for near 40% (31.3 and 17.4 Zn mg/kg). compared to the control.

M. Biberdžić, I. Đalović, A. Paunović, I. Komljenović

Triticale is a first man made crop was designed in order to obtain a cereal, which combines good quality grain yield from wheat parent with tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses (Giunta et al., 1999; Milovanovic et al., 2001; Ortiz–Monasterio et al., 2002). Triticale has potential of both parental species, strains and cultivars were found tolerant to drought (Jessop, 1996), soil acidity and aluminium toxicity. (Aniol, 2002; Baier et al., 1998; Milovanovic et al., 2001). In Serbia triticale covers about 35000 ha year for the period 2000–2004 (Statistical Year Book). Milovanovic et al. (1994) found that grain yield and certain quality parameters in winter hexaploid triticale were more dependent on season conditions in comparasion with wheat. High protein contents are characteristics for triticale. (Koc and Szymczyk, 1997; Milovanovic et al., 2001; Gastal and Lemaire, 2002; Gulmezoglu et al., 2006). Lorenz (1974) and Giza (1991) cited that triticale grains contained higher amount of P, Mg, Mn, Fe and Cu that wheat. The objective of this study was to find out the effects of different nitrogen rates to the protein yield of different triticale genotypes and the contents and uptakes of N, P, K and Ca.

I. Komljenović, M. Marković, J. Todorovic, M. Cvijović

The field experiment with four rates of phosphorus (P) fertilization was conducted in spring of 2004 with treatments as follows: a) ordinary fertilization (kg/ha: 200 N + 80 P 2 O 5 + 120 K 2 O); b) a + 500 kg P 2 O 5 ; c) a + 1000 kg P 2 O 5 ; and d) a + 1500 kg P 2 O 5 . The triplephoshate enriched with sulphur and zinc (45% P 2 O 5 + 1,2% S + 0,06% Zn) was used as a source of P. Maize (Bc5984 and OsSK494 hybrids, for the growing season 2004 and 2005, respectively) was grown on the experimental plot. P fertilization significantly influenced on decreases of the leaf Mg by 38%, Mn by 30%, Zn by 48% and Mo by 53% compared to the control (mg kg −1 on the control: 1526 Mg, 44.3 Mn, 45.2 Zn, 2.62 Mo) and increases of the leaf Sr by 31% and Cd by 84% (mg kg −1 on the control: 62.3 Sr and 0.25 Cd), while differences of the remaining measurable elements (P, K, S, Fe, Cu, Ni, Cr, B, Ba, Na, and Al) were nonsignificant. Also, the leaf As, Hg and Se concentrations were under detectable levels of the method. In gene...

Ž. Jovanović, I. Djalović, I. Komljenović, V. Kovačević, M. Cvijović

The field experiment with fertilizer „Njival Ca“ (waste of the Serbian glas factory in Paracin: calcite 98.5% CaCO 3 , granulation <0.1 mm) was conducted in spring 1998 on the Kragujevac vertisol with the treatments as follows (t ha −1 on CaCO 3 basis): 0 (the control), 0.8 and 1.6 (every year), 4.0 and 8.0 (at start of the experiment). The trial was conducted in five replicates and in triplicate for wheat-maize-soybean roration. In general, limiting considerably influenced on yields of the field crops and single application of the high rates are better choice in comparison with repeated use of the low rates. For example, by yield increases in comparison with the control were as follows (comparison single application of 8 t ha −1 and repeated applications of 1.6 t ha −1 ): 29% and 9% (maize), 7% and 3% (wheat), 24% and 9% (soybean), respectively.

I. Komljenović, M. Marković, J. Todorovic, V. Kovačević

The field experiment with four rates of phosphorus (P) fertilization was conducted in spring of 2004 with treatments as follows: a) ordinary fertilization (kg/ha: 200 N + 80 P_2O_5 + 120 K_2O) ; b) a + 500 kg P_2O_5 ; c) a + 1000 kg P_2O_5 ; and d) a + 1500 kg P_2_O5. The triplephoshate enriched with sulphur and zinc (45% P_2O_5 + 1, 2% S + 0, 06% Zn) was used as a source of P. Maize (Bc5984 and OsSK494 hybrids, for the growing season 2004 and 2005, respectively) was grown on the experimental plot. For the 2005 growing season, only ordinary fertilization was applied. As affected by applied fertilization maize grain yields increased up to 32% and 17% compared to the control, for 2004 and 2005, respectively. Both tested growing seasons were favorable for maize growing. Excess of precipitation was main characteristics of weather conditions during the 2005 growing season. Maize maturity under these conditions was delayed about twenty days in comparison to the normal year.

