
Publikacije (17)

Adis Tabaković, Muhamed Tabaković, Almir Atiković

Abstract The aim of the research was to examine the effects of isokinetic training on knee stabilizer strength, and whether this increases the efficiency of performing basic gymnastics vaults. A total of 60 respondents, students of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education (average age 19.7±1.5 years, weight 75.3±2.9 kg, height 179.8±6.7 cm) were included. The subjects were divided into two groups, experimental (EG) (n=30) and control (CG) (n=30). As part of the 12-week program, the experimental group (EG) in addition to exercises within the regular classes at the university had an additional concentric isokinetic training 3 times a week on the Biodex System 3 dynamometer, while the control group (CG) only had exercises within the regular classes at the university. The results showed statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between (EG) and (CG), both, in increasing the strength of the knee stabilizers and in the performance of gymnastics vaults, and the strength of the knee extensors and flexors in favor of (EG). It can be concluded that the additional isokinetic training resulted in a greater increase in strength, but also a better performance of gymnastics vaults.

Almir Atiković, Edina Kamenjašević, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, E. Užičanin, Muhamed Tabaković, Mijo Čurić

Abstract Background: In the present study, the main goal was to establish whether the disciplines are equal and should the Code of Points (COP) women's artistic gymnastics be revised in terms of point standardization on apparatus. Material and methods: The sample included all-around senior female gymnasts who participated in the qualification (C-I) competitions at World Championships held in 2009-2019. Results: The biggest differences are even two points between the two apparatus vault and balance beam. Vault compared to other apparatus is different for 1.559 points. Presentation of correlations between each apparatus the evidence that nothing has changed significantly in recent years, whereas correlations of the difficulty values of elements are extremely high between the present COP. Conclusions: With this analysis, we have found that the results achieved at the vault and other apparatus were significantly different in terms of success in all-around competition. abstract Background: ‪In the present study, the main goal was to establish whether the disciplines are equal and should the Code of Points (COP) women's artistic gymnastics be revised in terms of point standardization on apparatus. Material and methods: ‪The sample included all-around senior female gymnasts who participated in the qualification (C-I) competitions at World Championships held in 2009-2019. Results: ‪The biggest differences are even two points between the two apparatus vault and balance beam. Vault compared to other apparatus is different for 1.559 points. Presentation of correlations between each apparatus the evidence that nothing has changed significantly in recent years, whereas correlations of the difficulty values of elements are extremely high between the present COP. Conclusions: ‪With this analysis, we have found that the results achieved at the vault and other apparatus were significantly different in terms of success in all-around competition.

Almir Atiković, Bosnia Sport, Herzegovina, Muhamed Tabaković, Selma Sijerčić, Jasmin Bilalić, Emir Ćorić, Jasmin Mehinović et al.

Background: The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) seems to be having a significant impact on physical activity behaviors globally. The pandemic has forced many of us around the world to remain reception and self-isolate for a period of your time. Aims and Objectives: The aim of this paper was to find out how much the measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic affected the daily lives and how the measures affect the physical activity and mental health of students after 81 days. Materials and methods: A total of 67 participants have answered the questionnaire. The participants were 48 (71.6%) males and 19 (28.4%) females. The mean age of all participants 22.28 years. Study Design and Setting: The questionnaire is divided into several different chapters: personal characteristics, sleep habits, level of physical activity, social functioning and viewing habits, general health condition, COVID-19. Statistics: Statistical differences between male and female students were tested using the chi-square test and t-test. A p-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Inactivity had a more negative effect on the male population than on women. In this article, the author will highlight the potential impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the physical activity and mental health of students. The data showed that the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown affected the academic performance of most participants. Conclusion: Home-based activities provide an opportunity for students to stay fit and healthy by practising simple movements while staying at home without the usual student obligations. We see that student confinement did not affect both sexes the same.

Almir Atiković, Edina Kamenjašević, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, E. Užičanin, Muhamed Tabaković, Mijo Čurić

Background: In the present study, the main goal was to establish whether the disciplines are equal and should the Code of Points (COP) women's artistic gymnastics be revised in terms of point standardization on apparatus. Material and methods: The sample included all-around senior female gymnasts who participated in the qualification (C-I) competitions at World Championships held in 2009-2019. Results: The biggest differences are even two points between the two apparatus vault and balance beam. Vault compared to other apparatus is different for 1.559 points. Presentation of correlations between each apparatus the evidence that nothing has changed significantly in recent years, whereas correlations of the difficulty values of elements are extremely high between the present COP. Conclusions: With this analysis, we have found that the results achieved at the vault and other apparatus were significantly different in terms of success in all-around competition.

