
Publikacije (22)

Anja Divković, Z. Karasalihović, Ivana Rumora Samarin, Damir Sabitović, K. Radić, Nikolina Golub, L. Vujić, M. Rajković et al.

Limited scientific evidence shows that alpha lipoic acid (ALA) can induce regression rates of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSILs), but the mechanisms of these effects have not been elucidated. To gain a broader insight into its therapeutic potential and mechanisms of action, the effects of 3 months of supplementation with 600 mg of ALA on antioxidant and lipid status parameters in 100 patients with LSILs were investigated in a randomized, placebo-controlled study. The obtained results are discussed in terms of patients’ initial metabolic status and diet quality (particularly nutritional intake of antioxidants). The obtained results showed that oxidative status biomarkers were not significantly affected by ALA supplementation. However, serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was positively affected in the subgroup of patients with higher dietary antioxidant intake. Surprisingly, ALA supplementation resulted in a small but statistically significant increase in serum low density lipoprotein (LDL), and the observed effect was significantly affected by the initial lipid status of the participants. Larger studies are necessary to gain additional insights on the clinical significance of ALA as an antioxidant and hypolipemic agent and to optimize its potential application in LSIL treatment.

Anja Divković, K. Radić, Damir Sabitović, Nikolina Golub, M. Rajković, Ivana Rumora Samarin, Z. Karasalihović, Adnan Šerak et al.

Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL) is a cytologic diagnosis etiologically related to human papilloma virus (HPV) infection that leads to the release of inflammation mediators, the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and decreased levels of antioxidants in tissues, which is why antioxidants might be considered effective against SIL progression. This randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) supplementation (600 mg/day) on the regression of low-grade SIL in 100 patients. Low-grade SIL was determined after the cytological screening, colposcopic examination and targeted biopsy and histological confirmation of cytological–colposcopic diagnosis. Inflammation parameters and the presence of HPV were determined by standard laboratory methods. Dietary and lifestyle habits were investigated using a standardized and validated semi-quantitative food questionnaire (FFQ). ALA supplementation significantly reduced the proportion of patients with low-grade cytological abnormalities, in comparison to placebo. Given the obtained level of significance (p < 0.001), the presented results indicate that short-term ALA supplementation shows a clinically significant effect on cervical cytology. Future studies should focus on the use of innovative formulations of ALA that might induce bioavailability and therapeutic efficiency against HPV infection and the investigation of synergistic effects of concurrent dietary/lifestyle modification and ALA supplementation in both low-grade and high-grade SIL.

Anja Divković, Z. Karasalihović, Adnan Šerak, Emir Trnačević, K. Radić, Nikolina Golub, M. Rajković, I. Stojanović et al.

M. Tabaković, Fahir Baraković, Z. Karasalihović, Sergej Markovic, M. Tabaković

Accurate information on the cause of death is obtained from expert teams based on pathological or forensic expertise. Reliable information can be obtained from physicians in hospital settings if the deceased person has been treated in such an institution and has previously been diagnosed with an illness (intrahospital mortality). Intrahospital mortality analysis provides reliable data that can be used in the planning of a bed fund, the amount of medication purchased, the purchase of equipment, the organization and creation of highly specialized medical teams (resuscitation team), the number of resuscitation procedures, the number of pathologists required for autopsy procedures, etc. The aim of the study was to determine the total number of deaths, to identify the most common causes of death and 10 leading diagnoses of deceased patients at the Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Center Tuzla (UKC) during one calendar year (2011). Material and methodes: Archive material (case histories and reports of deceased patients of the Internal Medicine Clinic) were used. Results: During this period, 6 488 patients were treated at the Internal Medicine Clinic and 451 patients died. According to the analyzed data, the most common diagnoses and causes of death at the Internal Medicine Clinic were: cerebrovascular incidents 104 (20.84%), cardiogenic shock in 24 (5.31%), heart failure 59 (10.86%), hepatic coma with cirrhosis of the liver 25 (5.33%), sudden cardiac death 30 (6.53%), respiratory failure 15 (3.32%), myocardial infarction 41 (9.99%), multiorgan failure 18 (4.00%) , pulmonary edema 14 (3.10%), sepsis 6 (1.38%), pulmonary emboli 17 (3.82%), valvular heart disease 9 (1.92%), cardiorespiratory arrest 9 (1.92%) , malignant abdominal neoplasms in 23 (5.28%), pancreatitis 2 (0.44%), hematemesis 8 (1.76%), diabetes mellitus 4 (0.88%), lung tumor 1 (0.22%), chronic renal insufficiency 12(2.54%), suicidal intoxication 4 (0.88%), ileus 4 (0.88%), cachexia 3 (0.66%), restrictive cardiomyopathy 2 (0.44%), mesenteric thrombosis arteries 2 (0.44%), disseminated lupus erythematosus 2 (0.44%), coffee vein thrombosis inferior 2 (0.44%), and 1 (0.22%) died of an aneurysm aortic abdominalis, ventricular septal defect, amyloidosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, systemic sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and breast tumors. Conclusion: During the analyzed period, 6488 patients were treated at the Internal Medicine Clinic and a total of 451 patients died. The most common cause of death in hospitalized patients is cardiovascular disease (n = 208; 41.68% of deaths), with cerebrovascular disease (n = 104; 20.84% of deaths) totaling 312 (62.25%) of deaths from cardio and cerebrovascular disease.

