
Publikacije (36)

A. Lojo, B. Balic, M. Bajrić, D. Alojz, M. Hočevar

The first state forest inventory (SFI) in Bosnia and Herzegovina was implemented 40 years ago in the period from 1964 through to 1968. The second state forest inventory was started in 2006, with the plan to be completed by the end of 2009. The forest district area “Unska”, on the north-west of Bosnia and Herzegovina was recorded in 2006, in the first phase of SFI. The short explanation of the inventories’ concepts and the data about the main taxation elements for the “Unska” district, for main categories of the forest and forest land area, the growing stock and the volume increment from the two state inventories was compared and presented in this paper. The differences in these figures are significant. Considerable changes occurred over the 40-year period in the entire forest area and in the structure of the main forest categories. The area of the forest was increased for 35%, and for more than 60 000 ha. The growing stock had also increased from 125.8 m/ha to 248.1 m/ha and more than 40 350 000 m of wood in total. The data about the forest areas was assessed trough three different independent methods in the second SFI: firstly, by using the interpretation of the satellite images, followed by field inventory based on the plot numbers, and using the existing forest documentation from the local forest management plans in this area. The differences between the assessed forest areas in three different ways did not prove significant. We can, however, conclude that this important problem was solved in a proper manner with the field inventory in the forest district 1, and will hence be solved in the entire area of BiH in the same manner.

UDK 630*54:582.632.2(497.6 Sarajevo) U radu je predstavljen metodski pristup utvrđivanja bonitetne dispozicije staništa izdanačkih šuma bukve na području Kantona Sarajevo. Kao primarna naučna građa poslužili su podaci premjera izdanačkih šuma bukve na ovom području koji su obavljeni u toku 2005 i 2006 godine. Za izravnanje visina testiran je veći broj funkcija koje najbolje simuliraju razvojne tendencije sastojina. Izračunate srednje vrijednosti visina po debljinskim stepenima izravnate su primjenom Chapman- Richardove funkcije koja u odnosu na ostale testirane funkcije daje najprihvatljivije izravnanje i najbolje statističke parametre. Istom funkcijom izravnata je gornja i donja granica variranja visina ( H ± t × Sh ).Na taj način je utvrđen pojas ukupnog variranja visina koji je podijeljen na pet jednakih dijelova koji predstavljaju relativne bonitetne klase. Tako je za svaku sredinu bonitetne klase utvrđen matematički model za procjenu boniteta staništa. Nakon toga, utvrđen je matematički model za izračunavanje parcijalnih relativnih boniteta za svaki par izmjerenih ili izračunatih podataka (D1,3 i H ili Ds i Hs).

In this paper we presented the methodology approach in establishing the height curves for quality classification of the site conditions for beech coppice forests growth in the Sarajevo Canton. Data from the inventory in 2005 and 2006 for this area was used as the basic research material. During the work, many functions, known as “growth functions” were tested. The medium value of the tree height per diameter classes was equalized with Chapman-Richard’s function, which was the best result regarding statistical parameters in comparison with other tested functions. The upper and the lower border of height variation was equalized with this function ( h S t H ⋅ ± ) and the established belt of the total height variation. This belt was spitted in five equal sub belts, which represented relative qualitative classes. In this way we established the mathematical model for quality determination. Each sub belt was mathematically determined as well. Consequently, the mathematical model for calculation (determination) of single tree relative qualitative class was established based on the measured data: the diameter and the height of the tree, (D1,3 and H or Ds and Hs).

Possibilities of the GIS tools implementation in testing of the most appropriate shape and optimal number of the exemplary surfaces as the sample units for the assessment of the forest land areas in forest inventories in large areas are presented in this paper. * Rad prezentiran na III simpoziju poljoprivrede, veterinarstva, šumarstva i biotehnologije sa međunarodnim učešćem Strategija razvoja domaće proizvodnje, 28 – 30 septembar/rujan 2005. Sanski Most 1 Šumarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu – Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo Ahmet Lojo & Besim Balić During the testing, different shapes of the clusters were considered. Exemplary areas in clusters are formed in digital form and systematically distributed in different square grids, keeping the same covered area – the same rate of the selection in the overall sample. For testing , real data on forest areas – vector maps, was used as the sample, this cover about one tenth of the total area of Bosnia and Herzegovina, or the forest area and forest land. All maps were aggregated in one layer, which in turn produced a single map of all cultures. Using the method of overlapping of layers and at the same time overlapping of their data bases, one can easily get to the result which is similar to that from the forest inventory. Subsequent to further statistical analysis of the resulting bases, it is possible to get the answer which one of the sample models is the most representational and which one presents the closest data to the areas in relation with the real ones. This paper, in essence, does not provide final answers, but only gives the guidelines for the method by which it is possible to reach these answers. This method was used in the process of methodology development for the second state forest inventory in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ćemal Višnjić, Faruk Mekić, B. Balic

UDK 630*233 Eksperimentalno ispitivanje mogućnosti primjene mikorize i sintetskog hidrogela za povećanje otpornosti sadnica zaljeva na ekstremnom mjestu bez vode u ljetnim mjesecima, bio je cilj ovog rada. Mikorizne gljive Paxillus sp. soj korišteni su za povećanje aktivne upijajuće površine korijena presadnica, a sintetički hidrogel „Stockosorb“ za povećanje vododrživosti tla u zoni korijena biljke.Eksperimentalna istraživanja uključuju ispitivanje otpornosti klica (Picea abies L.) na fizički stres od suše. Sadnice su posađene u posude zapremine 2000 cm3, uz različite tretmane (kontrola, štokosorb, mikoriza, stokosorb + mikoriza). Fiziološko stanje presadnica ocjenjivano je mjerenjem potencijala zadržavanja vode i procjenom vitalnosti na ljestvici od 4 stupnja.Rezultati su pokazali da su sadnice s mikorizom i stokosorbom, kao i one s mikorizom, pokazale samo najbolje fiziološko stanje na kraju ispitivanja. Pokus je proveden u stakleniku Instituta za uzgoj šuma Sveučilišta u Göttingenu.

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