Almir Atiković, Edina Kamenjašević, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, E. Užičanin, Muhamed Tabaković, Mijo Čurić

Background: In the present study, the main goal was to establish whether the disciplines are equal and should the Code of Points (COP) women's artistic gymnastics be revised in terms of point standardization on apparatus. Material and methods: The sample included all-around senior female gymnasts who participated in the qualification (C-I) competitions at World Championships held in 2009-2019. Results: The biggest differences are even two points between the two apparatus vault and balance beam. Vault compared to other apparatus is different for 1.559 points. Presentation of correlations between each apparatus the evidence that nothing has changed significantly in recent years, whereas correlations of the difficulty values of elements are extremely high between the present COP. Conclusions: With this analysis, we have found that the results achieved at the vault and other apparatus were significantly different in terms of success in all-around competition.

Almir Atiković, Muhamed Tabaković, Žarko Kostovski, Jasmin Zahirović, S. Kalinski, Jasmin Bilalić, A. Kurt

Background: Physical inactivity and intensive sports activity have been found to be associated with LBP. The aim of this study is the presents the data about the prevalence of LBP in young adults and its associations with vitality, physical activity and emotions. We also studied the impact of low back pain on daily activity. The study sample presented (n=323) students from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the chronological age of 21.06 ± 1.93 years. The current study assessed the level of LBP amongst students of Faculty of Sport with the level of physical activity in last six months. Methods: We used the questionnaire, which included the Graded Chronic Pain Scale (GCPS) for the evaluation of levels of chronic pain. With a Short Health Survey (SF-36) we tried to measure the health status. Results: A total of (n=323) of all students had pain intensity at some point in last six months. All students reported (n=236, 73.0%) prevalence of LBP. In this study body mass index, level of physical activity were not significant independent predictors of intensity and disability scores. Conclusion: 3/4 of all respondents said to have had any episode LBP. The results of our study can be used by officials in the area of prevention to support efforts to improve health of the student population and to reduce the LBP risk.

Muhamed Tabaković, Almir Atiković, Elvir Kazazović, Senad Turković

The aim of this study was to examine whether additional training protocol of isokinetic training results in increased biomechanical values of certain parameters and whether it increases functional correlation between speed and strength leading to improved performance of acrobatic elements in floor exercises. Additional training protocol, which lasted for one semester, was performed on Biodex 3 apparatus (60°∙s–1). Examinees participating in this research were (N = 80) male students from Faculty of Sport and Education (mean age, 19.8 ± 1.7 year; weight, 75.2 ± 2,9 kg; height 179.7 ± 6.4 cm). Control group (N = 40), between two measurements, conducted only regular practical teaching program of artistic gymnastics. Experimental group (N = 40), besides regular practical teaching program of artistic gymnastics, also had additional program of isokinetic practice on Biodex 3 apparatus. Experimental group showed obvious structural changes that can be dominantly registered through variables assessing the maximum strength of the dynamic knee stabilizers (the maximum moment of force, overall work and average strength) and reciprocal relationship between agonist and antagonist muscles. In variables assessing the performance of elements of floor exercises in artistic gymnastics we obtained statistically significant differences in elements requiring changes of the maximum strength of the dynamic knee stabilizers: dive roll, back handspring, salto forward and backward tucked.

Almir Atiković, M. Pavletič, Muhamed Tabaković

Background: The tensiomyography assessment offers information, in the time domain, regarding the following parameters: maximal radial deformation or displacement of the muscle belly, contraction time, reaction time, sustain time and relaxation time. The aim of this study is to provide information about muscle stiffness, the mechanic and contractile properties using the TMG muscles after 4 months rehabilitation process gymnast. Material/Methods: Four muscles were chosen on both lateral sides involved in artistic gymnastics performance: biceps femoris, erector spinae, gluteus maximus, rectus femoris. The testing sample in this study was taken from the Croatian Republic’s senior representative who won third place 2012 and eighth place 2015 in the floor routine at the ECh. Results: The testing and measuring took place after the subject injured the lumbar region of the spinal cord and after a four-month prevention exercise program. After the first two stages of measuring, the differences can be found in: BF: -7%; ES: +17%; GM: -8%; RF: +11%. Generally speaking, a dependent t-test did not reveal significant differences in between the first and second measurement point (t = 1.941, df = 39, P < 0.059). Conclusions: This approach can be used to investigate top athletes who are in the process of training for muscle recovery as a result of skeletal muscle injury.