Maja Konrad Čustović, Ermina Iljazović, A. Sadiković, Z. Karasalihović

Aim Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are a heterogeneous group of tumours with varying clinical expression and behaviour. Because of indolent behaviour of NENs, reviewing and evaluation of epidemiological characteristics is a challenge. The aim of this study was to assess prevalence of NENs at tertiary hospitals considering age, gender, location, and grade. Methods Electronic files were used for a retrospective assessment of the patients with NENs of the gastroenteropancreatic tract and bronchopulmonary system in tertiary hospitals in Bosnia and Herzegovina over the past 15 years (2005-2020). Results Among 438 patients, 291(66.4%) were males and 147 (33.6%) females; the median age was 62 years. The lungs were the most frequent site, 304 (69.4%), followed by the pancreas, 22 (5.0%), colon, 14 (3.2%), stomach, 13 (2.9%), appendix, 13 (2.9%), rectum,11 (2.5%), small intestine, eight (1.8%) and gallbladder, one (0.2%). Metastases were most frequently found in the liver, 35 (8%) and lymph nodes, 15 (3.42%). Conclusion The results were largely consistent with those in literature, including age, gender, location, and the degree of differentiation. Most metastases originated from high-grade tumours and greater impairment of the liver.

A. Sadiković, Ermina Iljazović, Maja Konrad Čustović, Z. Karasalihović, S. Avdić

INTRODUCTION Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of female cancer in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it is the most common female cancer in women 15 to 44 years old. Cervical cancer is etiologically associated with high-risk human papillomaviruses (HRHPV). Data on the prevalence of HRHPV in Bosnia and Herzegovina are scant. This study investigates the prevalence of HRHPV infection among women of reproductive age compared with cervical cytology in the Tuzla Canton. METHODS We analyzed the results of HRHPV testing and Papanicolaou (Pap) test results in women up to 40 years old diagnosed at the Tuzla University Clinical Center (UCC) from January 2019 to March 2020. RESULTS Among 880 women tested for HRHPV, 27.2% (n = 239) were ≤ 40 years. In this age group HRHPV was detected in 33.5% (n = 80) of women, and 23.8% (n = 19) were women < 30 years. Out of 239 women tested for HRHPV, 60.2% had an abnormal Pap smear result. Therefore, 40.7% (n = 59) of HRHPV-positive women had an abnormal Pap test result. Women with a normal Pap test result had an HRHPV-positive test in 22.3% (n = 21) of cases. CONCLUSION The results obtained contribute to the knowledge about HPV prevalence and the incidence of squamous cell abnormalities in the most populous canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina, possibly reflecting the situation nationally. The high prevalence of HRHPV in women of reproductive age calls for urgent implementation of an organized cervical cancer screening program and HPV vaccination.

R. Hodžić, Mirsad Hodžić, Nermina Pirić, Z. Karasalihović

Myopericytoma is a benign tumor with the most common presentation as a well-circumscribed, slow-growing mass. It is frequently misdiagnosed as a sarcoma. We presented a 23-year-old patient with a history of a sciatic pain of the right leg. A careful physical examination discovered tumor-like mass in the posterior part of the thigh. Neurological finding showed a reduction of myotatic reflexes on the right leg with a weaker muscle strength on the right leg. The right leg musculature was slightly hypotrophic in the range of 2-3 cm comparing to left leg. Initially electrophysiological and radiological diagnostic with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lumbar spine, pelvis and thighs were normal. Magnetic resonance imaging of the right thigh discovered a slow growing 2.1 × 3.8 cm sized mass that was initially described by radiologist as a neurinoma. Patient was admitted to department of neurosurgery and operated on for a tumor removal. Tumor was located intimately to femur and sciatic nerve and after careful dissection completely removed. Patient was doing well after surgery and discharge after three days from the hospital. In the postoperative period the symptoms disappeared. Histopathology showed a myopericitoma. Postoperative MRI after three months of follow up showed no tumor residues, and after 6 and 12 months there was no tumor recurrence. Myopericytoma behave in a benign fashion, but, because local recurrences and rarely metastases may occur in atypical and malignant neoplasms, a careful follow-up after radical resection is recommended.

