Apoptosis, as a well-studied process of a programmed cell death, is essential for the maintenance of cell homeostasis and integrity of organisms. This process occurs normally during development and aging and it is a balance of the sustainability of the tissue cell population. In addition, apoptosis also occurs as a defensive mechanism such as an immune response or after cell damage as a consequence of a pathological condition or the action of harmful agents. Apoptotic activation tends to be less responsive with aging, causing accumulation of non-functional cells and pathological changes such are degenerative diseases or tumor transformation. This overview aims to provide summarized facts about different approaches of apoptosis research, targeting and regulation in tumors especially in leukemic cells as a way of pharmacological manipulation with a potential therapeutic benefit.
Apart from its physiological role in the cellular oxidation of ethanol interesting feature of the ADH1B gene locus is its characteristic geographical distribution in which certain variants of ADH1B peak in different parts of the world. Therefore, ADH1B rs2066701 polymorphism is exploited as a genetic marker in tracing of the evolutionary processes and human migrations in the past. Taking into consideration the complexity of population genetic structure and several migrations in the history of the Balkan populations, including Bosnian and Herzegovinian, this study aimed to estimate the frequency of ADH1B rs2066701 polymorphism in the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The total of 101 randomly sampled individuals was genotyped for rs2066701 polymorphism in ADH1B gene using PCR-RFLP method. The obtained frequencies were used to calculate heterozygosity, fixation indices and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Observed population-structure parameters were compared with other population values available in ALFRED database. Dimensional relations between the investigated populations were visualised with the NM-MDS (non metric multidimensional scaling) analysis using PAST. The minor allele frequency for rs2066701 was 0,257. Inter-population analysis including other European and non-European populations from the ALFRED database proved the above-mentioned European genetic background of the B&H population.
MODY (maturity-onset diabetes of the young) is an autosomal dominant form of diabetes that is usually manifested before the 25-year of life. This type of diabetes is caused by defects in the primary insulin secretion. There are several types of MODY, which are monogenic diseases, where mutations in a single gene are responsible for a particular type of MODY. Currently, there are eleven types of MODY, from which the most common types are MODY 2 and MODY 3 (with mutations on GCK and HNF1A genes, respectively). We identified very rare MODY 7 type of diabetes in three family members by MLPA analysis.
Abstract Plant bioflavonoids are widely present in the human diet and have various protective properties. In this study, we have demonstrated the capacity of delphinidin and luteolin to increase human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) expression level and act as protective agents against halogenated boroxine-induced genotoxic damage. Halogenated boroxine K2(B3O3F4OH) (HB), is a novel compound with potential for the treatment of both benign and malignant skin changes. In vivo and in vitro studies have confirmed the inhibitory effects of HB on carcinoma cell proliferation and cell cycle progression as well as enzyme inhibition. However, minor genotoxic effects of HB are registered in higher applied concentrations, but those can be suppressed by in vitro addition of delphinidin and luteolin in appropriate concentrations. Fresh peripheral blood samples were cultivated for 72 h followed by independent and concomitant treatments of HB with luteolin or delphinidin. We analyzed the differences in relative hTERT expression between series of treatments compared with controls, which were based on normalized ratios with housekeeping genes. The obtained results have shown that selected bioflavonoids induce upregulation of hTERT that may contribute to the repair of genotoxic damage in vitro.
