
Publikacije (129)

Adis Puška, Adisa Ejubovic, Admir I. Beganović

Increasing competition present in the higher education in B&H has conditioned the trend that institutions need to “fight” for each student via quality development at higher education institutions. This paper deals with means of enhancing quality at eMPIRICA College through continual investigation of students’ satisfaction. For the purpose of this research, we used a quality questionnaire related to quality, satisfaction and loyalty of students. The research was carried out at the start and end of the academic year. This approach ascertained a gap with respect to quality, satisfaction and loyalty of students of eMPIRICA College. Using factor analysis the statements were grouped in 3 quality dimensions. The results of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed that there is a significant statistical difference between expected and perceived quality, satisfaction and loyalty on the part of the students. Based on that, a gap between expectations and perceptions was ascertained. The use of t-test revealed that some statements have significant statistical difference in the area of expected and perceived quality, satisfaction and loyalty of students.

Stratesko razmisljanje predstavlja novu perspektivu u podrucjumarketinga. Marketing menadžment se suocava sa formulisanjem iimplementacijom marketing programa za podrsku i perspektivestrateskog marketinga sa posebnim akcentom na: važnost, ulogu,razvoj i funkcije marketing strategije. Marketing strategije sefokusiraju na nacine kojima se kompanije, gradeci kapital na vlastitimsnagama, nastoje efektivno razlikovati od konkurencije.Dobra marketing strategija treba biti okarakterisana kao jasnatržisna definicija, dobar spoj organizacionih snaga i potreba tržista, isuperioran nastup u odnosu na konkurenciju u kljucnim faktorimaposlovnog uspjeha. Prilikom odabira jedne od strategija, kompanija semože opredijeliti da bude lider na tržistu, tržisni izazivac, tržisnisljedbenik ili tržisni tamponer.Upravo razliciti pristupi pri kreiranju konkurentnih marketinskihstrategija cine predmet ovoga rada, gdje ce se objasniti pojedinastrategija i kako se ona provodi u odrenenoj kompaniji.

SAŽETAK: Marketing je svakodnevni pratitelj poslovnih djelatnosti za kompanije. Pojavom suvremenih tehnologija prvenstveno Interneta pridonijelo je promjenama u poslovanju kompanija. Sve više pažnje se posvjećuje mogućnostima korištenja marketinga na Internetu. Jedan od segmenata koji se brzo širi na Internetu jesu socijalne mreže. Socijalne mreže postale su iznimno popularne jer omogućavaju ljudima povezivanje u online svijetu. Svim socijalnim mrežama je lako pristupiti, vrlo su dostupne internetskoj publici. Samim time postaju kanal koji kompanijama nudi pregršt prilika. Socijalne mreže predstavljaju snagu koju treba iskoristiti svaka kompanija u izvođenju svojih marketing aktivnosti, jer nijedan medij ne može prenijeti informaciju brže nego što to one rade. Socijalne mreže kompanijama služe da izgrade bolje odnose s potrošačima i stvaranju prepoznatljivog brenda. Ovo se sve postiže pomoću posebnih alata namijenjene za marketing aktivnosti koje su dostupne na njima.

Investment represents an instrument for the implementation of development policies of an enterprise. Investment-related decision making in an enterprise is highly important for successful realization of the strategic development goals. During that process, decisions about many investments must be made, whereas only one or several investments can be realized due to the lack of finance. This paper demonstrates an approach to investment decision making using an exact scientific method, which includes ranking investment projects according to their financial and market efficiency grades. During the process of solving investment-related decision problems, ten particular investment projects were used and method of multi-criteria analysis was implemented in order to form a ranking list regarding the investment projects and selecting the most reasonable project.

Adis Puška, Vladimir Simic, Ilija Stojanović, Muhammet Deveci

The COVID-19 pandemic led to an increase in healthcare waste (HCW). HCW management treatment needs to be re-taken into focus to deal with this challenge. In practice, there are several treatments of HCW with their advantages and disadvantages. This study is conducted to select the appropriate treatment for HCW in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Six HCW management treatments are analyzed and observed through twelve criteria. Ten-level linguistic values were used to bring this evaluation closer to human thinking. A fuzzy rough approach is used to solve the problem of inaccuracy in determining these values. The OPA method from the Bonferroni operator is used to determine the weights of the criteria. The results of the application of this method showed that the criterion Environmental Impact ( 𝐶 4 ) received the highest weight, while the criterion Automation Level ( 𝐶 8 ) received the lowest value. The ranking of HCW management treatments was performed using MARCOS methods based on the Aczel–Alsina function. The results of this analysis showed that the best-ranked HCW management treatment is microwave (A6) while landfill treatment (A5) is ranked worst. This study has provided a new approach based on fuzzy rough numbers where the Bonferroni function is used to determine the lower and upper limits, while the application of the Aczel–Alsina function reduced the influence of decision-makers on the final decision because this function stabilizes the decision-making process.

Adis Puška, Vladimir Simic, Ilija Stojanović, Muhammet Deveci

The COVID-19 pandemic led to an increase in healthcare waste (HCW). HCW management treatment needs to be re-taken into focus to deal with this challenge. In practice, there are several treatments of HCW with their advantages and disadvantages. This study is conducted to select the appropriate treatment for HCW in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Six HCW management treatments are analyzed and observed through twelve criteria. Ten-level linguistic values were used to bring this evaluation closer to human thinking. A fuzzy rough approach is used to solve the problem of inaccuracy in determining these values. The OPA method from the Bonferroni operator is used to determine the weights of the criteria. The results of the application of this method showed that the criterion Environmental Impact ( 𝐶 4 ) received the highest weight, while the criterion Automation Level ( 𝐶 8 ) received the lowest value. The ranking of HCW management treatments was performed using MARCOS methods based on the Aczel–Alsina function. The results of this analysis showed that the best-ranked HCW management treatment is microwave (A6) while landfill treatment (A5) is ranked worst. This study has provided a new approach based on fuzzy rough numbers where the Bonferroni function is used to determine the lower and upper limits, while the application of the Aczel–Alsina function reduced the influence of decision-makers on the final decision because this function stabilizes the decision-making process.

Adis Puška, Vladimir Simic, Ilija Stojanović, Muhammet Deveci

The COVID-19 pandemic led to an increase in healthcare waste (HCW). HCW management treatment needs to be re-taken into focus to deal with this challenge. In practice, there are several treatments of HCW with their advantages and disadvantages. This study is conducted to select the appropriate treatment for HCW in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Six HCW management treatments are analyzed and observed through twelve criteria. Ten-level linguistic values were used to bring this evaluation closer to human thinking. A fuzzy rough approach is used to solve the problem of inaccuracy in determining these values. The OPA method from the Bonferroni operator is used to determine the weights of the criteria. The results of the application of this method showed that the criterion Environmental Impact ( 𝐶 4 ) received the highest weight, while the criterion Automation Level ( 𝐶 8 ) received the lowest value. The ranking of HCW management treatments was performed using MARCOS methods based on the Aczel–Alsina function. The results of this analysis showed that the best-ranked HCW management treatment is microwave (A6) while landfill treatment (A5) is ranked worst. This study has provided a new approach based on fuzzy rough numbers where the Bonferroni function is used to determine the lower and upper limits, while the application of the Aczel–Alsina function reduced the influence of decision-makers on the final decision because this function stabilizes the decision-making process.

An analysis of fertility trends in Kosovo Yugoslavia is presented with particular reference to the relationship of employment and income to fertility. The author notes that fertility remains high in this region. The analysis concentrates on the period 1965-1976. (summary in FRE) (ANNOTATION)

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