D. Pokrajac, Azra Hodzic Kamber, Z. Karasalihović

Background: Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is one of the most frequent glomerular diseases among children. While most of the children with primary NS respond to steroid treatment, 10 to 20% of the patients are steroid-resistant, and the best therapy for such cases has never been defined. Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) patients. Materials and methods: Our research included 50 children (56% female and 44% male) with NS. NS was defined as the presence of edema, massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and hyperlipidemia. Patients with NS were treated according to international protocol. SRNS was diagnosed in patients with idiopathic NS based on lack of complete remission despite treatment with steroids. Renal biopsy was performed in 22 patients with SRNS at the Pediatric Clinic II of the University Clinical Center in Sarajevo (UCCS). Histopathologic analyzes of renal biopsy were performed at the Department of Pathology, University Clinical Center in Tuzla (UCCT). Patients with SRNS, after kidney biopsy were treated with nonsteroidal immunosuppressant’s. Results: Eight (36.4%) of the 22 patients who had undergone renal biopsies had minimal change disease (MCNS) and seven (31.8%) had focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). The immunosuppressive drugs used in SRNS were Cyclosporine (CsA), Cyclophosphamide (CYC), Mycophenolat mofetil (MMF) and Rituximab (RTX). Three patients (13.6%) did not respond to any treatment and had developed end - stage renal disease (ESRD). Conclusion: With current treatments, some children will ultimately achieve a sustained remission with one of the second line or third line of the proposed drugs. Patients with refractory NS will go to progression towards ESRD. The rapid development of molecular genetics will give a new contribution to the pathogenesis and treatment of this disease.

Ermina Iljazović, N. Mehinović, D. Ljuca, Z. Karasalihović, A. Adžajlić, F. Omeragić, S. Avdić

The exact incidence and mortality rate in Bosnia and Herzegovina are unknown as there are no National Cancer Register. The available data are mostly based on the estimation from neighboring countries. Therefore, the aim of this study was to present the preliminary but more accurate estimates of cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The data on cervical cancer cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina were collected from different sources and varies depending on the size of the city or region. To calculate the crude rates for the period from 2000 to 2008, we used the Bosnian and Herzegovinian population census for 1991. Thus, the crude incidence rate in Sarajevo region is more equable (app. 30.4/100,000 women-year), while in Tuzla Canton it varied from 18.5 in 2005 to 4.8/100,000 in 2000. In Tuzla Canton, in the period 1993-2006, 27.1% of all women with cervical cancer were younger than 30. However, the exact crude incidence in Bosnia and Herzegovina could be even higher. Data from Tuzla Canton showed slight increase in mortality rate in the last 5years (4.9/100,000), with the peak in 2007 (7.0/100,000). The presented data reflects the situation throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and underline the necessity of the implementation of cervical cancer register and organized screening program.

Ermina Iljazović, N. Mehinović, D. Ljuca, Z. Karasalihović, A. Adžajlić, F. Omeragić, S. Avdić

The exact incidence and mortality rate in Bosnia and Herzegovina are unknown as there are no National Cancer Register. The available data are mostly based on the estimation from neighboring countries. Therefore, the aim of this study was to present the preliminary but more accurate estimates of cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The data on cervical cancer cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina were collected from different sources and varies depending on the size of the city or region. To calculate the crude rates for the period from 2000 to 2008, we used the Bosnian and Herzegovinian population census for 1991. Thus, the crude incidence rate in Sarajevo region is more equable (app. 30.4/100,000 women-year), while in Tuzla Canton it varied from 18.5 in 2005 to 4.8/100,000 in 2000. In Tuzla Canton, in the period 1993-2006, 27.1% of all women with cervical cancer were younger than 30. However, the exact crude incidence in Bosnia and Herzegovina could be even higher. Data from Tuzla Canton showed slight increase in mortality rate in the last 5years (4.9/100,000), with the peak in 2007 (7.0/100,000). The presented data reflects the situation throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and underline the necessity of the implementation of cervical cancer register and organized screening program.

Edin Husarić, Nešad Hotić, Amir Halilbašić, Elvira Konjić, Z. Karasalihović

Intestinal atresia usually occurs on the jejunum or ileum as a result of suspected mesenteric vascular occlusion. Atresia of the ileocecal segment is very rare and little is known about its origin. We report a very rare case of ileocecal atresia where pathological examination revealed intrauterine intussusception. Resection of the atretic dilated segment and end to oblique anastomosis was undertaken without valve reconstruction.