Predikcija uspjeha studenata Fakulteta za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije pri odabiru najboljih kandidata za potrebe Ministarstva unutrasnjih poslova Kantona Sarajevo u cinu Mlađi inspektor, sprovedena je na ukupnom selekcionom uzorku od 166 ispitanika prve godine Fakulteta za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Ukupan uzorak je podijeljen na dva subuzorka koji cine studenti muskog pola (N = 85) i ženskog pola (N = 81). U ovom istraživanju prediktorski skup varijabli za procjenu uspjesnosti u mogucoj selekciji studenata Fakulteta za kriminalistiku, kriminologiiju i sigurnosne studije za cin Mlađi inspektor u Ministarstvu unutrasnjih poslova Kantona Sarajevo, predstavlja skupina od pet (5) izolovanih latentnih motorickih dimenzija, koje su veoma bitne pri selekciji i odabiru kadrova za potrebe Ministarstva unutrasnjih poslova, u cinu Mlađi inspektor. Uzorak kriterijskih varijabli cini ukupno pet motorickih testova, koji koristi Ministarstvo unutrasnjih poslova Kantona Sarajevo za selekciju ljudskih resursa i potencijala u cinu Mlađi inspektor.

Original scientific paper This paper aims to present the investigation of the influence of the physical and health education at the transformation of basic motor abilities of students fifth graders, using various methodical organizational work in teaching physical and health education in the course of one school year. The aim of this study was to determine possible differences in the basic motor abilities between differently treated groups of examinees consisting of 198 boys and girls attending the fifth grade of primary school (age 10-11 years). The sample was divided into two subgroups, control and experimental group (N = 99). Teaching model that was implemented by the control group was performed by the current curriculum with two hours per week of regular classes of physical and health education, with a variety of programs in athletics, gymnastics and sports games, but with the use of simple group methodical organizational forms of work. Teaching model that was implemented by the experimental group was performed by the same curriculum as the control group with the same contents, but with the use of more complex organizational forms. Based upon analysis of the data obtained, using the T test, and canonical discriminant analysis, we have obtained significant differences of the results of basic motor abilities among students in the experimental and control group, and that these differences are in favor of the students in the experimental group, and that these students have significantly higher levels of applied basic motor skills compared to students in the control group.

Almir Atiković, S. Kalinski, Muhamed Tabaković, Elvir Kazazović, Senad Turković

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship and effect between mechanical output in maximum vertical and horizontal jumping students 3 year of Faculty of PE and Sport, University of Tuzla, on the sample consisted of female (n=30) and male students (N=37). Sample of dependent variables were drop jumps from 20, 40, 60, 80, 100cm. A sample of independent variables included only one variable bunny jump: all data were analyzed using Tanita TBF-300A, Optojump, Brower Timing System and SPSS 17.0. Regression analysis explained (R Square) 34% of the common variables criteria. Analyzing the effect of individual variables, statistically significant effect on criterion variable was determined only to a variable drop jump from 80 cm (Beta: 0.611 ; p<0, 05).

Lejla Šebić, Zuhrić, Muhamed Tabaković, Almir Atiković

We examined the predictive values of morphological characteristics at the rhythmic gymnastics exercises performance at the sample consisting of unselected sample of 127 female pupils of first, second and third grades of high school. We used the set of the 22 variables, indicators of morphological characteristics and predictor system representatives, as well as the set of 10 basic rhythmic gymnastics elements as the indicators of criterion system. The examinees participated in a three-month rhythmic gymnastics training programme as a part of regular sport classes. The aim of the programme was to master the basic body elements: jumps, body balance, pirouettes and rhythmic gymnastics flexibility. After the three-month programme we examined the predictive values of the morphological characteristics at the 10 rhythmic gymnastics elements performance results which represent the basic movement structures of the free composition. Regression analysis showed a relatively high multiple correlation coefficients which confirms that the morphological characteristics have a high degree of predictive values in the rhythmic gymnastics elements performance results.

Almir Atiković, Muhamed Tabaković

With the new FIG Code of Points for men (2006) based on the philosophy of open ended difficulty score, point advantages have been given, again, to those who are in search for and willing to perform new elements. Each element in the Code of Points can be developed by changing its start and its final position, the start and the final grip with the apparatus, the body position during the element, by adding a flight phase or a rotation around the frontal, the longitudinal or the sagital axis. The Tkachev is quite an old release element (approximately 40 years old) on high bar. In line with the knowledge available to us today, we have been looking into the possibility of performing the Tkachev salto. Following series of biomechanical analysis with consideration of the gymnast's safety, we calculated that the Tkachev salto could be performed by those gymnasts who can perform the straight Tkachev with a high amplitude. Gymnast who will be able to perform the Tkachev salto at a major competition will enter the gymnastics history and have huge chances of wining the most prestigious competitions.

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