Incidence of breast cancer ranges from 27 per 100,000 in Middle Africa and Eastern Asia to 92 per 100,000 in Northern America. It is the fifth most common cause of death from cancer in women, with an estimated 522,000 deaths per year (6.4% of the total). Autosomal dominant inheritance of these cancers is characterized by transmission of cancer predisposition from generation to generation, with around 5-10% of all breast cancers being associated with inherited mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2 and other genes. Breast and ovarian cancers are strongly associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. In this study, we genotyped BRCA1 gene for large genomic rearrangements in breast and ovarian cancer patients from Bosnia and Herzegovina, with aim to assess frequency of large BRCA1 mutations (exon deletions/duplications) in this group. We collected 59 breast cancer samples, as well as other data concerning patients’ histopathological parameters of tumor, like age at diagnosis, cancer type, TNM class, cancer grade, as well as estrogen, progesterone and Her2/neu expression. Following DNA extraction from breast cancer samples (tissue after biopsy), BRCA1 mutations were identified by Multiplex Ligase - Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) analysis. Biostatistical analyses were conducted using MedCalc v. software. In all statistical tests p<0.05 was considered significant. Mean age at diagnosis was 54±1.75 (range 17 – 80). BRCA1 genomic rearrangements were found in 22% of breast and ovarian cancer patients. Statistically significant associations and correlations were found between BRCA1 genomic rearrangements and cancer type, estrogen, progesterone and Her2/neu expression, but not cancer grade, size, invasiveness or patients’ age
Genetics, as a science of the future, is very important part of Biology teaching. Within educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina it is studied in limited number of clasess with a minimum of practical excercises, in both elementary and secondary schools. Limited understanding of scientific facts result in prejudices or uninformed attitudes towards novel biotechnologies that are largely based on non-reviewed and non-scientific information often incorrectly or inadequately presented in mass-media. Purpose of this research was to estimate the level of knowledge about selected topics in genetics among high school students in three Mostar high school institutions and differences in the level of knowledge between students from different high school programs – grammar school and vocational medical school. The research was conducted in 2017 among students of fourth grade of three high school institutions: ''Grammar School Mostar'', ''Medical high school Mostar'' and Medical high school ''Sestre milosrdnice''. Notable differences in knowledge level between two vocational programs are observed as well as variance in learning outcomes of the same program presented in two formal languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Conventional screening and diagnostic procedures in prostate complaints rely on PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) concentration which is not specific for prostate cancer and frequently leads to unnecessary invasive procedures in order to exclude malignant disease. It is estimated that approximately 50% of persons who underwent tissue biopsy did so based on false positive PSA value. Therefore a proper and timely differential diagnosis of malignant disease using non-invasive techniques remains one of the biggest challenges in medicine. Urine is the invaluable source of biological information contained in small molecules i.e. RNA that is easily accessible and detectable using molecular genetics techniques. We describe economical and fast method for relative expression analysis applicable to any target gene using urine as a sample. Efficient non-invasive method for identification of malignant or high risk cases prove useful in reduction of patient distress during the diagnostic procedure and significantly reduce healthcare costs.
Cervical cancer represents a serious health problem affecting women worldwide especially in developing countries due to low socioeconomic status, inadequate health-care infrastructure, weaknesses in education on this particular issue and lack of effective screening programmes. The primary aim of this study was to assess alternative screening method for the improvement of cervical cancer prevention in conditions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), which could be applicable in other developing countries as well. The study was conducted on 101 subjects who provided their self-sampled vaginal swabs and/or cervical specimens collected by their gynecologists. Universal Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) primer set optimized to detect a wide range of HPV types was used for HPV genotyping from obtained swab samples in multiplex PCR. Amplicons were analyzed in agarose gel and Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer – a platform based on microfluid technology. Inter-rater agreement kappa (MedCalc2) was used to assess concordance between results of cervical and vaginal sample analysis. Out of 39 subjects who provided their vaginal and cervical samples, results of HPV detection mismatched in 10% of the cases. Inter-rater agreement showed good strength of coincidence between the results of cervical and vaginal sample analysis (kappa=0,748, CI=95 %). We presented an alternative PCR method for the detection of HPV based on vaginal self sampling which is affordable, informative, simple and applicable with high coverage level of defined targeted population and potentially significant in the given cultural and socioeconomic context.