S. Rašić, J. Džemidžić, Z. Karasalihović, Vedad Herenda, D. Rebić

We present the case of a 67-year-old female patient with microscopic polyangiitis presented with polyneuropathy of lower extremities and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. Disease had started as a pain and weakening of muscular strength first in the left and than in the right leg. Electromiography has shown that a mainly dominant neurological affection was paresis of peroneal nerve in both lower extremities. In laboratory examination the titer of anti-myeloperoxidase anti-neutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies (p-ANCA) was elevated. Due to renal involvement presented as a microscopic haematuria and decreasing of renal function, patient undergone kidney biopsy. It confirmed the immune vasculitis microscopic polyangiitis type with ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis. This is one of rare case of microscopic polyangiitis without lung simptomatology, first presented with asymmetrical polineuropathy of lower extremities. The patient was treated with methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide in dosis adjusted to the level of disease severity and the renal function (methylprednisolone 1 mg/kg of body weight for two months with gradually tapering to the minimum effective dose and cyclophosphamide 1 mg/kg of body weight). This treatment lead to the partial remission of disease. In maintenance therapy azathioprin was introduced instead of cyclophosphamide.

E. Hodzic, M. Tabaković, E. Mesic, Majda Brcic, Senaid Trnavcević, M. Atić, D. Tulumović, Davor Trojak et al.

INTRODUCTION Kidney transplantation assures considerably better quality of life than the treatment of end-stage renal disease patients with dialysis. GOAL Authors intended to present results of kidney transplantations that were performed for over 13 years in UCC Tuzla. EXAMINEES AND METHODS Total of 100 transplantations have been done over 13 years. The gender and age structure have been presented, as well as number of transplantations per year, type of transplantation (living related donor, living unrelated donor, deceased donor), number and percentage of donors and results of transplantations expressed as survival of both the patient and transplanted kidney/ renal graft. We also wanted to presented other important events such as dates of introduction of certain drugs, dates of first cadaver transplantation, transplantation with desensitization protocols and dates of first living unrelated (spousal/emotional) transplantation. RESULTS The survival of patients and renal grafts were demonstrated by Kaplan-Meier curve, and obtained results were fully in range of results recommended in other literature and by other authors. One-year survival of graft is 94%, with five-year survival being 75%. One-year survival of patients is 95%, and five-year survival of patients was 84%. DISCUSSION Our results have been compared to those from other studies, gaining suggestions for transplantation improvement. CONCLUSION Among all modifications of renal replacement therapy transplantation is by far the method of choice because, its well known advantages aside, it also has an economical advantage over chronic treatment with dialysis and it should therefore become interesting to healthcare systems.

S. Mujagić, Senada Sarihodžić, H. Huseinagić, Z. Karasalihović

Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) is a systemic vasculitis that can affect any organic system, but primarily involves the upper and lower respiratory tracts and the kidneys. WG relatively frequently affects the nervous system (in 30-50%), usually in the form of peripheral or cranial neuropathy. Involvement of the brain is reported in a very small percentage of patients (2%-8%). Three major mechanisms have been described as the cause of central nervous system (CNS) disease in WG: contiguous invasion of granuloma from extracranial sites, remote intracranial granuloma and CNS vasculitis. CNS involvement caused by contiguous invasion of granuloma from extracranial sites is the rarest. We report the case of a 37-year-old man with WG, manifested as a pulmonary and paranasal sinuses disease, with orbital and CNS involvement, caused by contiguous invasion from the paranasal sinuses. In this report, the rich spectrum of findings achieved by computed tomography and magnetic resonance are demonstrated. The importance of computed tomography in bony destruction PNS findings, and the importance of MR imaging in evaluation of the direct intracranial spread from nasal, paranasal and orbital disease are also emphasized.

Ermina Iljazović, S. Tomić, Jasminka Mustedanagić-Mujanović, Z. Karasalihović, Majda Kuljanin, Z. Fatušić, Elvira Konjić, Edin Husarić et al.

Sarcomas of the female genital tract in general are rare and ovarian sarcomas comprise less than 1% of ovarian malignancies. In the literature there are 15 reported angiosarcomas of patients 21 year old and younger with no one originated in the ovary. We report a case of ovarian angiosarcoma in an 11 year old girl, presented with left side hip pain. MRI of abdomen and pelvis confirmed expansive solid and cystic mass occupied both ovaries. Imunohistochemistry staining was performed, CD34, Factor VIII, CD31, in order to confirm the diagnosis. Final diagnosis was angiosarcoma. The patient received 6 cycles of chemotherapy, according to the CWS-2002P protocol. 8 months after the diagnosis was established, there were no signs of any tumors according to the ultrasound, CT scan, and MRI. Although, extremely rare, angiosarcoma can also affect children and this diagnosis should be considered carefully in tumor with rich vascular network, necrosis and brisk mitotic activity.

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