M. Marković, I. Komljenović, Z. Delalić, V. Kovačević

Growth retardation at early growth stage and chlorosis typical for P deficiency has been found in maize plants grown on some soils in the northern Bosnia. As chlorotic and normal plants grown on same plots, comparative analyses of chemical composition of aerial part of maize were made. In these preliminary investigations dry matter yield and P concentration of chlorotic plants were very significantly lower, while the Al and Fe concentration were higher as compared to non-chlorotic plants. Mainly low status of mobile P was found by soil testing. As affected by liming of Brcko state farm soil, yield of wheat was significantly increased 0.3 t/ha or 5% only, while yield of maize was similar to the control, although of improved P status in plants (ear-leaf of maize and flag-leaf of wheat). Low or absence effects of liming in USA were found mainly when low pH is not accompanied with high levels of mobile Al and Fe in soil. Under influences of P fertilization in Knespolje area, maize yields were increased up to 32% and 17% compared to the control, for 2004 and 2005, respectively. Also, there were tendency for increases protein and oil contents.

M. Tolimir, M. Veskovic, I. Komljenović, I. Djalović, B. Stipešević

The field experiment was conducted after wheat harvesting (July 1997) on Zemun Polje chernozem. Maize was grown under dry farming system (without irrigation) for three growing seasons (the factor A: 1998, 1999 and 2000). Soil tillage systems (the factor B) included three treatments as follows: B1) zero tillage (direct sowing in non-cultivated soil), B2) minimum tillage (tillage with a soil miller only and sowing) and B3) conventional tillage (stubble field shallow ploughing, ploughing in autumn, presowing soil preparing and sowing). In each soil tillage treatment three levels of fertilization were used as follows: Cl) unfertilized (control), C2) the first level of fertilization (kg ha−1: 150 N + 105 P2O5 + 75 K2O) and C3) the second level of fertilization (kg ha−1: 300 N + 211 P2O5 + 150 K2O). The field experiment was conducted in four replicates. Area of base plot was 25 m2. Under drought stress of the 2000 growing season it was only 6.08 t ha−1 or 35% lower compared to 1999. The conventional tillage (yield 9.86 t ha−1) resulted by 24% and 84% yield increases compared to reduced tillage and zero-tillage, respectively. Using the second rate of fertilizer (yield 8.86 t ha−1) increased yields by 17% and 32% compared to the first rate and non-fertilized treatments, respectively. Weeds infestations (weeds m−2) under conventional tillage was considerably lower (7) compared to reduced (39) and zero-tillage (46).

I. Komljenović, J. Todorovic, M. Marković, V. Kovačević

Poljski ogledi koji su ukljucivali cetiri nivao đubrenja fosforom postavljeni su na dvije lokacije, Brekinja kod Kozarske Dubice i Romanovcima kod Gradiske. Tretmani đubrenja fosforom bili su sljedeci: a)standardno đubrenje (kg/ha: 200 N + 80 P2O5 + 120 K2O) ; b) a + 500 kg P2O5, c) a + 1000 kg P2O5, d) a + 1500 kg P2O5. Kukuruz je posijan 5. maja (Romanovci) odnosno 8. maja (Brekinja) 2004. Usljed fosfornog đubrenja je prinos kukuruza u Brekinji povecan do 32% u odnosu na kontrolu. Međutim u Romanovcima je prinos smanjen. Objasnjenje bi moglo biti u cinjenici da je oglednu parcelu zahvatio 29. jula grad (ledotuca). Kukuruz đubren fosforom bio je napredniji u razvoju (pred metlicenje) i pretrpio je vece stete od manje razvijenog kukuruza na kontroli.

I. Komljenović, M. Marković, V. Kovačević, M. Veskovic, H. Čustović

The field experiment with four rates of phosphorus (P) fertilization was conducted in spring of 2004 with treatments as follows: a) ordinary fertilization (kg/ha: 200 N + 80 P2O5 + 120 K2O) ; b) a + 500 kg P2O5 ; c) a + 1000 kg P2O5 ; and d) a + 1500 kg P2O5. The triplephoshate enriched with sulphur and zinc (45% P2O5 + 1, 2% S + 0, 06% Zn) was used as a source of P. Maize (hybrid Bc5984) was sown in term May 8, 2004. Theoretical plant density was 63493 plants/ha. As affected by applied fertilization maize grain yields increased up to 32% compared to the control. Differences of yields between the control and three rates of P were very significant. We presume that response of crops to P fertilization will be continued because applied rates are up to 10 times higher in comparison with annual needs of the field crops.

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