Apart from its physiological role in the cellular oxidation of ethanol an interesting feature of ADH1B gene is its characteristic geographical distribution where certain variants of ADH1B peak in different parts of the world. Therefore, ADH1B rs2066701 polymorphism is used as a genetic marker in tracing the evolutionary processes and human migrations over time. Taking into consideration the complexity of population genetic structure and a number of migration events in the history of the Balkan populations this study aimed to estimate the frequency of ADH1B rs2066701 polymorphism in the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The total of 101 randomly sampled individuals were genotyped for rs2066701 polymorphism in ADH1B gene using PCR-RFLP method. The obtained frequencies were used to calculate heterozygosity, fixation indices and HardyWeinberg equilibrium. The observed population-structure parameters were compared with other population values available in ALFRED database. Dimensional relations between the investigated populations were visualised with the NM-MDS (non metric multidimensional scaling) analysis using PAST. The minor allele frequency for rs2066701 was 0,257. Inter-population analysis including other European and non-European populations from ALFRED database proved the above-mentioned European genetic background of the B&H population.
Incidence of breast cancer ranges from 27 per 100,000 in Middle Africa and Eastern Asia to 92 per 100,000 in Northern America. It is the fifth most common cause of death from cancer in women, with an estimated 522,000 deaths per year (6.4% of the total). Autosomal dominant inheritance of these cancers is characterized by transmission of cancer predisposition from generation to generation, with around 5-10% of all breast cancers being associated with inherited mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2 and other genes. Breast and ovarian cancers are strongly associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. In this study, we genotyped BRCA1 gene for large genomic rearrangements in breast and ovarian cancer patients from Bosnia and Herzegovina, with aim to assess frequency of large BRCA1 mutations (exon deletions/duplications) in this group. We collected 59 breast cancer samples, as well as other data concerning patients’ histopathological parameters of tumor, like age at diagnosis, cancer type, TNM class, cancer grade, as well as estrogen, progesterone and Her2/neu expression. Following DNA extraction from breast cancer samples (tissue after biopsy), BRCA1 mutations were identified by Multiplex Ligase Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) analysis. Biostatistical analyses were conducted using MedCalc v. software. In all statistical tests p<0.05 was considered significant. Mean age at diagnosis was 54±1.75 (range 17 – 80). BRCA1 genomic rearrangements were found in 22% of breast and ovarian cancer patients. Statistically significant associations and correlations were found between BRCA1 genomic rearrangements and cancer type, estrogen, progesterone and Her2/neu expression, but not cancer grade, size, invasiveness or patients’ age. *Correspondence E-mail: naiad.lojo@ingeb.unsa.b a
This study presents genetic data for nine Native American populations from northern North America. Analyses of genetic variation focus on the Pacific Northwest (PNW). Using mitochondrial, Y chromosomal, and autosomal DNA variants, we aimed to more closely address the relationships of geography and language with present genetic diversity among the regional PNW Native American populations. Patterns of genetic diversity exhibited by the three genetic systems were consistent with our hypotheses: genetic variation was more strongly explained by geographic proximity than by linguistic structure. Our findings were corroborated through a variety on analytic approaches, with the unrooted trees for the three genetic systems consistently separating inland from coastal PNW populations. Furthermore, analyses of molecular variance support the trends exhibited by the unrooted trees, with geographic partitioning of PNW populations (FCT = 19.43%, p = 0.010 ± 0.009) accounting for over twice as much of the observed genetic variation as linguistic partitioning of the same populations (FCT = 9.15%, p = 0.193 ± 0.013). These findings demonstrate a consensus with previous PNW population studies examining the relationships of genome-wide variation, mitochondrial haplogroup frequencies, and skeletal morphology with geography and language.
Abstract Recently it was found that dipotassium-trioxohydroxytetrafluorotriborate, K2(B3O3F4OH), is a potent and highly specific inhibitor of precancerous cell processes. We conducted gene expression profiling of human melanoma cells before and after treatment with two concentrations (0.1 and 1 mM) of this boron inorganic derivative in order to assess its effects on deregulation of genes associated with tumor pathways. Parallel trypan blue exclusion assay was performed to assess the cytotoxicity effects of this chemical. Treatment with K2(B3O3F4OH) induced a significant decrease of cell viability in melanoma cellline at both tested concentrations. Furthermore, these treatments caused deregulation of more than 30 genes known as common anti-tumor drug targets. IGF-1 and hTERT were found to be significantly downregulated and this result may imply potential use of K2(B3O3F4OH) as an inhibitor or human telomerase and insulin-like growth factor 1, both of which are associated with various tumor pathways.
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